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Chapter 20 Departure

Xu Fei had already reacted. He was staring at the big pot of spiritual rice, a little stunned, and understood that he had been negligent. Chong'er didn't understand this and he forgot to remind him.

The key point is that he usually doesn't worry about cooking, and Chong'er doesn't need to explain how to cook. He always wants to ensure that he is well fed, so that's it.

Xu Fei scratched his head and said awkwardly: "Brother Shiheng, it's really not Chong'er's fault..."

"Stop!" Yu Qing raised his hand, let go of Chong'er, and slowly pressed his palm against his heart. It was called angina pectoris, and it was serious heartache.

How could he beat his senior brother so badly and only get a few coins? This little book boy had a thousand taels of silver stewed for him casually. How could he be embarrassed to let three senior brothers know about it? But he didn't reason with him yet.

Who could stop himself from talking about "managing satiety"? He forgot that Xu Fei practiced external martial arts and had the style to practice hard martial arts. Such people often have a big appetite and need to eat a lot to maintain their body's consumption.

, one of those people who just sit down in a hotel and just slap the table and order a few kilograms of meat or a few kilograms of wine.

How could I make such a stupid mistake?

I can only comfort myself. When the horse stumbles, I am outside the arena for a while, and I am dazzled by the opponent's identity as a scholar who is rushing to take the exam. I have made a huge miscalculation!

After thinking about it, Yu Qing waved his hand and said with great sadness and anger: "Eat, eat it all hard for me, and pull it after eating. From now on, no one is allowed to mention this matter to me, not a word, otherwise I won't

I blame you for turning against me!" After saying that, he picked up his rice bowl and started eating like crazy.

He didn't understand why something happened as soon as he cooked the rice. He hurt someone last time and lost money this time.

Chong'er wiped away her tears and choked with sobs: "Sir, you can keep some until tomorrow. I can still eat it if it's hot tomorrow."

"Well..." Yu Qing almost choked to death on the spot as he devoured his food. He raised his head and choked his neck and rolled his eyes. He punched his chest twice before he could breathe again. He turned around and immediately looked for water to drink.

Xu Fei was also dumbfounded, "Chong'er, this is spiritual rice, which is different from white rice. The value of spiritual rice lies in the spiritual energy contained in it. There is a layer of film on the surface to seal the spiritual energy. Once cooked, the spiritual energy cannot be locked.

If it stays, it will slowly pass away. Therefore, it cannot be kept for a long time after cooking. It needs to be eaten as soon as possible within a certain period of time, otherwise it will be wasted."

He has also eaten Lingmi, but only once. He cannot afford to eat it regularly.

Martial arts practitioners all know the benefits of eating spiritual rice, but many people are blocked by the threshold of "can't afford it".

Xu Fei's family is considered a wealthy family in a small place. How would you describe the degree of wealth? You can use an analogy.

For an ordinary family, ten taels of silver is enough to feed a family for half a year.

His family's business is one where he can earn a few hundred taels a month without any problem, so he is considered a small wealthy family.

Therefore, it's okay to have a taste once in a while, but it's impossible to eat Lingmi as a meal, and it's even more impossible to eat thousands of taels of silver in one meal like this.

"What are you talking about? Eat!" Yu Qing couldn't hold back his anger and roared again.

Xu Fei noticed his frustration, he smiled, and without being polite, he spread his arms and ate.

Chong'er wiped away her tears while adding food to the two of them.

The more you eat, the less you will lose. Yu Qing had this mentality in mind and worked hard to eat.

However, the food intake was really not good enough. People want to live up to their expectations, but their stomachs were not up to par. After a few bowls, they were full. They were so full that the rice was stuck in their throats and it was really hard to eat any more.

I wanted to lose less, but I couldn't push myself to death, so I had to stop and could only watch Xu Fei eating nonsense.

The more he watched, the more angry he became. He didn't want to see Xu Fei taking advantage of him alone, and seeing Chong'er looking pitiful, so Yu Qing forced Chong'er to eat with him.

Chong'er naturally didn't dare, but Yu Qing got angry and threatened him. Xu Fei also told Chong'er to calm down, and Chong'er then bit the bullet and took it.

Chong'er wanted to eat something casually, but Yu Qing forced him to eat three bowls.

Most of the rest was put into Xu Fei's stomach easily. Looking at him patting his belly with a regretful look, he obviously didn't feel full yet.

Yu Qing hugged his full belly with both hands and went back with unspeakable pain...

One fine morning, there were seventy carriages and thousands of escorts. This was the lineup from various states escorting candidates to Beijing.

The three hundred and eighteen candidates left the academy where they were temporarily staying, and the group left the capitals of various states in great force.

After leaving the city, dozens of riders were in front of them to clear the road. All people within three miles of the traveling team were driven off the official road to find a place to avoid. They had to wait until the traveling team passed before they could continue on the road.

Among the seventy carriages, forty are for candidates.

There are eight candidates in a carriage, sitting in a three-by-three arrangement, three on each side and two on one end.

Although it seems a bit crowded, it is relatively good. After all, there are horse-drawn carriages along the way.

It is also impossible to have a carriage for each candidate. If there are more than 300 carriages, how long will the traveling route be and how many people will be sent to escort them?

The reason for arranging seventy carriages was because it was the best choice after careful calculation based on all aspects of the situation.

