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Chapter 434 Three big and one small

What else can be done?

Wu Hei went out with a gloomy face again and went to search various shops.

Gao Yunjie didn't see all this. He accompanied the people moving the goods to the nearby river for loading, and then boarded the ship with a few boxes, euphemistically saying that he personally escorted the goods to other people in Youjiao Port.


At this time, Xiao Hei did not go to any shop to spend money, but went straight to the exit of Youjiao Port.

Seeing people leaving Youjiaobu rushing into underground caves on skateboards and water skiing to leave, he didn't know how to control this kind of balance ability, but he had flying insects and moved the "big stick" on his shoulders towards

Throwing it in the air, the "big stick" immediately spread its wings and flew down.

Xiao Hei stretched out his hand to grab one of its legs, pointed at the exit of the cave, and said, "Let's go!"

"Big Stick" immediately hooked two extra legs under his armpits and lifted him up into the air.

Xiao Hei also reached out with both hands, grabbing one of its legs each, and rushed into the cave together with one person and one flying insect...

When Yu Qing and others showed up again, they were already outside Youjiao Port. The three of them did not go to the "Qianliju" Inn. Having experienced the experience of being monitored last time, they did not dare to go or take a flying ride here. They even did not dare to ride here.

Instead of going to the horse farm, I took a quick walk and walked through the wilderness without taking the right path.

They walked like this for three days, far away from Youjiao Port, and began to see large green areas. Then they approached a populated area and found an inn in a small city to stay and rest.

However, not long after the three of them settled in, there was a sudden noise outside.

"Hey, kid on the roof, come down, come down quickly."

"Don't run around on the roof, be careful."

"Whose child is that? Whose child is that? Where are the adults?"

The various shouts outside kept rising and falling, which naturally alerted the three brothers and sisters inside. When I looked out the window, I saw a large group of people pointing at the roof and talking about children. It seemed that someone's child had climbed on the roof.

Dangerous look.

Not knowing what the specific situation was, the three of them quickly left the door and ran to the inn courtyard to look up at the roof.

When the children who were running around and looking around on the roof saw the three of them appearing, they immediately turned around and sat on the ridge with their backs to each other.

However, when Yu Qing and the others took one look at the back figure, they were immediately shocked. The clothes, the disheveled style, the big stick they were carrying, the sinister nature of climbing on the roof, and the pair of shoes tied to the waist.

He also knew who the child was.

Just now they were wondering whose child it was, but the three of them never dreamed that it turned out to be theirs.

The three brothers looked at each other speechless, what the hell? Why is this little guy here? Wu Hei is here too?

Yu Qing picked up a stone from the ground with his toe, popped it out with his fingers, and hit the child on the back of the head.

The child said "Ouch" and raised his hand to cover the back of his head. He quickly looked back and happened to meet the eyes of the three brothers. He suddenly knew that he couldn't hide anymore.

Nanzhu hooked his finger at him, and the child immediately slid down the eaves. Amid the shocked exclamations of the people, he clung to the eaves with his hands, hooked his legs around the wooden frame under the eaves, and hung upside down, holding his arms.

He grabbed the beam and pillar, turned over again, clamped the pillar with his legs, and then slid down.

The movement was so neat and neat, and a group of people watched in amazement.

Yu Qing and the others had already walked into the house, and the child immediately chased them, shouting: "Uncle Fat, Uncle Ninth, Uncle Fifteen."

Although the three people pretended not to know him, the people still saw that it was their child. They were relieved and gradually dispersed.

As soon as the three brothers entered the room, Nanzhu immediately closed the door to block someone. A dirty bare foot came in under the door and was pinched. He even shouted, "It hurts."

Nanzhu then snorted and let go.

The child pushed open the door and walked towards the three of them, with a smile on his dirty face.

The child was naturally Xiao Hei. There was no one else but him, but he was dirtier than the three of them had ever seen.

Yu Qing raised his chin and said, "Close the door."

Xiao Hei immediately turned back and closed the door, then came to the three of them again, touching his stomach with one hand, "I'm hungry."

Yu Qing asked: "Where is your father?"

Xiao Hei shook his head.

Nanzhu immediately rolled up his sleeves and said, "Hey, you don't understand people, so I ask where your father is."

Xiao Hei bit his lip and was silent for a while before giving the answer, "Daddy is at home."

Nanzhu snorted, "If you keep talking harshly, do you believe I'll beat you up?"

Yu Qing waved his hand and said, "Okay, since he is here with us, his father will have to show up sooner or later. Seeing how dirty he is, let's take him to be washed first."

Nanzhu didn't say anything, he immediately went over and pinched the back of Xiao Hei's neck, carried him away, and took him to wash up.

After there were two people left in the room, Mu Aotie was a little strange, "No one stopped him, and no one stopped him from coming. Why is Heizi following us secretly?"

They were not taking a normal route. If they didn't follow them secretly, it would be unlikely that they would get here together.

Yu Qing: "I don't know. There must be some reason. He will naturally explain it when we meet."

No one thought much about it. In fact, they welcomed Wu Hei to go with him. It would be much safer to have a master in the Xuanxuan realm beside him.

