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Chapter 505: Rebirth of a severed toe

There was such a big reaction, what happened?

Gu Qingzhao and Pang Chengqiu were both stunned, but the latter still accepted the order without asking why, and turned around.

"Wait a minute." Qingya suddenly shouted again.

Pang Chengqiu turned around and looked back at him. Gu Qingzhao also stared at him, and saw that his expression was gloomy and uncertain.

After thinking for a moment, Qingya asked: "Are you talking about the three gang members of Gou Tanhua visiting the house in person?"

Pang Chengqiu was a little strange. He didn't know why the other party said this, so he nodded: "Yes, it's the three of them. Mr. Qing, I won't even admit that the three of them are wrong."

"Just the three of them came by themselves?"

"Yes, there is no one else."

"Don't they look unusual?"

"Abnormal? Nothing unusual... Oh, yes, Mr. Qing, the fat man seems to have lost a little weight, and he is also wearing a monk's robe, which looks quite eye-catching. Is there anything wrong with this?"

"Are they not hurt?"

"Injured? No, you can't see it."

"That's strange." Qingya glanced at Gu Qingzhao, who had reacted and was thoughtful, and waved to Pang Chengqiu, "Okay, let's go."

Pang Chengqiu resigned with doubts.

When no one else was around, Qingya asked: "Didn't you say that the three of them were seriously injured?"

Gu Qingzhao said hesitantly: "Yes, the three people suffered a much harsher punishment than you. Tanhualang's meridians were even more torn to pieces, and his cultivation was basically useless. He was secretly taken away by the Underworld Temple for treatment.

It stands to reason that it is impossible to wander around like a normal person so quickly. Besides, the news from my godmother should be correct."

The things she said, including the arrest and torture of the three Yu Qing brothers, and the arrest and torture of Qingya here, have now become secrets, including the fact that the three brothers were taken to the Underworld Temple for treatment, Zhenhai Division

It has been sealed over there. To the outside world, these things have never happened to a few people.

In short, in one sentence, Zhenhai Division has never suspected that these people were the murderers of Wang Xuetang. The murderer was Tu Xiukui from the beginning to the end!

But now Tu Xiukui is dead. After hearing that he was going to be handed over to the people living in Hai City in the Sinan Mansion, he was afraid of being tortured and committed suicide in prison.

Although the person is dead, the evidence of the crime is conclusive. People from the Sinan Mansion secretly observed the interrogation. Some of the evidence of the crimes committed by Wang Xuetang have been obtained by the Zhenhai Division, and some witnesses from Xingluo Island have also been captured.

It is not surprising to outsiders that Wang Xuetang acted recklessly by relying on the power of Earth Mother. He had already done a lot of immoral things by relying on the power of Earth Mother. In the process of the rise of Chalo Mountain, he absorbed the interests of many people, and he did not know what he did.

How many families have been destroyed, and there is nowhere to redress their grievances. How could they be so rampant without relying on the power of Mother Earth?

Basically no one in the outside world knows the truth of the matter. Basically no one knows that the three brothers Yu Qing and Qingya were involved in this matter. The fact that Qingya and Wang Wentian got together and participated in the kidnapping of Xiao Hei was also completely revealed.


The winner will prosper, the loser will be defeated, and those who die deserve their punishment.

Qingya was confused, "It's only been two or three days, and the injury has healed?"

Gu Qingzhao: "I've heard for a long time that the medical skills of Ming Temple are unique, but it's really incredible that such a serious injury can be cured so quickly. Yes, since you are confused, why don't you meet them? It would be good to find out the truth in person.

Yeah, why are you refusing to see me when you are doing well?"

"Okay, am I still doing well?" Qingya pointed to his fixed and tied thighs, and then patted his cheek, "Have you forgotten? The first time we met, he brought Yuza here.

It almost got us involved and scared us half to death. Wang Wentian is still waiting to die in Youya, which is no different from death.

When we met again, we killed Wen Hou from Qianliu Mountain again, and I became a fucking accomplice. This time we met and killed Wang Xuetang directly. If my godmother hadn’t taken action to get me, I would have been responsible for my life.

, even if you escape a disaster, it will be like this. He comes to the door again, can you guess what will happen? It is impossible to guard against it. If you are not careful, the things your godmother told you have not been done yet, I want him to do it first


After being reminded like this, Gu Qingzhao thought about it and couldn't help but frowned and said: "It's true, nothing good ever comes to me."

Qingya: "I'm just confused. Is there no one else alive in such a big sea market? Why do you come to me whenever something happens? Am I familiar with him? He just came out of the Hades Temple, why did he come to me again? He just came out of the Underworld Temple.

I really don’t care about anyone at all. Do you think I am someone who can see me whenever he wants? I can’t tolerate his bad habits.”

Gu Qingzhao: "What should you do with what your godmother told you?"

Qingya: "Don't worry about Godmother. I have arranged for someone to instigate the young master of Chilan Pavilion to come over. He is much more reliable in Haishi than the Wang family and his son."

Gu Qingzhao: "Then you don't plan to meet the beauty hunter in the future?"

Qingya: "Anyway, he can't just come and see me when he says he's coming to see me. I can't let him lead me around. If I want to see him, I have to take the initiative to find him. I can't allow him to come here deliberately."