Compared with the more than 200 bookboys accompanying them, the escort team only gave them ten carriages. It is impossible for more than 200 people to squeeze into ten carriages, not to mention that they are still responsible for the main luggage of the candidates.

The main function of the ten carriages is to carry the candidates' luggage, and the accompanying book boys take turns to board the carriages to rest. Most of the time they follow the carriages on foot. Most of the thousands of escorting officers and soldiers are also walking, so what complaints can the mere book boys have?


Yu Qing failed to sit in the same car as Xu Fei. He saw Xu Fei being pulled into the car by four guys who wore a pair of pants wherever they went.

Yu Qing didn't know any of the seven people in the car with him, and he didn't want to interact with these people. He acted indifferently and deliberately kept a distance from the people in the car. He heard the seven people chatting and laughing, but he didn't know that these people knew.

Not knowing that there was a demon who was going to kill the candidates, he secretly remained vigilant and turned his head to observe what was going on outside.

There were hundreds of people wearing gray cloaks and coats in the escort team. Judging from their clothes, they were from the Sinan Mansion. Yu Qing came into close contact with them this time.

Xu Juening and Tang Bulan also changed into the same clothes and were in the team. Yu Qing saw them, but they didn't notice Yu Qing.

What attracted Yu Qing the most were the archers who were traveling with him. The bows carried by these archers were made of matte black and non-reflective metal bows. If he guessed correctly, they should be the 'Mo Shadow Bow', a kind of cultivation that does not lead to true martial arts.

A strong bow that cannot be drawn at all in the realm, once it is drawn, the arrows have amazing shooting power, and can easily penetrate monuments and crack rocks.

There is basically only one kind of person who can master the 'Mo Shadow Bow' with ease, the great archer!

There were more than a dozen people carrying Moying bows on their backs, as Yu Qing temporarily observed in the car.

After the team sets off, they will be on the road non-stop during the day. Unless there are special circumstances, they must rush to the next designated town on the same day. Because there are too many people in the team, ordinary post stations on the way do not have such reception capacity, at least in terms of accommodation.

The minimum requirements cannot be met.

The inn is only responsible for supplying water to the team, or repairing and replacing individual carriages and horses after problems arise.

They will all have solid food for lunch, and only after arriving at the designated town will they have hot food and a corresponding resting place.

Designate a place, have dinner and rest, wake up and have breakfast before setting off, lunch and solid food, similar to a cycle, which lasts for two or three months and does not end until arriving in the capital. Even though there is a carriage, it is actually just walking speed.

The first destination of the day before was close to the state capital, so the team arrived before evening.

A military camp in a county town was temporarily vacant for use by teams rushing to take exams.

The military camp that originally housed 1,000 people suddenly had 1,780 people arriving, and it suddenly seemed crowded. Fortunately, there was plenty of open space.

When Yu Qing got off the carriage and looked around, his pupils suddenly shrank. He saw an old man with gray hair getting out of a carriage. He was also an archer. He was carrying a wooden bow with a body like a twisted tree root.

, the color is burnt black, and there are many circles of silver spots on the surface, like eyes of different sizes.

If you guessed correctly, this should be the 'Qiulong Bow'. It is said to be the root of a certain tree that grows on cliffs. It is invulnerable to water and fire and is immortal for thousands of years. It can be made into the bow body of the Qiulong Bow after special refining.

, is a powerful bow controlled by a Xuan-level archer.

Look at the old archer who got off the first car. He is qualified to sit in the first car. His identity is self-evident. He is a Xuan-level archer!

Also getting off that car were the highest-ranking officials of the entire team, who were also the emissaries for this trip, as well as the person in charge of the escort personnel of the Sinan Mansion.

There was more than one. In the convoy that entered the school grounds one after another, another archer carrying a 'Qiulong Bow' got off the carriage in the middle, and one also got off from the vehicle at the rear.

A Xuan-level archery master is already a terrifying and killer-level existence, but three of them appeared at the same time? Yu Qing was secretly shocked. After checking carefully, he found that there were forty or fifty martial-level archery masters.

These people alone can withstand thousands of troops. While Yu Qing sighed, he also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. With such a powerful guard force, the monsters on the way should not be afraid...

There are not enough sleeping rooms in the military camp. The best rooms are for high-ranking civil and military officials, so naturally those great archers cannot neglect them.

Next are the candidates, who all sleep on the same bunk, with ten people sharing a room.

The miscellaneous rooms were left for the soldiers, and some tents were erected for their use.

Some of the accompanying book boys also slept in tents, and there were not enough tents, so some of the book boys had to sleep under the eaves.

In previous years, this was not the case when going to Beijing. The book boy could also squeeze into the master's room to take care of the master's daily life. This time, the number of escorts going to Beijing was doubled and doubled.

After Yu Qing finished his meal, he found the book boy Chong'er. Chong'er and a group of book boys were squatting on the ground in a circle in front of a wooden barrel. Each one reached for a spoon and scooped out the paste mixed with vegetable leaves and poured it into a bowl to eat.

I don’t know what it is, but it looks no different from pig food. Some well-off families frown when they smell it, and even try it a little and find it hard to swallow.

After the insect tasted it, he continued to pull it into his mouth with a muffled sound.

This chapter has been completed!
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