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Chapter 797 The moon sets and the crow crows

Yu Qing understood that this guy was here to ask for help, so he immediately comforted him: "It's a big deal. I don't want to go. If I don't go, it will be over..." After a few muttered words, Nanzhu stabilized himself.

Looking back, the two of them found Baili Xin first. Yu Qing asked for Bai Lixin's cloak and threw it to Nan Zhu to cover up his shame. It was really annoying to see his plump breasts hanging around.

There was no way, apart from Nanzhu's own clothes, it was difficult to lend anyone else's clothes to him. None of them matched Nanzhu's figure. The cloak was quite suitable.

The inappropriate part is that the action is too big. Once the cloak is opened, the bare breasts and belly will still bloom, but it is better than nothing.

Soon, Shen Jinchan realized something was wrong. He found that Nanzhu, who had taken the order, was still wandering on the mountain and had no intention of going to the basin.

Sensing something was wrong, Shen Jinchan could only find an opportunity to ask Nanzhu again, "What's going on? It's already dawn if it continues, so why aren't you going?"

Nanzhu whispered: "I really want to go, but I have to find a chance to escape. That mustache asked me before, saying that I seem to be different from before, why do I keep hanging out with you guys."

Shen Jinchan's heartstrings tightened, "What did you say?"

Nanzhu: "What can I say? Of course I am saying that I share the same sorrow with you this time. I can get away thanks to your help. Once we have friendship, the relationship will be different and we will naturally become closer."

Shen Jinchan nodded slightly, quite satisfied with this answer. Unexpectedly, Nanzhu said again: "But the mustache seemed to have doubts about my statement. I didn't feel anything before. When I was about to go down the mountain, I paid more attention and found out.

It seems that they have been staring at me over there. As soon as I try to leave here, someone will immediately follow me. Zuo Zhi, please allow me to slowly find an opportunity to get rid of people and go down the mountain. Or, how about you arrange for people to entangle them so that they can

Should I run away?"

Hearing what he said, Shen Jinchan's heart trembled. After frowning, he changed his mind and said, "It's better to be careful. Forget it, don't act rashly. I'll arrange someone else."

Nanzhu hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded and said: "I will obey the Zuo Envoy's instructions."

After the two of them dispersed, Shen Jinchan arranged for someone else to go down the mountain quietly as he had said. After that, he also secretly observed Nanzhu's side to see if he was being watched. However, he could no longer see the trick. Nanzhu had already followed Yu Qing.

It was like a fight over there.

Xiaoqing, who was at the door of the palace, stared at Guyang and others who had escaped for a long time. Seeing that they really had no intention of taking action, Xiaoqing gradually relaxed and finally walked towards everyone, asking everyone to clean up the mess after the fight.

one time.

In response, everyone complied and pushed the corpses of the evil creatures down the mountain. They cleaned up the area outside the temple and found that there were no more potholes.

After a touch of fish belly white appeared on the sky, the bright moon hanging diagonally at one corner looked particularly clear.

Someone from the bottom of the mountain quietly went up the mountain, found Shen Jinchan and murmured for a while. Shen Jinchan looked at the sky from time to time with hidden anxiety in his eyes before he stabilized.

A group of people on the mountain were waiting for dawn, waiting for the arrival of the Qingwu clan. If they wanted to leave this ghost place, they had to get the token.

Some people were strolling outside the palace, some went inside the palace to find a place to rest, and most of them went to rest.

When the sun rises above the horizon and the bright moon gradually fades away, a cry of "Woo-Woo" suddenly comes from the distant sky and seems to ring in people's ears.

The broad platform was bathed in the morning light and felt a slight chill. People watching the mist curling up in the mountains turned back to look in the direction of the rising sun. Yu Qing and others were among them.

They were no longer unfamiliar with this sound that seemed both far and near, and they could also hear the joy and joy contained in the cry, and seemed to have a sense of joy in surviving the disaster.

That sense of joy also appeared on Xiao Qing's face. Xiao Qing's face was soft and smiling, and she smiled from the heart. She stretched out her hand to welcome the morning light that fell on her hand. Corresponding to the misty background of the green mountains, the picture was quite beautiful.

Nanzhu had no chance to see the beauty of this scene, so he followed a group of people into the palace to rest on the excuse of being too tired.

Later, the sounds from far and near became more and more frequent, and gradually began to sound from all directions.

When the palace on the top of the mountain was completely bathed in golden glory, little black shadows appeared in the distance.

Those black shadows approached very quickly, and everyone quickly saw clearly that dozens of three-legged crows were flying over one after another.

After a while, the three-legged crows that arrived first swooped towards the top of the mountain, turned into a woman in mid-air, floated to the ground, and landed next to Xiao Qing one after another.

The woman who arrived first grabbed Xiao Qing's arm and said with a smile: "Xiao Qing, you arrived first."

Xiao Qing forced a smile and nodded guiltily. In fact, she didn't leave at all.

The women who landed one after another quickly gathered together and started chattering.

"I slept so well last night."

"Yes, I had a great sleep. I haven't slept so soundly in many years."

"Me too. It's strange. There was no evil spirit to bother me last night."

The last sentence seemed to make everyone find a common topic, and they were all surprised that they were not harassed last night.

