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Chapter 78 Finished the exam

 The sun still rises from the east, and it’s a new day.

The second day in the examination room.

Yu Qing, who was meditating cross-legged in the dormitory, was awakened by some noisy sounds. He slowly stopped his meditation and opened his eyes.

It's still early, the sun has just hit the roof, but the candidates are already doing various activities.

Convenient and convenient, washing and washing, there are sounds of walking around, sounds of cooking, and sounds of sighs due to lack of rest. In addition, they are all people from all over the world with different living habits, so they can be heard.

All kinds of movement and smells.

The candidate next door to Yu Qing was eating the baked pancakes, and the sauce he dipped in them smelled so special that it penetrated right through.

The rule in the dormitory is that no communication is allowed. If you have any problems, you can go directly to the supervisor, that is, the invigilator sent by the court who is outside.

After feeling the atmosphere of the place, Yu Qing shook his head and sighed. It was a sin for the dignified leader of Linglongguan to come to such an occasion!

He also got up, washed himself briefly, and then cooked the spiritual rice he had brought.

This time, he finally found a legitimate excuse to get some benefits from the Zhong Mansion. He had ten kilograms of spiritual rice, and he had already had a good meal and meditated to refine the spiritual energy in it last night.

There is a large water tank filled with clean water outside, and there is also a ready supply of charcoal fire.

By the time we had eaten and drank enough, it was already half past midnight, and the exam papers finally began to be handed out.

It was said that the exam started yesterday, but in fact it was just admission yesterday. There were really too many people to check.

The examination room was sealed last night, cutting off contact with outside the examination room. The examination questions that were given in the examination room that night were then engraving and printed by the carpenters in the examination room overnight to ensure that the examination questions that everyone saw were exactly the same.

Along with the exam papers, test papers were distributed.

After receiving the examination papers, no more pieces of paper are allowed to leave the dormitory, and candidates are increasingly not allowed to have any contact with each other.

The moment Yu Qing, who had always been worried, saw the test questions, his expression was so quiet and motionless, his eyes were fixed on the test questions.

Chong'er didn't lie to him, the test questions sent to Zhong Mansion were the test questions for this general examination.

He didn't know what was wrong with his current mood. He thought he would be happy after confirming that he had mastered the test questions in advance, but he was not happy at all after he confirmed it. This time, he seemed to truly understand what Ajizhang desperately wanted to change during his lifetime.

What is.

He is just a man in the world, and it seems to be none of his business... Yu Qing thought in his heart before he moved and started to take out his stationery.

Everything is ready, follow the steps explained by Mr. Ming, step by step, and make a draft first.

He had been immersed in writing for a long time. He was afraid that he would forget, so he wrote down a draft of what he had memorized, and then continued to sit cross-legged and meditate. Otherwise, he didn't know how he could survive these days.

The invigilator who occasionally passed by didn't react at all, as he was thinking hard.

On the third day of hanging out, I cooked another meal of spiritual rice to fill my stomach, and then began to copy word by word carefully, trying to write in beautiful handwriting.

After copying the contents of a question and confirming that there was no problem, I called it a day and continued meditating to refine the spiritual energy that entered my belly today.

On the fourth day he was still the same.

People outside the examination room could not see what was going on inside the examination room, but many people were concerned.

Sunset and sunrise, another day, the fifth day, and the last day of the test.

Something unexpected happened in the sky. The sky changed, dark clouds covered the rising sun, and it began to rain lightly.

Zhong Ruochen stood in front of the window for a long time, staring at the dripping water under the eaves.

Wen Ruowei was behind her and rolled up his trouser legs. There were bruises on his white calves. He had fallen while sneaking up the stairs. He was rolling a hard-boiled egg over the bruises. He grinned and took a breath.

After cooling down, he shouted: "Sister, help me."

Zhong Ruochen was distracted, and his sister shouted several times but didn't hear him.

After Wen Ruowei looked back and observed for a while, he gave up hope and continued to get out, muttering, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, I hope you can stand up for yourself!"

She is not stupid either. She heard that her mother regretted the marriage and knew that her mother wanted to encourage her sister to speak. However, she also knew that her sister had been pretending to be stupid and was fighting against her mother for a person she had never met before. She would not speak out...

Yu Qing in the dormitory looked at the light rain outside and was stunned, wondering if there should be an accident and let the rain soak the examination paper.

When he rushed to Gongyuan before, Mr. Ming told him in the carriage that he should take good care of the papers in case of rain. Papers that have been soaked by rain or stained will not be collected. However, Ashheng did not use these opportunistic methods.

I told him. He didn't expect it to actually rain.

As soon as Mr. Ming said it, he thought it would save trouble at the time, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it. He could fool around, so there was no need to resort to such a tactic. If you soiled the paper, you could fail the exam directly, but the examiner also had to verify the situation and put it in the exam.

It's inevitable that he, 'Ashi Heng', would be taken out alone, which might cause extra problems.

What stirred his thoughts was that he didn't expect it to actually rain.

Finally, I suppressed my evil thoughts of struggling, and picked some clothes to protect myself from the wind and rain outside.

I carefully copied another question, and then copied a few sentences of the poem. After checking that it was correct, I anonymized it, and put several test papers together for storage.

All that's left is to wait for submission.

After noon, the drums in the examination room rang, and the candidates immediately handed in their examination papers in the rain...

The door to the examination room was unsealed at the time of application, and candidates came out one after another. Some were high-spirited, some were solemn, some were letting the rain soak in, and some were running quickly with their heads covered. Yu Qing came out among these people, and again

I looked around for Xu Fei, but still didn't see him, so I had to follow the scattered crowd and leave.

