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Chapter 673

Seeing that this guy was serious, Mu Aotie couldn't hold him back, so he could only hold his voice and shout, "Go back quickly."

He didn't need to remind him, Nanzhu had to go back quickly, so he didn't dare to delay, and he headed towards the smoky sacred tree.

Mu Aotie was speechless. After watching Lao Qi disappear above, he quickly looked around and met Baili Xin's eyes. The two continued to put out the fire while being alert to the surroundings.

Nan Zhuti, who had slipped onto the branch of a tree, covered his mouth and nose with his clothes. The rising smoke made him confused here. He tiptoed into the open space, paying attention to his surroundings and looking at the green vines above.

It has to be said that since the brothers came out together, he has become more and more courageous. When he first came out in the early years, it was too late to seek safety, so how could he dare to do such a thing.

It was still very quiet up there on the sacred tree. Not to mention any human figures, not even a flying colorful bee could be seen.

The bee swarms are all gone, and there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices anymore. As long as they are still alive, they all left with Achi and Acheng.

What the rattan demon said was not difficult to find. Nanzhu soon discovered that there was a black gourd-shaped object hanging in the center of the rattan shed, which was easy to see.

It's not that big either, just about the size of an adult's fist and a half.

Nanzhu ducked and hid among several big drums. He leaned there and listened for a while. After repeatedly confirming that there was no movement, he emerged, flew up, grabbed the black gourd, and wanted to pull it down directly.

As a result, the black gourd was pulled down a little, but it was not cut off from the vine. It just pulled a vine into the air.

Nanzhu was hanging in the air. He flicked his feet several times, like a fish he had caught. He pulled hard several times but could not break the gourd from the vine.

Only then did he realize that the vine was unusually strong, so he drew his sword and chopped it.

Unexpectedly, it was difficult to cut off easily, which shocked Nanzhu a little. Fortunately, every time he cut, he could make a cut, so he had to hang in the air and kept swinging, one sword after another.

Go to the same position.

With his Xuan-level cultivation, he finally cut off the vine after dozens of sword blows, and dropped the gourd to the ground.

The sword was sheathed, the gourd was put in the gourd and he ran away.

When he ran to the edge of the clearing, he couldn't help but look back and wondered how the vines grew.

Now that you're here, shouldn't you stop by and take a look?

Then he turned back and quickly walked around the open space. He found the root of the vine above his head. It actually grew in a tree hole in the main trunk. The root system was firmly embedded in the trunk of the tree. It seemed that it was parasitic on the gods.

On the tree, it absorbs the nutrients of the sacred tree and lives.

After finding out the reason, he immediately ran away and quickly slipped down the tree.

What he didn't see was that faint green spots like sweat beads oozed from the break of the vine where he cut the gourd, gradually turning black in the air.

Under the tree, after the brothers met again, Mu Aotie saw that his hands were empty and asked, "Didn't find it?"

"We got it." Nanzhu muttered and pointed to the bottom of his belly.

Mu Aotie immediately understood that a big belly has its advantages. It is not easy to be discovered if something is hung under the belly.

After that, with the three people working together, they finally put out all the fire under the big tree.

The three fire-fighting team did not abandon Yu Qing and took the opportunity to escape. When they came back, they found that Huan Yushan's charred body was still nailed to the tree with arrows, and the three people ignored it.

Seeing that they came back, Yu Qing could only sigh secretly.

Here, facing Xiang Lanxuan's interrogation, Queen Bee explained the situation in the Immortal Mansion.

In fact, it didn't look like an interrogation at all. Queen Bee almost asked and answered whatever she could, and her demeanor was so generous that she didn't look like a prisoner, but more like a casual chat between friends.

As for what cannot be said, don’t ask too many questions. It is impossible to tell everyone because you are not qualified to know.

For example, Queen Bee did not want to talk about the specific situation of the immortals, such as the situation of other immortal mansions, but Lan Xuan did not dare to push too hard.

Even if she says this, there are conditions. If she can really open the fairy palace and leave, Queen Bee will swear a poisonous oath to Lan Xuan to make a guarantee, give Xiang Zhen a way to survive, and give Xiang Zhen freedom.

After thinking about it, Xiang Lanxuan agreed, but there was a prerequisite, which was that Xiang Zhende promised not to leak a word about this matter to the outside world.

In addition, Queen Bee also has another condition, which is to ask Yu Qing to compete with Xiang Zhen so that Xiang Zhen can learn Yu Qing's sword intention.

Yu Qing agreed, but he also kept in mind that he wanted to ensure their safety. If he could leave the Immortal Mansion alive, Xiang Zhen could compete with him at any time in the future.

In the current situation, Xiang Zhen knew that he was also trying to survive, so he was no longer so stubborn.

In the end, with the coordination of Queen Bee, several parties reluctantly made various compromises.

Of course, the premise is that Yu Qing has to find a way to open the gate of the Immortal Mansion.

At this time, the three Nanzhu people who had just returned immediately pricked up their ears as soon as they came closer. They heard the queen bee smile and say: "Xian family treasures? Yes, of course there are."

Xiang Lanxuan, who was trying to ask, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Where is it?"

The queen bee pointed around, "For you, looking around here, there are treasures you want everywhere. The flowers and plants outside are here, and they flourish and decline in a matter of seconds. They can't bear the spirit of the grass and trees here."

