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Chapter 15 The Wind Blows

At this time, someone brought a thick stack of white paper and began to distribute a few sheets to each table.

There are also people who scoop water into the pen washer on each desk for everyone to use to moisten their pens and grind their ink.

After the items were distributed, everyone waited quietly for a while before a smiling Lu Jikai joined Di Zang and Yu Qi appeared. From the looks of it, the puzzle seemed to have been solved.

Everyone stood up one after another, bowed and saluted, "Master Zhou Mu."

"No need to be polite, sit down, everyone." Lu Jikai was in a good mood. He repeatedly pressed his hands to signal, and extended his hands to invite the two masters around him to sit down.

He nodded to indicate that it was time to start.

The officer-in-waiting leaned forward to take the order and waved to the door. Someone immediately came in carrying a large bag. After opening the bag, he dumped the contents on a table. They were hundreds of specially made small bags.

Yu Qing hung his neck and stared, his Adam's apple twitching repeatedly, his eyes gleaming with expectation.

Other candidates may not be able to understand it, but he could understand at a glance that the small bag contained spiritual rice, which was the standard size of twelve to one pack.

Sure enough, after the people who put down their things exited, the waiting officer said loudly to everyone: "Here is the prize added by Master Di Zang, one hundred kilograms of spiritual rice. The master just ordered someone to urgently transfer it, and it is this year."

The new spiritual rice has been picked from the spiritual crops for less than a month, which shows the great love Master Di Zang has for everyone."

Zhan Muchun immediately got up and saluted, "Thank you, Master Dizang."

The other candidates had to get up and salute together, "Thank you, Master Dizang."

Yu Qing was no exception, but he cursed a few times in his mind, saying that this piece of shit has a lot of things to do, and if nothing happens, everyone will bend over and over again to straighten it out, as if you can get a reward for doing it.

Master Di Zang already had a smile on his face and gestured with his hands that everyone did not need to be polite.

After everyone sat down, the officer-in-waiting continued: "One hundred kilograms of spiritual rice, no more, no less, divided into a hundred bags, and the weight of each bag is no more, no less, the same amount. The reward rule is to give to the first

Six people, the first place will receive thirty bags, the second and third place will each receive twenty bags, the fourth, fifth and sixth place will each receive ten bags. Of course, there will be a special prize for the first place winner."

He turned over his hand and showed a small metal hand bottle engraved with water ripples, slightly larger than a goose egg, "This is a bonus added by Master Yuqi, a black-level magic dew, with a market value similar to this hundred bags of spiritual rice."

Considering that this bottle of magic dew should not be distributed, Mr. Zhou Mu discussed with the two masters and decided to use this bottle of magic dew as the first prize. In other words, the first place will not only get thirty bags of spiritual rice,

I can also get this Xuan-level demon dew, and such a huge reward will be a good story for me in the states. What needs to be specially stated is that this bottle of Xuan-level demon dew was personally refined by Master Yu Qi!"

As soon as these words came out, all the candidates were in a commotion. They didn't expect that the rewards were distributed in this way. It was a bit tilted. For the first place, it was really a huge reward. It was indeed a good story if it spread.

Yu Qing's gleaming eyes were fixed on the small metal hand bottle, and he couldn't help but lick his lips again and again, feeling uncontrollably excited in his heart.

If you can really get the first place, it's really not a small sum of money, but can you really get the first place? Xu Fei couldn't help but turn his head and look at Yu Qing. When he saw Yu Qing's reaction, he was stunned. He didn't know if it was his own illusion.

Why do I feel that this guy is a little excited? Is it possible that he is really confident?

If you want to be the first, then be the first. To be honest, he doesn't really believe it, but Brother Shiheng has said it to that extent, and it seems that there is no lack of possibility. People are not sure that they won't say that.


"Thank you, Master Yuqi." Jie Yuanlang Zhan Muchun stood up again and took the lead in saluting.

So a group of people had no choice but to stand up and thank him together, "Thank you, Master Yuqi."

Yu Qi had a slight smile on his face and gestured to sit down with his hand.

After the candidates sat down, the waiting official waved to the door again, and three people came in. They spread out the three pieces of written calligraphy and hung them on the beam. The beam was originally used to hang calligraphy and paintings during the academy's lectures.


The three pictures are exactly the best crossword puzzles. They have different styles and different handwriting. They were obviously written by Lu Jikai and three others, but no one could tell which picture was written by which one. Almost none of the candidates had ever come into contact with the three people.


There are ten crossword puzzles on each picture, with a total of thirty questions in the three pictures.

The chief officer-in-waiting lit a stick of incense and inserted it into the temporary incense burner. At the same time, he announced loudly: "Compare the puzzles and copy each question, one answer at a time. There must be no confusion, otherwise the answer will be invalid. One stick is limited to one time."

Incense, if the paper is handed in at the same time, the one with the most correct answers will win. If the number of correct answers is the same, the person who turned in the paper first will be the winner. Once the stick of incense is used up, those who have not handed in the paper will be deemed to have abstained and will not be included in the scope of the review. Everyone is a person who is good at writing, and the rules must be in place.

I understand, no need for me to explain too much."

After saying that, he waved his hands with all his strength and shouted: "Start!"

A group of candidates immediately became busy, dripping water on the inkstone and studying ink, while examining the hanging puzzle.

Including the Sixth Chief of the Provincial Examination sitting in front, no one paid attention to Mr. Zhou Mu's face anymore, but focused on analyzing the puzzle.

