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Chapter 677 Fire Attack

 Flying in the air, the big head nimbly shuttles among the stirring vine branches, spitting out sparks to attack, this scene seems familiar.

The sudden change below clearly affected the big head. The spitting of sparks paused slightly, but it soon resumed the attack. The sparks kept spitting out, but it seemed to have no effect on the vine demon. It still attacked, and the situation changed.

Amidst the overwhelming evil aura, a brave and senseless look is looming.

The iron chains tied to the surrounding cliffs also jingled and trembled, and the rumble of the ground being lifted echoed at the bottom of the valley.

The overflowing evil spirits also whirred out from underground cracks.

Nanzhu, Mu Aotie, and Bailixin, who were unsteady on their feet, flew to the huge iron chains one after another. They stepped on one of the chains under their feet and held on to the other with their hands. Their bodies were undulating and swaying, looking at Yu Qing.

Stand alone and control the storm.

Boom! A huge stone on the ground was lifted up, and Yu Qing, who was standing on it, had to fly to a thick iron chain, but the evil thing in his palm still didn't give up.

What he was holding in his hand was none other than the necklace hanging around his neck.


Du Niang was still screaming in pain, and the huge thing that overturned the ground below was finally revealed. It was actually its rhizome hidden underground. Its rhizome was a hundred times as big as its main trunk.

Countless roots are swaying like legs or hands, helping the rhizomes to climb out of the ground. In the billowing evil atmosphere, this scene looks extremely evil and even makes people feel a little disgusting.

The huge thing emerged from the ground, and the iron chains running through its body seemed to have loosened a lot. This scene frightened the brothers.

A large number of vine tentacles erupted from its body again and quickly spread around, grabbing the iron chains in all directions, seemingly trying their best to pull.

The iron chains kept making clanging sounds as they exerted force, cracks began to appear on the mountain walls on both sides, and large cracked rocks began to fall with a rumble.

The senior brothers finally understood what the vine demon wanted to do, and it should be that he wanted to break free from the shackles of this place.

The pulling situation became stalemate for a while. Seeing that the chain could not be pulled open, the huge body of the vine demon suddenly spun up and wrapped around the chain with its body as the axis. Then, using the many vine branches as arms, it continued to pull and continue.

He tightened the chain little by little, trying to use all his strength to break the chain.

The iron chains all made strenuous friction sounds.

Bang! There was a crisp crash, followed by the sound of a heavy iron chain crashing down.

Then not one but one chain after another began to break.

The older chains were broken first, and the brothers were forced to jump on the chains due to the breakage under their feet.

At the end of the iron chain, where it penetrated the cliff, cracked boulders fell down piece by piece.

At a location where the brothers couldn't see, there was a section of the cliff with large cracks from top to bottom, and the entire cliff was trembling.

Suddenly, the tense movements everywhere relaxed, and the thrilling feeling that the world was about to collapse at any moment obviously subsided.

A few people didn't know if it was because the surging evil spirit was gradually weakening.

The tornado-like evil energy indeed weakened quickly. The big tornado turned into a small tornado, and then became as small as a flowing cloud. It flowed out from the huge body of the vine demon and was continuously sucked into the pendant in Yu Qing's palm.

The billowing evil energy seemed to be the source of the terrifying power that the vine demon suddenly burst out. As the source of power was withdrawn, the vine demon became obviously weaker.

Also changing was the face of the vine demon. The ferocious black threads covering her face were quickly retreating back into her body, like tiny snakes hiding in their nests in fear.

Her face gradually changed back to the way it looked when she first met Yu Qing and the others.

When the last ray of evil spirit was withdrawn from her body, her kind-hearted appearance remained the same as before, but she looked very weak. The vine branches stretching out to all sides entangled the iron chains to prevent her huge body from falling back from the sky.

In the big pit below.

Yu Qing put the necklace back on his neck.

Du Niang looked at it from a high position and asked weakly: "What is that?"

