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Chapter 444: Low-level Error

The woman next to me was curious, "Come to the Underworld Temple to heal your wounds? Who is so proud?"

This question was asked to Changfeng.

This was the patriarch of the Hai Clan. Changfeng did not dare to be disrespectful and replied respectfully: "Three years ago, Duke Xuan of Jin Kingdom sent someone to escort a young man and asked Master to help treat him."

The woman said, "I understand. Who do you think is so proud?" She also knew the relationship between Xuan Guo Gong Ying Xiaotang and Ming Monk, but she was still a little confused. "With Ying Xiaotang's power and power in Jin Guo,

Are there any injuries that he can’t take care of, and why do you still need to travel so far to be treated here?”

Changfeng looked at the master's reaction before replying: "It's a shattered elbow bone. If treated in time, it will not be difficult to solve it with the Duke's ability. The bad thing is that it takes too long, and the body's self-healing ability will change the good thing."

It became a bad thing, causing the bones to become deformed and grow into a tree with a crooked neck. It was difficult to recover and it was already disabled. So I sent it to the Master for help and asked the Master to reshape the young man's muscles and bones."

The woman yelled again and asked, "Which young man is worthy of Xuan Guo's public expense?"

Changfeng shook his head, "During the healing period in the temple, the young monk didn't know his name and only called him 'Young Master'."

The woman immediately looked at the Underworld Monk again, knowing that this man would most likely not allow people of unknown origin to live in the Underworld Monastery.

However, the monk still smiled and did not answer.

Changfeng resigned.

The woman who was walking barefoot with the underworld monk said angrily, "It's mysterious, there's nothing to hide, treat me as a curiosity."

The monk let her laugh and curse, and slowly climbed up the Bone Tower. From the top of the tower, he looked out at the bright lights of the sea city. He was immersed in the darkness, slowly turning the rosary beads in his hand, and the golden grid on his cassock.

It is slightly reflective under the stars and moon.

In the entire Hades Sea, only this piece of land can see the sun, moon and stars.

The woman who was looking at the stars and the moon together slowly leaned on Ming Monk, hugged behind Ming Monk, and rubbed her body closely, murmuring, "What a cruel monk, he is becoming more and more hard-hearted.

Back then, I coveted other people's bodies, smeared honey on my lips, and made ridiculous promises, saying that I was willing to suffer forever for me. But now, I have been left alone for a long time, without even giving me a proper look, and even said:

What kind of fate are you talking about? Are you a thief who doesn't keep your word?"

The underworld monk slowly raised his hands and clasped his hands together, "The poor monk's body and mind are still within this square inch and cannot transcend."

The woman rested her head on his shoulder, closed her eyes, and hugged him, looking tender and enjoying herself, inhaling the radiant Buddha's breath on his body.

The underworld monk did not refuse.

"Namo Amitabha, Namo Amitabha..."

In the temple, the faint and repeated chanting of the two old monks suddenly sounded.

Slowly lowering his hands, the dark monk seemed to be moved by lust and was about to respond to the entanglement of the woman behind him. He suddenly heard chanting and instantly returned to Bodhi, closing his eyes and folding his palms...

When Yu Qing left the Sauchen Temple, he looked back three times. Before he left, he asked Changfeng who the woman was, but Changfeng didn't tell her. He just said "I won't send you far" when he walked her to the door and closed the door.


Along the way, I went through what had just happened in my mind, and I had already reached the swaying suspension bridge.

Before they reached the end of the suspension bridge, they saw Nanzhu and three other people hurriedly coming up from the stone steps on the brightly lit cliff under the bridge, obviously seeing him coming back.

When they met at the bridge, Nan and Mu breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Yu Qing was safe and sound. Nan Zhu immediately asked in a low voice, "How is it?"

After looking at the people coming and going on the street and the people going up and down the stairs under the cliff, Yu Qing said: "This is not the place to talk. This matter probably won't be settled in a day or two. Let's find a place to stay first."

Nanzhu suddenly sighed: "Hey, don't look for a place to stay first, let's solve this kid's problem first." He pointed at Xiaohei.

Yu Qing took a look at Xiao Hei and found that the boy was still barefoot. His previous shoes were lost in the sea of ​​​​the underworld. He immediately said: "Let's buy him a pair of shoes first."

Nanzhu: "There is a shoe store down there. We wanted to buy him a pair just now, but it was so expensive. A pair of children's shoes actually cost two hundred taels. You said those fruits and vegetables that can't withstand long-distance transportation are just as expensive.

Forget it, a pair of ordinary children's shoes that don't take up much cabin space actually cost 200 taels. Isn't this a money grab?"

Yu Qing: "That's a bit too expensive. OK, let him go barefoot. He can't wear it anyway."

Mu Aotie: "I'll find some rags and make him a pair later."

Anyway, it was not their own child. In order to save money, the three brothers decided not to buy it for Xiao Hei.

Nanzhu smiled bitterly, "Do you still have the intention to make shoes for him? Now let's talk about what to do with him first."

Yu Qing: "What's wrong with him? Is he causing trouble here?"

Xiao Hei immediately scratched his neck and said: "I don't."

Nanzhu sighed and said: "Does he still come here to cause trouble? I think Heizi over at Miaoqingtang has gone crazy. Can you believe it? This little bastard actually sneaked out alone."

"..." Yu Qing was speechless for a while, and said in confusion: "Impossible, how can he follow us alone?"

"Yeah, I think it's impossible, otherwise how could we bring him here. You don't know, we didn't dare to cross the bridge just now, so we were waiting for you here. We saw a cave with flowing water on the opposite mountain wall.

