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Chapter 429 New Boss

Volume 4: "The Extreme Traces of the Underworld"

Danyunge is a shop specializing in the sale of elixirs in Youjiao Port.

People were coming and going on the street outside, and there were also sporadic customers in the shop. In the side hall where guests were entertained, a plate was placed on an exquisite round table, which contained a bunch of bright yellow pills. Xiao Hei sat there with his bare feet dangling, as if eating candy.

Douban threw pills into his mouth and chewed them.

The "big stick" was slanted on Xiao Hei's back. He couldn't carry it slanted, because he was taller than others. It didn't count as being carried on his back. The "big stick" stretched out his legs to climb on him, taking care of himself.

It's better than being dragged on the ground, and the wear and tear along the way is also uncomfortable.

Of course, Xiao Hei occasionally handed pills to the "big stick" behind him to taste.

Shopkeeper Tong was smiling and drinking tea from a tea cup, watching the disheveled child eating randomly.

When the pills on the plate were almost gone, someone walked in quickly from outside the shop and went straight to the side hall without being stopped by the store clerk.

Wu Hei came, pushed aside the beaded curtain in the side hall and barged in. He stared at his son who kept slurping his mouth, his face darkened.

Xiao Hei grabbed the last few pills on the plate and hurriedly hid them behind his back.

Shopkeeper Tong stood up with a smile, "Boss Wu is here, I'm keeping a close eye on your son, I don't dare to make any mistakes."

Wu Hei said with a sullen face: "Shopkeeper Tong, what did you feed him again?"

Shopkeeper Tong: "Don't worry about this. I won't let him eat anything that can't be eaten randomly. Just some 'Xuexin Pills', which is a good thing to clear the heart and improve the eyesight."

Wu Hei: "Shopkeeper Tong, I told you not to give him anything to eat anymore."

Shopkeeper Tong sighed: "I understand what you are saying, but what can I do? Don't you know your son? He comes to the door with a big stick and sweeps away all the demons and monsters. When the head comes back, if I don't give it to him, he will give him a stick."

He smashed my counter and took it himself. He ate the elixirs like jelly beans, and he chose the flavor.

I was shocked at the time. I had never seen such a wild person, and someone dared to be so arrogant in Youjiao Port. This was the first time I had seen him. I didn’t know where he came from, so I didn’t dare to provoke him. I sued Youya.

Youya ran over to take a look and found that he was an ignorant child, so he didn't bother to care about it and left it alone.

No, he is here with a stick again. What can I do to your son because of his temper? Do you believe it or not, I kicked him out and he immediately smashed the door of my shop. I heard that he has already smashed it.

How many families have you passed, right? I really have no choice but to serve as my ancestor."

Wu Hei said gloomily: "Stop talking nonsense and tell me how much it will cost."

Shopkeeper Tong immediately pointed to the three porcelain bottles on the table, "Not many, just three bottles, more than 50,000 taels. We are old acquaintances, so let's get the whole 50,000 taels."

Without saying a word, Wu Hei took out the banknotes, counted fifty thousand taels, and threw it on the table. Then he walked around the table, pinched the back of his son's neck, and escorted him away.

Shopkeeper Tong quickly chased him out of the door, holding a pair of children's shoes in his hand and shouting: "Shoes, Boss Wu, children's shoes."

Wu Hei looked back, took the shoes and continued to walk away.

But shopkeeper Tong winked playfully at Xiao Hei who looked back. He clearly meant to entertain him next time and encouraged him to come again.

Xiao Hei was still stuffing the "jelly beans" in his hand into his mouth and continued to eat them.

Wu Hei, who had a sullen face, was a little angry. Where was he? This was Youjiao Port. Everything was ridiculously expensive. He had only been here a few months, and this bastard had ruined his nearly one million taels of silver.


He now really doubts whether it was a mistake to bring his son into the world.

In the past, there really weren't so many troubles for a person with his son, but now he was watching his son as if he were on guard against thieves. If he ran out without paying attention, he would cause trouble.

He originally wanted to be a low-key boss, but now many businesses in the area know him because of his son.

That's right, he is now the boss of "Miao Qing Tang", taking over the position of boss Tie Miaoqing, and becoming a nominal boss just like Tie Miaoqing did before.

As for Tie Miaoqing, he has already left Miaoqing Hall and has no face to stay.

After Yu Qing and others returned from Jinxu, they discovered that there was a traitor in Miaoqing Hall, which led to Tie Miaoqing's self-examination.

Sun Ping, the shopkeeper, confessed that he was the traitor. The reason was that his husband, Zhu Shangbiao, was not dead and fell into the hands of the other party. The other party used this to force him. Sun Ping also felt that Yu Qing's gang never regarded them as one of their own. Many of them

Things were deliberately avoided for them. In short, the combination of emotions from all aspects made her become a traitor. She had been providing information about Yu Qing and others to the outside world.

As for who is behind the scenes, she doesn't know.

Tie Miaoqing was probably the one who suffered the most. Everyone in her Miaoqing Hall became spies for others, even the people she trusted the most. How could she feel so embarrassed?

Yu Qing didn't do anything to Sun Ping. Although he even wanted to kill her, he still didn't touch her in the end. Sun Ping's Youjiaobu identity was also one of the reasons.

He didn't say anything about driving Sun Ping away, but Sun Ping couldn't stay any longer, so it was already very lenient for her not to move.

Tie Miaoqing couldn't blame him for nearly killing Yu Qing and others, so he took the initiative to resign.

Yu Qing did not drive her away, but when faced with Tie Miaoqing's resignation, he did not retain her.

