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Chapter 475: Traitor

The leader and follower gently fisted their hands, "That's right, no matter how many people came back just now, if they come and pass by your nose, there will be no escape."

After hearing these remarks, and then peeking at the twitching movements of the big nose, Liu Piaopiao instantly realized something, and her heart suddenly went cold.

Seeing the leader below turn around and walk towards the gate guard, the words "take a bath" that she had heard from the gate guard before flashed through Liu Piaopiao's mind, her eyes flashed quickly, and she quickly walked away quietly, disappearing in this huge

Castle under construction.

The leader of the entourage strode to the guard at the door and asked in a deep voice: "Who came in and out just now?"

The two guards looked at each other, and one of them said: "It's late at night, everyone who needs to rest has rested. There won't be many people coming in and out. It was just you."

The leader and followers: "I'm talking about everyone except us."

The man said: "No one comes in or out except you."

The leader and follower said angrily: "Fart, someone must have come in and out before us. Think about it carefully. If you dare to neglect your duties, I will look back and see how you will be severely punished by the superiors."

Another guard said: "We don't know if anyone came in or out from the front. We just handed over the job not long ago and were on duty just now. After we were on duty, only you came in. There was really no one else."

The leader and follower said in a deep voice: "Go and call the two people who were on duty before."

The guard who answered first said: "You are not allowed to leave your post without permission when you are on duty. We will not be able to bear the consequences if we pursue it..."

The leader and his entourage interrupted: "I'm on an errand under the orders of the chief commander. Go, I'll be responsible for anything that happens. Hurry up!"

Upon hearing that it was Qi Duo's errand, the guard immediately responded and trotted away.

The leader and follower stood there with their hands behind their hands. When they saw Big Nose sniffing everywhere, he waved his hand and called one of his subordinates over, saying: "Go to Big Palm immediately and report the situation."

This is the Zhenhai Division. There are some things that he can't make the decision about because he's not at the right level. He has to ask Qi Duo to come over and make the decision.

"Yes." The man agreed and ran away.

He himself was waiting at the gate with his hands clasped behind his back.

After waiting for a while, the previous guard ran back, scratched his head and said: "The two people on duty in the previous shift have gone somewhere."

The leader and follower glared and said angrily: "Can two living people disappear out of thin air? What are their names?"

Before the guard could reply, Qi Duolai's voice came over first, "What's the noise about?"

Everyone looked back and saw that he was coming. They immediately raised their hands and saluted, "Big Palm Eyes!"

Qi Duolai walked over and asked again: "Have you found the person?"

The leader and entourage immediately reported the situation respectfully, "Not yet. The two guards on duty at the door said they didn't see anyone. They said they just changed shifts and are now looking for the two witnesses who were on duty before. They should see

Who is the person who came back? Now I don’t know where the person who was on duty before has gone.”

Qi Duolai raised his eyebrows and stared at the two guards at the door, "Not long after the handover, I don't know where the person went?"

The two guards were a little frightened.

At this moment, a follower who had followed Big Nose came over urgently and reported urgently: "The Marquis found two corpses in the bathhouse."

As soon as these words came out, a group of people immediately ran away.

After a while of turning around, everyone ran into the bathhouse inside Zhenhai Division, and bumped into Dabi and others who were walking out. Dabi was what they called "Master Hou", whose real name was Wen Hou.

Everyone looked past Wen Hou and saw the two corpses lying beside the pool at a glance. Their original shapes were revealed. They were two apes.

Qi Duolai walked over quickly and saw two apes that were extremely dead. Their heads had been chopped off and there was a pool of blood on the ground. He asked coldly, "Who did it?"

Wen Hou turned around and said: "Based on the smell, these two should be the previous guards. There is also the smell of the target here. It should be that the target we are looking for killed and silenced. Judging from the situation, he died recently. There were no signs of fighting at the scene, nor

If you hear any fighting, the murderer should be someone known to the two deceased people, and it is basically certain to be someone within the Zhenhai Division."

"Kill and silence?" Qi Duolai turned to look at him, "In other words, he knew that he was being followed and that he was exposed?"

Wen Hou nodded, "That should be the case."

"How courageous!" Qi Duolai snorted coldly, and then shouted in a deep voice: "Ring the bell as a warning and send an order to all ministries to immediately seal off the entire Zhenhai Division and no one is allowed to enter or exit!"

At the same time as he ordered, Liu Piaopiao had already touched a room. She didn't know whose room it was for a moment, so she got into the room and quickly sorted out her somewhat messy clothes.

In the bathhouse just now, in order to silence her silently, she, a rather aloof and cold beauty, had no choice but to take off her clothes.

She ran into the men's bathhouse alone and shocked the two men. When they saw her taking off her clothes, the two men were really dumbfounded.

Liu Piaopiao only said, "Who asked you to see it?"

The two men immediately turned around. Before they could even murmur what Qingliu Piaopiao was going to do, and just when they were so excited that they thought they were having an affair, their heads suddenly flew away.

Killing them to silence them was to make Zhenhaisi unable to determine who the arrest target was for a while, and to buy time and space for his escape.

To be able to not rush to escape at this juncture, but to calmly kill people first and silence them, shows that he is worthy of having served as the chief guard in Jian Yuanshan. His experience and skill in killing and decisiveness are revealed at critical moments.

After adjusting his clothes, he quickly took off his swords and hung them on his waist. Then he took off a cloak on the wall and covered himself with it. He opened the window and looked outside for a while, then jumped out and slid along the wall to the ground.

