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Chapter 617 You lost

 This time, a different person attacked, and a different person fell from the sky.

Someone rushed from above, and smoke and dust quickly roared from below.

Chan Shaoting was fearless. As his magic power gradually slowed down, he was confident that with the power of his "Nine-Point Sword" and the strength to fight, he could be considered a risk-taker.

The movement of the hand was also crisp and neat. When he stood with the sword in his hand, he slapped the handle of the sword with both hands, and the sword turned into nine parts in his palm and spread out like an umbrella.

With a wave of both arms, the nine swords spread their wings like a roc, flying behind them, floating in the shape of a large disc, and spinning rapidly behind them.

As the opponent approached, Chan Shaoting, who was standing at the edge of the pit, pointed upward with one hand, pointing diagonally at the approaching opponent, and shouted loudly, "Go!"

With just this sound, the blush on his cheeks disappeared in an instant, and his face turned completely pale. It can be seen that this blow left no way for him to retreat, and he once again exhausted all the magic power in his body.

For him, there is no need to hold anything back. If he loses, he won't even have the dignity to survive, so he will have to attack with all his strength again.

The rotating nine swords suddenly flew away like birds leaving their nests, then flew away in the same direction.

Even if the dust at this time has not cleared away, the audience can still see flashes of light, like nine dragons snatching pearls, and Yu Qing is the pearl that was snatched away.

Nanzhu and others in the stands had their hearts in their throats.

Wen Ruowei also opened his eyes and murmured, "No!"

If the power of the Thousand Swords Like Rain was astonishing before, but it was also a vertical attack. Just look at the pillar under Yu Qing's feet and you will know that if it blocks one side, it will be blocked. But at this time, the Nine Swords are like living creatures, launching from nine different directions.


It is said that two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands, let alone four hands. It is easy to block one side, but you can imagine how difficult it is to block nine sides at the same time.

What's even more terrible is that the Jian Gang condensed from the Primary Xuan realm can be easily defeated, but not the one in front of you. What is in front of you is a real object, a real flying sword, and it is like a living thing.

From the perspective of the audience at the venue, Yu Qing had no skills in controlling the air and was inevitably running into the encirclement and suppression of the Nine Swords, which made many spectators tighten their heartstrings.

As for Yu Qing himself, since he took the initiative to attack, he had no intention of evading. Seeing the nine cold rays strangled him, he swung the sword in his hand without hesitation.

The dust rumbling upwards from the deep pit also swallowed up the people in the sky and the nine cold lights at this time.

But Chan Shaoting was standing on the edge of the pit, having been swallowed up first.

Everyone suddenly couldn't see anything and only heard a dense "dang-dang" sound.

In the billowing dust and mist, Yu Qing's figure rolled like a dragon ball. He was wielding thirty-six swords in one breath, and he would not be able to use them until later. He and his swords could block all directions in an instant.

Visually, everyone could see that the confused dust in the position where Nine Swords was besieging was moving in a strange shape, as if it was the beginning of chaos, and something was born and breathing in the chaos.

Everyone can tell that the stirred smoke is pressing towards the location of Chan Shaoting at a visible speed.

The fierce explosions in the smoke and dust did not stop. From time to time, flying swords would pop out of the expanding dust, and then turn around and dive back, like dragons swimming and playing in the sea of ​​clouds.

This scene made the audience realize that the power of the Nine Swords did not immediately restrain Yu Qing. Most people could not imagine how Yu Qing could withstand it.

Li Chenghu, who was half leaning on the armrest at the VIP seat, had leaned forward slightly, which showed how concerned he was at the moment.

Wen Xin and Xiao Hong couldn't understand what was going on, they just found the scene of the masters fighting very shocking.

Nanzhu and Mu Aotie really had their hearts in their throats and couldn't put it down.

Zhong Ruochen's hands tightened the corners of his clothes again.

