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Chapter 70 The Secret of Calligraphy and Painting

He is very familiar with this metal shaft barrel, and he can even remember the pattern on it, because he also owns one.

There are two of these objects, and they were made by Ajiezhang, who was the doctor of the Ministry of Yu at that time. One of them is in Ajizhang’s hands, and the other one was given to him for safekeeping.

Zhong Su took it in his hand and looked through it carefully.

Yu Qing was slightly surprised. He felt that Mr. Zhong's hands seemed to be shaking when he took the object. Doubts flashed in his mind. How could this person regard a broken painting as so important with his financial resources?

 When I thought about it, maybe it was because it was my daughter’s betrothal gift.

But a doubt that had occurred in my mind once again flashed across my mind. How could these two families use a broken painting as a betrothal gift for their children's lifelong event? Especially given Ajiezhang's status at that time.

Judging from Zhong Su's reaction, he had a vague feeling that this painting might not be that simple.

He couldn’t help but remember that Ash Heng had repeatedly told him that this painting should not be lost. He felt that Ash Heng seemed to be hiding something from him.

After looking through it, Zhong Su unscrewed one of the lids and poured out half of the painting, which was as thin as silk. He knew it was right just by the texture of the canvas. When he spread out his hands to take a look at the painting, his eyes became more and more colorful.

, yes, it is the cropped other half of the painting he has seen, there is no mistake.

There is still half of the book in his hand, and now both half sheets are in his hand.

 He was restrained on the surface, but actually he was filled with excitement.

 In addition to being excited, I sighed again and again, and sighed again and again.

 Others don’t know the meaning of this calligraphy and painting, but he knows it clearly.

It was precisely because of this calligraphy and painting that he came together with Ajiezhang, the former doctor of the Yu tribe.

At that time, Ajiezhang was in charge of the Yu tribe and was very powerful, but he was just a small businessman. Logically speaking, it was difficult for the two of them to have any connection. He wanted to curry favor with him, but the status gap was so different that it was difficult to meet him and he couldn't curry favor with him at all.


Just because he inherited his wife's family business at that time, and some rumors were not good to hear, he was not willing to just stick to Wen's shop, so he tried his best to get in touch with the Ministry of Industry, and finally got a job from the Ministry of Industry.

I found some small-scale work and organized a group of people to run into the mountains frequently. It was then that I came into contact with Yubu.

One day, his working team suddenly received an emergency call from the Yu Department. Several other teams were called at the same time. After arriving at the scene, they found out that Ajiezhang, the doctor of the Yu Department, had also arrived from the capital, and he had also arrived from the capital.

There are many people from Sinan Mansion.

 After that, a group of people followed the instructions and entered the depths of a mountain with dangerous terrain. When they arrived at the location, they learned that they were going to dig an ancient tomb.

After digging out the epitaph, he found out that the person buried here was actually a former general. He didn't know how these people in the capital found the clues of the ancient tomb in such a secret place. In short, they must have done the digging of the tomb, and it took a lot of effort.

After digging the entrance with difficulty and entering the tomb, I found that it was like an underground maze.

However, what he didn't expect was that there were evil spirits guarding the tomb in the ancient tomb.

What he experienced after that was a horror that Zhong Su would never forget. There were constant sounds of fighting and screaming, or frightening sounds, and people kept falling. It almost scared him out of his wits. The people he brought were all ordinary coolies, so how could they bear it?

Live, everyone is dead.

He also thought he was dead, and he didn't know how he came out alive in the end. In short, he ran away when he saw a way that felt like a way to survive. He ran away completely based on instinct and feeling. In the end, he really escaped from a deep pit in a daze.

Climbed out.

However, as soon as he climbed out of the pit, he witnessed an incredible scene. A person from the Sinan Mansion seemed to be seriously injured. He had obviously just escaped from the underground. He was holding a long bronze box in his hand and was looking towards Ajizhang who was waiting outside.

Report the situation, say that if you find it, you can notify everyone to evacuate.

 As a result, Ajiezhang took advantage of his unpreparedness and suddenly stabbed the seriously injured Sinan man to death with a sword.

The latter was caught off guard and struck back hastily, hitting Ajiezhang with one palm and sending him flying away, causing him to vomit blood.

The people from Sinan Mansion also fell precariously into the deep pit below and were penetrated by a stalagmite.

Zhong Su was really shocked, he didn't expect to see this scene.

 Ajizhang also saw him, got up with his sword in hand, and walked towards him.

 He sensed something was wrong, got frightened, and naturally ran away.

Ajiezhang was seriously injured and could not catch up with him in the rugged mountainous terrain. He was unable to silence him, so he called to him and told him some of the situation.

 It is about this tomb.

There have been rumors in the spiritual world that there are several blessed places in the world where immortals live, and one of them is called "Xiaoyunjian".

It is said that before the immortal of "Xiaoyunjian" returned to the fairy world, he dismissed the maid who served him. The maid returned to the human world and married a general. Later, the maid contracted a serious illness and revealed her past of serving the immortal before she died.

, and gave a calligraphy and painting to the general, saying that the painting was a map she had drawn, and that the location of 'Xiaoyunjian' could be found based on the map. Then there was a war to subjugate the country, and the general died in the battle, and followed him in a bloody battle.

His henchmen snatched his body and fought their way out of the siege at the risk of their lives. After that, no one knew where the general was buried.

It is rumored that the calligraphy and painting that can be found in the Immortal Cave and Paradise has been buried with the general.

