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Chapter 782 Not difficult to deal with

The reason why she wanted to sneak back was actually to some extent because her ideas were different from those of her tribe.

In her opinion, since her own clan cannot solve the problem of evil spirits, why not seek changes in methods and methods? Why not try with the help of outsiders?

Although she convinced the clan members and the clan leader, it was just a try. No one, including the clan leader, obviously believed that the people she brought could solve the problem. She was willing to give it a try because she was working hard for the clan members.

Bringing back the reason for the Tianyi Order.

This is not the "try" she wants. Since she has decided to try it with the help of external forces, she should expect that external forces can achieve her goal.

Thinking of this, she finally decided to reveal some information to encourage these people to do it bravely. She raised her eyes and said, "Actually, those evil spirits are nothing, they are just some animals in Penglai Mountain that have been alienated by evil spirits."

Yu Qing was quite skeptical about her statement, "Is your name Xiaoqing?"

"The ears are quite pointed, yes."

"Miss Xiaoqing, you have lied to us a lot before. We were deceived by you. Are you sure the evil spirits here are as simple as you say?"

Yu Qing acted like I won’t tell anyone and we know each other well.

Xiaoqing asked: "Which sentence did I lie to you?"

Yu Qing immediately asked, "Does the token have any other secrets?"

Xiaoqing: "Is there any difference between what was shown and what I said?"

Yu Qing: "If you only have this ability to fly, why do you have to come here? You can solve it even if you don't come here."

Xiao Qing: "If you want to see the true meaning of the token, you naturally have to come here. Do you think that in the world outside you, with such a big space, you can see the true speed of the Tianyi token? Tell me yourself, which one

Did the words deceive you?"


Yu Qing was speechless by her. If he had to misinterpret it like this, he really couldn't tell what the other party was lying about. At most, he was bullying them for not knowing something and not telling them something.

He didn't want to say more about the token. After all, what others said here was that the token came from the three-legged crow.

But the fatal thing still needs to be mentioned, leaving aside the matter of the token, "As far as I know, all the major immortal mansions have guardian beasts guarding them. This is true for all the immortal mansions that have been opened in the outside world. Are you, the Qingwu clan, guardian beasts?


Xiao Qing was a little hesitant, wondering whether she should tell the other party this. She also admitted that some of the things the clan leader said were quite reasonable. If these outsiders knew too much, they would easily lose their respect and might be backlashed.

But after thinking about it, he still said: "I, the Qingwu clan, are not guardian beasts."

No? Yu Qing was a little surprised. He originally thought that the Qingwu clan was a mountain-guarding beast. With the strength of the mountain-guarding beasts, it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with some evil spirits. Why should they do this? Unexpectedly, he immediately asked:

"Where is the Mountain Guard Beast? Are there any Mountain Guard Beasts among the animals you mentioned that have been alienated by evil spirits?"

Xiaoqing hesitated again, nodded and said: "The Mountain Guard Beast has indeed been alienated by evil spirits. It is the biggest evil spirit."

Hiss! Not only Yu Qing, but also Nan Zhu and Mu Aotie took a breath of cold air. Could it be that just like Xiao Yunjian, the second Yun Xi appeared again?

They knew very well that Yun Xi was not in his strongest form at that time. According to Yun Xi, Yun Xi longed for the human world and did not hesitate to transform into a clone to go to the human world at the cost of greatly losing her strength. Otherwise, Xiang Lanxuan and the others would not have been able to join forces.

He is Yun Xi's opponent, even those supremes are strong enough.

What if this is the second Yun Xi? Then he is already an evil spirit. Just thinking about it makes my scalp numb.

Yu Qing gritted his teeth and said, "Don't you think we don't understand? I can't stop the strength of the Immortal Mountain Guarding Beast. There are more than a thousand of us and I'm afraid even one more person wouldn't be enough to fill the gaps between people's teeth."

The members of several major gangs were also frightened when they heard this.

When Xiao Qing saw everyone's reactions, he felt that he really shouldn't say more, but since the matter had come to this, he still had to comfort him, "Don't worry, you can't see it. It has been suppressed by the powerful force of our clan and cannot escape. You guys have to deal with it."

It's just some soldiers and generals, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come here and accompany you to death."

Upon hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Yu Qing was puzzled again, "You Qingwu clan can even suppress the guarding beasts of Penglai Mountain, why do you still use us to do this job?"

Xiaoqing asked back: "Why are you so verbose? Is it possible that I want to sacrifice you?"

"Uh..." Yu Qing was embarrassed.

Okay, so that's what it meant. A group of people were speechless. It looked like it was getting dark.

Guyang still asked for advice, "Where will the evil spirit appear from? Let us prepare in advance."

Xiao Qing: "There is no pattern, and it can appear from any direction. Anyway, please remember that in the entire Penglai Mountain, except for my Qingwu clan and you, everyone else who can move is evil, and you can kill them all without mercy.


Is that so? Everyone looked at each other.

Now that things have come to this, there is no choice, each gang can only disperse and make their own arrangements.

After walking away, Shen Wukong muttered to Shen Jinchan, who was joining forces at the side, "I'm afraid things are not as simple as this little Qing girl said. We should have been deceived by her."

