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Chapter 405 Golden Ruins

As the last ray of evil energy disappeared from the body, the big spider that fell to the ground completely lost its movement, like a golden sculpture.

Yu Qing reached out and pulled out the pendant from his collar, but didn't see anything unusual about the pendant.

He wanted to know what this thing was, why it was in Yun Xi's body, and why the evil energy in Yun Xi's body was so powerful that it was not affected by this bead?

After thinking for a while, he couldn't think of an answer. He shouldn't stay here for a long time. To avoid changes, he had to leave before those big spiders came back.

He ducked back to the golden coffin, and God seemed to be joking with him. Just when he was about to carry the golden coffin again, something unusual happened again.

In front of the cliff, there was a constant crashing sound. He turned around and saw gravel falling like rain.

He looked up at the top of the cliff and saw a golden flash. Although he couldn't see clearly, it was obviously the group of spiders coming back. The falling gravel proved that the group of big spiders were coming down.

The situation seemed unfavorable to him, but he was somewhat relieved. Those big spiders came back so quickly, which at least meant that they could not tangle with Wu Hei and others, and that these big spiders could not catch up with them.

Looking back, he realized that it was impossible for him to carry the golden coffin back to the other side, so he carried the golden coffin and headed towards the other side, hoping to avoid these big spiders that had been alarmed.

However, before he could get far, he saw the big spider that came to the abyss again to check. It was hanging upside down and quickly sank down.

Directly in front, several buzzed to the ground one after another, staring at him.

There were also several descending on the left, right, and behind him, including on top of his own head.

What is even more frightening is that at the end ahead, there seems to be something huge coming, and the ground feels like it is rumbling and shaking.

Yu Qing quickly put down the golden coffin. With his previous experience, he took the initiative to avoid the big spider's attack and bite, landed on its back, and inserted his sword upside down into the weak part of the carapace at the back of the big spider's neck.


There is no way, these guys are too big. If you pierce the back directly, there is a problem whether they can be pierced.

Seeing the evil spirit spurting out again, the big spider let out a frightened "chichi" sound again. Yu Qing, who drew his sword, was like a flying dragon, dragging a stream of evil spirit like flowing clouds, and jumped up again, avoiding the attack of another spider.

, landed on its back, and stabbed the back of its neck with another sword.

As soon as the move was successful, he dodged, dropped the manic guy, and pounced on the blind corner of another big spider to defend himself, on the back!

After a real close encounter, Yu Qing could already understand that the really powerful killing moves of these big spiders were not the seemingly terrifying powerful bodies, but actually the spider threads. Not all animals could be as flexible as practitioners. Once

Being entangled in those spider threads, there is almost no resistance in front of these spiders.

One after another, after stabbing more than a dozen spiders in a row, the other spiders that came around seemed to be frightened and retreated one after another, even crawling back to the cliff, causing the same kind of spiders to recede like a tide, creating a panic effect.

The dozen or so spiders that were stung were also fleeing in fear. The one that was stung first had already fallen dead, and the others were either unable to crawl or had climbed onto the cliff. The spiders that were still moving had the evil spirit and Yu Qing drawn away from them.


Yu Qing landed on the ground as if there were more than a dozen tentacles growing on his body.

He ignored the other spiders and stared at the behemoth that came rumblingly. A behemoth as big as a mountain, a golden spider as big as a mountain, broke through many spider webs all the way, and suddenly stopped, staring at it from a distance.

Yu Qing.

Yu Qing, who faced him with a sword in one hand, was shocked. According to Wu Hei, how advanced does such a big spider have to be? After fighting with spiders, he can understand what size means. The bigger the body, the more powerful the attack.

, is this one still okay?

Not to mention Wu Hei and the others, he doubted that even those with high-level cultivation might be able to block the attack of this behemoth head-on.

Yu Qing subconsciously looked at the sword in his hand. Even if the giant creature in front of him asked him to attack the weak spot on the back of the neck, the length of the sword in his hand would definitely not be able to pierce through it. The only place that could be penetrated was probably the eyes. However, the eyes are not like the back and the limbs.

The protection ability can take into account that a frontal attack will be very dangerous. If you are hit by a joint attack, there is basically no possibility of survival based on your own cultivation.

The big spiders that were connected to him with evil energy, those that escaped, or those that climbed on the stone wall all fell to the ground one after another, making no movement.

A dozen evil spirits, like flowing clouds, also disappeared in his chest one after another.

The mountain-like giant seemed to have noticed this scene, and began to retreat slowly. After retreating some distance, it suddenly turned around like a gust of wind, and then ran away as fast as thunder. The ground shook for a while.

Soon, the abyss became quiet.

Run away? It took a while for Yu Qing to come back to his senses. He looked around and glanced at the dead spiders. Then he picked up the pendant and looked at it. He was still wondering what it was.

What surprised him even more was, what was the reason why this bead kept absorbing evil energy, and would there be any reaction if it continued?

The pendant was stuffed back into his clothes, and he looked around at the quiet surroundings again. He found the golden coffin again, carried it with one hand and one shoulder, quickly jumped to the cliff, and then climbed up as fast as smoke.

This time, there was no interference from any golden spiders.

The moment he jumped to the top of the cliff carrying the golden coffin, he suddenly saw a group of familiar faces.