Wen Ruowei stared with wide eyes, as if he didn't dare to miss any subtle changes, as if he wanted to see through the confusion.

Long Xingyun held the folding fan in his hands stiffly on his knees and stared at the place where the battle was taking place.

The fierce explosion in the smoke did not last for a while, and suddenly became less intense.

Chan Shaoting, who was in the dust and forced to cast a spell, suddenly spurted out a stream of blood from his nostrils, staggered back a step, and stared at the sky in front of him.

A group of black shadows came through the sky. It was Yu Qing, who had defeated the nine-sword strangulation, broke out of the net, and stabbed Chan Shaoting with a sword in the air.

Unexpectedly, Chan Shaoting refused to dodge, a twisted look of determination appeared on his pale face, and he continued to cast spells and swords at the risk of his life, hoping to use his body as bait to kill Yu Qing.

Yu Qing, who was approaching, saw his expression and reaction clearly, and instantly realized that this man didn't want to live anymore.

He was shocked, he didn't want to kill him, one Long Xingyun was enough, and if he provoked Guijian Villa again, it would be a pain in the ass.

In shock, he drew his sword, turned around in the air, and kicked Chan Shaoting hard in the chest. This kick was indeed harsh and indeed irritating.

Chan Shaoting was immediately kicked out.

Yu Qing, who turned around in the air, fought behind him again. His quick sword knocked away the flying sword that came from behind. The flying sword came out as fast as it came in.

The spectators at the scene immediately saw sword lights popping up from the billowing dust, but this time they did not turn around and shoot back. They all looked like arrows leaving the string after exhaustion. They fell to the ground without any movement, and were spread again.

It was swallowed up by the flying dust.

In addition, the fighting stopped, and everyone immediately realized something, especially the people at Guijian Villa, who were obviously extremely nervous.

Almost at the same time, a figure flew out of the dust. It was none other than Chan Shaoting. He sat on the ground and slid several feet away before stopping. He supported the ground with both hands. Just as he was about to stand up forcefully, he couldn't help but raise his head. "

Poof! A mouthful of blood came out.

The billowing dust hit him at this moment, as if knocking someone over. Chan Shaoting, who spat out a mouthful of blood, fell to the sky and fell to the ground, and was immediately swallowed up by the dust.

"Brother!" Chan Shaoyun cried out sadly, subconsciously going to help.

Yong Zexue seemed to have expected what she was going to do. His hands were already on her shoulders, holding her firmly in place, and coldly warned: "The competition is not over yet, and no one can intervene."

For her, the rules of the Chaoyang Conference cannot be broken, and it is also her last hope. Maybe her son can still fight? Maybe her opponent is also seriously injured and cannot afford it?

Lying in the confused sand and dust, Chan Shaoting raised his head vigorously and tried to stand up again, but he was exhausted.

He wanted to gather some more mana to regulate his breathing and recover, but his internal organs felt like they were being torn apart, his meridians were blocked, and his chest couldn't even exert force or bear force. He knew that his sternum had been broken by a heavy blow from his opponent.

The moment his mana was drained, the moment he had no mana to defend himself, and he received such a kick, he knew that he had been seriously injured.

He also knew that his opponent was showing mercy, otherwise his kick would have been enough to kill him, who was defenseless.

But he still wanted to stand up and fight harder because he couldn't fall down again.

Suddenly, I saw another figure walking in the dust. There was no one else but the masked Zhang Zhichen.

Yu Qing walked up to him, looked down at him, and said, "You lose."

Chan Shaoting struggled desperately, even though the blood oozing from his mouth and nose was dripping, and even though his chest seemed to be torn apart by severe pain, he still stood up with all his strength, staggering in front of Yu Qing, and said vaguely with blood in his mouth

: "I will not admit defeat unless you kill me. Come on, I haven't lost yet, come and kill me!"

Yu Qing stretched out his hand and pushed, Chan Shaoting immediately fell to the ground with a thud and fell on all fours.

