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Chapter 194 We are incompetent

Yu Qing took the cloth and gave the two senior brothers a look before opening it and looking at it. It was a large piece of white cloth.

Nanzhu took the initiative to give the fluorite in his hand to help with lighting, while Mu Aotie held the sword tightly and was always on guard against the woman in white.

After looking at the map for a moment, Yu Qing and Nan Zhu's heads were blown. It was a densely packed circuit, and they couldn't tell which was which. They found that there were three different colors, and they immediately asked: "What do the three different colors mean?"


  Woman in white: “Represents different levels, green is the lightest, red is in the middle, and black is the bottom.”

Yu Qing immediately raised his eyes and stared at her, "It's not just three floors, we don't know how many floors we have gone down to get here."

Woman in white: "The layers you call are floors. The colors in the picture refer to certain levels underground. It is difficult to express the height of each passage in a picture."

Yu Qing was silent for a while and continued to look at the map.

"This spider web is really a maze." Nanzhu clicked his tongue, and his eyes suddenly scanned the map. "Hey, we saw some caves on the way, but there is no indication of this on the map."

The woman in white reminded: "Isn't a map with passages enough? What else do you want?"

Nanzhu also reached out and held up the map: "No, where is the exit?"

Woman in white: "You have experienced the situation at the exit area. That place has been transformed by me and can be ever-changing. There is no fixed passage. As long as you complete my instructions well, I will naturally let you out."

Nanzhu immediately asked: "How do I know whether you will keep your promise?"

However, Yu Qing interrupted: "Immortal, speaking of exits, I'm very surprised. In such a large area and with so many rocks, how did you manage to do so many changes under our noses and not let us notice?"

  Woman in white: "That's not what you should care about. If I say it and do it, I will let you out."

Yu Qing shrugged and continued to look at the map.

Nanzhu suddenly pointed to the map and asked: "Where is our location?"

 The woman in white: “There is no painting here.”

The three of them stared at her at the same time. Nanzhu asked the question that all three of them wanted to ask, "Why don't you draw?"

The woman in white said indifferently: "There is no need to draw, missing some places will not have any impact on your actions."

Yu Qing, who was observing the words and expressions, suddenly raised his hand to stop Nanzhu from asking any more questions, "There is no need to care about some small details."

"..." Nanzhu was speechless for a while. He wanted to ask, could this kind of thing be so careless? Finally, he couldn't help but remind him: "Young man, be careful when doing things and don't be so impulsive!"

Yu Qing ignored him and raised the map to the woman in white, "Is there anything else you want to explain?"

Nanzhu was not angry and wanted to say something else, but Mu Aotie on the side pulled off his sleeve and signaled him to stop.

 The meaning is very obvious, leaving it to Old Fifteen to make the final decision.

How to put it this way, before leaving the mountain, Junior Master Uncle told them to use their experience in the world of spiritual practice to help Lao Fifteen.

However, when things have come to this point, Mu Aotie obviously feels that it is difficult. He clearly feels that the previous experiences of himself and the Seventh Senior Brother in the world are too low-level. To put it bluntly, the level they have been exposed to before is too low-level. Put it in many things now.

It's simply not enough to see.

 It is estimated that the junior uncle did not expect that they would encounter such a bad thing. No one could have known about it in advance, and they would not have let it go if they knew it.

There are some things that I didn’t think about in Linglongguan before. After experiencing some things together, the seniors and brothers don’t say who is smart and who is stupid, but Lao Fifteen is indeed braver than them, and the way he handles problems is also different from them.


 The most they can do is figure out how to deal with it.

 Lao Shiwu is a person who solves problems when encountering problems and can make decisions when encountering problems.

 There is a big difference between being brave and having courage when faced with trouble.

For example, when we were in Youjiaobu, we were involved in the dispute between Jianyuanzhai and Miaoqingtang. Looking back now, if we had followed their ideas and opinions, I don’t know how it would have ended.

 When nothing happened, he also felt that Lao Fifteen was unreliable and could easily make people angry. But if he was really going to cause trouble, it seemed more appropriate to leave it to Lao Fifteen to handle it.

Nanzhu turned around and saw him pulling at her, so she had to shut up.

 The woman in white: "How are you going to deal with those demon cultivators?"

Yu Qing: “Let’s check the situation first. Anyway, you can contact me at any time and we can cooperate at any time.”

The woman in white didn't say anything, which meant she acknowledged it.

“He’s gone.” Yu Qing sheathed the long sword holding the map in his hand and waved in greeting.

He was arrogantly walking in front, while his two senior brothers were vigilant behind him.

The woman in white suddenly said: "Look at the ground."

Yu Qing and the others looked back, and then looked at the ground as she instructed. They saw that the roots entangled on the bridge suddenly stood up in a long row, emitting a faint light, and lifted up like tiny tentacles.

The woman in white told me, "This is a way to guide the way. It is not easy to be found. Please pay attention when speaking is not convenient."

“I understand.” Yu Qing nodded and continued to leave with his two senior brothers.

The woman in white looked away, but she was a little hesitant to speak. It was because Yu Qing was so talkative that it almost felt like what she said was what she said.

