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Chapter 414: Save the Little Ancestor

Wu Dao was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the iron-faced man could understand his situation so well, kneel down so happily, and be subdued so neatly.

Mr. Wu didn't seem surprised at all. In his eyes, these people seemed to be like ants, and they seemed to be crawling at his feet. He looked down and asked, "Why should I let you go?"

The iron-masked man lying on his head immediately raised his head and said: "The old gentleman will go out sooner or later, and I know the secrets of some big shots outside. I can play a huge role for the old gentleman. I beg the old gentleman to give me a chance to work for him next time."

Saying this, Mr. Wu was quite moved. The blue halberd that was leaning on the ground nodded. The single-edged blade was lowered in front of the face of the man in the iron mask. The tip of the blade moved down and slid along the metal mask to his neck.

The tip of the blade lingered on his neck.

The man in the iron mask's Adam's apple was throbbing hard and non-stop. He was nervous, very nervous, but he obeyed and did not dare to move. He was gambling with his life.

Finally, the tip of the blade was raised, and the iron mask on his face flew away, revealing the face of a rather imposing man.

Bang, the iron face fell not far away.

The tip of the blade also stopped at the eyebrow of the man who was kneeling on one knee. The tip of the blade suddenly moved. The man subconsciously wanted to raise his head to avoid it, but he took a step slower. His eyebrow hurt and a cut was made.

Fortunately, the blade tip did not continue to attack.

The man also resisted and did not move anymore, but he felt the blood sliding from the center of his eyebrows to the bridge of his nose, and then he saw drops of blood dripping on the ground.

He looked at the old guy with a wrinkled face in front of him in surprise, wondering what the old guy was going to do.

The sharp blade that Mr. Wu retracted pierced the tip of his index finger, but no blood flowed out.

Boom! The blue halberd struck the ground again.

Mr. Wu lifted his halberd and closed his eyes. He suddenly took a deep breath and seemed to lift something from his abdomen to his chest. His whole body was trembling slightly, and his expression seemed to be slightly painful. It was obvious that he was casting a spell.

His bulging chest was slowly calming down, but a little blood droplet slowly emerged from the wound on the raised index finger. The dark red blood droplet was filled with evil spirits, and from time to time there was a faint flash of dark red light. The blood droplets were getting bigger and bigger.

The lingering evil spirits are getting stronger and stronger.

After the blood droplets gradually reached the size of soybeans, Mrs. Wu's bulging chest gradually calmed down, and he slowly opened his eyes. He stepped forward and sent the evil blood droplets on his index finger towards the kneeling man's eyebrows.

The man in the iron mask realized something and was filled with horror. He couldn't help asking: "Old sir, what are you doing?"

Mrs. Wu only acted but did not say anything, and did not respond at all.

The man in the iron mask was really frightened, and his head subconsciously turned back. He wanted to escape. The choice before him was nothing more than acceptance or escape.

However, the consequences of escaping are obvious. There is a huge gap in strength between the two sides. He cannot escape. The consequences of escaping may be immediate death!

Should I die now or in the future?

After weighing the pros and cons, he chose the latter, no longer evading, and closed his eyes with difficulty, regretting that he had taken the wrong step because of his greed.

The red light from Old Mrs. Wu's fingertips suddenly pressed into the wound between the Iron Masked Man's eyebrows with lightning speed, and he pointed it at that spot. A stream of air flowed from Old Mrs. Wu's fingertips and enveloped the Iron Masked Man's body, causing him to be stunned.

His clothes were flying.

By the time his fingers left the center of his eyebrows, the wound on the Iron Masked Man's eyebrows had healed without any scars.

The man in the iron mask showed more and more pain. He knelt down with both legs. His face turned red and white, and his whole body was trembling. He said with difficulty: "Old sir, I feel so uncomfortable. What did you do to me? Ugh..." After a while

Retching, putting his hands on the ground, retching non-stop, lying on all fours like a dog.

Wu Dao on the side looked worried, remembering something.

Mr. Wu: "What have you done? I am called a 'martyr'. Being able to become my 'martyr' is my recognition of you and allows you to work for me. If something happens to me, you won't survive, no matter what.

I can find you wherever you are, and you must wear shackles to serve me!"

The Iron Masked Man shook his head in pain, and finally fell to the ground. Blue earthworm lines appeared on the surface of his skin. He curled up and roared, as if he had endured unimaginable pain to outsiders...

In the biting ice, even though he couldn't move, Yu Qing continued to cast spells to resist the cold.

As long as they are normal people, no one is willing to give up their lives easily.

Despair was inevitable. His mind put aside his grudges and returned to Linglongguan, where the mountains were beautiful, the water was beautiful, and the mountains were green.

When he was still young, he sat in front of the writing desk on the window sill, his short legs dangling, holding a brush in his hand to practice calligraphy, but his eyes occasionally peeked at the squirrels on the tree outside. The two squirrels chased each other, sometimes jumping to the roof, sometimes jumping back to the tree.


The wild fruits he picked might have been stolen by those two guys. At that time, he was thinking about how to catch the two squirrels later.

At that time, the master was still there, stroking his beard with one hand and holding a spanking ruler in the other. The sunshine outside was just right.

The sun was very warm. Sometimes he would stare at the sun and open his palms to cover his eyes. It was a bit dazzling when he looked through his fingers.

Suddenly, the sensation was not dazzling, but stinging.

