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Chapter 514 Dont interfere

Is it fake? Changkong turned back to look at Ming Monk, and realized that it was Master's magic power that was causing trouble. He also realized what the result of the visitor's decision just now was, and that the result was under Master's control.

He didn't know why the master did this. Since he couldn't avoid the customs, wasn't the relationship with Xuan Guogong closer?

If you want to agree to the visitor's request, you can just agree directly. Why do you have to play this trick of "resigning yourself to fate"?

He didn't know, he couldn't figure it out, but he didn't ask any more questions, knowing that Master must have a reason for doing this.

Outside the temple, Long Xingyun and Qingya, who had left the door, turned around and bowed their hands to Changkong who was seeing off the guests. They thanked each other and saw them off. Changkong said politely and closed the door.

While Yin Shanhe was waiting outside, Cui You and Pang Chengqiu each breathed a sigh of relief, saying that everything was fine.

"How are you, Young Pavilion Master?" Yin Shanhe asked.

Long Xingyun and Qingya looked at each other and smiled. They understood at a glance that it was done.

This is not the place to talk, so the group will leave first before talking.

On the way, Long and Qing still looked back at the Underworld Temple from time to time. They still felt like they were dreaming about their previous experiences in the temple. Not only did they enter, but they actually got things done. It was unimaginable...

After that, Long Xingyun told Yinshanhe roughly what happened in the temple. As for the things that he was so frightened that he almost didn't dare to answer the conversation, he naturally wouldn't say anything.

Returning to Haishi, the carriage dropped Cui You off on the way and asked him to go to the inn to pack his things and move somewhere.

As he no longer had any concerns about Ming Temple regarding Tanhua Lang, Long Xingyun no longer wanted to be polite and wanted to live directly in Jinghong Hall.

This is what Qingya means, because once he learns about Tanhua Lang's movements, Long Xingyun will set off immediately, otherwise it will be delayed for a long time and it will be difficult to follow people in the underworld.

In Jinghong Hall, after settling the distinguished guests, Gu Qingzhaofang took Qingya to a secluded place and asked, "How was the trip to the Underworld Temple?"

Qingya: "As my godmother expected, it happened."

Although he was mentally prepared, Gu Qingzhao was still a little surprised, "Even the Underworld Temple can be easily accessed, how can Godmother be so powerful?"

Qingya peeled the peanuts and put them in his mouth, chewing them and hesitating, "It seems like it can be used to say hello, but it's not as mysterious as we thought."

Gu Qingzhao was puzzled, "Isn't this mysterious? A place like the Ming Temple has its own way. Even the great sage's words of greeting may not be useful, but the godmother can easily handle it."

"My godmother didn't do it directly, it was Long Xingyun who won the bet..."

Qingya told the whole story.

After hearing this, Gu Qingzhao was speechless for a while, and then sighed: "In this case, the flower hunter can only blame himself for his bad luck."

Qingya: "Don't worry about his luck, let's talk about what's happening over there first."

After he and Pang Chengqiu went to the Ming Temple, it was inconvenient to pass relevant news and information to the Ming Temple. Any news was told to be passed to Gu Qingzhao.

Gu Qingzhao: "I have no intention of leaving. I am still stuck in that small attic and I don't know when I will leave."

Qingya: "Since Godmother has some expectations, she must have grasped some situation that we don't know about, and it will be soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, Pang Chengqiu came quickly and reported: "Master Qing, someone from the top of the mountain has sent a message, asking you to come over."

The so-called "top of the mountain" is the highest place in Haishi, Zhenhaisi.

"I knew I couldn't escape." Qingya sighed, and then said to Gu Qingzhao: "I'm right, I don't need to say anything, they will naturally come to you." He lowered his head and looked at his lame leg, "Damn,

When it's useful, he opens his mouth to say hello. When it's useless, he breaks his leg and pretends he didn't see it. What do you think I am?"

Gu Qingzhao waved her fan and said nothing. She was always being greeted in Haishi.

Qingya complained, but his body still limped away obediently.