Logically speaking, this should be a good thing, but it made her feel a little uneasy.

 Aren't you worried about her breaking her promise at all?

 On the contrary, she felt that the fat man was more normal.

After thinking about it again and again, she still shouted to the backs of the three people as they left, "It's best not to play any tricks, otherwise I will let those demon cultivators find you at any time."

“Don’t worry, we won’t take our own lives for granted.” Yu Qing waved his hand with his back turned.

 Nanzhu was speechless. He felt that this fifteen-year-old was very relaxed and comfortable. What kind of arrogance was he getting? Did he think he was here to go shopping?

Then again, before entering the cave, it was his first time on such an occasion, and he was mentally prepared to be scared. However, the atmosphere was not right due to Old Fifteen's mischief, and the "fear" was lost inexplicably.

Sorry, it broke my heart as a senior brother.

Not long after the group entered the cave, they came across the first fork in the road. Yu Qing picked up the map again, and Mu Aotie handed over the fluorite in his hand.

One look at Yu Qing's face, Nanzhu guessed what he was looking for, reached out to grab Yu Qing's neck, and whispered in a low voice: "Are you looking for the location of the stone bridge in the valley just now? As I said just now, you

If you say you don't care about small details, what do you want to do? Also, you just believe what others say, did you agree too readily?"

Mu Aotie could guess what the seventh senior brother wanted to say as soon as he saw his movements. He probably had the same doubts as himself, but he didn't know what Old Fifteen meant by doing that. He also wanted to know.

So he stretched out his ears and came closer to listen, otherwise he could not hear clearly.

He can naturally understand the caution of the seventh senior brother. Normal speech cannot be hidden from the ears of the female immortal in this underground palace.

Yu Qing then whispered in the ears of the two of them, "Can't you just be happy? Why is she meeting us there? There may be a killer move hidden in that valley that can deal with us. Let's just agree. If we don't agree, we will die."

, she won’t let us reveal her existence!”

The three of them were running around in the underground palace before. When they arrived at the stone bridge in the valley, he thought they were avoiding the entanglement of evil spirits and broke in accidentally. Later, he realized something was wrong and realized that they might have been set up according to the way they traveled.

Obstacles, and thus invisibly affect their route of travel.

 With the opponent's ability to control the overall situation, he is fully capable of doing this.

 In short, they may have been deliberately led to that valley.

 Seeing is believing, that woman is fully capable of showing up and meeting them anywhere with the help of any "ghost fetus", so why should she lead them to that place?

His Guanzi Jue was not a decoration. When the evil spirit spewed out in the valley, he observed that something huge seemed to be surging in the dark below the valley.

The two senior brothers were secretly frightened when they heard this. Nanzhu was surprised and asked, "How did you know that?"

Yu Qing: "Of course it's because I'm smarter than you."

“…” The two senior brothers looked back at this shameless guy at the same time, both with expressions of disdain on their faces.

Nanzhu: "Don't make trouble. Then the Xianjia Cave she told about, is it true or false?"

Yu Qing: "You are stupid. I don't care if she is real or fake. If she can't leave alive, it will still be fake no matter how true it is. Finding a way to leave alive is the most important thing now."

 From the moment he found the blocked exit and wanted to get out, he had given up on continuing to go deep into the ancient tomb to search for clues to the Xianjia Cave.

The situation was not right and it was beyond their preparation range. If they continued, it would not be greedy, but foolish. He had already given up decisively at that time. If he had not been forced back by Liu Piaopiao and others, he would have escaped long ago.

I went, preferring to face the troubles outside.

Hearing this, Mu Aotie nodded slightly in agreement.

Nanzhu understood, but was also a little disappointed, "I've been arguing for a long time and it's all nonsense. Seeing you asking in such detail, what did you think it was?"

Yu Qing snorted, "You think I'm willing to accompany her? She's offering a huge temptation to her face, but she's sharpening her sword behind her back. Do you think I'll accept it or not? If I don't accept it, do you think we can get out of that valley easily?


Nanzhu sighed, finally understanding. Unexpectedly, he had already passed the danger, but he couldn't relax, "Liu Piaopiao and the others are not easy to kill. I can't help you with this! What are you going to do?"


Yu Qing: "Kill them, whoever wants to kill them! The power that can threaten the evil spirit is gone, how can you guarantee that she can fulfill her promise? How stupid must we be to do something that puts people's lives at risk? Can we survive?"

Naturally, you have to fight for it yourself."

"Ah?" Nanzhu was slightly surprised, "I'm afraid we can't help this. She keeps an eye on us anytime and anywhere."

Yu Qing: "We can't help her. We are not dead and can be left at her mercy. We will hold off until reinforcements arrive."

"Reinforcements?" Nanzhu was puzzled, his eyes clearly asking, where can we get reinforcements?

Yu Qing: "The fun hasn't started yet. A few people have just come in. I guess the people from the Sinan Mansion haven't appeared yet. This immortal will be the one to suffer later. In short, whoever can rescue us will be our reinforcements. Alas, I'll wait."

If you are incompetent, you can only be a faggot."

This chapter has been completed!
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