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Chapter 22 Ancient Tomb Wasteland

After Yu Qing left, Chong'er found a corner and opened the oil-paper bag. He saw that there were ten warm white bread buns. He took one bite and it was fragrant and oily. They turned out to be meat buns. He had a delicious meal and felt happy on his face.


Despite his small stature, he has a big appetite. He ate all ten buns in just a few seconds.

As soon as the sun came out, the team set off again. The bearded sergeant kept his promise. As expected, Chong'er was arranged to look at the luggage. He got into the luggage car and sat on a pile of luggage. It was definitely much easier than yesterday.

In fact, he didn't feel any tired at the end of the day yesterday. He had always had plenty of energy. It was a bit strange to see others looking so tired.

As everyone knows, it is all the effect of those three bowls of spiritual rice. He does not know how to use up martial arts, nor does he have the luck to absorb and refine spiritual energy. The spiritual energy of the three bowls of spiritual rice has dispersed into his limbs and bones. He will not be able to survive without eating for a month.

You won't starve to death even if you drink, and you won't be able to consume anything even if you walk for a day.

Day after day passed, and five days later, the group walked out of Lizhou.

As soon as you leave the country, you will be greeted by vast mountains with a different kind of momentum.

As soon as you leave the country, you will see the ancient tomb wasteland with a mysterious atmosphere.

Before entering, all the candidates were informed that the Ancient Tomb Wasteland is a vast area. If nothing else, it would take half a month to pass through. During this period, the restrictions on everyone may be stricter. This is also on the way to Beijing.

The only section of the road where you have to live in the inns is that there is no choice. There are no towns on the road, only the inns that have been opened up.

Of course, relevant people have already laid the groundwork for the inn where we want to settle.

When the towering ancient trees appear on both sides of the road, the mysterious atmosphere of the ancient tomb gradually begins.

About an hour after entering, someone in Yu Qing's car suddenly pointed out the window and shouted, "Over there, look, that should be the landmark entering the ancient tomb wasteland in the direction of Liezhou. Seeing this means that we have gone deep into the ancient tomb wasteland.

Tomb Wasteland."

Everyone's heads were crowded around the windows to look out, and Yu Qing was no exception.

There is a canyon on the roadside. At the end of the canyon, there is a huge dark gray immortal skeleton. The skeleton is almost as high as the canyon. It seems to be embedded in the mountain in a sitting position. It seems that its hands are holding both sides of the canyon, as if it is sitting on a throne.

The king is waiting for those who enter the canyon to worship him, and he looks majestic and intimidating.

It's a pity that passers-by only pass through the entrance of the canyon, and no one goes to worship.

"The wasteland of ancient tombs, the mausoleum of giants, is the legendary strongman who served the gods."

The speaker's tone was full of emotion, and the shock of the powerful visual impact when he first saw it was beyond words.

It was also the first time Yu Qing met him, but his eyes quickly fell on the Grand Master who was riding by on horseback. While the candidates were full of surprise at the fantastic sight in front of them, the bow and arrows carried by the Master Archer were already in their hands.

The heightened alertness is obvious.

This made Yu Qing feel a shiver in his heart. The actions of the great archer at least showed that this area needed to be more vigilant, which made him feel more alert.

There was no incident that day, and the group arrived at the destination station safely and smoothly.

Due to the special environment, there is really no other resting place on the way. Most people neither dare nor have the ability to run inns on this route. The only place where normal people can stay and rest is the official inn. Due to special circumstances, the inn on this road

It is allowed to be shared by the government and the people. In turn, it can increase profits and maintain the inn. Because of the high demand, the function and area of ​​the inn here are quite large.

This station has special functions today and is no longer open to the public. It can only receive teams going to Beijing to take the exam.

Business travelers will be notified at the inns ahead and behind them. They either rush to the inn in front of them in the dark, or they stop and rest in advance. No matter how much money they pay, the inn in front of them will not accept them. They have to figure it out by themselves. If something goes wrong,


The sun sets in the west and the sky is filled with sunset.

“Good times have to be found in dangerous places!”

Many of the candidates who got off the bus sighed because of the beautiful scenery in front of them. They were so excited about poetry. You say something and I say something.

In front of us is a very beautiful inn, surrounded by a circle of huge towering ancient trees and an open space. The inn is located in this open space. There are strange peaks and beautiful water outside, and there are many treehouses on the towering ancient trees. There are people in the inn outside the treehouse.

Clothes are collected to be dried on the stage, and the red glow renders it beautiful.

A group of scholars suddenly couldn't stand it any longer and wanted to go up to enjoy the scenery, but they couldn't. It wasn't even a place for them to live up there and something could easily happen.

Fu Zuoxuan, the escort envoy, ignored the scholars and strode toward the main hall of the inn.

The man in gray accompanying him on the left is a man sent by the Sinan Mansion to the states to take part in the protection of candidates. His name is Jin Huahai.

Accompanying him on the right is an old man with gray hair named Jiang Yinian. He is the most senior archery master in the Lizhou military. Nearly half of the major archery masters in Lizhou are his disciples.

At the foot of the steps outside the main hall of the inn, there was a dark-skinned man waiting here in advance, cupping his hands and saying, "Master Fu."

Fu Zuoxuan stopped and asked: "How is the situation?"

The swarthy man said: "The area within three miles of the inn has been scanned, and there is nothing suspicious yet. Secret sentries have been set up around the area, and any unusual approach will warn you in advance. The entire inn has been sprayed with pesticides inside and outside, and snakes, insects, rats, and ants will not dare to approach."

