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Chapter 306: Eliminating Demons

I don't know if the big head started to "boil water", but before it sank into the dark green juice, it was turned, squeezed and swallowed by the demon's wriggling inner cavity flesh.

"Big head!" Yu Qing exclaimed, and immediately raised his sword and slashed at his feet, hoping to break open the accumulated phagocytic body below so he could get out of trouble.

However, the devouring power of this evil demon is so powerful that his cultivation level is not something he can contend with. It is useless to chop it into pieces. There is a strong evil energy gushing out from the broken place, which is simply too much for ordinary people to bear. In an instant, new flesh surges and adheres to it.

He swallowed you down, and after a while, he swallowed you up to your thighs.

A figure flashed at the entrance of the cave. It was Nanzhu who had arrived. Seeing Yu Qing's condition, he immediately jumped in and reached out to rescue him.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Aotie's figure also appeared at the entrance of the cave.

Looking back, Yu Qing became anxious and shouted: "Don't come in!"

But it was already too late, both of them jumped in one after another. As soon as Nanzhu grabbed his hand, he immediately noticed something was wrong with him. He found that his calf had quickly sunk halfway down, so he took turns exerting force on both legs.

I lifted it up, but couldn't pull it out, only then did I realize how powerful the demon's devouring power was.

As long as you enter this place, there will be nowhere for you to borrow strength to get back up. The more you struggle, the faster you will sink. If you are not strong enough, you will never get out again.

The surprised Nanzhu reacted quickly. Hearing the movement behind him, he quickly turned around and drew his sword, stepping under the feet of Mu Aotie who jumped in. He swung his sword with one arm and sent Mu Aotie flying away.

Mu Aotie, who turned over and fell back to the entrance of the cave, saw the situation inside the cave, especially Yu Qing, who had sunk up to his crotch. His eyes were about to burst, and he swung his sword to slash at the cave wall wildly.

Yu Qing: "Lao Jiu, it's useless. Its ability to regenerate and recover is too powerful. Before its 'brain' has recovered and it has no self-protection ability, hurry up and burn it. It is afraid of sunlight, so fire attacks should be useful!"


Mu Aotie stopped and looked at them anxiously. It goes without saying, what will you do if I leave?

Yu Qing immediately roared angrily, "This wolf treats us as human beings like ants. There are countless innocent souls under Yuan Mountain. How can we tolerate it as a human being? I have fought for it twice. If I still can't get rid of it, won't I die in vain?"


Nanzhu said anxiously: "Old Jiu, go quickly, we will try our best to delay the rebirth of its 'brain'. If you get the fire attack in time, we may not die, so go quickly!"

Only then did Mu Aotie wake up and shouted: "Hold on!" After saying that, he turned around and jumped directly.

After jumping on the huge tentacles several times, he looked around blankly after landing, anxious and anxious. The three masters were tossing him, and they were so devastated that it was difficult to find even a piece of grass in the surrounding area. Where can I get the fire attack?

However, at this moment, the giant creature began to tremble violently.

Mu Aotie suddenly turned around, and saw the huge creature began to twist and sweep with countless tentacles. A black shadow swept towards him, and he quickly fell down and rolled to avoid it.

Fortunately, the behemoth did not regard him as an attack target. It was just tossing around randomly, causing him to bounce and roll out of the behemoth's sweep range...

In the demon center, Yu Qing, who was swallowed up to his waist, and Nan Zhu, who was swallowed up to his legs, suddenly looked at each other. They both felt the sudden relaxation of the devouring power, and seemed to have suddenly given up on devouring them.

At the same time, the two people also felt a burning heat from the object that swallowed them, and the dark green juice was drying up quickly.

In short, the opportunity was not lost, and the two quickly struggled to escape and jumped out one after another.

Before he could realize what was going on, the demon center suddenly started to spin and shake violently. The evil energy in the inner wall surged and sprayed out everywhere. Red threads of light spread rapidly throughout the entire cave wall, which seemed to be the blood and meridians of the demon.

"What's going on?" Nanzhu, who was lying down, shouted and asked.

Yu Qing, who couldn't stand still and fell down, said angrily: "Who am I going to ask?"

However, the two people soon discovered that wherever the red light traveling along the demon's blood meridians went, it became crispy and gradually mottled.

The situation where the red light hits is like cracks in hot magma as it cools rapidly.

The evil energy that was gushing out everywhere was also dying out quickly.

Pieces kept falling and smashing down. The two people lying on the ground held up the curtain and looked up, only to see a big crack appearing above them, and the crack was getting bigger.

The two people immediately stood up in the shaking space, clung to the entrance of the hole, and tried to rush out, but the situation outside surprised them even more.

The red light thread is centered on the center of the meat plate and spreads to countless large and small tentacles, as if there are red cracks on all the tentacles.

The wandering red light was obviously flowing with the fluid flowing in the demon's body, spreading to every corner of the demon's huge body.

Countless tentacles, large and small, gradually became rigid, some began to break, and then fell down one by one with a loud bang.

Mu Aotie, who was standing on the ground, looked at this scene in astonishment. He suddenly saw two figures at the entrance of the meat plate. Seeing that Nan Zhu and Yu Qing were still alive, his usually expressionless face showed a look of great joy.

Suddenly, the tentacles that carried the entire weight of the demon finally couldn't support it any longer and began to crack and explode one by one, causing the behemoth to collapse.

The two people at the top of the hole tightened their grip, it would be safer to follow the giant thing as it fell.