A carriage arrived at Zhenhai Division, and the process was still the same. People were taken into the darkroom and met with the big boss.

Why else could Qi Duolai be so eager to see him? Naturally, he knew that he and Long Xingyun had entered the Underworld Temple, and naturally wanted to find out what this was.

Generally speaking, Qingya didn't hide it, because there were some things he himself did under orders, and it was a result of the steps.

He confessed that Long Xingyun found him and wanted to use his hand to kill Yu Qing. The reason was naturally the old enmity between him and Yu Qing, but he refused to agree, saying that Yu Qing had a background in the Ming Temple and did not want to cause trouble.

As a result, Long Xingyun was also a little worried about the Underworld Temple, so he went to the Underworld Temple.

That's the general situation, but Qi Duolai was shocked, "The monk actually promised not to interfere in his murder of the Tanhua Lang?"

Qingya shrugged, "It's true that he was lucky and won the bet. Thinking about it, with the status of the underworld monk, he should not break his promise. Then again, it is difficult for ordinary people to even get in, so it is not easy for him to get in.

Yes, I have a great reputation, and my background is really incomparable."

Qi Duolai couldn't help but touch his chin and walked back and forth in the quiet room. Suddenly he stopped and asked, "When and where will we do it?"

Qingya: "I don't know, I'm still looking for opportunities. I said, Big Boss, I really don't want to get involved in this matter. That guy uses his power to suppress others and even brought his mother's 'Silver Guard' to intimidate him."

I, I can't help it, just tell the commander to intervene and take care of it, everyone will be at ease."

Qi Duolai was a little puzzled, "How to control it? The superiors don't say anything, and the commander is not easy to control. It will take at least several cave masters to be qualified to discipline him."

"Can't you just order him to stop?"

"Is it useful for Commander Zhenhai to give orders? We give orders and he verbally agrees, turns around and does it. Isn't that going to be slapped in the face? You should know in your heart that there are some things that Commander Zhenhai doesn't know. It's one thing. Got it?

Whatever is another matter."

"Otherwise, Zhenhaisi will find a problem and lock me up, and I will hide from it."

"How long can you hide in the Zhenhai Division? Can you hide and never come out? Later, he came to the Zhenhai Division to ask you what you had done, and came to arrest people. How do you explain it here? If you can't get him out... that guy is a vengeful person.

, His mother is just such a son, and she protects her shortcomings."

"then what do I do?"

"That's your business. We can only report the situation here. As for the decision from above, it's not ours to worry about. But one thing I want to remind you is not to cause trouble in Haishi. If you really can't stop it, you can try your best.

Find a way to pull him further away."

"The big boss is worrying too much. Mingsi promised not to interfere with their affairs. Even if the dog Tanhua dies in Haishi, he won't be able to cause too much trouble."

"Am I afraid that Gou Tanhua will die in Haishi? What I'm afraid of is that the young pavilion master will be killed by that Gou Tanhua. If he dies in Haishi, Zhenhai Division will have great fun, and the position of commander will be great

Whether he can be saved or not is another matter. Then you, the person involved with him, will have to go back to prison and shed a few more layers of skin."

Qingya choked, and after being stunned for a moment, he said suspiciously: "That's not the case. With the protection of Yinshan River, can the one who beats the dog be bitten by the dog?"

Qi Duolai: "I didn't say something would definitely happen to him. I was afraid of what might happen. You know what happened to him since the time when the man who visited Haishi came to Haishi, and now I'm going to tell him about his situation again."

After searching carefully, I found that this person also didn't take his life seriously and liked to light his own body on fire for fun.

That guy is always going to cause trouble wherever he goes. When he goes to Beijing to take an exam, he can cause chaos in the capital. Who can say that he could pull off a "abandoning literature and embracing martial arts"?

Isn't this a mental illness if you want to "take up martial arts" and "abandon literature"? I don't know if this great talent is smart or just a fool.

You and I both know who was responsible for Wang Xuetang's death. He dared to kill even Di Mu's relatives. Do you think he didn't dare to kill the young pavilion master?

