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Chapter 558 Snake Swallow

 The old man in plain clothes on the altar also stood up, floated away from the stone platform, and landed next to the big-eared monster. With the moonlight in his eyes, he stared at the downstream direction of the lake mouth where the stars and moon were reflected.

The old man's name is Wan Liqiu. He is one of the six elders of Kunling Mountain. He sits in the "Meteor Palace" and is in charge of the punishment of Kunling Mountain. The disciples of Kunling Mountain are very afraid of him.

The lake at the foot of the mountain is called "Meteor Lake". Legend has it that it was created by the impact of a meteor a long time ago. The name of the lake comes from this, and the name of the temple on the mountain also comes from this.

The green-skinned big-eared calf monster next to him is a spiritual beast lying on the ground. Because it usually likes to lie on the ground, it has excellent hearing. It is said that if you are on a flat ground without obstruction and interference, you can hear the sound of fighting hundreds of miles away in the wind.

Here it is called "Earth Spirit".

And the woman who transformed into a big bird with long tail and green feathers is the spiritual beast Yue Pheasant, who has the ability of night vision, and is called "Ye Ling'er" here.

The two spirit beasts were passed down from the previous elder in charge of punishment, and they are regarded as the guardian spirit beasts of Meteor Palace.

Wan Liqiu, who was watching Ye Linger's whereabouts, suddenly asked, "How could an uninvited guest come to Meteor Lake?"

The implication is that the spirit beast around him heard it wrong. There seems to be nothing worth risking for outsiders here. How can outsiders sneak through the many light and dark guards and run here?

The earth spirit continued to speak human words, "I don't know."

As if to confirm, it lay down again and put its big ears to the ground to listen...

There couldn't be only one palace here, and there were other disciples. Ye Ling'er spread his wings and walked through the forest. When he flew in front of a house, he circled around and said, "Someone has broken into the mountain, follow me to search for him."


The Kunling Mountain disciples outside the house naturally knew who she was. No one dared to be disrespectful, and no one dared to disobey her. What's more, the matter was unusual. How could she ignore someone who was trespassing on the mountain? They quickly communicated to each other, and more than a dozen people urgently took their weapons.

The moon pheasant sneaked into the forest to search for suspects.

From time to time, bursts of cold smoke drift over the tranquil lake surface, making the reflection of the stars and moon in the lake become ethereal.

According to Di Ling, Ye Ling'er first led his men to the lower reaches of the lake mouth, and then spread his men to both sides of the river, launching a sweep-style stealth search. Ye Ling'er himself flapped his wings and flew high, in the air

Looking down at the banks of the river shining brightly in the moonlight, he cooperated with the search crews on the ground.

Under the moonlight, the light mist drifted through the weeds on the riverside and lingered among the trees on both sides. The grass and trees were gradually wet with dew.

The two brothers, who were walking and stopping by the river, sometimes flying on the grass, sometimes jumping on foot, suddenly stopped. They looked around with their hooded faces, like masked thieves.

There's nothing you can do about it. You have to cover up your face to avoid being seen. It's always not good to do such sneaky things and run around with your true face on.

Mu Aotie noticed that this stop was different from the previous stop. He was stopped urgently by Yu Qing.

Yu Qing, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and waved his arms to stop him behind him. This caused him to become highly vigilant. He looked around and saw mist flowing in and out of the forest and dancing lightly on both sides of the bank. He did not see anything.


Yu Qing, who was closely watching the movements on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, said in a low voice, "No, someone is coming."

Mu Aotie whispered: "Don't be afraid if we pass by. You can hide in the water. You shouldn't find us."

Yu Qing: "It's not just passing by. It seems like a net has been opened and it's coming towards us. It can't be a coincidence. Damn it, maybe it was noticed."

Mu Aotie didn't know why he said this, and asked in surprise: "There was nothing unusual along the way, how could he be discovered only here?"

Yu Qing: "I don't know. We can't go any further. Get out! If you go into the water, take the waterway first to avoid it."

There was nothing to say. The two of them quickly jumped into the water one after another. They fell into the water so lightly that not even a splash of water was made.