Boom, boom, boom again, big and small booms were heard for a while.

The main body collapsed, and the tentacles continued to collapse.

Smoke and dust are everywhere.

Mu Aotie immediately jumped up and flew towards the center of the collapsed meat plate.

He arrived in a hurry and was looking around. Suddenly he saw a hand grabbing a sword thrust out from a pile of rubble. Two figures pierced through the rubble and crawled out one after another. It was Yu Qing and Nan Zhu who were disgraced and Mu Ao's iron sword.

Guishao immediately jumped over and stretched out his hands to pull a handful each.

The two people who crawled out were in a state of embarrassment even after their luck had shaken the dust off their bodies. They still looked ashen and dirt-faced. Their shoes and socks were gone, half of the hem of their gowns was missing, their trousers had turned into shorts, and they were barefoot and barelegged.

There was no way, the previous swallowing power was too strong, so I just tore off some of them for them.

The three brothers stood side by side on the ruins of the charred meat plate, looking around in surprise.

A little further away, you can still see the non-ossified tentacles twisting, and the red light threads are still swimming, eventually causing the tentacles to stiffen and disintegrate.

"What's going on? Because we prevented it from regenerating, it disintegrated and died after being unable to regenerate for a long time?"

Nanzhu questions.

Yu Qing shook his head, "Who should I ask?"

Suddenly, all three of them turned to look behind them, and there was a faint "click-click" sound coming out of a charred shell.

Yu Qing suddenly thought of something and jumped over and struck it with his sword. Bang, the burnt black shell suddenly fell into pieces. A light spot suddenly flashed out of it and flew into the sky. It was the big head glowing with a cracked red light.

The big head in this form is either boiling water or is angry.

Seeing this, the three of them looked at each other, suddenly enlightened, and vaguely understood what was going on with the red light that caused the giant object to burn and swim inside the giant object.

"This evil demon probably has a large amount of burned liquid running through it."

Yu Qing, who looked up, sighed and briefly explained the truth behind the disintegration of the evil spirit.

The two senior brothers understood what he meant. Just as they drank the boiled water to ward off evil spirits, the evil spirit directed the boiled water to the whole body. It was strange that there was no reaction at all.

Nanzhu chuckled, "It's true that one thing defeats another. No wonder Yun Xi is afraid of Da Tou. No wonder he has to use Da Tou to figure out the Qin Jue."

By now, even if Yun Xi and Qin Jie didn't say anything, the three of them had guessed what was going on. Qin Jie must have been bewitched by Yun Xi.

Yu Qing snorted, "This is what happens when you dance with the devil!"

When the three of them were fleeing for their lives in the lake, they all turned around and saw Qin Jue being lifted out of the water with a spear.

At this time, Datou obviously realized that the matter was over, and the red light and anger on his body subsided. He ducked down, and Yu Qing stretched out his palm to welcome it.

Looking at this little guy, Mu Aotie unexpectedly praised him, "What a big head!"

"Didi di di."

But the big head stared at Yu Qing and barked loudly. No one knew what it meant by the cry, but everyone could tell that it was directed at Yu Qing.

No matter what it meant, Yu Qing would definitely not go wrong in giving benefits. He immediately promised: "Look back, the spirit rice and bones will be enough..." After a slight hesitation, he added, "We will talk about it when we go out next year."

Speaking of this, he seemed to remember something and turned to look in the direction of the lake, "It's over, my banknote, we have nothing, not even the travel expenses when we go out." There was a sad look on his face.

The two senior brothers don't care about his banknotes. They won't fall into their hands anyway, and they will also want to see his face. If he doesn't have it, he will be poor together, and no one should be superior to others.

"Alas, that golden mountain is gone. How about we look for opportunities to pan for gold?"

Nanzhu sighed sadly and asked.

Where can there be mountains of gold sand? It can't withstand the chaos of Yun Xi's huge body. It has long since collapsed into unknown shapes. Coupled with the appearance of the three masters, even his mother can easily give it up.

Even if it is blown away, it is surprising that the grains of golden sand can still hold their own.

When they climbed ashore from the water, they didn't see even a grain of gold sand.

Yu Qing sneered, "If you get too much gold from ghost hunting, you won't be able to take it out, and if you get too little, you won't be able to use it. You might as well go look for my banknotes in the water."

Nanzhu suddenly reminded in a low voice: "Jinxu."

Yu Qing rolled his eyes, "Damn you, fat man, you haven't noticed yet. The fact that we can see that iron house is all caused by Yun Xi. We were lured here by her. Damn it, we were tricked into Xiaoyunjian once by her."

If it’s not enough, why don’t you want to go to Jinxu and die again?”

Nanzhu continued to remind in a low voice, "Old Fifteen, this is unreasonable. If you want to kill us, it is enough to lure us to the lake. There is no reason to build such a house by the lake and build a pile of gold sand to increase credibility.

Is that necessary? After bringing us here this time, do you think she is not sure of killing us? There is no need to set up this trap again. In my opinion..." He raised his chin, as if you understand.

Yu Qing fell silent, and Mu Aotie was also thoughtful.

Nanzhu said again: "Whether we go or not is another matter. They will definitely interrogate us later. We have to unify our stance first."

At this time, the smoke and dust around them had basically subsided. The three people who were thinking about it slowly turned back, because they noticed that in the charred shell next to them, there was still a place where the evil energy was still gushing out, and everything around them stopped.

That one point hasn't completely healed yet, and it's a bit eye-catching.

This chapter has been completed!
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