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Chapter 807 I like it here very much

In the air, Shen and Gu were also very surprised and looked at each other in surprise.

A scene he happened to see before suddenly flashed through Yu Qing's mind. When Lian Yu was almost attacked by Guyang, a jade ball knocked Guyang away, and he suddenly thought for a moment.

No matter how big the response was, the mysterious man in black cloak standing on the roof remained indifferent, as if he didn't understand what Lian Yu was talking about.

Nanzhu couldn't help but asked Lian Yu in a low voice, "Madam boss, are you admitting your mistake?"

Lian Yu glanced at him and found that this guy was really talkative. He was jumping in pain and still chattering. Still too lazy to pay attention, he flew out and flew directly to the roof, landing next to the mysterious man in black cloak. .

Such an abrupt move made Nanzhu and the others fearful. It was really too offensive. If they recognized the wrong person and angered this master, they would probably have to teach him a lesson.

Lian Yu was obviously stubborn. He suddenly rushed to someone's side and even grabbed the person's cloak. Wow! In full view of everyone, he tore it away.

Nanzhu, who subconsciously pulled on his cloak, also opened his eyes wide at this moment, looking straight at the mysterious master who revealed his true appearance.

He has a tall and straight figure, wearing a black robe and standing with his hands behind his back. He has long purple hair hanging back, his eyes are like stars, he is full of energy, and he has a clean and masculine look.

This was not the first time for Yu Qing and others to see this man. Before sneaking into Wanhe Pond, they had met him once on the high mountain. Who else could it be if it wasn't Nie Rifu?

Those present, as long as they have stayed in Block City for long enough, have almost seen each other more or less. Especially the two people in the air, even though Lian Yu had already called out who they were in advance, they were still surprised at this moment.

Hu Niu was so surprised that she covered her mouth.

"It's really Nie Rifu." Guyang muttered.

Shen Jinchan said in a deep voice: "How did he get in?"

Guyang: "Anyway, I finally found out this hiding person."

After all, the two of them had been hanging out in Tianji Mountain for a long time, and had been under Nie Rifu's lust for a long time. Even if they were turned evil, they still had a subconscious sense of fear in their bones.

Seeing that it was indeed this person, Lian Yu, who bit his lip and remained silent for a while, asked face to face: "What do you mean?"

Nie Rifu's voice was gentle but firm, "If you don't just stay at the inn, why did you come in here?"

Lian Yu's expression was very complicated. Even if he had a thousand words to say at this time, he still knew that this was the time to talk about this. He changed the topic, got close to him, and whispered: "I urgently need your help now, and you are also helping yourself. The leader of the Qingwu clan may be hiding in the clouds above..."

Seeing Lian Yu's body almost touching Nie Rifu's, Mu Aotie's expression was also very complicated. Although he didn't know what he was talking about, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

After listening to the story, Nie Rifu looked at Yu Qing and others, then raised his eyes to look at the two people floating in the air. He glanced at a certain place in the sky, and suddenly floated away like a gust of wind and flew into the dark clouds in the distance.

Lian Yu was stunned and realized that Nie Rifu was flying in the wrong direction. That was not the place where the Qingwu Clan was hiding according to her instructions. The direction was too wrong.

"No, I have to run away!" Shen Jinchan exclaimed, and with a flick of his light wings, he quickly dodged and chased after her.

But when they reacted, Nie Rifu's figure had already disappeared into the dark clouds. After they rushed into the dark clouds, Nie Rifu's whereabouts had disappeared. They looked around blankly, but did not dare to search randomly, fearing that Nie Rifu was hiding in the dark and ambush.


Guyang looked up at the sky, "If he runs away, it will be troublesome to find him again."

Shen Jinchan also looked up at the sky, worried that Nie Rifu would break through the dark clouds and fly to a sunny place, "It doesn't matter, the person has been found out. Once you know who it is, it will be easy to deal with it."

Yu Qing and others on the ground also flew to the roof one after another and landed next to Lian Yu.

Yu Qing asked Lian Yu, "Did you let him run away first?"

Lian Yu glanced at him sideways, "You're overthinking."

Hidden in the dark clouds and peeping dimly at what was going on below, the Qingwu Patriarch suddenly turned his head, as if he sensed something was wrong, and shouted, "Run!"

Her fellow tribesmen around her suddenly became a mess, and she herself flew away urgently.

Just behind them, a figure suddenly flew out. It was Nie Rifu with fluttering purple hair. He did not rush towards others and chased the Qingwu Patriarch. Seeing that the Qingwu Patriarch's flying speed was not slow, he even wanted to use the dark clouds to throw him away.

