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Chapter 639

 In the dark abyss, Yu Qing and others held glowstones and sneaked in the depths blocked by heavy fog.

They made observations when they came down one after another, and took out fluorite lighting at the bottom of the valley. It was almost impossible to see it outside because the fog below was too thick.

It was dark and humid, with moisture touching my face like raindrops, and there were thin streams flowing on the rugged ground.

Although Baili Xin, who was following behind, didn't know what these guys were doing, she roughly knew where they were at this time, which should be in the abyss behind the Linggu Valley in Kunling Mountain. This made her even more surprised that they could actually be in Kunling Mountain.

Lingshan found this location right under his nose.

She wouldn't believe it if there were no insiders in Kunling Mountain to provide information and relevant information.

The most surprising thing is still that sentence, what on earth do these guys want to do?

Not long after, under the illumination of fluorescent stone, chains appeared in her sight, stretching like ghostly tentacles in the mist.

Rusted and decayed iron chains also began to appear on the ground. There were more and more iron chains as they went forward, gradually giving people the feeling of "dead bodies everywhere". There were more and more thick iron chains lying in front, clinging to the darkness.

Still green vines.

On the blades and on the iron chains, water drops are ticking, constantly creating slight echoes in the abyss, ethereal and crisp.

Finally, a huge thing like a bird's nest wrapped in huge vines appeared in front of them, eerie and oppressive.

Yu Qing stretched out the glowstone in his hand and moved closer to the vine branches to explore.

Suddenly, large drops of water fell from the branches and leaves, as if it had rained heavily.

The vines in front of me began to pull away quickly one by one, and soon a vine-structured corridor was formed, and lights dimly appeared inside.

This scene once again shocked Baili Xin.

Yu Qing took the lead and walked in, followed by Nanzhu and Bailixin, while Mu Aotie was at the back watching Bailixin's every move, which is what Yu Qing said the two of them should cooperate with. Now that Bailixin has been given to

If you bring it, you must prevent it from leaving marks on the road.

The old nest wrapped in vines is still the same, hollow, with many dripping iron chains crisscrossing it, giving it an eerie feel.

Baili Xin's eyes have been fixed on the source of the internal light. At the thick root of the old vine, stood a woman with green hair, green eyebrows and green clothes. She had a kind face and a smile, holding a glowing star in her hand.


Who is this person? Bailixin wanted to ask Nanzhu next to him, but found that Nanzhu also looked like he had just opened his eyes.

There was a crash, and there was a movement behind them. The two of them looked back together, and saw vines intertwined and intertwined, sealing the entrance again.

Looking at Yu Qing and Mu Aotie again, they felt relieved when they saw that they were not panicking at all.

The group arrived and stopped in front of the woman in green.

Seeing the arrival of two new faces, Teng Yaodu Niang took a closer look at Nanzhu and Bailixin, then smiled at Yu Qing and said, "I finally waited for you. I thought you wouldn't come."

Yu Qing: "Now that you have the key, whether we come or not will not have much impact on you."

Du Niang's voice was gentle, "It's quite big. Not just anyone can cooperate. It's not easy to wait until the right person comes to this valley. Are you going in today? There are them."

Yu Qing: "Yes, I am unfamiliar with the place, so naturally I need to bring some helpers."

Bailixin became more and more frightened and confused, where to go?

After confirming that she was going in now, Du Niang stopped beating around the bush and reminded her directly: "Be careful when you go in. I vaguely remember that before the entrance was sealed, a lot of evil spirits invaded the inside. I don't know what it has become inside these years.


Is it evil again? The three brothers looked at each other in confusion.

They are not afraid of evil spirits or anything like that. Yu Qing asked: "How to deal with the 'Queen Bee' you mentioned?"

Du Niang said: "After so many years, even if his strength has been slowly improved, it is still far beyond your so-called realm. You cannot deal with it with your strength."

As soon as these words came out, Baili Xin was shocked, even worse than the realm. What is that? What are they talking about?

Nanzhu was already frightened and said: "Then what are you going to do? Run in and die?"

Yu Qing raised his hand to stop, signaling him not to talk nonsense, because the vine spirit said when she came last time that she knew the weakness of the queen bee.

Du Niang stared at Nanzhu and smiled and said: "Since you are willing to help me, I will naturally not let you die. If you can't do it with strength, then don't rely on strength and take other methods. Do you know the bee swarm?

Is there a distinction between male and female in it?”

Nanzhu asked suspiciously: "Most animals are male and female, right?"

Seeing that everyone looked confused, Du Niang explained carefully: "Most members of the bee swarm are pawns, and only those with the ability to reproduce are distinguished by male and female, and male bees will basically die after mating.


The 'queen bee' sitting inside is actually a drone that has become a spirit through cultivation. Both physically and mentally, he has transcended from ordinary drones.

However, some things he is born with are engraved in his bones and are difficult for him to transcend.

After entering, go straight for about a hundred miles, and you can see a towering giant tree, which is the immortal tree, and it was the fairy palace that the fairy used to live in. "

When Baili Xin heard this, her heart beat faster. She probably knew what these guys were doing, and they were actually looking for the Xianjia Cave again. It seemed like they had found it.

Although she had heard the story about these guys finding Xiao Yunjian, she still couldn't believe it.

How could these three unreliable guys find it one after another in a place where so many powerful forces have been searching for so many years but are unable to find traces?