, this kid babbled and said it was similar to the place where you came out of Youjiao Port. I said he didn’t know a thing, and he said he hung on a big stick and flew all the way out.

As for the exit that turns around a thousand times, will Heizi take him out and let him fly out? Lao Jiu and I were immediately frightened and asked him about his situation in detail. If you don’t ask, you won’t know. If you ask, you will be shocked. My dear

, this bastard heard our conversation with Heizi, knew that we were leaving, and thought of coming out to play with him. Afraid that his father would disapprove, he actually played dirty tricks. When we climbed into the box, he also took advantage of everyone's attention.

When he was on top of us, he climbed over the wall and climbed out first.

This kid actually left Youjiao Port before us and waited outside for us. After spotting us, he followed us quietly. Old Fifteen, we all treated him as a child, but we ignored one thing.

He is not an ordinary kid, this guy has been playing hide and seek with those people under the nose of Rift Valley Villa for a long time. He may not look like much, but he is actually an expert at hiding. What’s more, he also has a big stick, which makes him even more powerful."

Mu Aotie added: "We are too self-righteous."

Nanzhu: "Yes, he himself said it a long time ago that he sneaked out alone, but none of us believed it."

Yu Qing was a little confused and speechless. He couldn't find a reason to scold Xiao Hei. As Nan Zhu said, what they told at the beginning was the truth, not even a lie. They were too complicated and overthinking.

Nanzhu asked again: "What should we do now? We can't send him back again. The traveling expenses are too much to bear. Let Qianlilang send him back? Not to mention safety and unsafe, the traveling expenses are also a lot of money."

Xiao Hei yelled, "I won't go back, it's fun here."

Yu Qing was furious and waved his hand, "Okay, then don't go back. Go away and play slowly. I'll let you have enough."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Hei immediately became excited, turned around and jumped away, carrying the stick on his shoulders. Na Ming looked around with a curious expression. This world is so fun, colorful, colorful, and all kinds of things. What are you looking at?

All strange.

In short, there are no restrictions, you have permission, and you can play with confidence.

The faces of the three junior brothers suddenly collapsed, and they almost fell to the ground and broke into pieces. They found that this naughty kid really didn't understand good words.

Yu Qing, who was making angry remarks, was even put on the stage and couldn't get off the stage, and his face didn't look good.

Xiao Hei soon stopped in front of a stall selling snacks. He stood there with a stick in his hand and looked like he was drooling. The boss actually took out the meat pie and asked him if he wanted to eat it. The subtext was that he wanted to buy it.

Xiao Hei was not polite, so he naturally stretched out his hand to take it. Fortunately, Nan Zhu moved quickly and ducked in front of him. He then slapped him on the back of the head and cursed, "Fuck you!"

Then he grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him back. How could he really let him go? He really wanted to lose this kid. Wu Hei had no way to explain, so he couldn't just pretend that he had never seen his son, right?

Xiao Hei was unwilling to accept it and shouted: "I'm hungry, I want to eat."

"You're so hungry." Nan Zhu cursed and dragged him back to Yu Qing.

Yu Qing said with a dark face: "Write a letter and ask Qianlilang to deliver the letter to his father. We don't have the money to send it back and forth. Let Heizi pick it up himself."

"That's the only way it can be." Nanzhu sighed, then scolded Xiao Hei who was unwilling to struggle, "You still want to eat? Wait until your father comes and see if he will spank your butt."

Hearing that his father was coming, Xiao Hei was somewhat afraid. After all, he was someone who really knew how to beat him, so he immediately shut up.

Yu Qing looked around, "Even if we are waiting for Heizi to come, we still need a place for people to stay. Find a place to live first."

Nanzhu also looked around and reminded: "It will be too much to live in this place for a long time!"

"You don't have to say it." Yu Qing was annoyed, and then led a group of people to wander around.

All in all, the three adults were not in a good mood. They thought that by helping Wu Hei take care of the child, they could settle more accounts with Wu Hei and make some money along the way. But now, it turns out that they are the three big fools.

There was a mistake, they abducted his son so far away.

Even they themselves felt that they had made mistakes that could only be made by fools. How could a normal person make such a low-level mistake? How could they have the nerve to ask Wu Hei for money.

In other words, not only did he not make any money, but he also spent tens of thousands of taels of money on travel expenses for Xiao Hei along the way.

It's no wonder that given the caliber of the three of them in certain aspects, it's surprising that they are in a good mood.

The three of them quickly found an inn specifically for accommodation.

An inn that specializes in accommodation in Haishi can maintain a certain kind of purity. If you think about it, you will know what kind of pomp this inn is.

It is a large inn that covers an area of ​​ten acres. This is definitely something extraordinary in Haishi. Looking at the majestic brackets and cornices and the luxury of the carved beams and painted beams, the three brothers and sisters who were about to go in and take a look actually walked straight out of the door.

After passing it, I was too embarrassed to go in.

Because when I walked to the door, I realized it was even more grand.

After stopping not far away, Yu Qing instigated Nanzhu: "Go in and have a look and ask about the price of the guest rooms."

Nan Zhudun said with a guilty conscience: "With this style, no need to ask, we will definitely not be able to afford it."

Yu Qing: "We are also people who have made a lot of money. People who have made hundreds of millions a day, why should we feel ashamed? Besides, we just want to understand the situation here."

Nanzhu; "Then why don't you go in and ask?"

Yu Qing: "You look rich here, you look like a rich man, do you think we look alike?" He pointed at Xiao Hei carrying a stick barefoot.

Really? Nanzhu had doubts in his heart and looked at Mu Aotie.

Mu Aotie immediately nodded in agreement.

Nan Zhu suddenly felt confident, raised his head, puffed up his chest, turned around and left.

This chapter has been completed!
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