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Chapter 423: Death

After being reminded like this, the Iron Masked Man's disheveled head immediately stared at the hiding place where several people were hiding, and his eyes in the hanging hair glowed red.

A group of people who were hiding and peeking all retracted their heads.

Everyone knows that no one here is the opponent of the Man in the Iron Mask, not to mention that the Man in the Iron Mask has turned into a monster that will not die even if his head is cut off.

Nanzhu pulled off Yu Qing's sleeve, then quickly patted Mu Aotie's shoulder through Yu Qing, tilted his head to signal, and whispered, "Run quickly."

Shen Qingcheng was reminded, and immediately picked up Ning Chaoyi and ran away. How did he get in and how did he get out.

Yu Qing knew very well that with the strength of the Iron Mask Man, it would be difficult to run away if he chased them. He immediately waved to the two senior brothers, "You go first and find a place to hide immediately after you get out. I have a way to deal with him."

In fact, he just wants to stay and break up the rear. Once the Iron Masked Man intends to pursue and kill him, he will find a way to hold the Iron Masked Man back and try to buy some time for the two senior brothers to escape. As long as he can buy time to hide, the Iron Masked Man will think for a moment. It's not that easy to find someone. After all, there are more powerful beings, and there isn't much time left for the man in the iron mask.

Lao Qi and Lao Jiu stayed because of him, and he couldn't let them take their lives.

However, when the two of them saw that he refused to leave, Mu Aotie said, "Why leave if you can deal with it?"

Yu Qing was furious and immediately shouted angrily at the two of them, "If you are here, you will be in the way."

In the palace, the Iron-masked Man was staring at the hiding place where Yu Qing and others were hiding. At the same time, he had already walked up to Bai Lan, leaned over and grabbed her, grabbed Bai Lan's neck and lifted her up.

Bai Lan's eyes were full of sadness, and she was struggling, but her waist was broken by a fierce kick from the Iron Masked Man. Her upper body and lower body seemed to have lost contact, and she had no power to resist. Blood was still coming out of her mouth and nose.

She held back a few words, "Please, let go of my child!"

It is not difficult to understand what she wants to express. She no longer expects the other party to spare her, and has no hope of survival. She only hopes to spare her child.

The man in the iron mask didn't say anything to her, but strangled her neck without letting go. He suddenly grabbed her thighs with two hands, and grabbed her remaining arm with one hand, tearing it open.

"Hmm..." Bai Lan groaned in pain, blood gurgling from her mouth and nose.

The Iron Masked Man's free hands suddenly penetrated Bai Lan's chest like sharp blades, and opened it with force.

Oops, blood splattered and torn, and a living person was torn apart in an instant.

Bai Lan, whose neck was strangled, was torn apart by six hands before she could even utter a scream.

The man in iron mask, who had withdrawn his hand, turned around and faced the hiding place of the three brothers. He flew up and pounced on them.

Yu Qing couldn't figure it out with his two senior brothers. Seeing that something was wrong, he immediately shouted, "Let's go!"

He flew out first, and Nan and Mu immediately followed.

The reason why the two refused to leave was simple. If something happened, the three of them would be more certain to deal with it together.

I dare not say it at other times, but when the three brothers encounter something, they definitely stand together with the same mind, back to back.

Under the dim light of fluorescent stone in the hall, figures were flying around. The man in the iron mask dodged and landed at the spot where the three brothers had been hiding. The three brothers jumped down again, and the three of them volleyed and drew their swords on guard.

The man in iron mask stepped on the pavilion without making any stop, and flew away again.

The three brothers who were advancing and retreating together immediately retreated quickly.

Nanzhu and Mu Aotie had already put one hand on Yu Qing's left and right shoulders. With their own cultivation base and Yu Qing's cultivation level connected, they combined the strength of the three of them to advance and retreat together. Therefore, they were very responsive and could keep up with Yu Qing.

Qing’s movement rhythm.

Yu Qing stepped back, Nan and Mu, who were holding his shoulders, immediately coordinated and quickly retreated in unison.

The man in iron mask fell to the ground and threw himself into the air, then turned to look at the three of them.

The three of them also retreated to the edge of the pool. Nan and Mu had each raised a foot and stepped on the edge of the pool.

Yu Qing noticed the faint evil aura floating around the man in the iron mask. His eyes flashed and he immediately stopped retreating and shouted: "Mr. Iron Mask, I will give you a valuable treasure. How about you let us live?"

Nan and Mu saw that he had stopped retreating and still didn't want to run away. They didn't know what he was trying to do, and they were very anxious.

The man in the iron mask who was about to dodge and chase after him was given a few pauses. His eagerness to kill was relieved, and he changed to a rhythm of walking slowly and slowly. "Heavy treasure? What important treasure can you have?"

When he spoke, he seemed a little uncomfortable. He spoke with an accent and all three mouths were moving.

Yu Qing reached into his collar and pulled out the necklace, pulled it off and threw it directly over, saying: "You will understand after seeing it, let's talk about it slowly."

Nan and Mu recognized what it was and realized something. Their eyes followed the pendant.

Seeing that it was a necklace that was pulled out from the clothes and worn close to the body, the man in the iron mask did not doubt that it was a trick. The necklace flew over and he caught it directly. He dangled the chain in his hand and stopped to check.

The three brothers tried their best to pretend as if nothing had happened, but in fact their hearts were already in their throats.

The necklace dangled in front of his eyes and he looked at it. The man in the iron mask didn't see any clue. He raised his eyes and asked, "What do you mean?"