Shen Jinchan hummed and replied in a low voice: "Indeed, now it seems that the voice coming out of Jiudaokou is very likely for us to hear on purpose, with the purpose of luring us here together. Could it be that it is luring us here?

Are you just asking them to do things that don’t matter to them?”

Shen Wukong: "Let's deal with it and see the situation first."

They are not the only ones who are suspicious. The leaders of other gangs, including Yu Qing, are also secretly suspicious. This is also in line with the restraint of the Qingwu clan leader on the clan members, try not to talk to these people too much.

Too much will be lost.

Xiaoqing didn't realize the flaw in her words, or she simply didn't understand who these people were who were surviving in the chaotic land. Instead, she circled Nanzhu a few more times to observe, with a look of confusion on her face.

Strange and puzzled.

Will using the Sky Wing Token cause paralysis? It's not that she feels guilty, but she is curious and wants to know the reason. After all, her own people will also use the Sky Wing Token in the future.

Nanzhu followed her around with his eyes for a few times and then asked: "Miss Xiaoqing, how come all of your Qingwu clan are women, why don't you see any men?"

Lian Yu, who was nearby, couldn't help but take a look here. She found that this fat man was really good at talking. There was always something to talk about with his mouth.

Xiaoqing: "What's wrong with women? Why do they need men?"

Nanzhu: "Hey, what do you mean by this? How can women come without men? There must be a new generation. Is it possible that you can live forever?"

Xiaoqing put her hands behind her hands and pouted, "Who said that there can't be a new generation without men? Those are you people, not our Qingwu clan."

"Ah, can it still be like this?"


The night was quiet and dark, with thousands of people lurking quietly, all with their ears pricked up and their spirits high.

Yu Qing didn't know if it was his imagination. He looked at Xiao Qing who was standing by the stretcher from time to time and felt that Xiao Qing seemed a little nervous.

When a bright moon climbed up the hill, Xiaoqing stared at it with a solemn expression and muttered, "It's coming."

As if to confirm her words, after the silver light shone into this area, several black spots appeared in the night sky, swooping into the moonlit mountains, cruising along the undulating mountains, making all the gangs nervous.

After a while, everyone saw clearly what the cruising birds were. They were actually several red-crowned cranes.

In order to save mana consumption, everyone had applied "Blue Enchantress" on their eyelids in advance. When they saw the faint evil energy lingering on the red-crowned crane, their eyes glowed red.

Soon, a crane cruised over everyone, followed by a long and sharp cry, "Hoo..."

Several cranes scattered nearby seemed to have been summoned, and they immediately changed their flight direction and flew towards this direction one after another.

After the five cranes gathered in this airspace, they began to hover in the air, making sharp chirping sounds one after another, breaking the tranquility of the night.

Everyone realized that the big guy must have been discovered.

It was also difficult to avoid being discovered. There were more than a thousand people scattered in this area. Apart from some vegetation and terrain cover, there was no place to hide, and the few cranes flying at low altitude were not blind.

When the sharp screams disturbed people and panicked, there was a crisp or dull "ta-da" sound from the nearby hills. Everyone looked and saw a group of red eyes, jumping and jumping in the mountains.

The swift figure is approaching here.

The roaring sound of fighting suddenly sounded.

It was the personnel from the Jin Chan Gang and the Tianhong Gang who were spread out far away on guard. They happened to encounter the intruder in that direction.

The sound of fighting came and went quickly. The fighting seemed to be over before the support troops from the two gangs arrived.

"What the hell?" Yu Qing looked suspiciously.


"Sika deer."

Bailixin and Xiaoqing looked at each other with two answers, almost in unison.


After a sharp cry in the air, the five cranes suddenly rose up and quickly moved away towards the place where the bright moon rose.

After hearing that there was no other movement around, the leaders of each gang rushed to the fighting place to check the situation.

Sure enough, it was a group of sika deer with branches and antlers. They were quite strong in size. They looked like 16 or 17 deer. They were all dead. People from the Jinchan Gang and Tianhong Gang were cutting off their heads. Black blood was flowing from the broken necks.

There is still evil energy flowing around the body.

Guyang asked the two groups for advice: "How are they? How strong are these evil spirits?"

The two groups of men remained silent at first, but then Shen Wukong felt that there was nothing to hide, so he nodded, and then the men under his command said: "It's nothing. The attack power is equivalent to that of a martial-level monk, so it's not difficult to deal with it."

Guyang and others breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't think the other party was lying. After all, the fight just ended very quickly. It was a one-sided result and no one was injured here.

If that's all it is, there is really no danger. It just depends on which one is beheading faster.

Yu Qing kindly reminded, "It would be safer to chop these evil corpses into pieces."

Their senior brothers have experience with similar things. They have never seen people killed and resurrected. They have also done the chopping thing more than once.

However, no one took his words seriously and thought he was just talking nonsense.

Yu Qing didn't know if he could be resurrected after being decapitated. Considering that the attack power of these evil creatures was not strong, he didn't say anything more.

This chapter has been completed!
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