We have already seen the murder methods of Lang Huanju. When Wang Xuetang beat the dog, did he think that he would be bitten to death by the dog? Who knows if there would be any accident?

In short, if you want to die, please do it as far away from us as possible, and don't die on our ground. It has nothing to do with us who lives or dies."

Qingya smiled bitterly. He already understood that Yu Qing was going to the depths of the underworld. He would not tell this side yet...

In the middle of the night, Haishi is still full of brilliance and is still the most prosperous place in the world.

The three brothers in black cloaks jumped down from the balcony of the castle in the air, walked through the streets and alleys, and headed straight to the seaside.

The three of them have done nothing to hide their recent behavior in Haishi. They have the mentality not to do anything bad and are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. In addition, they also know that Nanzhu and Mu Aotie's figures are more eye-catching, and those who should keep an eye on them have already remembered them.

Yes, it's hard to avoid people's eyes and ears even when walking from the seaside.

Not long after they boarded the ferry and set off, Long Xingyun and Qingya, who were covered in black cloaks, also arrived, boarded the ferry and left directly...

On the top floor of Haixia Pavilion, there is a lone lamp and a guqin on the table inside the window. Xu Wenbin is kneeling in front of it, caressing the music with his hands and fingers, corresponding to the bright and prosperous outside world.

There is a bit of desolation and desolation in the sound of the piano, and the lights flicker from time to time.

There were hurried footsteps, and E Mei opened the door and walked in. She quickly walked to the piano table and knelt down, looking a little hesitant.

Xu Wenbin suddenly pressed the trembling strings with his ten fingers and turned his head to look at her, "Is it possible that there was no response from the Underworld Temple?"

He was also keeping an eye on the movements of the three brothers Yu Qing. As soon as the three of them went to sea, he knew about it. He also knew that Long Xingyun and others later went to sea. He immediately realized that something was wrong and realized that the three brothers were in danger.

Quickly send people to write to the Ming Temple, asking the Ming Temple to mobilize the sea tribe to help.

On the Hades Sea, as long as the sea tribe is willing to help, saving one's life should not be a big problem.

However, E Mei's expression and reaction made him realize that something was abnormal.

Sure enough, E Mei said with difficulty: "I'm back. The Ming Temple told me not to interfere in the personal grudge between Long Xingyun and Tan Hualang."

Xu Wenbin stretched his figure, stood up quickly, walked to a wall, and opened the curtain hanging on the wall, revealing a route outline with interpersonal lines drawn on it. Among them were Long Xingyun and Qing Qing.

The name of the tooth.

The reason why he found out that Long Xingyun came to Haishi was because he was keeping an eye on Qingya, because Yu Qing and Qingya interacted frequently.

E Mei carried a lamp over to help with lighting, and the light on the picture immediately became much brighter.

"Don't interfere in personal grudges? Mingsi's attitude seems to be related to Long Xingyun and Qingya's previous visit." After Xu Wenbin said to himself, his eyes suddenly focused on the three-character "Lingxi Zhai" mark on the map.

, said calmly: "The people in Lingxi Zhai may know their whereabouts. Immediately send someone to Lingxi Zhai to inquire. If necessary, forcefully pry open their mouths. Be quick!"

"Yes." E Mei quickly accepted the order and left.

Not long after, E Mei came back, and the music in the room started ringing again.

Half an hour later, the bell rang outside the door. Emei quickly went out again. When she returned, she almost ran to Xu Wenbin and reported urgently: "Sir, the door of Lingxi Zhai is closed, and our people forced it open."

I walked in through the door and found that the place was already empty."

The sound of the piano stopped again.

"The building is empty? Aren't people watching all the time? So many things have been moved away, and you can't even see them?"

"It's quite strange. I don't know how it was done."

While banging, Xu Wenbin swept the noise on the strings with his hands, stood up decisively and said: "I will personally go to the Hades Temple and arrange a waterway!"

This chapter has been completed!
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