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Chapter 297 Grassy Hill

The manpower sent to track Yu Qing and the three men was really limited. They searched here and there, scattered the search, and the manpower was scattered.

In order to avoid getting separated, we can only designate a distant mountain as the end point, then disperse the search, and finally gather at the designated location. After concentrating, we can designate the location again, and disperse again to search.

After searching for a long time, no one could be found. All the three parties knew that there was a high probability that they would not be found, but they had no choice. They had lost the person and they could not continue to search.

It was really embarrassing. They were just three little shrimps. A group of Xuan-level monks actually failed to keep an eye on them and actually ran away under their noses. It was so embarrassing.

The mistake has been made. We cannot make the same mistake again and again. We sent someone to report to the heads of the three parties...

A group of searchers gathered and dispersed, working hard until the sun went down and there was only a trace of white left in the sky. Standing on the top of a mountain and looking around, Qin Jue sighed, extremely annoyed, feeling that he had been careless.

I finally managed to get the target out of the hands of a large group of people. I saw that my plan was about to succeed, and I was about to complete the immortal test. Who would have thought that the target could actually escape? This frustration is really too much to complain about.


He knew that it was already getting late and he couldn't find anyone during the day. At night, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

As he glanced around, he suddenly paused. On the top of the mountain opposite, there was a fluttering white garment against the white sky.

He took a closer look and was slightly startled. He immediately flew down the mountain, and then hurriedly flew to the top of the mountain opposite. When he landed, he saw that it was the immortal in white he had seen in the cave. He immediately saluted excitedly and respectfully:

"Junior generation pays homage to the Immortal."

I felt more and more in awe. I was running around here and there, but just being able to find him at any time was not something that ordinary people could do.

The immortal in white clothes stands barefoot, with long hair and flowing skirts.

Facing the afterglow in the sky, there seemed to be a hint of obsession in her affectionate eyes.

After his eyes moved slightly, he asked aloud: "How many days has it been?"

Qin Jue knew what the other party meant. Five days had passed since the other party gave the test, and he had not yet completed the test. He immediately lifted up the hem of his clothes, knelt down again, buried his head on the ground, and begged:

"Please give me some more time!"

The Immortal in White didn't know what he thought of, but a look of sadness and anger appeared in his affectionate eyes, "I can't blame you entirely. The person you are looking for is too cunning. He is a person who does everything possible to deceive and kidnap.

It's not surprising that he was deceived.

It is not easy for you to think of a way to remove him from a large number of people. After observing you, various signs show that you are still good, so I can give you another chance."

Qin Jue was overjoyed when he heard this, almost bursting into tears with gratitude, and kept kowtowing, "Thank you to the immortal, thank you to the immortal, I will do my best!"

The immortal in white turned around and looked down at him, "He is already far away from you. If you keep looking for him like this, you won't be able to find him. Watch carefully and remember it. I will show you the way and give you one last chance."

." She waved her hand and pointed in one direction.

Qin Jue, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head and turned around, looking in the direction pointed.

"It's in that direction. They have walked out of the mountains and forests, at least a hundred miles away. Go, if there are any deviations on the way, I will guide you, find them, and complete your test. If you do this, you will miss again.

, then give the opportunity to others!"

Qin Jue immediately thanked him happily and said, "Thank you, Supreme Immortal. With such guidance from the Supreme Immortal, I will definitely live up to my expectations!"

The immortal in white said calmly: "Go."

"Yes." Qin Jue kowtowed again, then stood up and took a few steps back, then resolutely turned around and went down the mountain, running towards the direction guided by the immortal.

For him, it was a blessing in disguise to some extent.

If he could find the three guys from Ashi Heng based on his guidance, he would save himself some other troubles. He would not have to divert the manpower sent by the three parties to keep an eye on him. After all, doing too many tricks would easily arouse suspicion.

It's okay now. Everyone is searching everywhere. No one saw what he did. He got separated from everyone. It's easier to explain later...

The three of them, Yu Qing, had indeed slipped out of the forest and were walking through an undulating grassland.

The moon has also come out, hanging high in the sky, bright and bright, and the crescent moon has become much wider.

The three brothers each held a peach in their hands and ate it while walking and looking around.

The peaches had been divided, and Mu Aotie put his pants and clothes back on.

There were exactly twenty-four peaches, and each person got eight peaches.

The three of them didn't have anything on them, so they made some vines and made simple net bags on the way, and then hung the peaches on their bodies.

After feeling out of danger during the day, the three of them took two pills each on the road.

After their full stomachs were gone, the three of them ate two more pills each. The spiritual energy in their bodies was not in a hurry to be refined, and they just treated it as a way to conserve energy for their bodies.

At this time, it was late at night, and the three of them were nibbling on the second peach, with only two peaches hanging around on their bodies.

I have no choice but to eat it quickly. If this thing is hit by someone and discovered by people from the three major forces, it will be difficult to explain why it has traveled so far.

Afraid of something, he ran to the grassy hill in front, bent over to observe Mu Aotie in front of him. Suddenly his body tensed up, and he made a silent gesture to the back. He saw five or six people from the three major forces on the grass in front of him.

Looking around everywhere.

After observing for a while, Mu Aotie stepped back, pointed in the direction to his two accomplices, and took Yu Qing and Nan Zhu to the lower ground on the other side of the grass hill, walking forward with a cat's waist.