This is not a good thing for the accompanying "Big Head", which doesn't like water very much.

Today's "Big Head" is not stupid. He doesn't get angry when immersed in water. He knows that no matter how much he can burn such a river, he can't boil the water. What's more, he now knows that he is not letting him boil the water. His reaction is the same as before.

As soon as the two of them soaked in the water, it immediately broke away from Yu Qing and came out of the water.

When the two of them came out of the water, it would fall back on Yu Qing.

However, the situation was different this time. Mu Aotie, who had dived into the water, quickly emerged and stared at the "big head" hovering in the sky.

Yu Qing came out immediately and gave Mu Ao a hand, "Don't worry about it. No one pays attention to a bug. If it can't find us on such a small road, it can find it by itself."

Mu Aotie thought about it, and he was pulled into the water by Yu Qing again. They both escaped from the water and quickly moved away from here.

Ye Ling'er's eyes flashed as he approached from the air. He had already seen the reflection of the ripples on the water. It could be said that he was attracted by the reflection. He also saw two heads escaping into the water. He immediately knew that Earth Spirit's judgment was absolutely correct.

It's not like a person within oneself, who immediately swooped down, trying to get into the water to catch it, and at the same time, he wanted to splash out of the water to make a noise, attracting people on the left and right to come together to encircle and suppress him.

Unexpectedly, a shadow flashed past and he almost hit an insect as he dived.

She didn't want to be accidentally bumped into by an insect, so she used her claws very quickly to crush her to death.

This was indeed simple and casual for her, but the result was beyond her expectation. The insect dodges nimbly and avoids her claws.

Surprised, she took advantage of the situation and flipped in the air, waving her wings to sweep away the bugs.

Unexpectedly, the insect dodged in an instant and followed the waving of her wings to come out and quickly escaped.

One blow missed, and she missed again. She suddenly knew that this was not a coincidence. She knew that she had encountered an extraordinary insect, and the location where it appeared was most likely related to someone of unknown origin. How could she allow it to escape and immediately flapped its wings again?

He flew into the air and stretched his neck to chase after him.

However, the escaping bug flew significantly faster, and the distance between the two quickly widened.

Ye Ling'er sneered, and the bird's neck suddenly stretched out, shooting out like lightning. It instantly grew more than ten feet long, and caught the insect in its mouth.

After a successful blow, the bird's neck quickly retracted and returned to its normal length. The moment it pulled back and shook, it also swallowed the insect into its belly.

Then she dodged and rushed towards the ground. When she was about to land, she transformed into a charming female form and stood on the weeds by the river, her figure rising and falling with elasticity.

The group of pursuing Kunling Mountain disciples also quickly flashed out of the forest on both sides.

Ye Ling'er waved his hand and pointed to the river: "The two intruders sneaked into the river to escape. A few people went down to track them in the water. Two more people went to call more people over. The remaining ones continued to search downstream along both sides of the river.


Someone asked: "Will it go upstream?"

Ye Ling'er's charming face showed a sneer, "Don't worry about the upper reaches. If you really go upstream, you won't be able to escape."

The disciples immediately took the order, quickly coordinated, and then launched the water, reported the news, and continued the search on both sides of the river.

Ye Ling'er was about to go up to the sky again and start searching in the air again, but suddenly she reached out to cover her stomach, frowned, and felt the bugs in her stomach making noise.

She didn't take it seriously. She pinched her hands and used her cultivation to suppress the turmoil in her stomach.

Even though she knew the insect was unusual, she didn't dare to swallow it in one gulp even if she wasn't sure. She knew she could suppress it.

As for whether to kill him or spit him out, it depends on the needs of the subsequent situation.

After controlling the abnormality in her belly, she jumped up from the trampled grass branches and took off into the air again to form a moon pheasant.

However, just after fluttering his wings, before he could fly high, his figure suddenly fell down again. After landing, he suddenly turned into a human form, staggered, bent his waist, and covered his abdomen with his hands.

This time, a look of pain appeared on her face, and she felt a burning pain in her stomach, as if she had swallowed a piece of burning coal into her stomach and had to bear it with the tenderness of her belly. You can imagine the feeling.