This person is from the Lizhou Military. Lu Jikai, the state pastor, is still worried about the route to the ancient tomb wasteland. He also ordered the military to send two groups of concealed and capable troops to rush to the inn where the examinee team was going to stay in advance, and move the inn and

Comprehensive military measures will be adopted to control and deploy surrounding areas.

The swarthy man is the person in charge of the first group of people, and the other group has already rested and prepared at the next destination station. In short, the two groups of people are alternately preparing for the daily destination station, and they are taking care of each other alternately.

Fu Zuoxuan nodded: "Thank you."

"It's my job." The swarthy man said politely and excused himself.

Fu Zuoxuan turned around and faced the two men on his left and right, "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jin, and Mr. Zhou Mu have sent additional outposts to protect us, but we still cannot relax our own defense!"

Jiang Yi Nian: "I will arrange a rotation here, with nine archery masters in one group."

Jin Huahai: "Sinan Mansion will send some people to serve as secret sentries inside and outside the inn. Master Fu can sit back and relax."

As he said, it was a peaceful night and nothing unusual happened.

Day after day, you can see endless fantastic scenery along the way, and the official road across the ancient tomb wasteland seems to be a miracle.

From time to time, you can see the skeletons of giants on the road, either abandoned in the mountains or half exposed on the ground. The candidates have gradually become accustomed to this...

Deep in the foothills, on the flat top of a mountain, stood three men and two women.

The man and woman standing side by side were the "black and white" couple who spied on the goings-on at the Yuelai Inn in Liezhou Fucheng.

The other two men and one woman are also demon cultivators. The tall and thin man with disheveled hair and a hooked nose is named Gao Yuan, the bald man in white is named Jiang Shan, and the old dove-skinned old woman in gray is named without a name.

She is known as the Rat Grandma.

The three demons are the local demon cultivators of this ancient tomb wasteland. They were invited by the Black and White couple to conspire with each other, but their words were unkind and they seemed unhappy.

While the five demons were talking coldly, a flying eagle broke through the clouds and descended from the sky. When it landed on the top of the five demons, it released its talons and dropped a bamboo tube.

Gao Yuan raised his hand, took the bamboo tube, opened it on the spot, took out a roll of paper, looked through the contents, looked into the distance, took a deep breath and said: "The team rushing to take the exam has already set off. It is estimated that they will arrive at noon.

Our ambush location. In broad daylight..." He looked up at the cloudy sky, "Fortunately, the sky is still beautiful." Then he turned his head and looked at the black and white demons, "I really don't understand, before the candidates gathered, you

Why don't you take action and wait until a large number of people are escorting you to hit your head and cause bloodshed?"

Bai Lan said bitterly: "It's not that we don't want to, but those dog officials are really cunning. First of all, the Sinan Mansion set up a trap using some candidates as bait, not to mention that it is really taboo to rush into the city and fight; secondly, the candidates were transferred

There are endless methods. We can't stop people on the road. That would be courting death. The most hateful thing is that someone finally succeeded. Those dog officials actually made public the news that the deceased had no registration reference and said that he was not a candidate. Who can check with them?

Can’t do it?”

Gao Yuan snorted coldly: "Escort power is not trivial. If you bump into it, you will definitely suffer heavy losses. I would like to advise you and your wife, it is not too late to regret now!"

Hei Yunxiao laughed and said: "Brother Gao, don't worry, with the help of three people, this matter will definitely succeed."

The bald man in white snorted coldly: "I have agreed, I will only assist, my people will not participate in the killing."

Hei Yunxiao: "With the help of Brother Jiangshan, those great archers are useless. As long as Brother Jiangshan raises the overwhelming fog, they can be as strong as thousands of troops. My three hundred brothers will take over to fight and kill. All you need to do is give your full assistance."

That’s all, I will never go back on my word afterwards, and the benefits will be shared equally with everyone. However, I will also say some ugly things up front. If anyone doesn’t mean what he says, and plays some superficial tricks and refuses to contribute, don’t blame me for running to the empress.

Talking gossip!"

Hearing this, Gao Yuan, Jiang Shan and Grandma Shu all had gloomy faces and remained silent.

The three of them had also heard about Empress Qixia, but they didn't want to get involved in such a thing. Even if they knew that the team rushing to take the exam would pass through the ancient tomb wasteland, they were prepared to pretend that they didn't know anything.

In the final analysis, there is only one reason: Empress Qixia's strength is far inferior to that of Sinan Mansion.

The black and white evil spirits are here to hunt wild food, and they can run away after they finish their work. What should they do?

The three of them have been cultivating in the ancient tomb wasteland for many years. They have their own territory, and they also have their own power and property on the territory. It took many years of hard work to have such a stable position. They have nothing to do but go against the biggest force in the Jin Kingdom near their own home.

What is it if it's not stupid?

As soon as they make a move, they will be exposed immediately. It would be strange if the Sinan Mansion didn't wipe out their lair later.

Not to mention them, any demon cultivator who has territory, power and a certain level will basically not get involved in this matter. A monk can run away but cannot run away from the temple. If you can make money or lose your life, what should you do with it?

But the Black and White couple found them. They didn't agree at first, but they moved out of Qixia Empress. I want to ask you, do you want to watch the empress's jokes on the side, or do you want to help her vent her anger?

This chapter has been completed!
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