Yu Qingshun grabbed one of his ankles, turned around and dragged him away, just like dragging a big living person like a sack.

Chan Shaoting was still struggling and wanted to stand up, but how could he stand up under such circumstances.

He seemed to know what Yu Qing was going to do to him, and he didn't seem to want to accept that outcome. He scratched and scratched on the ground with his hands, trying to find a place to hold on, but to no avail.

He felt a stone with his hand and threw it at Yu Qing. However, his strength and accuracy were really pitiful. He either missed the stone or hit it without seeing any reaction from Yu Qing.

"Let me go, I haven't lost yet, I can still fight..."

Chan Shaoting screamed for a while, and then started to cry, as if he was begging for blood, but he still had a little bit of Yu Qing's demeanor when he first came to Kunling Mountain.

The swaying dust gradually became hazy, and viewers in a certain direction saw a figure walking through the haze.

Yu Qing, who was approaching the outside of the court, stopped, waved his arm, and threw Chan Shaoting, who was dragging him, directly out of bounds and out of the court.

"It's out of bounds."

"It was thrown out."

Seeing Chan Shaoting falling to the ground and rolling, the audience in the stands suddenly made a noise.

The other seats blocked by the dust didn't know what happened, and they all stood up and looked up.

Yu Qing turned around and fell back into the field. He swung his sword and struck a blast of energy into the air. After one strike, two strikes, three or four strikes, the long sword returned to its sheath with a swish.

Continuous surges of energy cleared the venue, pushing the confused smoke and dust in all directions. The competition venue quickly became a lot clearer, at least allowing people to see clearly.

So everyone saw Chan Shaoting who fell out of the circle, and saw Chan Shaoting who occasionally choked out a mouthful of blood during the struggle but couldn't get up.

Yu Qing, whose face was covered, held the hilt of the sword at his waist and walked slowly towards the main stage.

Seeing this, Wen Ruowei grabbed his sister's hand and shook it hard, his eyebrows were dancing and he looked very excited.

Xiaohong also clasped her hands and fingers together, looking very excited and eager to express something, but seeing the lady's calm look, she didn't know what to say.

Nanzhu scratched his ears, tilted his head and said to Mu Aotie: "Old Fifteen's strength seems to be stronger than we imagined."

Mu Aotie nodded silently.

Baili Xin also looked surprised.

Xiao Changdao and Wu Ronggui looked at Chan Shaoting who had fallen at the foot of the stand, and they both sighed in admiration.

Long Xingyun opened the folding fan again, shook it, and said disdainfully: "It's so dusty that I can't even fold it in and out freely, but that's it..." After chewing in his mouth, some sand fell on the fan, and he was

He slapped it into his own mouth and quickly spit several times.

Looking at the gray environment, it felt a bit silly to swing the fan, so I quickly put the folding fan away.

On the other side of the main stage, several Kunling Mountain disciples had already flown out and ran to provide emergency treatment to Chan Shaoting.

Chan Shaoyun, who wanted to run to see her brother, was held back by Yong Zexue. The latter stared at Chan Shaoting and gritted his teeth and said, "Useless trash, isn't it shameful enough? Give me all.

Let me go!"

She grabbed her daughter and dragged her away without paying attention to her pleading and struggling.

For her, there was no need to continue watching the subsequent competition. She couldn't afford to lose that person.

The staff of Guijian Villa looked at each other in disbelief, and under Yong Zexue's cold gaze, they quickly followed up with their heads lowered.

Only Zhao Qing did not follow them. He quickly got out of the stands and headed towards Chan Shaoting, who was being carried away.

Due to the obstruction of the dust, the main stage could not clearly see the defeat of Young Master Chan. Qin Fujun was communicating with the Kunshan disciples who were watching over there to confirm the situation.

Yu Qing was already standing in front of the edge of the competition venue, not daring to step out easily, waiting for the results of the competition to be announced.

This chapter has been completed!
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