She really wanted to know what it was that could quickly drain away the evil energy that had been accumulated in her body for so many years. She was unable to control the leakage of evil energy in her body. The feeling was like the arrival of the God of Death, which filled her heart.

Fear, just want to run away.

Yu Qing himself didn't know what was in the necklace, so how could he tell her? Even if he knew, he wouldn't tell her. He waved his sword again and shouted, "Kill her!"

Several people immediately swarmed up, jumped up and slashed wildly with their swords.

"Alas!" Du Niang sighed softly and did not resist anymore, perhaps because she was no longer able to resist anymore.

Her face disappeared on the tree trunk. The tree trunk was quickly chopped down by several people. But when they cut down the roots, they found that based on their cultivation level, the sword could only cut a three-inch deep hole.

It's tenacity.

If we continue at this rate, I really don't know when we can dismember this behemoth and truly kill this vine demon. Can we go forward at dawn?

Yu Qing stopped and looked around with the fluorescent stone. He didn't know where Big Head had gone, so he called out, "Big Head."

The big head lying on an iron chain flew over and landed on his shoulder, turning to look at him.

Yu Qing pointed to the hole where the iron chain penetrated the root of the vine demon, "Let's see if we can burn her to death."

If I can say this, I want to kill them all and don't want the secret to be leaked.

The big head immediately dodged and flew away, following the chain and getting into the hole.

Nanzhu and the others, who were still slashing with their swords, suddenly noticed something strange on the huge thing, and they all ducked back to grab the iron chain.

All the chains involved were trembling because the hanging vine demon roots were trembling.

Soon, the face of the Teng Yao Du Niang bulged out from the root again, and she screamed painfully and miserably: "What is it, what is that, let it come out, let it come out..."

She could feel that the fire that was burning her inside was not an ordinary fire. It actually had a restraining effect on her demonic body. The demonic body in the burning place was actually incapacitated, making it impossible for her to crush it with internal pressure.

What's even more terrifying is that the burning power that can restrain her is spreading throughout her body along the veins of her body, unless she cuts off her own life.

The great fear and great pain made her plead endlessly.

Yu Qing and others stood by and watched with cold eyes. Not only were they not sympathetic, but they all looked a little excited with swords in their hands. It could be seen that Datou's attack method from within the vine demon was more effective than their harsh attacks.

"What a big head!" Nanzhu even shouted excitedly.

Mu Aotie couldn't help but look back at him, remembering the scene of Lao Qi throwing the big head into the stone bowl.

The pain was so fierce and unbearable for the vine demon that the vine branches stretched in all directions suddenly burst out with a force similar to a dying struggle, once again pulling the iron chains with a creaking sound.

Suddenly, several stretched chains came loose, but it didn't look like they were broken.

The trembling cliff in the darkness finally lost its balance, and collapsed with a roar, abruptly cutting off the entire canyon. The momentum can be imagined, and the diffuse smoke and dust rushed out of the canyon and towards the

Both ends of the canyon.

In a house at the entrance of Linggu, Xiang Lanxuan, Zhao Dengzi and several Kunling Mountain elders were having a secret conversation. Qin Fujun, Yan Yao and others were guarding outside.

The sudden huge movement caused everyone in the house to step out and stand outside looking in the direction of Linggu.

They didn't take the noise of fighting that kept coming in the past seriously because they told Lan Xuan that it was okay.

In Xiang Lanxuan's opinion, the fact that there was still fighting meant that those guys were not dead yet.

Now there was such an earth-shattering sudden appearance. After several people looked at each other, they all ducked and flew over.

Xiang Lanxuan, who was the first to fly over the abyss, pounced down. She flicked her sleeves and cleared the area with strong energy, sending the billowing smoke and dust to the left and right sides of the canyon. She immediately saw something glowing red appearing in the abyss.

Zhao Dengzi and others who followed him in also saw it.

After the group landed one after another, they saw Yu Qing and others who were timid and disgraced, looking like they had done something good.