On the other side, after Nanzhu took Xiao Hei to clean up, he saw that Xiao Hei was really hungry, so he asked the inn to get him some food.

The little guy looked really hungry and devoured his meal while Nanzhu was chattering beside him.

After resting for a night, I was completely exhausted from several days of running around. I bought a horse in the city the next day and officially gave up walking.

A group of four people, three big and one small, officially set off on the road. Xiao Hei on the horse cheered happily from time to time.

On the way, the three of them looked back from time to time to see if they could spot Wu Hei who was following them.

They still couldn't find it, and the three of them would ask Xiao Hei where his father was from time to time. Xiao Hei was a bit stubborn and kept saying that his father was at home.

But the three people didn't believe it. In their opinion, if Wu Hei was at home, how could you follow us and find us?

The three of them didn't know what Wu Hei was up to, and they didn't force it, so they just continued to move forward with Xiao Hei.

Because in order to avoid being spotted by outsiders, they walked on an unusual route this time, often walking on small roads, and even changing routes and directions frequently, so they were somewhat worried about whether Wu Hei would be able to follow them in the end.

One day, when the three cavalry were galloping in the glorious sunset, Nanzhu suddenly said: "Do you think Wu Hei has arrived at Haishi first and is waiting for us?"

This is said because Xiao Hei has been with them for almost ten days, but Wu Hei has never been seen. I feel that Wu Hei's attitude is strong enough.

Yu Qing responded, "It's safer for Xiao Hei to follow him. For no special reason, he probably won't leave Xiao Hei to us to lead the way."

Xiao Hei, who was riding behind him and had his arms around his waist, said another truth at this moment, "I ran away secretly."

Because Lao Qi and Lao Nin are relatively heavy, Xiao Hei can save the mount's energy by riding with the lighter ones.

The three brothers laughed and said nothing when they heard this. They didn't believe that Xiao Hei could keep up with them on his own, and believed that Wu Hei had sent his son to them.

Nanzhu pointed at Xiao Hei and warned, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, do you believe we will throw you on the road and ignore you?"

Xiao Hei doesn't care, just shut up and stop talking.

A few days later, they finally saw the sea again, and then they found the flying horse again.

There is no way, you have to cross the vast ocean to get to Haishi. Taking a boat is too slow.

After a group of four people flew above the sea and sky for almost a day, they finally saw an airspace filled with dark clouds. The dark clouds were very large and vast, boundless and connected to the sky and the earth. Three flying riders carried them through it.

They entered under the dark clouds, and as they flew, the light behind them became farther and farther away from them, and they gradually seemed to have entered a dark world.

Because the dark clouds in the sky were too thick, the light was hazy.

When they arrived here, the three flying cavalry did not dare to fly any further. There were islands dotted around the sea, with lights on them. They looked like many people's houses. The flying cavalry carried them and landed on an island.

After paying the fee for the ride, the three flying riders left.

The three, one and four people looked at the hazy sea in front of them. They couldn't see far because there was a continuous faint mist floating on the sea ahead. That foggy area was an area that the flying knights did not dare to break into.

The dark clouds in the sky and the fog ahead have existed for a long time, giving this sea area an unfathomable depth. This has also caused the sea in the fog to not see the sun, and has been immersed in darkness. When you break in, it is like entering the netherworld.

This is the land, so it is called the Sea of ​​Hell.

The sea city is deep in the underworld, but the space in this sea is very strange. Not everyone can reach the other side. Only those who specialize in ferrying people can send people there, otherwise they will be trapped in it forever, even if you

You can't get out even if you keep moving forward.

In the hazy scenery, one can see the wooden trestles on the island extending to the sea surface one hundred feet long. There are several such trestles on each island.

It is the first time for three children and one child to come here.

Even Nan Zhu and Mu Aotie, who claimed to have traveled the world in the early years, have never been here. The reason is simple. The ferryman of the Underworld will not send you to the other side for nothing. The freight has to be paid, and the price is quite high. They can't afford it.


However, the three brothers have all heard about this place for a long time, and have also heard about some of the rules. It is said that those who want to go to the sea market only need to go to the end of the trestle, light the lantern at the end, and then wait, and there will be a ferry.

People rowed out of the fog to the bridge to pick up guests.

Nan Zhuhu said: "Seeing this, you can probably understand why the Nether Sea Immortal Palace is the first immortal mansion discovered by practitioners. This place is so special. It gives people a clear goal to keep going.

After much tossing, one day someone discovered the flaw, and it was captured."

Some laughter suddenly came, as if in response to his words.

The sound came from the island behind them. Several people looked back and saw that in the dimly lit inn, it seemed that diners were talking and laughing.

There are some places like inns on every island. There is nothing you can do about it. As long as there is a flow of people coming and going, it is a good place to do business.

Nanzhu asked the two junior brothers, "Should we go directly to the trestle to light the lamps, or should we walk here?"

Yu Qing: "We are here to try our luck and find someone. Since we are here, we naturally want to take a look."

This chapter has been completed!
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