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Chapter 384 Another Sleeper

Yu Qing nodded: "Yes, it's the one in his hand."

The man in black said: "Show me..."

Yu Qing immediately turned around and walked towards Ning Chaoyi, cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Ning, please show him the golden halberd."

After Ning Chaoyi's eyes briefly collided with his accomplice, he asked: "Who is he? Are you sure it is safe for him to get things in his hands?"

Yu Qing: "Actually, I don't know who he is, but I know that the next step after getting the golden halberd is to find him. Even if he doesn't come, we still have to find him, because he should be able to solve this problem.

Golden Halberd Secret Man.

Haven't you always wondered why Rift Valley Villa has this thing, but can't enjoy its secrets? Because Rift Valley Villa also needs his help.

You don’t have to worry that he will burn the bridge if he gets the golden halberd. If he really wants to snatch this halberd from us, he must rely on hard power. If we have that hard power, we can’t do it. If he doesn’t have that power, he can’t take this from us.

This thing was taken away under the noses of many people.”

Thinking of this, Ning Chaoyi immediately opened the package, took out the golden halberd and handed it to him.

Yu Qing took the halberd and said to everyone: "If you are worried, you might as well act like a villain and surround them first."

Really uneasy, a group of people quickly formed a formation, took out their weapons, and surrounded the man in black.

Only then did Yu Qing throw the golden halberd to the man in black.

The man in black caught it steadily without any abnormality. At a glance, he knew he was someone who knew the Golden Halberd.

After getting the thing and weighing it in his hand, even the man in black, who had always been rough and arrogant, showed an excited look and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, this is indeed a real yellow halberd!"

He just happened to gesture to Nanzhu's side, and when he compared it with the fake in Nanzhu's hand, he immediately saw the subtle differences.

On the surface they seem to be exactly the same, but in fact the temperament of the two items is different. The temperament of the fake is more glamorous, while the temperament of the real thing is slightly restrained, which gives off a more eerie feeling, perhaps a sense of visual power, when put together

There are also subtle differences in color.

After looking over it for a long time, the man in black did not mess around and threw the halberd back to Yu Qing.

Yu Qing caught the halberd and said, "I got the things. Isn't it time for you to fulfill your promise?"

The man in black pointed at him and then at Mu Aotie, "You two follow me, the others stay."

Yu Qing asked: "Where to go?"

Man in black: "I'll give you an explanation."

Yu Qing slightly pondered.

Ning Chaoyi immediately objected: "No! Brother Lin, the two of you are too weak to go alone. I'm afraid this golden halberd is prone to accidents, so we have to go together."

The man in black sneered and said disdainfully: "Leave the halberd and give it to them. You two come with me. I don't trust the others."

After saying this, it was obvious that he was worried about other people. At least Yu Qing and Mu Aotie didn't recruit anyone after they met him last time.

Yu Qing was puzzled: "Why must the two of us go there?"

Man in black: "A grown man doesn't want a mother-in-law or a mother-in-law. You'll know that when you go there."

Yu Qing hesitated for a moment, and finally turned around and returned the golden halberd to Ning Chaoyi's hand. He smiled at Qiao Qier who looked worried and said, "It's okay. Just go. It's no big deal. If the two of us can't come back,

Come on, you don’t have to give them the halberd.”

Ning Chaoyi finally saw that this person was not familiar with the other party, and immediately reminded him: "It's better to be more careful. If you really want to become the hostage of the other party, I will say something ugly in front of you, we will not exchange halberds for others."


These words were not only meant for Yu Qing and Mu Aotie, but also for the man in black, to warn them not to play any tricks.

Nanzhu asked the man in black again: "How long will it take to get here?"

Man in black: "You should be back before midnight at the latest, and before this evening."

Nanzhu immediately said to the two junior brothers: "We don't harm anyone, but we still have to be careful when we should be careful. There is no harm in being careful."

Yu Qing hummed, glanced at Lu Xingyun, and immediately told everyone: "The time is almost over, be careful of the mirage ants being used by the people at Rift Valley Villa again, destroy them as soon as possible."

Ning Chaoyi nodded, "Yes, be careful."

Yu Qing cupped his hands, and as soon as he turned around, he saw the man in black rushing out of the siege and rushing towards the grape field. He immediately chased after him with Mu Aotie, and after a while, the three of them got into the field again.

Walking quickly through the culvert below...

Also in the culvert, the man in the iron mask shrouded in a black cloak raised his head and stared at the hole above the intersection, where villagers were shaking the wheel and putting down buckets to fetch water.

He could see the villagers above him clearly when standing in the dark, but the villagers standing in the bright place could not see him.

The bucket flipped over and sank in the cold pool, then was filled with water and lifted up on a windlass.

Although everyone in Rift Valley Villa has fled, the villagers are still doing their own work. The villagers themselves know what to do. The work has been passed down from generation to generation, and they know how to do it without anyone urging them.

Sometimes ignorance is peace of mind.

The sound of footsteps carrying water slowly faded away, but a person came quickly behind the Iron Masked Man, also shrouded in a black cloak. It was none other than one of the four obedient demons who were taken care of by the Iron Masked Man.


