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Chapter 447 Exposed

They all seemed to be envious of Xiao Hei.

Nanzhu sighed inexplicably, and then muttered: "Speaking of which, this kid won't say anything nonsense, and won't be tricked, right?"

Yu Qing whispered: "Don't worry about it. I expressed my worries about this to Heizi when he was running around in Youjiao Port. It turned out that my worries were unnecessary. This kid has been in that kind of environment since he was a child.

He was trained by Heizi. He can talk about food, drink and play. He will never say a word when asked about anyone or anything around him. Even if he is caught by Rift Valley Villa, he will not reveal the situation of his family. This boy is still a bit

Stupid and backbone."

"That's good." Nanzhu breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: "What's going on at the Ming Temple, please tell me."

Yu Qing didn't hide it from them. The three brothers met together and whispered together, listening to him explain in detail what happened after entering the Underworld Temple.

Hearing that things were getting more and more bizarre, Nanzhu stared at the ring on his hand and asked, "Are you still wearing it like this?"

Yu Qing: "It should be fine, I don't even know the Underworld Monk. Apart from the Sea Clan, I probably don't know anyone on the land. I hope someone on the land will recognize me and come find me."

The two of them were deep in thought, understanding what he meant, and if they could still recognize it, it might be related to another ring.

His thoughts returned to the problem, and Nanzhu muttered: "In other words, Haenyeo is the sister of Hercules..."

Yu Qing: "The possibility is very high, basically it is."

Nanzhu: "Then how can we find her in this vast sea of ​​people? The Immortal Palace of the Underworld has been captured. Even if people are alive, can they still stay here? If we go to the outside world, wouldn't we be busy here?


Yu Qing: "Since someone saw that ring a few years ago, it means that even if people go to the outside world, they still come here occasionally for activities."

Nanzhu: “What’s the next step?”

Yu Qing: "We need to first confirm whether the target person is still alive, and confirm whether the woman that the Xingluo Island guy saw is her. The haenyeo is just a maid in the Underworld Immortal Mansion, and even the mountain guarding beast was broken in.

If someone kills someone, can that maid escape the disaster?"

Nanzhu rolled his eyes when he heard this, and Mu Aotie couldn't help but frown and said, "How can you confirm what happened thousands of years ago?"

Yu Qing: "It is difficult to confirm, but we are not qualified to retreat now. We have neither power nor wealth here, nor enough manpower. We can only rely on ourselves to seize the only clues and work hard."

Try to find some more clues about what you are looking for.

Once you know whether the person is alive, you can make a more targeted decision. If you are looking for haenyeo, there are naturally ways to find haenyeo. If the ring has been transferred to another person's hand after thousands of years, it means that Hercules

The clues provided may not be useful, and continuing to do so will only be in vain.

Besides, we are not without help here. Isn’t Liu Piaopiao here? First find a way to contact Liu Piaopiao and ask her to directly inquire about the breach of Minghai Immortal Mansion from inside Qianliu Mountain. Let’s see

Have you killed Haenyeo? In addition, Xiaoyunjian’s benefits have all been taken by us, so it’s time to find a way to meet her and give her an explanation. If she doesn’t go to Youjiao Port, we can’t just keep pretending to be stupid, right?”

After running to Youjiao Port to reopen Miao Qingtang, they have been waiting for Liu Piaopiao's arrival. However, Liu Piaopiao has never been there and has not contacted them.

Hearing Liu Piaopiao, the other two's eyes lit up, and Nanzhu nodded and smiled, "That's right, that's right."

Yu Qing: "Don't be too serious. The first thing to solve is Xiao Hei's matter. Hei Zi is really going crazy when he can't find his son for so long."

Nanzhu nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, we have to hurry up."

Not only did he have to hurry, but he couldn't waste any more time. Mu Aotie quickly went downstairs to borrow a pair of pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and gave them to Yu Qing when he came back.

The task of writing must be Yu Qing's. He spread the paper on the ground, wrote a letter on the ground, and gave it to Nanzhu to find Qianlilang.

Nanzhu took the letter and ran away.

But Yu Qing stopped him, "Don't worry, do you know where to send the letter?"

Senriro's letter delivery is a little different from the delivery of ordinary letters in the world. Instead of writing the recipient address on the letter, the letter is put into a specially constructed box. Once opened, it will be stored in the box.

The letter left obvious traces of being opened.

Once the recipient finds two traces on the letter, he will know that the letter has been peeked.

Nanzhu was stunned, "Send it to Wu Hei, where else can I send it?"

Yu Qing reminded: "The letter is naturally sent to Wu Hei, but the address cannot be sent to Miao Qingtang. The 'Qianliju' outside Youjiao Port has already done something to us once. I don't want any of these Qianlilangs."

I believe it. I don’t know which company was plotting against us last time. In short, our ‘Miaoqingtang’ brand name may have been registered with Qianlilang...”

Nanzhu responded in confusion, "Then how to send it?"

Yu Qing: "Send it to the shop next door to us. You go back and put it in the envelope, write a letter on it and give it to the second child, and then put an envelope to cover it up. The second child often interacts with people from the shop next door, and the shop next door opens the letter.

When I saw the second child's name, I would naturally understand what was going on. I would not continue to unpack it and would naturally forward the letter to the second child.