It is said that the source of the rumor came from the henchmen who buried the great general. The man told the secret to his descendants before his death. However, the descendants became greedy and were unable to achieve it alone. When they found someone to cooperate, the secret leaked out.

Because of this rumor, those who are looking for the remains of the Xian family want to find the tomb of the general, and the best way is naturally to find those who participated in the burial of the general.

 No one knows whether anyone has found the general’s burial place since then. As the years have passed, the rumor has become nothing more than a legend circulated in the world.

Hearing this, Zhong Su had roughly guessed who owned the ancient tomb dug this time.

 Sure enough it is.

All traces of the ancient tomb that had been annihilated over the long years have been covered up in dust. Ajiezhang said that he did not know where the Sinan Mansion was dug up from. Looking for clues, he actually found the ancient tomb, which means that the rumors are probably true.


Judging from the excavation, there were actually evil spirits silently guarding the tomb in the ancient tomb, which was obviously abnormal. Ajiezhang suspected that the general had been to the 'Xiaoyunjian' before his death. What's more, the person who came out of the tomb was

Sinan Mansion personnel have found the calligraphy and painting buried with him.

 Because of this, Ajiezhang killed the Sinan Mansion official and silenced him!

Just because Ajiezhang didn't want the unearthed calligraphy and paintings to spread out and cause harm to the country and the people. He had been in the Yu tribe for many years and knew how much this kind of search to open up mountains and open up new lands cost the people and money. He already deeply hated the emperor's behavior of searching for immortals.

Zhong Su was puzzled at the time and asked, in this case, wouldn’t it be a good thing if the emperor found the magic of immortality, and he would no longer have to waste money and people to search for it?

Ajiezhang said that his thinking was too simple, saying that if the emperor lived forever, the father and son of the royal family would kill each other, and the royal family of Jin Kingdom would be the target of public criticism.

Ajiezhang asserted that if the emperor lived forever, it would be the beginning of great chaos in the Jin Kingdom, and countless people would fall into a catastrophe!

In short, Ajiezhang was unable to kill Zhong Su to silence him because of his injury, and he did not want Zhong Su to reveal the secret, so he had to negotiate terms with Zhong Su and later concealed the secret together.

Later, the legend of the ancient tomb may be just a legend. Later, more people came to the Sinan Mansion and had another battle with the evil spirits in the tomb. They searched the ancient tomb but could not find the legendary treasure map.


 Fortunately, this kind of thing seems to be commonplace in Sinan Mansion. It has been the same for many years of verification of various clues. There is no fairyland that is so easy to find. It would be a pity to waste all the efforts.

 Later, Zhong Su received the rewards promised by Ajiezhang.

 For a businessman to make a fortune, it does not necessarily have to be smooth sailing, nor does it have to be very capable. Sometimes, only one opportunity in a lifetime is enough.

 Under Ajiezhang's quiet arrangement, Zhong Su naturally got the chance to change his destiny.

 His wife Wen Jianhui does not know these things and will not tell her.

In order to appease Zhongsu and to make both parties feel at ease, Ajiezhang even lowered his rank and made an engagement between his own son and Zhongsu's daughter.

That calligraphy and painting was split into two at that time.

Zhong Su had no way of looking back after being involved in such a secret. He hid it for many years without reporting it. Once discovered by the court or the Sinan Mansion, he still didn’t know what would happen.

 But at that time, I risked my life to change my destiny. After I got what I wanted, it was already too late to regret it.

Seeing this half of the painting again now, with the past events still fresh in his mind, I wonder how Zhong Su could not be filled with emotion.

 This is also a token, a token that confirms the identity of ‘Ashiheng’.

Although he could pass the Lizhou Provincial Examination, and the Lizhou people must have tested the authenticity of ‘Ashiheng’s identity, he could feel completely at ease after seeing this thing. After all, Ajiezhang could not tell others the secret of this thing.

After reading and confirming half of the calligraphy and painting, Zhong Su put it back into the metal barrel and stuffed it into his sleeve. He was finally able to speak confidently, "Shiheng, you also know about the engagement, and you also took the initiative to deliver the wedding gift to your door."

Now, since I have an appointment with your father, I will not break my promise. Let’s do this, your parents are no longer here, and we will take care of some things for you. We adults will take care of your juniors’ weddings. You can prepare for the exam with peace of mind. After the exam,

Let you young couple choose an auspicious day to get married."

“…” Yu Qing’s head buzzed and he was a little confused, so he blurted out: “So fast?”

 What do you mean? Zhong Su's face instantly turned ugly, "Have I wronged you?"

As soon as Yu Qing finished speaking, he realized that he had said something stupid and quickly changed his words: "Uncle, that's not what my nephew meant. What I mean is that my nephew has accomplished nothing so far and is really ashamed. He will wait until he is named on the gold list to become famous again."

It’s not too late to just marry your beloved.”

It turned out that he felt that he was not worthy. Zhong Su's face brightened slightly and he asked calmly: "Then when do you think you can be named on the gold medal list?"

Yu Qing said awkwardly: "This... my nephew doesn't know yet, but he will definitely try his best."

Zhong Su said in a deep voice: "You mean, if you fail to pass the exam in one session, my daughter will have to wait for you for another three years? If you fail to pass the exam in ten sessions, is it possible that my daughter will have to wait for you for thirty years? With Ruo Ruo

Women of the same age as Chen have children all over the place. How many girls in their late twenties have you seen whose families are still unmarried? If you think my daughter is not good enough for you, you can tell her directly. I will never force you to do so.


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