Yu Qing raised his finger and said, "You can find out what's inside the pendant."

The man in iron mask stared at the three people for a while, and finally grabbed the pendant with his lower hand and held it on his finger for a closer look. He saw that there was a dark red bead the size of a quail egg in the silver mesh pocket, which was covered with beads.

Strange black lines like flowing clouds.

I didn't understand what it was for a while, but I looked at Yu Qing and others again, and saw that they didn't run away, but they were all looking at me eagerly.

He immediately took a closer look, and with just one glance he felt that he had indeed discovered something. He saw that the strange lines on the dark red beads seemed to come alive, and seemed to be spinning like flowing clouds.

Soon I discovered that something was wrong. It was not the lines on the beads that were rotating, but the layer of evil energy covering my hands that was rotating and heading into the beads.

It wasn't enough for the evil energy shrouded in the hands to penetrate inside. The evil energy on the entire arm began to rotate, and then it started to gain momentum. The evil energy all over the body rotated and penetrated into the beads.

As if the evil energy in his body was not enough, he suddenly felt his heartbeat speeding up, his blood vessels gushing, and the evil energy condensed in his body seemed to have opened a floodgate, escaping from countless pores, gathering into flowing clouds, and rolling in crazily.

Inside the bead.

After crawling out of the spring, he felt that a powerful force had gathered in his body. At this time, he could feel the powerful force in his body passing away quickly, and he felt that his life was also passing away quickly.

He quickly cast a spell to control it, trying to cut off the flow of power in his body, but the evil energy in his body had already integrated with his entire body and cultivation, and could not be controlled at all. He immediately panicked and exclaimed: "What is this?"

He looked to the other side, but didn't get an answer.

The eyes of Yu Qing and the others were filled with excitement, but at the same time they felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, fearing that a dog would jump over the wall in a hurry.

The panicked Man in Iron Mask used magic to squeeze the bead again, intending to destroy it. However, the hardness of the bead was beyond his expectation and he could not crush it. He immediately threw it out with all his strength, intending to shake it off.

The scary thing is that the pendant flew out, hit the wall, and landed in a pavilion on the wall. However, the evil air flow cloud pulled out from his body did not break and was still spinning rapidly.

Feeling the rapid passage of life, but having no choice but to do anything, the Iron Masked Man was so panicked that his legs were obviously a little weak, and he suddenly stared at the spring behind Yu Qing and the others.

The three brothers also looked back at the spring behind them and realized something.

The man in the iron mask rushed over.

Nanzhu immediately pulled Yu Qing's shoulder, signaling to avoid him.

Yu Qing refused to give up easily.

He didn't know whether Diquan could save the life of the Man in the Iron Mask, but he knew he couldn't let his enemies succeed easily.

Now that things have come to this point, what else can they be but enemies?

Seeing that he refused to leave, Nan and Mu could not leave him alone. It could be said that they both unanimously blessed Yu Qing with his whole body.

However, Yu Qing did not wave his sword to meet the enemy, but quickly took out a piece of something from his clothes, sent it out to meet the charging man in iron mask, and shouted: "Suffer death!"

The man in the iron mask who was charging was startled. He dodged sideways and flew away, but he couldn't jump very far. It seemed that he couldn't fly anymore. He ran quickly to the wall and jumped up to the pavilions and pavilions above.

He staggered and ran into the passage leading to the pavilion on the top of the mountain.

Soon, the swirling clouds stopped, and the last cloud floated over the hall, swirling into the pendant that fell into the pavilion on the wall.

Nan and Mu let go and quickly stepped forward to see what Yu Qing had taken out. They were able to scare away the Iron Masked Man just by looking at him.

When the two of them saw clearly what it was, they thought they had seen it wrong. Nanzhu opened Yu Qing's hand, took the item and looked through it. Yes, it was just a small box containing the "Blue Enchantress".

Just this thing, did you scare away the man in the iron mask?

Nan and Mu looked at each other in confusion. Then they looked at Yu Qing and found that there were beads of sweat on Yu Qing's forehead. He was obviously frightened.

The two people immediately understood that Ganqing was deceiving the Iron Masked Man.

The two of them were convinced by this guy. They were so brave. They dared to shout "die" to Master Shangxuan while holding a useless broken box. This was simply gambling with their lives.

However, the master of Shangxuan was really not scared and was actually scared away by a useless little box.

Yu Qing took out a long breath, feeling lingering fear. He was really betting just now on the influence of the chain pendant on the man in the iron mask, and used the opportunity to intimidate him. Fortunately, the result was good. After the man in the iron mask tasted the pendant, he was indeed not the same.

How dare you underestimate his stuff.

As for why he took out the small box containing the "Blue Enchantress" to scare him, it was really because he didn't have too many things on him, and in a hurry he didn't have time to search slowly, so he could only take what he touched and make up for it.

In short, he just felt that he couldn't let the man in the iron mask return to the spring. The magical ability displayed by the spring was too incredible.

After regaining his composure, he snatched back the small box, waved his sword and said, "It's not a good thing to let this monster return to the world. It's not going to work anymore. Chase it quickly!"

The three of them quickly chased the man in the iron mask.

I ran into the pavilion, looked out the window, and immediately saw a person lying on the ground outside. It was the man in the iron mask who had returned to his original appearance, but suddenly he had become much older, and he was struggling to crawl forward slowly.

Nanzhu immediately climbed up the window, waved his sword and shouted: "Lao Jiu, chop him!"

This chapter has been completed!
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