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Chapter 756 Weeping

This sound immediately alarmed Shen Wukong, Shen Jinchan and Guyang. They looked at the entrances of the nine passages one after another. What was strange? What could be strange here?

But then again, the environment of this place is obviously different from other underground passages, which they discovered as soon as they arrived.

But this voice irritated Wei Yue. He glanced at Duan Yunyou coldly and said coldly between his teeth, "Are you talking too much?"

If there is any strangeness or secret, he can leave it to himself to digest slowly. There is no need to share it with others, especially the people in front of him. Even if he fails in the competition, he does not want others to get any advantage.

What's more, he still has the Liang Ban card in his hand, so he is naturally in charge of the suspicion of Jiudaokou. Maybe the Toad King is related to this place.

Seeing that Wei Yue was dissatisfied, Liang Ban glanced at Duan Yunyou and said dissatisfiedly: "Leader Duan, it's not your turn to make the decision here."

Duan Yunyou couldn't think of anything to say about what had not happened, so he could only say yes in embarrassment.

The three gang leaders who were secretly planning to join forces to launch a surprise attack were immediately distracted, and their attention was directed to these nine entrances.

The people sent by the three families to investigate came back and said they found nothing. They said that the stalactite space at the end was a dead end. The three gang leaders were reminded but they suspected that it was not that simple. They felt that the Zhenshan Gang might have some secrets, so they asked the following to organize manpower.

Explore again.

Duan Yunyou secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. Although Wei Yue and Liang Ban were unhappy, the possible crisis should have been resolved temporarily. It should not be difficult to find out the strangeness of Jiudaokou if you pay attention to it. Before you don't know the reason,

Those three families should not act rashly.

Sure enough, the three major gangs soon discovered the strangeness of the connection between Jiudaokou and Badaokou. Is the key to the competition behind the mystery? For a time, the major gangs were stuck in this research and thinking.

Duan Yunyou wanted to take the opportunity to take the people away, but Liang Ban and Wei Yue refused to let him go. He could only complain secretly, not knowing what he would face next.

Yu Qing and others who were being escorted didn't care whether they should return the way they came. Anyway, there were so many people escorting them, so feel free to deal with poisonous insects and the like. It would be better if they could force the escorts back, and they could accidentally bump into the three-legged crow.


He didn't know whether the three-legged crow escaped or was caught by the monks outside as soon as it left the Wanhe Pond. As long as it could fall into the hands of the monks outside, he believed that Nanzhu would definitely use the three-inch

Don't be shy to fight for the acquisition.

Of course, his biggest doubt is over Jiudaokou. How did the three-legged crow appear out of thin air?

He had a vague feeling that there seemed to be some secret passage there.

In fact, the three-legged crow he was thinking about couldn't escape from Wanhe Pond smoothly.

It was not because of the poison in the cave. It could see in the dark, fly and dodge very quickly, and its three sharp claws and sharp beak were not decorations. It could be said that it traveled as usual, but the tunnel that had been destroyed by the Shanhai Gang was...

It became the biggest obstacle for it to escape.

It fell on large and small rocks, scratching the rocks with its claws to no avail. It could only get up and fly back to find another exit.

However, it was flying around and had no idea what was going on in the underground passage. It couldn't find any exit, and all the passages leading upward seemed to have collapsed.

It kept running into walls and searching, until it finally seemed to be in despair. It gave up flying and landed on a big rock. Its wings drooped down and landed on the rock. The bloody wound on its back was also exposed. You could see it.

It seems to be very tired.

And some things seemed to be more uncomfortable than fatigue. The tears in its golden eyes fell sadly, and a "whimpering" sob came out of its mouth.

It doesn't make a sound, but when it does make a sound, it seems to have strong appeal. It does not refer to the appeal of emotions, but the appeal of sound transmission.

The sound is obviously not loud, but it ripples away instantly. As long as there is a connected space, it is the path of propagation.

The voice was sad, it was a woman's voice, the sound quality was clear and touching, with a sense of nature, but it was a pitiful cry, as if full of sorrow, this cry was truly a cry from the heart.