"'Queen Bee' should be sitting in the Immortal Palace, so after you enter, don't rush to the Immortal Palace. After entering, walk along a ridge that you can see. It is about a hundred miles away. You can see a huge

There is a pit in the pit. There is a plant in the pit called 'ecstasy'. It has golden flowers in full bloom and there is pink pollen in the flowers.

What you have to do is to collect as much pollen from the Ecstasy flower as possible. When collecting it, be sure to cover your mouth and nose and do not inhale the pollen. Although this pollen is not poisonous, it can arouse people's lust. Once inhaled, it will cause chaos.

You can imagine what the human mind will do at that time.

After collecting a certain amount of pollen, bring it near the fairy palace and sprinkle the pollen on other flowers. Then a swarm of bees will contaminate it and bring it into the fairy palace.

Once the 'Queen Bee' eats by mistake or goes into estrus, its inherent defects will appear. Although his cultivation level will not cause him to lose his life like an ordinary drone, he will not be able to use his cultivation level normally within three days, and his cultivation level will be greatly restricted.

If you dare to force the trigger, it is tantamount to committing suicide. This is your great opportunity.

Remember, once you succeed, you must kill him immediately and don't take any chances. Otherwise, you can imagine the consequences when he recovers."

After hearing this, several people were refreshed, but also had doubts. Yu Qing asked: "If the bee colony is contaminated with the ecstasy pollen, it may not be able to be eaten by the 'queen bee' by mistake, right?"

Du Niang said: "Unless he changes his gender, under normal circumstances, he will enjoy the support of the bees every day, and fresh honey is indispensable every day."

Nanzhu's eyes lit up, "You mean, as long as bees contaminated with ecstasy pollen crawl over the food he eats, even a small amount will have an effect on him?"

Du Niang nodded, "He is a smart fat man. Yes, his birth defects, small and large, are enough to have a certain impact on him."

Yu Qing: "We don't dare to approach him, and we can't see him. How can we be sure whether his cultivation is under control?"

Du Niang: "If he changes, the bee swarm will definitely be in chaos. When you see the chaos in the bee swarm, you will naturally succeed. After that, you can sneak into the fairy palace, which is the big tree, between the largest main branches, which is the fairy palace.

There is a gourd vine growing in the main hall of the palace. If you take a closer look, there should be a purple-black gourd growing in it. What is trapped inside is my natal soul. You can pick it off and bring it to me."

Yu Qing: "I made a note of it. Where is the thing we are looking for?"

Du Niang was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Those three fairy springs?"

Xianquan Bailixin looked at the three brothers with twinkling eyes, but found that Mu Aotie seemed to have been staring at him.

Yu Qing: "Yes."

Du Niang: "As I said, I don't know much about this, but there is a spring under the Immortal Palace. I don't know if it is the one you are looking for. You can only know after you go there and confirm."

Yu Qing was silent and then asked: "Besides those swarms of bees, are there any other dangerous things inside?"

Du Niang thought for a while and said slowly: "There must have been some at that time, and those who were left alive were probably killed by the 'Queen Bee' later on."

Nanzhu was curious, "Why does the 'Queen Bee' kill everyone alive?"

Du Niang shook her head: "I don't know why, anyway, he is so cruel, maybe because of the influence of evil. In short, you must remember that once you succeed, you must kill the 'Queen Bee' immediately, and there must be no trace of it.

You must be merciful, otherwise you may regret it too late.

By the way, be careful of those bee swarms. They are called "five-color bees". They have five colors, fly very fast, and the impact force is naturally not weak, especially the poisonous needles. Once injured by the poisonous needles, it is difficult to use medicine or stone.

Doctor, there are ulcers all over the body, and within two days the whole person will turn into a puddle of pus."

Nanzhu took a breath of cold air, "Is there no antidote?"

Du Niang: "There is an antidote, which is the honey they brew. It can be taken internally or externally to detoxify the poison. When you go to find the ecstasy flower, remember to see if there is a kind of grass that looks like black hair and exudes a foul smell on the way. It is called

It is called 'Corpse Hair Grass', and 'Colorful Bees' don't like to get close to it, so they knit it and put it on their bodies to avoid their attacks and avoid their searches when they lie still."

Nanzhu nodded repeatedly, this is a life-saving method, don't forget it, and asked again: "Tell us if there is anything else you want to mention."

Du Niang: "Times have changed, and I don't know the situation inside anymore. You should go in and explore the situation first. If there is anything wrong, come back and discuss countermeasures with me."

Nanzhu: "We won't bump into that 'Colorful Bee' as soon as we enter, right?"

Du Niang: "Don't worry about this. The sun and moon shine brightly both inside and outside the Immortal Mansion. It's late at night and the bees have returned to their nests. It's best to go in at night."

Yu Qing said: "In that case, let's go in and take a look first."

Du Niang smiled and pointed to the staircase made of spiraling vine branches, gesturing to come up.

Yu Qing didn't come back for the first time. Knowing what was going on, he immediately flew to avoid the iron chain and climbed up.

The other three naturally followed.

The top of the vine spirit's lair has been opened. As soon as the three of them reached the top, a vine branch intertwined like a dragon immediately emerged from the lair, winding its way up into the sky.

Yu Qing was the first to grab the vine branch and lift off into the air, extinguishing the light of the fluorescent stone in his hand.

The other three followed suit.

This chapter has been completed!
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