When the second brother sees the letter, he will understand and report it to Heizi. Even if the second brother and the others contact us through letters again, with our reminder, they will take measures to conceal their relationship with Miao Qingtang when they send the letter.


Nanzhu sighed, knowing that this was the last time he was tricked. He turned around every step of the way, always worried that someone was plotting behind his back.

But it does make sense. He nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

Yu Qing: "Also, after sending the letter, we will find a way to inquire and confirm whether Liu Piaopiao is still in Qianliu Mountain. After all, we have never contacted her. Lao Qi, remember, although Haishi looks like

It’s complicated, but one thing is undoubted. It has always been under the control of Qianliu Mountain. Qianliu Mountain must have spread its eyes and ears here, so you must be careful when making inquiries.”

"Yes, I've written it down." Nanzhu responded and put the letter in his hand into his arms.

Yu Qing said to Mu Aotie again: "Lao Jiu is going too. Lao Qi doesn't need help. Don't walk with Lao Qi until I say hello. Keep a little distance and help keep an eye on him."

Mu Aotie hummed and quickly left with Nanzhu.

The two of them did not go through the main entrance of the hole in the ground, but opened the door directly and went to the balcony, and then jumped down from the balcony one after another.

Yu Qing also walked to the balcony, looking at the people coming and going on the road below, looking at the bright lights of the sea city, and then looking at the stars and counting the time silently, he found that it was already late at night, or even almost dawn, but the color of the sea city was still the same

If it doesn’t change, it will truly be a city that never sleeps.

After watching Lao Qi and Lao Jiu disappear, he returned to the house and closed the door. He turned around and went straight downstairs to see what Hu Youli was doing.

Although he met Hu Youli purely by chance, he was still cautious in his heart. He was still worried about whether he had been arranged by someone and wanted to observe her in secret. This was why he stayed.

When I went downstairs, I saw that in the living room, which was now crowded with a lot of clutter, Hu Youli seemed to be printing something on the engraving.

Xiao Hei was hanging around with him, rather than trying to attack him, it was better to say that Hu Youli was playing with him.

Hu Youli was teaching Xiao Hei how to apply ink evenly on the engraving. Xiao Hei looked very happy, laughing and giggling from time to time.

Yu Qing moved to the side to take a look, and happened to witness a piece of printed matter being peeled off. He couldn't help but reach out and pull it over to check, and found that it was the so-called hand-drawn mirage map he had bought for five hundred taels of silver.

Hu Youli looked back at him, didn't care, and continued printing one after another.

Yu Qing bared his teeth and showed her the map in his hand, "Is this what you call a hand-drawn map? You printed it out one by one, how dare you sell it for five hundred taels a piece?"

Hu Youli asked back: "Where did it come from if it wasn't hand-drawn? Do you think it would be easy to describe the densely packed terrain all over the sea city in detail? It would be difficult to draw such a dense and complicated map even if you copy it in a few days.

, is it only worth five hundred taels for a few days of work? You don’t really think that the labor force in Haishi is so cheap, do you?”

The dense patterns on the finger carvings, "This is what I carved by hand after I traveled all over the city to draw a map. I traced the map and carved it with a knife and a knife. It took me more than a month to carve it. I can't sell it every day."

There are so many pictures. What’s wrong with me selling a picture for five hundred taels? You still practice Ash Heng’s calligraphy. You don’t have the vision and the heart to become famous?”

"..." Yu Qing was speechless. How could this be blamed on Ashheng?

After Hu Youli babbled for a while, she ignored him and continued printing her own map.

Yu Qing was speechless for a while, but he could see one thing. This woman was very skilled at this job, and she didn't look like she was just improvising.

Turning around, he pulled Xiao Hei up and forced Xiao Hei to sleep.

Xiao Hei actually hadn't slept for two days and two nights. He was still rowing in the Sea of ​​Hell and put in a lot of effort.

Soon it was daybreak, the lights in Haishi were extinguished, and the entire Haishi was half-shrouded in mist.

After the morning sun came out, Yu Qing stood on the balcony and watched, helplessly watching the sea market turn into the hustle and bustle of daytime. At this moment, he suddenly saw two familiar figures coming back, it was Nan and Mu.

, I didn’t expect the two of them to come back so soon.

The two of them did not drill a hole from the bottom of the building, but flew up directly, and immediately closed the door after entering the house.

Although the two of them seemed calm on the surface, Yu Qing knew something about them and still noticed something was wrong, so he quickly asked: "What's wrong?"

Nanzhu whispered: "Guess who I bumped into? I happened to bump into Liu Piaopiao. It can't be said that I bumped into her. Liu Piaopiao took the initiative to meet me. She asked me to tell you that we have already met.

We have been exposed and are already under the surveillance of Qianliushan. Qianliushan also has a clear grasp of where we live."

Yu Qing looked serious for a moment: "What's going on?"

Nanzhu: "She didn't say anything specific. She said she happened to be ordered to keep an eye on us. When she saw the two of us leaving the house, she tried to find an opportunity to meet me, but she couldn't talk to me for a long time. She

I ask you to go out again at noon, and don’t go anywhere else. Just go to the Temple of the Underworld, and go to the cliff next to the sea in the Temple of the Underworld, where she will meet you."

This chapter has been completed!
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