There were gaps in the piles of large and small stones, and the sound quickly spread to the outside of the cave through the large and small gaps. The Shanhai Gang squatting outside looked around in surprise and listened attentively.

Perhaps because the cry was too close to the outside exit, people outside Wanhe Pond flashed. People from Gongshan Hall, left-behind personnel from the Five Gangs, Nan Zhu, Lian Yu and others all ran to the pond to look around.

You can clearly hear the woman's cry. Perhaps because the distance is too far, the sound is slightly ethereal and adds a sense of mystery, floating in the "big bowl" of Wanhe Pond.

Everyone stopped all movement and listened attentively.

"Why are there women crying, crying so sadly? A bunch of men are bullying women down there?" Huniu muttered.

Lian Yu said, "What nonsense are you talking about? This cry is obviously abnormal. How can a normal cry spread so widely?"

"What the lady boss means is that someone did it deliberately?" Huniu asked in surprise, then hesitantly said: "It doesn't sound like the sound of a magic amplification. This cry is indeed very abnormal."

Lian Yu turned his head to look at Nanzhu and asked, "Fat man, tell me, what's going on?"

Gongshan Hall had sent people to search the surrounding area, but no trace of Nie Rifu was found. The results were also informed to her, but she did not leave or stay at Gongshan Hall.

He has been staying near the shop "Dang Zi Zi".

She had no choice but to tell her that there was something wrong with Yu Qing and his gang. Now that she couldn't keep an eye on Yu Qing and his gang, she could only keep an eye on Yu Qing and his accomplices.

"Uh..." Nanzhu, who was also listening attentively, was stunned. He was very surprised. Was he talking to himself? He looked around.

Lian Yu snorted, "I'm so ignorant. Is there a second fat man here?"

Nanzhu found that this woman was so uneducated, all her brains were on her face. She just knew how to take off her pants. If she had the ability to leave Nie Rifu and give it a try, she would be considered capable if she could keep the wealth in her hands.

Fortunately, he was still the graceful fat man. After thinking about it, he replied: "I don't know, maybe it was the people participating in the competition who made some noise."

Lian Yu tentatively asked, "Don't you want to go down and have a look?"

Of course Nanzhu wanted to, but it was difficult to handle. Hehehe said: "We are only doing business in picking mountains, and we will not participate in this kind of robbing thing."

Huniu gave this fake Tiaoshan Lin a slight look of disdain...

Deep underground, Yu Qing and others suddenly stopped and listened.

People from several gangs in Jiudaokou also became quiet and listened.

Everyone could tell that the strange sound this time did not come from underground, but seemed to come from above. Moreover, the sound this time was particularly pure, much cleaner than the noise like howling ghosts and howling wolves.

I don't know if this woman's cry had an effect, but the frightening wail that continued to echo in everyone's ears suddenly disappeared, making a group of people in Jiudaokou look at each other in shock.

Gu Renshan led a group of people to a collapsed area.

The people guarding here quickly moved out of the way, and one person explained: "Gang leader, the crying seems to be coming from behind this collapsed place."

Gu Renshan listened and couldn't help but nodded slightly. He felt that it was indeed the case. He heard it very clearly here, and the sobs seemed to be right next to his ears.

Wei Ji said: "This crying sound is very strange. Do you want to dig it out and take a look?"

Gu Renshan asked back: "How do you know it's not those families who are causing trouble? Maybe they are waiting for us to dig out. The way out is in our hands. No matter what kind of ghost is going on inside, it will always come out."

After a pause, he added, "So far, there has been no fighting at the level of robbery inside."

Wei Ji nodded silently after hearing this.

At this moment, they all suddenly raised their heads and looked at the blocked collapsed rocks, because the crying suddenly stopped and the scene suddenly became quiet.

Behind the collapse, which was about ten feet away from them, the three-legged crow that fell on the stone and cried suddenly struggled in fear, trying to flutter its wings to escape, but it was obviously oppressed by something, and an invisible oppression prevented it from flying away.