Qi. If it can grow normally here, all the flowers and plants you see in front of you are spiritual plants.

You can take as much as you want, you can take as much as you want, but it’s just that they are all infected by evil spirits, so what’s the use of taking them out?”

He waved his hand and pointed at the sacred tree, "The spiritual roots of this world are important treasures in the fairy world, and they are also the best fairy treasures here. You can take them away if you want, but you have to ask yourself, are you so lucky? You guys

Can you bear such a great blessing? Even if you are asked to move, you will not be able to move."

Everyone was speechless. No one could move such a big guy away. Even if he could move out, he couldn't hide it. He would only cause trouble for himself.

Nanzhu tried to intervene at this time, "Da Xingxing, did your injury heal overnight because you ate that honey syrup?"

His meaning is very simple. If it is so effective, what else would it be if it weren't a treasure? If you take a bunch of them out, you will have to make a fortune.

However, for some people, it was a matter of not opening and lifting the pot. Xiang Lanxuan glanced at him coldly and said nothing, while Yu Qing pretended not to hear anything.

Bailixin also turned his head and looked aside, pretending not to understand.

Queen Bee replied calmly: "As long as you can take it away, it is your blessing. You can take as much as you like, but I want to remind you that the honey of this clan can only be used in this fairy mansion.

The miraculous effect of such rapid healing will be much less effective on the physical body outside of this place. For example, an injury that can be healed in one day here may take ten days outside."

"Ten days?" Nanzhu widened his eyes and said, "In ten days, some injuries can be cured with outside miraculous medicines."

"I mean recovery." After Queen Bee reminded her, she asked Xiang Lanxuan, "You should know how long it will take for your previous injury to heal in the outside world. You can make a comparison."

Xiang Lanxuan naturally knew what happened to her injury and asked, "Why is there such a big difference between the inside and outside?"

Queen Bee made an analogy, "Ordinary people living a hundred years outside are considered to have a long life, but here, under normal circumstances, they can live five hundred years."

He raised his finger and pointed at the sacred tree, "I have said that the spiritual root of this world is a precious treasure of the Immortal Family, and all the miraculous effects here are due to its existence and its light."

Everyone suddenly realized it and couldn't help but look up at the huge and towering tree again, feeling endless emotions in their hearts. It was helpless that such a valuable treasure could only be seen and could not be found in front of them.

After making sure that the fire was extinguished and checking around to make sure that it would not re-ignite, the group decided to find a way out.

It wouldn't be appropriate if we don't find a way to leave quickly. Things will be troublesome when Achi and Acheng recover.

Before setting off, Nanzhu, Mu Aotie, and Bailixin went into the sacred tree again.

Regardless of whether they can go out or not, the brothers and sisters all think that they should collect some honey and take it out. Even if the curative effect is not good after going out, it can still be sold as a top healing elixir, which can be sold for a lot of money, at least it is worth more than the gold carried out from the Jinxu.


It’s not easy to come here. If you can leave smoothly, you can’t go back empty-handed. It costs 10 million per year to grow fairy peaches over there at Ye Diandian. How will you live in the future if you don’t make money?

Queen Bee did not stop this. As he said before, as long as they can take out what they are lucky enough to bear, they can take it as they please.

Unfortunately, a few guys destroyed the drum where the queen bee was singing and dancing.

Because they couldn't find a suitable container, a few people destroyed one side of the drum and used it as a vat.

Yu Qing was a little embarrassed when he saw his three accomplices carrying a large drum filled with honey nectar out of the house like magic tricks. Looking at his group from the perspective of a bystander, he realized that they were indeed a bit ugly.

Fortunately, the queen bee just frowned and didn't care about anything.

When setting off, Yu Qing also pulled Qin Fujun from the ground onto his back.

Seeing this, Nan and Mu were a little startled, holding up both hands with a big drum on their heads. Nan Zhu couldn't help but ask: "Old Shififteen, are you crazy? Why did you take this woman out? She

I know too much, and it’s useless now, well, that.”

Indicates to do it directly.

Qin Fujun, who was lying on Yu Qing's back, naturally knew what those words meant. His eyes were calm and he already knew what would happen to him.

However, Yu Qing muttered impatiently, "There's so much nonsense. I know what to do. You don't need to teach me."

If you carry someone on your back, go first.

Qin Fujun's eyes flashed with surprise, and he didn't know if he understood something. He closed his eyes tightly, but his eyelids kept trembling.

Bailixin, who also had a drum on his head, flashed his eyes and followed quickly.

Nan and Mu looked at each other, and Mu Aotie explained, "Let's go, we still have to go through the Kunling Mountains, so we can use them as hostages."

Nanzhu followed him and said as he walked, "The hostage is really going to go out. Da Zhongxing comes forward and uses a shitty hostage. How much is it worth to carry a few more jars of honey out? I said, Old Fifteen

Could it be that you have fallen in love with that bitch? This damn blood feud has already been forged and has no future, so what are you going to do?"

Xiang Lanxuan watched Yu Qing leave with his back, sneered, and glanced at Nanzhu again, "You fat guy talks a lot of nonsense, hurry up!"

At the same time, he also waved to Xiang Zhen, who was carrying the queen bee on his back, indicating that he should leave quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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