Yu Qing couldn't help but glance outside. After confirming, he couldn't help but curse in a low voice, "What's going on? Why did those three groups of people come to this place?"

Nanzhu was also confused, "Are you here to chase us?"

Yu Qing shook his head: "It's understandable to find us, but Xiaoyunjian is so big and we can find it so quickly, doesn't it mean that our traces have been discovered? If this is really the case, there is no need to arrange it like this. Thousands of people will go down the net.

, we can’t escape at all.”

The three brothers and sisters were a little confused as to what was going on.

This was the third time they met each other on the way, and the third time they were forced to change their route.

After confirming that the danger was out of the way, the three of them continued walking while nibbling the unfinished peaches in their hands.

"Don't just eat, keep your eyes open."

Nanzhu warned as a senior brother.

The situation was obvious. When the three groups discovered that they were missing, they would definitely search intensively. After searching the surrounding area, they would naturally expand the search scope.

And their plan was also very clear. They would first avoid the nearest search area of ​​the three parties and hide as far away as possible. When the other party began to expand the search area, they would sneak to the area that the other party had searched, and then sneak back to Taoyuan to eat.

Taozi goes to practice.

What the three of them didn't know was that after they changed their route away from the danger of being discovered, the five or six men from the three major forces on the grassland were squirming, and in the blink of an eye they turned into horrible things covered in mucus under the moonlight.

, it was the ghost fetus they had seen in Guan Fengyang Ancient Tomb...

The three brothers walked along, pointing out the features of the landforms and writing them down for future reference.

They kept walking, and the three of them finally didn't know how long they had been walking. Anyway, the moon moved from here to there in the night sky.

They also picked up the peach and gnawed it again.

When they had almost finished eating the last big peach, the three of them stopped and stared blankly ahead.

Suddenly a lake appeared, a quiet lake so huge that the edges could not be seen, reflecting the stars in the sky and the crescent moon hanging diagonally in the corner.

The breeze comes slowly, the grass moves, and the lake ripples.

"Uh..." Nanzhu burped first and raised his hand to point to a tall grass hill not far from the lake, "That grass hill is abruptly located by the lake. Why does it feel a little abnormal?"

It seems a little abnormal.

The three of them walked hand in hand, but before they reached it, there was a sudden crunch under Mu Ao's iron feet.

The three of them stopped and looked at each other. Mu Aotie squatted down and quickly pulled with his hands, and finally pulled out a row of ribs.

He continued to pull, and soon an iron-black skeleton was revealed from under the surface. It was a human bone, a normal-sized human bone.

The three of them looked at each other. This was different from the giant skeletons they had seen from time to time. After running so far among the clouds, this was the first time they saw the skeletons of normal people.

They have no way of tracing who the deceased is, and they have no intention of tracing it.

After standing up and giving up, what caught their attention again was the towering grass hill. It rose so abruptly by the lakeside that there was no sense of transition. At first glance, it felt like it was man-made.

The three of them walked again, but after a few steps, there was another crunch under Nanzhu's feet, causing the three of them to stop again.

Nanzhu pulled the ground with his feet, and sure enough, the bones were exposed again.

The three of them didn't want to dig out the skeleton again, so they continued to move forward, regardless of whether they would make a crunching sound later.

Standing in front of the tall grass hill, Mu Aotie grabbed a handful of grass and uprooted it with a splash. He looked at the roots again and found nothing unusual.

Whoa! Yu Qing suddenly drew his sword, and suddenly thrust it into the grassy hill. The "sand" sound produced by the thrust was obviously abnormal, and it felt like metal friction.

Yu Qing immediately picked up the sword with all his strength.

Poof! Grass flew, soil flew, and shiny things were thrown out.

Nanzhu leaned over to pick up the shiny object and took a look. The texture and feel of the yellow metal particles felt a bit familiar, and the three of them looked at each other.

Nanzhu then pinched the metal particle with his thumb, raised his head in shock and said: "Gold!"

Yu Qing and Mu Aotie hurriedly squatted on the ground to pick up metal particles and wanted to check and verify them with their own hands.

And Nanzhu has turned to the grassy hills to pull.

When Yu Qing and Mu Aotie looked back, they saw a large area of ​​golden objects exposed in the grassy hill.

Nanzhu was still excited.

The two junior brothers slowly stood up and looked up at the tall grassy hill with their mouths open. Yu Qing was shocked and said: "Oh my God, is all the gold piled up here? How much gold is there? It can be regarded as a golden mountain.

Well, we are rich!"

Mu Aotie poured cold water on him, "We can't take him out."

"..." Yu Qing was speechless. After thinking about it for a moment, he seemed to be unable to take it out, and he suddenly sobered up.

The fat man is unconscious and acting like a poor man.

All that was exposed was golden sand. Nanzhu, who was so excited that his face was red, had already thrown himself on it and rolled around. The golden sand that had been sitting here for who knows how many years was flowing and almost buried Nanzhu.

Yu Qing returned his sword to its sheath and was about to walk around the grassy hill to estimate how much gold there was. But as soon as he walked around, his eyes were attracted by a building by the lake.

Because of the angle, I couldn't see it because it was blocked by the grass hill. Now I can see it, it's a house, and it's a very complete house.

This chapter has been completed!
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