Arriving in front of him, Gao Yuan cupped his hands and said, "Sir, the three village owners are missing."

The man in the iron mask suddenly turned around: "Gone? How could a good person disappear?"

Gao Yuan: "It's abnormal. After daybreak, the hundreds of men who were resting in Rift Valley Villa continued on their way. A headcount was found to be wrong, and three people were missing. Later, they arranged for someone to meet them deliberately, only to find that the three were covered in cloaks.

The owner of the village here was someone else's fake one. Our people quickly searched the place where they were resting, and there was no trace of the three village owners. It was obviously a deliberate disappearance."

The man in the iron mask snorted, "Either abandon the people and run away completely, or come back. Because a secret can be kept here for so many years, I don't believe they can completely give up the secret. We can just keep this place safe. I believe them

He will come back and throw himself into a trap."

Gao Yuan bowed respectfully and said: "Yes."

Yu Qing and Mu Aotie ran on a road they had walked before, the waterway below the end of the underground culvert.

The two of them didn't know if the man in black was born with the ability to see in the dark, or if he was too familiar with the terrain here. He didn't need any lighting. He ran wildly through the ups and downs of the complicated terrain, but the two of them had to hold the glowstone.

Just lighting.

When they approached the area where they made the last hole, the man in black took them on another path, a narrow crack, and climbed all the way up in the crack. People who are not familiar with this crack may easily get caught in the crack.

If you get lost, you won't be able to climb out or go back. The key point is that most of the spaces are so narrow that you can't even turn over, which makes people feel a strong sense of mental oppression.

However, the man in black is obviously very familiar with the road, and the two brothers really don't know how he found his way out of this crack.

There is an obvious advantage to taking this route, as you can easily escape tracking.

Later, the three of them got out of a crack in the cliff one after another, and the man in black took them all the way over the mountains.

After running around for a while, we came to a canyon. The canyon was filled with large and small stones. They were all stones with irregular curves on the surface that had been washed by water for a long time. They were all covered with dust.

After arriving here, the man in black slowed down. He dug among large and small rocks for a while, and finally stopped in front of a large pile of rocks. I saw him flipping aside the huge rocks, and then starting from the bottom.

He carried a big stone out, swung it to the surface, and suddenly punched it away.

Bang! The boulder cracked and he broke it open again.

Yu Qing and Mu Aotie, who were feeling baffled, were suddenly stunned. They saw a mummy lying inside the big stone, and they didn't know how it was stuffed in before.

The man in black picked up the mummy and walked away, directly over the cliff of the canyon. The two brothers had no choice but to follow.

Later, the three of them found a pool in the quiet depths of a deep mountain canyon, in a crack in the sky. The water in the pool was so clear that you could see the bottom.

The man in black carried the mummy into the pool, then released the mummy in the center of the shoulder-high pool, and then slowly returned to the shore with a pious attitude.

The two brothers couldn't figure out what he was doing. They thought the mummy would float on the water, but unexpectedly, it slowly sank to the bottom of the water. It was obvious that the mummy was much heavier than they thought.

Bubbles were rising from the mummy that sank to the bottom.

The two brothers thought it was a normal phenomenon, but later they discovered that the bubbles were rising more and more, so many that they could no longer see the bottom of the water. Eventually, the entire pool seemed to be boiling.

The situation was very abnormal. The two of them were shocked and confused. Yu Qing was secretly vigilant and said in a deep voice: "What on earth are you doing?"

The man in black stared at the pool, "Others who want to see this scene have no chance. I just want you to see the process with your own eyes, lest you don't believe it later and refuse to hand over the Yellow Halberd!"

Yu Qing only asked what was in front of him, pointing to the boiling pool of water: "This is not normal. I just want to know what does this mean?"

The tone was already very stern.

The man in black was silent and said, "Actually, I don't know how to enter that place."

The two brothers were so shocked that their hands had already touched the hilt of the sword, thinking that they had been fooled.

"There are only two people in the world who know how to enter. One is the sleeper you killed, and the other is the sleeper in front of you. I need you to testify for me, and for your own sake."

The man in black pointed to the boiling pool and said.

As soon as these words came out, the two brothers were choked again. They all looked at the pool with wide eyes and couldn't believe it. This mummy was another sleeper?

"Is he not dead?" Mu Aotie couldn't help but ask.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he realized that he had asked something stupid. Would a normal mummy make such a big abnormal movement in the water?

So there was only a pool of water left boiling there.

After a while, the movement in the pool gradually subsided, and a black mass began to emerge from the pool, which was a ball of black hair. A head emerged from the pool, and a person stood up from the pool.

A man's face rose out of the water, a face with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a face as sharp as a knife and an ax, his eyes as bright as twinkling stars, and his face covered with stubble. He was an old man who looked very energetic.

The man has a different kind of noble temperament.

The old man turned to look at the man in black by the pool with an expressionless face, and then walked over. The whole person slowly rose from the water. He also had long black hair shawl, bronze skin, and an unusually thick chest, which made people feel

Very powerful.

This chapter has been completed!
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