It could see in the dark, turned around and saw a man in a black cloak opening his claws towards it. A force of magic clamped it down in the air, and then it floated up, slowly reaching the cloaked man.

in the palm of your hand.

Not knowing what the other party was trying to do, it struggled desperately but couldn't get away.

The cloaked man inspected the whole thing and saw its physical weakness. He raised his other palm and immediately felt a refreshing and soothing fragrance flowing out.

A cloud of purple mist was released from his palm, descended slowly, and slowly gathered at the wound of the three-legged crow. Then a magical scene appeared. The bloody wound of the three-legged crow was healing at a speed that could be seen. The effect was simply amazing.


The three-legged crow obviously felt this feeling of comfort. It was so comfortable that he couldn't help but close his eyes, and his gloomy eyes were quickly regaining their energy.

After its wounds were fully healed and even the damaged new feathers quickly grew, the cloak stopped the treatment.

The three-legged crow fell into the palm of his hand and looked at him, only to find that the cloaked man was also staring at him. He realized that this man could also see in the dark, so he closed his eyes and let himself be manipulated. He obviously knew that the other man was powerful.

, I can’t escape by myself.

The man in the cloak suddenly spoke slowly: "It is rumored that the three-legged crow can speak the sounds of nature, but the rumors are just rumors passed down by word of mouth, and no one can tell for sure. In order to verify it, I caught many three-legged crows here.

I have always wanted to hear what kind of natural sound it is, but in the end, each one would rather die than make any sound.

I thought the rumors were wrong and I thought I wouldn't speak up at all, so I gave up a long time ago. But today I found out that it wasn't that I couldn't speak, but that I just didn't bother to speak to me.

Today I know that the rumors are true, the three-legged crow can indeed spit out the sounds of nature, but why is this sound of nature a crying voice? No matter how beautiful the voice is, and it cries endlessly, how can it be worthy of being a sound of nature? "

Speaking of this, he stared at the three-legged crow, as if he wanted to wait for its response, but the three-legged crow still closed its eyes and showed no reaction.

So he added: "Now I finally understand what's going on with the cries of ghosts and howls of wolves that come from time to time in the cave. They should all be coming from your own race, right?"

Seeing that the three-legged crow still didn't react, he didn't take it seriously.

As he said, it was not the first time he had caught a three-legged crow, and it was certainly not the first time similar questions and answers had appeared, so he was used to it.

After thinking for a while, he added: "I told you that I had given up my curiosity about you three-legged crows a long time ago. I thought I would never be interested in you again in this lifetime. Who would have thought that some people suddenly appeared recently and came to Jishan in this day and night?"

I have tried my best to find out about you, the Three-legged Crow. I have never heard of anyone being so concerned about something as trivial as the Three-legged Crow. This may be the first time in countless years. Why are they trying to find out about you?"

The three-legged crow in his hand suddenly moved and opened its eyes to look at him.

There was a slight smile in the cloaked man's voice, "It seems I guessed right, you can actually understand human speech."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head and looked into the depths of the cave, suddenly drifting away like a phantom.

After a while, a large group of people rushed here shouting, and several escort groups headed by Yu Qing arrived.

Someone said strangely: "Hey, why is it blocked? The crying should be coming from this passage."

They followed the sound to check the situation, but found nothing but collapsed rocks.

Under the illumination of the fluorescent stone, Yu Qing suddenly fixed his gaze and stared at a big stone in front of him. He reached over and picked up a black feather with a slight green light from the big stone, and looked at it carefully in front of his eyes.

He had seen the three-legged crow in Youjiao Port, and even examined it, so he recognized it at a glance as the feathers of the three-legged crow.

Mu Aotie naturally recognized it at a glance. The two subconsciously quickly checked the corners of the collapsed stone pile, but after searching for a while, they found nothing.

The two people who stopped looked at each other and both had the same idea. The three-legged crow must have been here just now. So what was the crying sound that seemed to come from here just now? Could it be related to the three-legged crow?

Their judgment was correct. This fallen feather was dropped by the three-legged crow when it was restrained and struggling.

Thank you to the new leader "Zuo Xiaojin" for your support!

This chapter has been completed!
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