At this moment, she was trembling all over in pain, and her face instantly turned pale.

She immediately endured the pain and performed exercises, opened her mouth, and wanted to spit out the bugs in her stomach. However, the bugs seemed to have been twisted together with her internal organs, and she could not pull them out even if she tried to squeeze them.

The more it hurts.

She was shivering in pain and fell to the ground.

With a face full of horror, she turned to look in the direction of the Meteor Palace on the top of the mountain. The people there should be able to save her. Finally, she got up with all her strength, and the missile transformed into a moon pheasant, trying to fly away urgently.

Unexpectedly, the torment in his stomach became more and more fierce, and the flying bird suddenly lost control in the air, lost its balance and fell, falling from the branches, and finally fell to the ground.

She turned into a human again, hugged the tree trunk with both hands, blood was already oozing out of her mouth, she looked up to the sky in the direction of Meteor Palace and shouted, letting out a delicate cry, "Elder, save me!"

The person under the tree gradually slipped and turned into the moon pheasant again. Smoke was coming from its chest, and then a red light suddenly appeared. Something broke out of the feathers, and the feathers were immediately burnt.

, revealing a "big head" covered in cracks and red light.

"Big Head" didn't stop, the red light on his body suddenly went out, he dashed out of the canopy and disappeared into the night.

The slowly struggling Moon Pheasant seemed to finally be freed from the pain, but a black hole appeared in its chest.

Outside the Meteor Palace, for Elder Wanli Qiuwan, who was standing on the edge of the mountain with his hands behind his back, this kind of thing did not require an elder from a big sect like him to personally take action. What do so many disciples down there do to eat?

When the desolate cry for help echoed loudly in the night sky above the mountain forest and was faintly heard, Elder Wan's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly knew that something had happened. His beard, hair and clothes instantly moved automatically without wind, and immediately people came towards the sound like an arrow from a string.

Shoot everywhere.

A look of astonishment also flashed in the eyes of the earth spirit, and he leaped out, leaping and running on the tree canopy at the foot of the mountain, as if walking on flat ground.

One person and one beast rushed to the place where the Yue Pheasant fell. Seeing this, Wan Liqiu quickly knelt down and stretched out his hand to check the injury. His face instantly became very ugly, and he quickly pressed down on Yue Pheasant with one hand.

Soon, Yue Pheasant recovered and transformed into a charming woman, but she was still lingering and about to die at any moment.

The earth spirit instantly transformed into a strong man, knelt down on one knee, and asked: "What's going on? Who hurt you?"

Ye Ling'er's face was full of sadness, as if she had predicted something. Her slowly moving eyes stared at Wan Liqiu's face, "Two...two masked men...went into the water..."

Wan Liqiu immediately turned his head and said: "Go and help the disciples of our sect to capture the person. If you want to see the person alive, if you want to see the corpse, it doesn't matter whether she is dead or alive! Please order someone to find a demon master as soon as possible to come and save her."

The earth spirit immediately turned around and ran away.

Wan Liqiu picked up Ye Ling'er, ducked down to the river, cast a spell to save Ye Ling'er's life with one hand, took off the copper bell from his waist with the other hand, threw it into the water, cast a spell in the air, and shook the bell in the water.

It makes a muffled sound, like a beating drum.

A whirlpool suddenly appeared in the quiet Meteor Lake upstream, and a wave rose into the sky. A huge white snake with a rhinoceros horn on its head rose from the lake. Its body was as thick as a large tabletop. It broke through the water like a dragon and swam downstream.

After its body rushed into the river, it pushed out the spray of water that shot to both sides of the river, and sometimes dived into the water to sneak around, causing the river to surge and undulate.

The big white snake quickly swam downstream along the river and searched in the water.

The surging water splashed towards Wanli Qiu, but was isolated three feet away by his cultivation.

Ye Ling'er murmured the word "worm" in her mouth, but the voice was too soft, even she couldn't hear clearly.

Wan Liqiu, whose luck had extended his life, said in a deep voice: "Don't talk, just hold on to your breath with peace of mind!"

This chapter has been completed!
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