The four of them looked very embarrassed now, their clothes were ragged, and they had been hit by smoke and dust just now.

Before Yu Qing took out the necklace to absorb the evil energy, they were actually panicked by the vine demon and were almost killed by the vine demon. One of Nanzhu's legs was pierced by a vine thorn.

All four of them were more or less injured.

Xiang Lanxuan just glanced at them. Seeing that there was nothing serious about them, she didn't pay attention to them. Her focus was attracted by the things in front of her that were chained and suspended in the air.

Everyone can tell that it is a large rhizome of a plant. Looking at the pit below, they can also guess that it is the vine demon that has lived at the bottom of the cliff for many years.

The point is that I can't figure out what's going on with the red light emitting from this stem.

After widening his eyes and taking a closer look, he discovered that the wisps of red light all over the rhizome were the veins of the rhizome itself.

How can one's own veins shine?

And the brightness is getting higher and higher.

Yu Qing was looking at the senior officials of Kunling Mountain who had arrived together, and was secretly wondering, how could Xiang Daxing be at peace with this group of people?

When he saw Qin Fujun who had regained his freedom, he couldn't help but glance at Mu Aotie, and remembered to hand over the person to Mu Aotie, but he didn't have time to ask what was going on.


The painfully struggling head on the root was groaning and begging intermittently, and it was so painful that it could not even utter a complete sentence.

Seeing this, Zhao Dengzi's face turned cold, knowing that he had been deceived by this vine demon before.

Xiang Lanxuan turned to look at the embarrassed senior brothers and said in a deep voice: "What did you do to her?"

Yu Qing weakly said, "Fire attack."

Fire attack? A group of newcomers immediately looked around at the hanging vine demon roots, but saw no source of fire.

Xiang Lanxuan asked bluntly, "Where did the fire attack come from?"

Yu Qing hesitated and said: "It put a fire in her belly."

Is that so? A group of people even ducked and circled around the vine demon, but they couldn't tell what spell was used.

After just a moment, the vine demon's struggling head stopped twisting, maintaining a painful look on his face, and his weak whining sounds completely disappeared.

More importantly, everyone finally saw the power of fire attack.

The hanging rhizome glowed red all over, and it was very hot, like a huge piece of coal that was completely red-hot. An open flame also appeared, and the flames burned blazingly.

Such a big guy could actually be burned out from inside. A group of people looked at Yu Qing and others from time to time.

Qin Fujun suddenly said: "Master, they also killed our Kunling Mountain disciples."

Yu Qing and others looked and found that she was pointing at them. They all became nervous. With their little strength, they were no match for Kunling Mountain. They immediately looked at Xiang Lanxuan nervously. This woman had promised,

As long as the sealed exit can be opened, they will be spared.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Dengzi, the head of Kunling Mountain, said calmly: "I understand, the sect will handle it on its own."

The meaning of overshadowing in one sentence is obvious.

Qin Fujun seemed to want to say something else, but her master, Wan Liqiu, stretched out his hand to stop her, signaling her to stop talking.

Don't talk about her, Yan Yao and others also looked at this scene in surprise, not knowing what it meant.

Suddenly, there was a roar and flames shot out.

Perhaps because of the weight of the iron chain itself, the red-hot roots suddenly disintegrated, and charcoal fire flew everywhere. People around them waved their sleeves and cast spells to resist.

Some of the radiating firelight fell above Yu Qing, extinguished, and landed directly on Yu Qing's shoulder, which was the big head.

Yu Qing turned to look at the big head on his shoulder and breathed a sigh of relief. Just now he was worried that these people would find out that the big head set the fire.

Of course, he is now more worried about how Kunling Mountain will deal with them because of Qin Fujun's words.

A large amount of charcoal fire fell into the pit below, and the iron chains freed from the restraints of the roots were shaking. The area that was once restrained was burned red, and the fire spread and burned to the surrounding vine branches.

This chapter has been completed!
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