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Chapter 251 For you

Wen Xin couldn't wait to know how the chess game was going. If it weren't for the difficulty of showing up, she would have come out to watch.

At this time, I stood in the pavilion and stared at the chess game carefully, only to find that it had not been played yet. Then I tasted it carefully and found that there was no winner. I was surprised.

 The point is that both black and white are in a situation where there is a fine line between victory and defeat, and both sides have the possibility of winning.

 She suddenly didn’t understand. Yu Wenyuan didn’t lose. Why did he look like a miserable loser?

Seeing Xiao Hong running back in a hurry, she immediately pointed at the chessboard and asked: "The play is not finished, what's the matter?"

 Xiaohong sighed: "The steward said it's settled!"

Wen Xin's eyes fell on the chess game and nodded slightly, "This chess game looks like a draw."

Xiaohong sighed and shook her head, "Miss, that's not the case. Mr. Yuwen's chess game is really too difficult. I'm so nervous watching. If I continue to play, I'm really afraid that something will happen to Mr. Yuwen. Didn't you see?

Come on, Mr. Yuwen’s eyes are bloodshot, it’s really scary.”

"Alas." Wen Xin sighed softly and stared at the chessboard, "It looks like he is really having a hard time playing. It is not easy to be in such a confrontational situation with A Qing."

Xiaohong suddenly realized that she had misunderstood, "No, miss, this is not the first time this confrontation has occurred. What I saw was already the third time. In the beginning, life was hanging by a thread here..." She pointed to the chessboard.

Jili Guala roughly described what happened.

Wen Xin was slightly shocked after hearing this, "You mean, A Qing is deliberately planning to torture Mr. Yuwen?"

If this is the case, how could it be possible to control the chess game to such an extent that Yu Wenyuan could not be defeated, and if Yu Wenyuan was left without killing him, what else could it be but torture?

It’s just unbelievable, can anyone really control the chess game to that extent?

Xiao Hong hesitated: "It must be a coincidence. I saw that Mr. Yuwen's chess skills are not weak. It is unlikely that he would be able to set up such a game against him. It may be that he happened to reach this point."

Is it really a coincidence? Wen Xin glanced at the dazed figure of Yu Qing who was still at the moon gate, and remembered the scene of this relaxed figure. It was already extraordinary, I'm afraid it was not impossible to put it on him.

"However, Miss, in terms of chess ability, Mr. Yuwen may really be a little inferior to Mr. Aqing. I don't mean to say Mr. Yuwen is bad, but it's just that Aqing does play much easier than Mr. Yuwen. Miss, I feel what you are saying.

Yes, Ah Qing might have really let me do it on purpose before." Having said this, Xiao Hong lowered her head and twisted the straps of her skirt over and over, showing a bit of coyness in her expression.

Wen Xin didn't pay attention to her small gesture. Her eyes fell on the chessboard again, and she began to feel the competitive situation from Yu Wenyuan's perspective.

I did feel that it was an extremely difficult decision, but I didn’t witness the confrontation between the two sides, so I couldn’t empathize with it and understand the feeling that made Yu Wenyuan so embarrassed.

  While playing a game of chess, he actually ended up like that, and even lost his footing and fell to his knees. There was gold under the man's knees, and this man was his fiancé. Wen Xin's expression was a bit complicated, and her mood was inexplicable.

 Is it because she looks down on him? She doesn’t know, but her mentality is indeed gone from the shyness and anxiety she felt when she first met her fiancé.

 She couldn’t feel the feeling Xiao Hong mentioned, nor could she feel what Wen Kui felt. If she had watched the fight with her own eyes, she would probably feel much calmer about Yu Wenyuan’s embarrassing situation.

Even so, she still felt Yu Qing's extraordinary chess skills. She looked at him and knew in her heart that if there were no accidents, this was definitely the one.

I couldn’t help but marvel at it in my heart. Is this the strategic planning ability of the most talented person in the world?

Thinking that even Zilong was particularly close to this person, she really couldn't describe it. Is this the so-called charm?

Yu Qing, who had been silent for a while by the moon gate, finally woke up, turned around and walked back.

Wen Xin's eyes moved slightly, she tilted her head and asked Xiao Hong, "How is Young Master Yuwen doing?"

 Xiaohong hesitated, "I don't know, it should be fine."

Wen Xin: "You'd better go and have a look. Don't say I asked you to go."

It is normal for a lady to care about her fiancé. Xiaohong hummed and immediately ran away with her skirt.

Meeting Yu Qing walking on the way, Xiaohong shook her fist at him and said, "Look back and see how I deal with you."

Yu Qing was speechless, he already regretted it enough.

The three brothers infiltrated into the Wen family and managed to stay hidden until now. They also managed to sneak into Wen Xin's side. They saw that they were getting closer and closer to Wen Xin's dowry. Now because of their emotions, everything may be a mess.

  It is difficult for a player with such chess skills to avoid suspicion. How can he still stay?

He also wanted to take charge of Wen Xin's dowry, but Shijiwan didn't know where he was. His impulse would destroy the three brothers' hard work this month.

He didn't even know how to speak to his two senior brothers. He was too embarrassed to tell him. If he did, he would be drowned in spittle.