Relatively speaking, the six of them are quite stressed. They are burdened by their fame. If this competition of wits is too inferior, it will be very embarrassing.

Lu, Di and Yu were whispering to each other on the stage, talking and laughing in low voices.

Xu Fei, who was studying ink, looked at Yu Qing from time to time. The two of them made an appointment to sign up. He wanted to see how 'Brother Shi Heng', who was known to be good at crossword puzzles, could solve them one by one. However, he discovered something was wrong again, and found that Yu Qing had another problem.

He looked around absentmindedly, which was completely different from the reactions of others.

Xu Fei suddenly felt a little unsure.

Yu Qing was also studying ink, and saw the smoke rising from the incense burner. The swaying posture made his heart tighten. He couldn't help but look here and there, and from time to time he looked out the window where the breeze came in.

When he discovered that some candidates had already dipped their pens in ink and started drafting, he suddenly became anxious.

Seeing the spiritual rice piled up on the table in the lobby and the bottle of magic dew placed on the table, he finally had a sudden change of heart and made a sudden and risky move.

Putting down the ink stick in his hand, taking advantage of the breeze blowing in from the window, he suddenly pulled a piece of white paper with his two fingers and secretly threw it out.

The white paper suddenly floated up, and Yu Qing stood up in a hurry, grabbing and grabbing with both hands, and the fingertips that touched the paper used a lot of skill to touch the paper away. To an outsider, it looked like the wind had blown the paper away.


Xu Fei, who had been observing Yu Qing from time to time, was astonished. He sat at the table next to Yu Qing. Although he could feel the breeze blowing from outside, was it such a strong wind?

He couldn't help but suspect that this 'Brother Shi Heng' who said he was sure of winning the first place wasn't trying to peek at other people's answers, was he?

After a second thought, I dropped the idea. It had just started, and the people nearby were still thinking about the riddle, so they probably couldn't find any answers.

I feel that I am judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart, and I think too much. I should not plagiarize with such inferior means.

Among a group of sitting students, someone suddenly stood up and made such a big move by jumping and grabbing. Lu, Di and Yu who were sitting on the table were not blind, they naturally saw it.

Yu Qing stood up and took two steps to catch the paper that flew out, then nodded awkwardly and sat back down in apology.

The examinees at the table in front of him were almost hit by him. Even the examinees who noticed nearby, even those who had brought paperweights, subconsciously stretched out their hands to hold down the paper on the table. They were all affected by Yu Qing's movements and subconsciously feared that the wind would blow away their

Paper, though just a breeze.

Sitting back in his original position, Yu Qing secretly tensed his heart, wondering if his temporary move would be effective.

Without letting him wait any longer, Lu Jikai, who was sitting on the seat, frowned slightly and gave a direct response. He made a silent gesture and raised his finger to point at the surrounding doors and windows.

Someone immediately understood and took the order silently. They dispatched a few people to quickly walk against the wall and closed the doors and windows around them. The light in the lobby suddenly became a lot darker. Fortunately, the lighting design of the lobby was pretty good, so it was not a problem for normal vision.

Not big.

The candidate sitting in the front didn't see Yu Qing's movements behind him. He was too focused and didn't know what was going on. He felt that the light was dim and realized that the doors and windows were closed, but he didn't think much about it.

It’s done! Yu Qing, who continued to study ink, secretly breathed a sigh of relief. When he saw that the smoke in the lobby was no longer easy to move around, he felt that the matter was half done, and he was slightly excited. This was the first time for him to be in a place like Lu Jikai’s.

It's quite exciting to cheat on someone with a high level and succeed at it.

At this time, he completely forgot about the great trust given by Ash Heng and took this risk for ten thousand taels of silver. Once Lu Jikai or Lu Jikai's men noticed that something was wrong, he would be in big trouble.

The smoke from the incense gradually dispersed in the lobby. Yu Qing held a pen in his hand as if thinking, and his eyes were almost constantly glancing around, checking the movements of the candidates.

Suddenly I saw someone making writing movements, and my sharp eyes immediately focused on the subtle changes in the smoke around that person.

When the man stopped writing and looked up at the puzzle, the signs of smoke fluctuations while writing had already been deduced into a line of words in Yu Qing's mind.

The riddle is "Spring and Autumn are cool", and the answer is the word "Qin".

Yu Qing also stopped writing, and quickly abbreviated the word "Chun Qin". He only needed to indicate which of the thirty questions it was about and the corresponding answer.

He also found someone writing something with his head down. Yu Qing quickly locked his eyes and got the content. The answer to the puzzle was the word "Zhong", and the answer was the word "Luxury".

There were more than 300 people, and writing activities began to come one after another. Yu Qing was a little busy to deal with so many people, not to mention that the observation movements could not be made too obvious, and he had to act, which was a bit tiring. In order to save trouble, he immediately skipped when he found that the content was repeated.

After that, focus on something else.

To put it bluntly, this time he wanted to use the wisdom of all the candidates to get the first place in the crossword puzzle.

He didn't believe that there was anyone here who could guess the crossword puzzles faster than anyone else here. If there really was such an awesome person, he would admit defeat.

The reason for closing the doors and windows is also because there are too many people facing him at the same time. If he cannot eliminate too much interference when observing the subtle changes in the smoke, his cultivation level is not high, and the mental consumption of Guanzi Jue will be too much for him.

This is not to do anything else, but to guess the handwriting strokes. The more detailed the guessing, the greater the mental expenditure.

If he only observes a small number of people or things, he can easily cope with it, and there is no need to risk closing doors and windows to block the breeze.

This chapter has been completed!
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