Gu Qingzhao raised his fan to cover his mouth and smiled...

"He's not there? Where have he gone?"

Outside the gate of Jinghong Hall, Yu Qing was quite surprised when faced with Pang Chengqiu's return.

Pang Chengqiu shook his head: "You won't tell me everything where Qing is going, and it's not my place to ask." After saying that, he clasped his fists and turned around to leave.

The three brothers, you looked at me, I looked at you, then turned around and left together.

On the street where people were coming and going, Nanzhu asked: "What should I do?"

Yu Qing: "Go back to Hu Youlina first."

Nanzhu: "Don't ask anymore?"

Yu Qing: "We don't have many well-informed acquaintances here. We can't find Qingya, so we have to contact that person." He pursed his lips towards Zhenhai Si on the highest ground in the distance, hinting to find Liu Piaopiao.

That's all it can do for now.

The three of them went around in circles. Yu Qing first found a message delivery point to contact Liu Piaopiao, and secretly preset the solution information there, and then found Hu Youli's house by familiar means.

After climbing up to the balcony, I found that the door was locked. I looked at the four balconies in front and behind and found that they were all locked. Fortunately, it was not a "thousand-machine lock". Ordinary locks were just decorations for monks. The three of them directly used their skills to open them.

, and they are not afraid of getting into trouble if they are discovered. The neighbors all know that they are residents here.

After entering, as they expected, Hu Youli was not there, and neither was Xiao Hei.

They saw a message at the top of the stairs, written by Hu Youli, saying that they didn't know where they had been these past few days and it was hard to leave Xiao Hei at home alone, so they took Xiao Hei with them to the streets to do business.

Regarding this, the three brothers can all understand that in this sea market, with Hu Youli's conditions, if you don't work hard to make money, you will really be sitting on nothing. It is impossible to guard Xiao Hei and do nothing.

After seeing the message and knowing that nothing was wrong, the three of them felt relieved. Yu Qing turned around and opened the window again, sending a signal to Liu Piaopiao. He didn't know if Liu Piaopiao could receive the signal in time since he hadn't been back these days.

Mu Aotie sat on the floor, took off his shoes, and unwrapped the bandage on the sole of his foot.

After one foot was released, it immediately attracted Yu Qing and Nan Zhu to come forward, and they all squatted around Mu Aotie's smelly feet.

The two missing toes on the sole of the foot have now fully grown, but compared to the original two mature toes, the newly grown three toes are obviously too tender.

After the other foot was released, the five missing toes also completely grew back.

As long as everything was okay, Yu Qing and Nan Zhu breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise they would have to feel guilty for the rest of their lives.

However, the three of them could not be said to be happy.

Nanzhu muttered, "Let me tell you, after the golden bones spread throughout the body, the three of us will not become monsters like the three owners of Rift Valley Villa, with ferocious faces and two wings, right?"

Yu Qing: "Those three village owners don't have golden bones."

Nanzhu muttered again, "Wu Hei and his son have golden bones. If that's not possible, it would be fine if we could become like them. At least we look normal and have a long life. Maybe we can become masters in the Xuanxuan realm."

Yu Qing snorted, "My life is long and my blood is golden. Do we have it?"

Nan Zhudun sighed, "The left and right side are not close together. If they continue to spread on the vertebrae, will we end up with a good death or a bad life?"

Yu Qing: "The man with the iron mask climbed out of the spring and turned into a man with three heads and six arms. It can be seen that it does vary from person to person. It is useless to worry so much. Just live well and take it one day at a time. At least for now,

It seems that no one related to that mouth spring has lived a short life."

Although saying this, everyone knows that he is comforting himself. God knows if he will suddenly collapse to the ground one day.

Nanzhu smiled bitterly and took off his monk's robe, carefully taking care of it and putting it away, looking very precious.

In the middle of the afternoon, I saw that the window of the monitoring point set up by Liu Piaopiao was half open. Knowing that Liu Piaopiao had received the signal, I closed the window here.

After nightfall, Hu Youli finally came back with Xiao Hei. The two of them didn't know what happened to Yu Qing and the others, so they didn't feel anything unusual.

After confirming their safety in person, Yu Qing and the other two went out again at night because Liu Piaopiao also sent a signal.

After wandering around the bustling sea market, the three of them wandered into an alley, got a piece of paper from behind a movable wall tile, and read the content on it while avoiding the eyes of others.

Liu Piaopiao's reply was similar to what Ming Monk told her. This time, even Liu Piaopiao couldn't find out what was going on. Even her superior Zhenhai Division Zuo Envoy Yu Fei couldn't figure it out. And Liu Piaopiao

My current situation makes it difficult to inquire too much, I just feel that Tu Xiukui is blamed.

After all, Liu Piaopiao knew that Yu Qing had a significant other, "Bai Luosha", and had already guessed that he was Yu Qing's killer.

Unexpectedly, this was the case, so the three brothers rushed to Jinghong Hall to look for Qingya, but Qingya was still not there.

There was no way, they couldn't stop eating because of choking, they could only do what they could do quickly.

The three of them went straight to Beishi and arrived at the Laojingkeng area. They looked around for the signboard of "Lingxi Zhai" and the shop with the emblem of the swimming fish.

This chapter has been completed!
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