When he walked out of the blockade of the army, he was already half wet. Before he had gone far, an umbrella was handed to him. It was Du Fei who held the umbrella to pick him up.

"Uncle Du." Yu Qing smiled and took the umbrella.

Du Fei didn't give it to him, but also helped him unload the backpack on his back. Most of his body was soaked in the rain outside, so he helped him hold an umbrella. As he walked along, he asked: "How did the exam go?"

I was observing Yu Qing's expression, hoping to see something.

Yu Qing shrugged and spread his hands, looking indifferent.

Du Fei thought he was pretending to be relaxed and didn't ask any more questions, but he didn't know that Yu Qing really didn't care.

The two walked to the carriage. When Yu Qing got into the carriage again, he found that Mr. Zhong was in the carriage again and came to pick him up in person. He was stunned for a moment and quickly saluted in the carriage, "Uncle."

Officer Zhong threw a towel to him and asked him to wipe it off, "I heard that the working and resting environment in the examination room is not very good. I'm afraid that you won't get enough rest and get wet in the rain. But Du Fei said that you have practiced internal strength and said that you won't get wet in the rain."

Sick of you."

Yu Qing nodded, "Not bad."

Only then did Zhong Yuanwai ask: "How did you go in the exam?"

Although I know that the result may not be true now that I have asked clearly, I still can't hold it back.

Yu Qing smiled and said, "I tried my best."

Officer Zhong nodded slightly and stopped talking. He swayed slightly with the bumps of the carriage and stared out the window. It was obvious that he was in a heavy mood.

It wasn't until he was about to arrive at Zhong Mansion that Mr. Zhong spoke again, "It's better if you can pass the exam. If not, stay in the capital to study. After the list is posted, I will arrange for someone to go to the Liezhou Guild Hall to help you."

Complete the official documents for staying in Beijing."

"Yes." Yu Qing responded.

This was exactly what he wanted. He really didn't want to go back with the escorts from other states. He was not free and it would be awkward for him to keep his face covered all the time.

In addition, because he was under house arrest in the Zhong Mansion to prepare for the exam, he has not yet found a suitable buyer and has not sold the fire crickets. He may have to stay in the capital for a while, otherwise it will be difficult to sell the fire crickets at a high price in the countryside.


However, the prerequisite for staying in Beijing is to go through the formalities at the Lizhou Guild Hall. Otherwise, if the escort loses one of the candidates after returning to Lizhou, they will not be able to deliver. If you do not go through the formalities for staying in Beijing, you must return with the team.

For this reason, Yu Qing originally wanted to tell the truth today, so he held back for the time being. Anyway, the marriage would not be arranged until the results of the inter-examination examination came out. He could spend more time with Lingmi, so that he would not be able to take advantage of the situation if there was a stalemate.


The purpose of arranging the marriage after the results of the general examination came out was also to prevent the identity of Ajiezhang's son from being exposed prematurely and to avoid anyone interfering with the examination results.

After the carriage returned to Zhong Mansion, Butler Li who greeted him asked again how the exam went.

The hostess of the Zhong Mansion, Wen Jianhui, has never shown up...

The next day the rain passed and the sky cleared up.

Yu Qing, who was finally free, immediately wanted to go shopping in the capital. However, Du Fei did not give him complete freedom. Instead, he sent two people to follow him, saying that this was Zhong Yuanwai's intention and that he was afraid that something would happen to him in the capital.

This made Yu Qing, who was trying to find a suitable seller, somewhat constrained. Faced with Du Fei's refusal to give in, he had no choice but to give up and wait until the truth was told.

However, he still asked for a carriage and went out for a walk. He didn't go anywhere else and went straight to Cao Mansion.

The concierge of the Cao Mansion was not shy when he saw the incoming carriage, so he immediately went to report it.

After a while, Chong'er ran out and said happily: "Master Shiheng."

Asking Zhongfu's entourage to wait outside, Yu Qing followed Chong'er inside.

Chong'er, who was leading the way, actually wanted to ask Yu Qing how he did in the exam, but he felt that it was not his place to ask, so he didn't say much. However, he still reminded him, "Master Shiheng, my master has guests. Those four people and

Mr. Zhan Muchun is here."

"Which four people?" As soon as Yu Qing said this, he suddenly realized who else could be mixed with Zhan Muchun. He tried to ask: "Those four with the surname Su?"

Chong'er nodded.

Yu Qing was suddenly a little puzzled. He found out that there were really a few haunting guys. How could they bump into them here? He asked, "What are they doing here?"

Chong'er: "Reminiscing about old times."

Yu Qing was speechless. One thing he had to admit was that the four guys in a pair of trousers, Zhan Muchun and Xu Fei did get along well with each other. It seemed that there was always a way to hang out together. All the way to the capital, the relationship became closer and closer.

It is estimated that the six of them are almost ready to take over.

Whatever, Yu Qing thought about it and realized that it was time to tell the fortunes of a few guys, which just saved him from searching one by one, so he asked, "Do they know I'm coming?"

Chong'er nodded, "When the concierge made the announcement, they were with the young master and all heard it."

Yu Qing hesitated and asked, "How did they react?"

Chong'er lowered his head and said nothing. He saw someone sneering, but he couldn't say it behind his back.

Yu Qing understood without saying anything, snorted and changed the subject, "Is Datou okay?"

Chong'er immediately smiled and said, "You have bones to eat every day, so be good."

This chapter has been completed!
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