He also likes having such a beautiful woman at home, and it feels comfortable to look at her. Besides, there is still a little ambiguity between the two, but he really doesn't dare to stay.

The reason is simple. Sun Ping confessed this time, but how did he know that what Sun Ping said was true? How did he know whether Sun Ping was helping Tie Miaoqing to cover up? Who can guarantee that Tie Miaoqing is not a spy? Who can guarantee that

Can’t Zhu Shangbiao’s life be threatened by Tie Miaoqing?

Sun Ping could not provide evidence to prove Tie Miaoqing's innocence, and Tie Miaoqing never proved his innocence from beginning to end.

What should he do? Should he check it? Can he check it clearly?

Is it risky to keep people who may be spies? The risk is too great. The original people in Miaoqingtang are too unreliable. Do you want to risk the lives of these fellow disciples?

I don’t want it anymore, I really don’t want it anymore, I’ve already taken a life with him, and she’s his lover.

Although he acted as if nothing had happened, he would rather never have met Qiao Qier. The moment Sun Ping admitted that he was a traitor, he really wanted to cut Sun Ping into pieces!

So in his opinion, Tie Miaoqing's initiative to leave was the best choice. It would be good for everyone, save some face, and make it easier to get together. Otherwise, what would he do in the future? Just like guarding against thieves day and night.

Being on guard against Tie Miaoqing made them uncomfortable, and Tie Miaoqing himself felt sad too.

Maybe Tie Miaoqing hoped to see Yu Qing retain her, but she didn't wait.

Nanzhu and the others helped Tie Miaoqing to some extent. After all, she was a great beauty and everyone liked her, but Yu Qing didn't respond at all.

Yu Qing dealt with some issues more or less from the perspective of a leader.

It was hard for everyone to say anything. We all knew that Qiao Qier’s death really hurt Lao Shifu. At that time, Lao Fifteen even risked his own life to save it!

Not retaining is an attitude!

Tie Miaoqing was not stupid, so he made a complete deal with Miaoqingtang. After removing the identity of Youjiaobu, he and Sun Ping left silently.

Yu Qing did not kill Sun Ping, but he still sent a message to Sun Ping before leaving, which was actually meant for Tie Miaoqing: "What happened this time is far bigger than you think, and the mastermind behind the scenes will not leave any trace behind."

It's impossible to keep your husband alive if you expose your own clues!"

At first, they only knew that they went to Minghai to compete for the mission of Youya. They didn't know that they were lured to the legendary Golden Ruins in the end. He couldn't tell them about the Golden Ruins.

I say this because I don't want Tie Miaoqing to be used to take Zhu Shangbiao's life. This woman's character is a bit hesitant and difficult to make decisions. She is not suitable for being a householder, but she is really suitable for being a vase.

So the two women left Miao Qingtang and left on their own initiative. As for where they went afterwards, Yu Qing and the others didn't know.

At the time of settlement, Yu Qing did not change the name of the shop, which was still called Miao Qing Tang, preserving this memorable sign for Tie Miao Qing.

It was under such circumstances that Wu Hei took over Miao Qingtang. He did not expect that he would be the owner of such a large shop in Youjiao Port as soon as he entered the world, although he was only in name only like Tie Miaoqing before him.

All in all, the answer was a bit baffling. He didn't understand it for a while anyway, so he listened to the explanations of the brothers Yu Qing, and it was clear that he had the identity of Youjiaobu.

Later, Yu Qing took out the frozen peaches for them and his son to eat.

They, father and son, also need to practice. In the past, they did not have the resources to practice, so they relied solely on their cultivation slowly accumulated over a long life. Now, they naturally do not reject good things.

The key is that the evil spirit in the Xiantao will not have any impact on Wu Hei and his son. Unlike other people who have to drink a lot of bath water to eat it, this Xiantao is naturally a good thing for them and their son.

Yu Qing also told him that Miao Qingtang also had a peach grove in the wilderness, and in order to keep this peach grove, it owed a huge amount of debt. Originally, Miao Qingtang had no worries about repaying these debts, and one peach would cost five yuan.

One hundred thousand taels each, but unexpectedly, a bastard made trouble and no one dared to buy it.

In short, both the peaches that are frozen now and the peaches that will grow in the future will be shared with Wu Hei and his son.

Then Wu Hei somehow felt that he had taken advantage, and took out 15 million taels, and asked Yu Qing and others to collect 20 million taels to repay the interest first.

Finding that the conditions here are indeed good, Boss Wu became half the owner as soon as he arrived and took the initiative to bear the daily expenses of the shop, which made Yu Qing and others applaud him.

But later I discovered that Youjiao Port has rules. This is not a place where you are given shelter for free. If you fail to reach a certain sales volume within the specified time, your shop will be confiscated, and Miao Qingtang has nothing to sell at all.

What made Wu Hei even more shocked was that he discovered that Yu Qing had purchased a large amount of ice souls in order to keep these peaches. The money for the ice souls was obtained by mortgaging the shop, and he agreed to pay back three thousand yuan within two and a half years.

If I don't pay back ten thousand taels, the shop will belong to someone else.

Thirty million taels is not a small sum, and it cannot be found just by picking it up in the Jinxu.

If the entire Miao Qing Tang had all their money together, it would be impossible for them to raise thirty million taels even if they were killed.

Wu Hei was a little confused. He didn't know why he took the initiative to give out the fifteen million. What was the point of throwing out the fifteen million?

The money has been given and the price has been paid. What can he do? He can only live with it.

He just didn't expect that he would feel huge financial pressure when he entered the world with so much money, and he would have a prodigal son.

This chapter has been completed!
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