With the familiarity of the terrain and the cover of the terrain, he avoided the secret sentry of Zhenhai Division, escaped into the depths of darkness, and quickly dived into the bustling place with bright lights.

After a while, the alarm bell hanging in Zhenhai Division began to sound "dong dong".

The entire Zhenhai Division immediately became noisy and quickly became a mess. Gu

Yu Fei, the left envoy, and Shan Ashan, the right envoy, were both alarmed. When they learned that Qi Duolai had given the order, they immediately found Qi Duolai and asked what was going on.

Qi Duolai waved his hand, and the two corpses were carried to the left and right envoys.

"There is a traitor within the Zhenhai Division. He has done something evil. Kill two of our guards to silence him!"

Qi Duolai gave a simple explanation and said nothing about following Yu Qing to find someone.

When they saw a murder occurred inside and were eager to catch the murderer, the two envoys on the left and right said nothing and cooperated with the order to seal off the Zhenhai Division.

At this moment, several flying cavalry flew over and hovered in the sky. Zhu Xuan returned from Qianliu Mountain with his entourage.

Seeing the chaotic scene of fire below, Zhu Xuan fell directly from the sky and landed among the blocked troops below.


Everyone, including the envoys on the left and right, bowed and saluted together.

Zhu Xuan walked among the crowd with his hands behind his back, looked around coldly, and shouted: "What's going on?"

Qi Duolai immediately stepped forward, asked Zhu Xuan to speak, and quickly reported the general situation.

"Sure enough, there is a traitor!" Zhu Xuan snorted coldly after hearing this, and asked again, "Are you sure the traitor is still in the company?"

Qi Duolai: "Master Hou is still confirming."

As soon as he finished speaking, a shout came from the distance, "This way."

Qi Duolai immediately stretched out his hand to signal, so Zhu Xuan and other leaders rushed to where the sound came from.

After arriving at the location, Wen Xi stood in front of a steep cliff and pointed to a window on the high wall of Zhenhai Division. "The person came out of that place and left here. It seems that he has escaped Zhenhai for the time being."


"You dare to calmly silence yourself in the Zhenhai Division when you are running away. You are a brave man!" Zhu Xuan kept sneering, and suddenly looked solemn and gave a decisive order, "Send an order to the Hai Clan to stop seeing off guests immediately. Before entering,

All ships in the Nether Sea and Cloud Realm must return with people on board. All ships are only allowed to enter, not to leave. If any abnormality is found, report it immediately. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

"Yes." Someone immediately took the order and went to execute it.

Soon, a group of Zhenhai Division personnel turned into birds and flew quickly in all directions.

Zhu Xuan's order did not stop, "Assign a guard manpower, and after the Marquis identifies his identity, he will accompany the Marquis to continue the investigation."

"Yes." His subordinates accepted the order.

Zhu Xuan also raised his hands to Wen Hou and said: "Master Hou, the matter has come to an end, so I'd like you to continue. Once the murderer is caught, it won't be too late to return to Qianliu Mountain."

"Okay." Wenhou accepted with his hands raised.

Zhu Xuan turned back and continued to order, "sort out the list of all the people in the department who are not present at the moment. No omissions are allowed. All the people on the list are retrieved and detained. They will be released after being screened by Wen Hou. The rest will do their own thing, in heaven and on earth.

Set up checkpoints where necessary, conduct searches where necessary, and conduct a comprehensive arrest of the missing persons in the department on the list. Listen up, if anyone dares to help the murderer escape, don't blame me for being ruthless, he will be killed without mercy!


When he said the last sentence, he glanced meaningfully at the faces of Yu Fei, the left commander, and Shan Ashan, the right commander.

"Yes." Everyone accepted the order in unison.

Zhu Xuan waved his hand, and everyone immediately dispersed to carry out the execution.

Woo woo woo...

The dull sound of conch horns was blown one after another along the entire coastline of Haishi.

People outside the sea tribe could not understand the sound of the trumpet, but people on the docks felt the changes on the seaside, and there was a commotion on the coast with monsters and ghosts.

"The price has been negotiated, and I have already boarded the boat. Are you kidding me if you say you can't carry it anymore?"

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing when you turn, and why are you rowing back?"

"Looking for Zhenhaisi? Why did Zhenhaisi block travel?"

"Oh my God, I have something urgent to do. I can't afford to delay it. When will the lockdown be lifted?"

The ferry boats along the coast are refusing to take passengers, and the cargo ships that need to be pushed have to accept the cancellation of orders by a group of sharks. The ferry boats that have sailed far away and turned into a little light are also turning back one after another.

There was a lot of shouting and asking what was going on. The sharks said that they had no knowledge and were not responsible, and asked them to go to Zhenhai Division to explain...

"Selling flowers."

"Selling flowers."

Yu Qing, who was sitting cross-legged on the floor, was comparing the map drawn by Hu Youli with a piece of paper. The paper was given by Liu Piaopiao. It listed several ways of delivering messages. Some of the places where messages were delivered were really required.

Compare the map to confirm the approximate location first.

This was a crucial matter, and he had to remember it clearly in advance.

The sudden shouting of sales from outside made him look up suddenly, and quickly glanced at the paper. Yes, it was Liu Piaopiao's transmission signal, and it was a message transmission signal in an emergency.

He was quite surprised. He had just received something and was studying it. How could Liu Piaopiao give out the message signal so quickly?

And it’s an emergency signal!

This chapter has been completed!
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