The burning pain from his left hand brought him back to consciousness, and the pain made him subconsciously want to shrink his hand.

This subconscious withdrawal of his hand suddenly shocked him. The palm that felt burning pain could actually move.

He couldn't see what was going on, but the burning pain was still there. He moved his hand and touched the water, which was scalding hot water.

His blinded eyes seemed to detect a red light. He instantly realized something and felt overjoyed.

The scalding temperature was getting higher and higher. It was so hot that he had to use his power to resist, otherwise his hand would be cooked. He had to resist the freezing cold and the scalding hot water at the same time. This was a sour feeling.

The rolling range became wider and wider, first the palms could move, then the forearms, then the whole arms, and then half of the body.

After half of his body lost its restraints, he immediately used magic to free the other half of his body, and his whole body was immersed in warmth.

He opened his eyes and looked at the source of warm red light. Yes, it was the guy with the big head!

The big head was also frozen, obviously trying to save himself!

But, why did his hand feel hot after the big head had opened up such a big space?

He realized that Datou should have left his master behind before running away, but before he could make it in time, he was also frozen.

Yu Qing cursed this little guy for betraying his master, but he was still extremely happy to see it.

Previously, I felt that the seabed was so deep and the pressure was so great that Datou might not be able to bear it and would have died.

Now it seems that I really underestimated.

Think about it, if you hit it with a hammer, you might be able to kill the big head with one blow, but the pressure of the deep sea may not be able to do anything to the big head.

The original Big Head spent most of its time hidden under the underground magma, and the pressure it endured from the underground magma was probably not light. To be able to survive in that environment, Big Head's body structure should be like a fish in the deep sea.

It can withstand a certain pressure in the depth of sea water.

The big hair looked mighty, resisting the ice, and the red light burst out with powerful heat energy, constantly rising upwards.

Yu Qing looked around and saw two points of fluorite light in the ice, and knew that they were the locations of Lao Qi and Lao Jiu who had escaped with him.

Needless to say, he immediately drew his sword and redirected the upward arching head so that he would not keep running up and just focus on his own escape. It was important to save others first, otherwise there was no telling how long Lao Qi and Lao Jiu could hold on.

He got closer a little bit, and finally got close to Nanzhu first, and freed one of Nanzhu's hands first. Suddenly he saw Nanzhu's hand spreading and clenching its fingers in the boiling hot water, bouncing around wildly, obviously...

I was stimulated by the accident.

Just being able to move meant that the person was still alive, and Yu Qing felt relieved a lot.

After a while, the hot water melted the Nanzhu out of the ice.

Nanzhu was obviously overjoyed to be out of trouble, pointing his head and gesticulating for a while.

Yu Qing didn't have time to understand his sign language and footwork, and continued to drive the big head closer to Mu Aotie.

Big Tou seemed to have gained some intelligence, and probably understood what he was doing, and was relatively cooperative. Later, he no longer needed to use his sword to fight off. Da Tou swam past wherever Yu Qing pointed his finger.

The three brothers escaped together and were not far away. Not long after, they rescued Mu Aotie again.

The three brothers met again, Mu Aotie pointed at Da Tou from time to time, and was obviously a little excited for Da Tou.

Under Yu Qing's instruction, Big Head immediately let go and went up to boil the water.

Heat easily goes upwards, and the ice melts immediately faster.

The three brothers and sisters were far away from the big head. If they were close, it would be too hot. Think about how you usually make tea. A pot of cold water can be boiled by throwing the big head in. You can imagine the power.

It would be more comfortable for the three of them to hide in a place where hot and cold water mix. They don't have to resist the cold or the heat. They can also save on the loss of cultivation and slowly go up with the big head.

The power of the ice assimilation seemed to be quite strong, and the three of them could feel that the place where they escaped seemed to be slowly covered in ice again.

Time passed little by little.

The darkness was gradually abandoned beneath their feet, and the ice above them became brighter and brighter.

Later, the light was able to cover up the red light on Datou's body and the light of the fluorescent stones in their hands.

When the red light on Big Tou's body was extinguished, Big Tou disappeared, leaving behind a hole in the sky.

Yu Qing, who was in a comfortable water temperature, immediately floated up and touched it with his hands. Yes, the ice layer opened its eyes, and the big head burned a hole and ran away first.

How come you, an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, always think about running away first? Yu Qing cursed in his heart, and then struck upward with a palm, and bang, a big hole opened in the ice.

Soon, the three brothers jumped out of the water one after another and landed on the thick ice.

The three people who had been holding their breath for a long time suddenly gasped for air, greedily breathing in the cold air. At the same time, they looked around at the white expanse. It was really a frozen ice field.

Look at the setting sun, my dear, it's already mid-afternoon. I had to crawl in the sea for two or three hours before I could escape.

The three of them quickly used their kung fu to shake off the water vapor on their bodies and regained their dryness first.

There was a flurry of flying around, and seeing that there was no place to stay, Big Head flew back with a buzz, and Nanzhu quickly reached out to meet it.

The fallen head actually stumbled and somersaulted in his palm. When he got up again, his legs and feet seemed to be weak. A quick glance showed that it was the result of too much exertion.

"Ouch." Nanzhu stamped his feet, held it with both hands, and yelled: "My little life-saving ancestor is tired. Come on, Lingmi. I have the Lingmi with me. Hurry up and get it to replenish it."


This chapter has been completed!
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