The question is, what will happen if you clean up Yu Wenyuan? What will happen if you prove that you have certain abilities? You still won't get Wen Xin, and the Wen family can't let Wen Xin follow you. Yu Wenyuan

The reason why I was able to marry Wen Xin was not just about this game of chess. My stupid behavior could not change anything, it did not benefit me at all, and it also missed important things.

What's more, you have humiliated someone else's fiancé, and you don't know what others will think of you.

 When you are impulsive, you just want to vent your anger. When you calm down, you find that you actually understand everything.

 There is no regret in the world, only face to face. When he raised his eyes, he found that Wen Xin was staring at him.

He walked over and said outside the pavilion: "Miss, it's noon. Should you go over there or arrange for the food to be delivered there?"

Wen Xin didn't accept the words at all and asked instead: "With such chess skills, running a chess stall should make more money than being a servant. Why do you want to be a servant here?"

At this point, Yu Qing bravely said, "Maybe it's not for money, maybe it's for people."

Wen Xin was puzzled, "For people?"

Yu Qing stared at her without speaking, feeling nervous.

Their eyes met, Wen Xin reacted instantly, her face suddenly turned red, she felt guilty, her eyes avoided, and she didn't dare to look at him again. She clearly knew who the other person was talking about, but she still couldn't help feeling depressed.

He asked in a voice, "For whom?"

 When she is weak, he is strong.

Yu Qing continued to muster up the courage and said, "For you."

Wen Xin immediately turned around and looked to the other side, her cheeks were hot and she said, "When I saw you, you had already entered the house. What does it have to do with me? Stop talking nonsense!"

Having said that, my heart is pounding like a deer, and my hands and feet are a little numb. Is it true that Tanhua Lang, who is famous all over the world, entered the house and became a slave because of me?

 No amount of ethical restraints could withstand such a big surprise, and she could not remain calm.

Yu Qing: "I am not as good as Mr. Yuwen, but I remember that the lady seems to admire the man who is looking for flowers. I dare to ask, if the man who is looking for flowers comes, will the lady be willing to go far away with him?"

Wen Xin's heart trembled. She was really nervous this time. Is this person really going to disclose his identity for her?

After a moment of panic, she tried to calm down her emotions. No matter who the other party was, she gave a formal reply carefully, "No matter who it is, how can you regret the marriage contract? If you keep talking nonsense, don't blame me for expelling you."

Leave Wen Mansion."

Yu Qing smiled bitterly, "Now that things have come to this, can I still stay?"

Wen Xin: "I won't mention what happened today. If you make false claims again, you will definitely be kicked out!"

After speaking, she suddenly felt huge shame. She didn’t know why she said such words. Shouldn’t she immediately distance herself from the relationship to avoid suspicion? Isn’t a woman like herself too shameless?

Yu Qing understood that he was willing to pretend that nothing had happened and allowed him to stay.

 But he himself had no interest in staying.

First of all, Wen Xin's rejection made him feel waned. This was the first time in his life that he expressed his feelings to a woman.

The result made him feel quite regretful. He knew clearly that it was impossible for someone to agree to you or leave with you. Why did you stupidly say that? Isn't it embarrassing enough?

 Secondly, he knew that once what happened today, Wen Kui was not blind, and if he wanted to take charge of Wen Xin's dowry, the Wen family would not be able to pass the test.

Of course, if Wen Xin can really stabilize the situation, he won't be in a hurry to leave.

He corrected his previously deviated goal again, found the location of Shiji Bay, and left immediately after finding out. Before that, he could stay for one more day.


 Under the eaves outside the restaurant, Wen Yuan stood with his hands behind his hands. Wen Kui was reporting on the chess game while waiting for Yu Wenyuan to come to dine.

Yu Wenyuan looks so bad that it’s hard to come to see people directly, so he should wash himself off first.

 After listening to the story, Wen Yong was quite surprised, "Oh, that guy actually has such superb chess skills?"

Wen Kui exclaimed: "I have to admit, it is really rare in the world."

Wen Qian didn't care too much about how his chess skills were. He mused: "If you say you want to make trouble in secret, then why do you want to expose your superb chess skills? Wouldn't it be obvious to others that there is something wrong at a glance? What do these guys want?

What are you doing? I have lived for a long time, why can’t I understand more and more?”

Wen Kui hesitated for a moment and tried to ask: "Master, do you think you are just here for the young lady?"

Wen Miao: "You mean, you are here for your children's affair?"

Wen Kui: "It may not be impossible to torture Yu Wenyuan like this."

Wen Miao: "Then why did they inquire about Wenshu Pavilion? The main purpose of sneaking into a group of people at one time was because of Xin'er. Do you believe this?"

Wen Kui frowned, "It's really strange. The methods of these guys are completely confusing. Otherwise, just control them and pry open their mouths."

Wen Miao: "Are you sure that direct control will be useful? I still don't know who is behind them. The cultural conference will start in the next two days. This is the top priority now. Stabilize the situation for the time being. Don't worry.

If something goes wrong, just send more people to keep an eye on them and take strict precautions. Wait until the cultural conference is over and then start dealing with it. I want to see what evil they want to do by sneaking into the Wen family!"

This chapter has been completed!
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