When he landed, he was stunned. Who else could be there besides Wu Hei and others? These people actually left and then came back. Yu Qing really didn't expect it.

A group of people looked at him and looked into the abyss from time to time, all looking surprised and uncertain.

"Old Fifteen, you bastard, why don't you tell them to let us go!"

Nanzhu, who was stiffly erect and unable to move, cursed loudly, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

He couldn't speak before, so someone was obviously showing mercy.

Mu Aotie also shouted, "Let us go."

Yu Qing nodded to the person who controlled them, and Ning Chaoyi and Zhu Kuanzhen immediately released the restrictions on them.

After being freed, Nanzhu moved around and circled around Yu Qing. Seeing that he was okay, he breathed a sigh of relief and immediately asked Wu Hei and others: "What are you looking at when you stretch your heads down for so long?

"He couldn't help but go over and look down, but he couldn't see anything. It was too deep.

Nie Pinlan: "I'm looking at a big spider. A spider as big as a mountain. You can see it clearly from up here."

Xiao Hei, who was holding his father's hand and looking down, immediately turned around, stretched out his arms and gestured towards Nanzhu: "Big! Big, big, bigger than you!"

Wu Hei immediately reached out and covered his son's mouth.

"Ah? Where is it?" Fatty Nan was immediately curious like a baby, and his eyes quickly scanned the abyss, "Why can't I see it?"

Even Mu Aotie couldn't help but stretch his head and look down everywhere.

Nie Pinlan: "Run away. When you asked what the rumble was before, he had already run away and went to the other side of the abyss." He pointed in the direction.

Ning Chaoyi calmed down and said to Yu Qing: "It's okay. There's nothing we can do if we run back. We shouldn't have untied the fat man's dumb hole, and then his mouth was crackling, and it was noisy to death. If you have to

Let's come back and have a look. And this big guy's words were like hammers. We were really noisy by the two of them, so we came back to have a look. We wanted to go down and take a look, but we saw the mountain.

The same spider scared us so much that we didn't dare to go down."

Wu Hei also turned around and asked, "That big guy didn't attack you?"

Yu Qing was vague, "I thought they were going to attack me, but they suddenly ran away for some reason."

Wu Hei thought for a while and immediately said to everyone: "There is something fishy going on. Once you find something fishy in a place like this, it's better to avoid it as soon as possible." He turned around and raised his finger to point at the clouds that had already drifted away under the setting sun, "It was a little delayed.

Time, the Immortal Palace has drifted far away. I can’t see the mountain in the distance. As long as we arrive in time, we may have a chance to enter the Immortal Palace tonight."

Nanzhu was confused, "How to enter?"

Yu Qing was observing, and suddenly looked back and forth, and said thoughtfully: "From the perspective of the floating route, the Immortal Palace seems to be floating towards that high mountain. Could this sir mean that the Immortal Palace is approaching that mountain?"

When will we have a chance to fly over the mountain?"

Wu Hei: "I just said 'maybe'."

Although it was just a hint, everyone was somewhat excited at the thought of having the opportunity to enter the legendary fairy palace, so they hurried on without any further delay...

High in the sky, a bald eagle carried the Rat Lady and a man in the iron mask through the misty clouds and saw a huge golden mountain, with a group of small peaks of uneven height surrounding a towering highest peak.

On the highest peak of the mountain, there are two characters as big as hills engraved vertically, which are the two characters "Jinxu".

Obviously, the reason why this Fangxian Family Cave Mansion is called Jinxu comes from the name of this Immortal Palace.

Although I had heard about it before, the feeling was different from seeing it with my own eyes. The first time I saw the old lady Mouse and the man in the cloak, I was shocked. This is a golden mountain with an area of ​​up to a thousand acres. The creator was very good at modeling.

The momentum given is amazing and gives people a strong visual impact.

Especially under the sunlight, a golden arc is formed, giving people a strong sense of grandeur and sacredness, and the fairy music can be imagined in the mind.

Opposite the word "Golden Ruins", there is an entrance gate to the Immortal Palace, like a city gate. The gate is open, but the Iron Masked Man and his party are standing outside the gate.

When the bald eagle arrived, the Rat Lady and a cloaked man flew down and landed next to the Iron Masked Man. They were also the last two to be picked up.

The bald eagle transformed into the sky, returned to its lofty appearance and landed on the ground.

Grandma Mouse looked around at the many golden pavilions and pavilions in the half-mounted mountain, and exclaimed in amazement: "I can't imagine that such a big mountain can actually float in the air. The power of immortals is really beyond our imagination!


Those who have been there first can understand her shock.

Man in the Iron Mask: "I don't know what's going on inside, but unfortunately I can't find the entrance. No matter, that guy will come up sooner or later. Instead of running with him below, we might as well come here and wait, and see how they get in."

, we should be able to see some clues.”

Grandma Mouse nodded: "It's exactly what you said, sir."

The man in the iron mask suddenly waved to his men again and pointed to the four of them, "The four of you go over and cast spells together to see if you can break through the defense of the main entrance."

The four people couldn't help but look at each other, with obvious concerns in their eyes. The Xuan cultivators didn't take action, but let the four of them take action. This...

This chapter has been completed!
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