Yu Qing and others who were listening probably knew what was going on. It was probably because the evil spirits were recruited to deal with them. Just think about the countless siege scenes last night.

But there are still some surprises. Have those evil spirits been harassing the Qingwu clan?

Xiaoqing also seemed to feel that her fellow tribesmen were talking too much, so she gave a few silence gestures to the outsiders, and then the group of chattering women shut up.

The leader of the Qingwu clan arrived relatively late, as the sun was already high in the sky.

Seeing a group of outsiders setting foot here again, the clan leader frowned and asked Yu Qing and the outsiders face to face, "Why are you gathering here instead of hunting evil spirits? You only have three nights for three nights."

Faced with the patriarch's stern and sarcastic performance, Yu Qing felt embarrassed for her. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't help but pick his beard with his hand.

Xiaoqing also had something to say privately, so he quickly invited the clan leader and others to speak aside and recounted what happened last night.

As soon as the topic started for a short period, the expressions on the faces of the clan members changed, especially the clan leader, who asked in a deep voice: "You didn't find a place to hide last night, so you ended up hanging out with them?"

Xiao Qing nodded guiltily and continued to talk about the subsequent situation.

When they heard that those people were ushered into the Zhenling Bell by the nine-tailed fox that night, the faces of the senior officials of the Qingwu clan changed drastically.

The woman next to the clan leader exclaimed, "No, these people are no better than those evil beasts. They have many tricks and tricks. Once they serve the nine-tailed fox, it will be a catastrophe for our Qingwu clan!"

A group of people didn't think about their own mistakes, but someone nearby scolded Xiaoqing again, "Xiaoqing, it's all your fault, and you've brought a lot of trouble."

"Okay, it's pointless to say this now, let her finish her words." The clan leader scolded, shutting up everyone.

Xiao Qing did not dare to hide anything and continued talking.

Hearing that a mysterious master had appeared and used magic to help the survivors escape the disaster, a group of people looked at each other and felt that things were getting a little weird. Another person muttered, "They say people are unpredictable. When these people get together, things will happen."

It’s really complicated.”

After hearing that a group of monks kidnapped by the nine-tailed fox had returned, the senior officials of the Qingwu clan were even more frightened, and they all turned to look at the majestic palace complex.

The clan leader stared at Xiao Qing and scolded: "Are you crazy? Didn't you know that the nine-tailed fox can turn people evil? How dare you lead a wolf into your house!"

Xiao Qing hurriedly said: "I think they are fine after they come back, and they are indeed being hunted here."

Others interrupted, "Confused, don't you know the cunning of the nine-tailed fox? Our Qingwu clan has paid countless blood lessons, why don't you learn a lesson? In the face of this beast, you can only take it straight and go straight.

You may have to pay a price, but it is the best strategy. You can't get around her by going around and around, so how do you know that the chase was not a trick of the nine-tailed fox?"

Xiaoqing explained: "I know, but there is no hindrance to accommodating them." She pointed at the rising sun, "Even if there is a problem, it doesn't matter if it is around us under the bright sun, it can't do anything to us. Instead, we can control it."

Once it’s in our hands, we’ll know if there’s any problem right away.”

This statement made everyone a little stunned, but some people still reprimanded: "Xiaoqing, I find that your behavior is getting more and more extreme, and you often venture into great dangers. What's wrong with you?"

Tears filled Xiaoqing's eyes, "I am extreme, but isn't it useful? I have been flying for three years, and I am the only one who has reached that road alive. That road of no return is too difficult for my tribe.

It's tragic. Every time night falls, everyone has to rely on luck to survive. After the sun rises, they cry and count the number of people. Now that I'm back alive, I will no longer just watch the tribesmen submit to the situation. As long as there is a little possibility

, I want to give it a try!”

Someone immediately yelled, "If everyone makes the same decision as you do, that will be the real disaster for our clan!"

Xiaoqing raised her sleeves and wiped away her tears, then faced the clan leader and said, "Clan leader, you may have a solution to the nine-tailed fox."

Everyone fell silent, and everyone who lectured her also shut up.

The stunned clan leader hurriedly asked: "What can we do?"

"Yesterday, someone sent a bug, broke into the Zhenling Bell, and escaped after being chased by the nine-tailed fox..." Xiao Qing went through the details of what Guyang and others said after they came back.

"How could you escape from the Nine-tailed Fox himself?"

"Even the nine-tailed fox is afraid of it and is eager to get rid of it?"

Everyone's reaction after hearing this was unknown, whether they were surprised, happy, or surprised.

Although the clan leader was shocked, he was still relatively calm, "Didn't that person say he didn't have any bugs?"

Xiaoqing: "He lied. He did have that insect. I saw it with my own eyes. I saw the insect kill the giant creature on the other side of the sea of ​​suffering..." She said that when she was still a three-legged crow, she witnessed the insect kill the giant creature with her own eyes.

Let’s talk about leeches.

After saying this, everyone's eyes immediately turned to Yu Qing.

A group of people had such a big reaction. Yu Qing, who was used to looking around and was not blind, naturally saw it. After being a little startled, he smiled kindly and nodded slightly to the landlords.

Xiao Qing walked out of the group, walked directly to Yu Qing, and sincerely invited: "Gang Leader Zhu, our clan leader invites you to come over."

This chapter has been completed!
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