To shoot him, he simply blasted it out from the air.

Bang! The Qingwu Patriarch choked out a mouthful of blood and swayed like a kite with its string broken.

"Clan leader!" Xiao Qing and others exclaimed.

In a flash, Nie Rifu pinched the neck of the Qingwu patriarch and swooped down. He quickly broke through the clouds and returned to the roof under the gaze of many people on the ground. Yu Qing and others were also standing on the roof.

People were frightened and moved away.

Nie Rifu pushed the man in his hand to Lian Yu.

Seeing this scene, Yu Qing and others knew why Nie Rifu was gone. He was looking for the clan leader, but why did he look like he was captured?

Seeing Qingwu Clan Chief's mouth full of blood and seemingly injured, Lian Yu asked Nie Rifu in shock, "Did you hurt her?"

Nie Rifu: "She doesn't trust me and wants to run away."

"..." Lian Yu was speechless, and then apologized to the Qingwu Clan Chief, "Clan Chief, I asked him to come to you. He had no ill intentions. It was really a misunderstanding." As he said this, he winked at Yu Qing.

Yu Qing had no choice but to step forward and ask for help, "Chief, this is really a misunderstanding. Are you okay with your injury?"

Seeing this, the leader of the Qingwu clan was somewhat relieved to see that he was being pulled to the side of Yu Qing and others. He looked up at Xiaoqing and others who were thinking about it but did not dare to come down, and raised his hand to give a gesture.

Only then did Xiaoqing and others dare to stand down, and quickly gathered around the clan leader to say hello.

In the dark clouds, Shen and Gu found out that Nie Rifu was back, so they turned back and continued to stare from the sky.

The leader of the Qingwu clan didn't bother talking to Xiaoqing and the others. He separated from the others and faced Yu Qing directly, "This is what you have caused. I told you that the Nine-tailed Fox is not that simple. You said you can get the Tianyi Order back. You

I'd rather take it back."

Yu Qing was ashamed and muttered: "You didn't tell me that the nine-tailed fox could stir up such dark clouds in the sky, otherwise how could I have done it?"

"You..." Qingwu Clan Leader pointed at him. He was quite angry. After swallowing his breath, he rolled his sleeves and stared at Nanzhu. "You were caught by the nine-tailed fox. Everyone was turned evil. Why are you alone?"

Not turned evil?"

Nanzhu scratched his head, "How do I know?"

Chief Qingwu immediately stared at Yu Qing again, "Didn't you say that after you rescued him, you could give me an explanation?"

Yu Qing coughed dryly, feeling a little embarrassed. In order to save people, he had done whatever it took to save people. He knew what the Qingwu clan cared about most, so he connected the Tianyi Order with the fact that Nanzhu would not be transformed into evil, and then he deceived others.

, now that the person has been rescued, he really can’t give any explanation.

Besides, at that time, he didn't even think about making any further explanations. He just wanted to rescue the people. Who would have thought that things would develop to this point. Not only would he not be able to take back the Tianyi Order and escape from this place, he would also have to continue to seek advice from the Qingwu Clan.

Fortunately, the Qingwu clan did not have the strength to punish him, so he was not afraid. He changed his face directly and said with a solemn look: "Clan leader, now is not the time to talk about this. Let's find a chance to talk about it in detail later. I have an extremely important matter to ask for advice.

You, this is also the reason why you were offended by the misunderstanding just now."

Chief Qingwu asked in confusion: "What's the matter?"

Yu Qing pointed to the guide bamboo, "He went to inquire inside the Zhenling Bell and heard that there is a so-called master over the Nine-tailed Fox. Is it true?"

"Master?" Chief Qingwu asked, "Does it mean the 'White Tiger'?"

"White Tiger?" Several people said in unison and looked at each other.

Yu Qing asked again: "What is the condition of the white tiger that the patriarch mentioned?"

Qingwu Clan Chief: "Nothing, just a white-haired tiger that learned the cultivation method from the nine-tailed fox. After all, the nine-tailed fox is in a seal, and there are countless evil spirits under his command. Someone must be responsible for taking care of it, or he can be dispatched to kill me.

The leader of the Qingwu Clan, Baihu, was taught by the Nine-tailed Fox. He also lives not far from the basin. He didn’t show up last night. He must have been patrolling the mountains somewhere.”

Yu Qing asked again: "What is Bai Hu's cultivation level?"

The leader of the Qingwu clan thought for a while, "It shouldn't be that bad. There were other evil leaders before Baihu, but they were killed by the Nine-tailed Fox after they reached a certain level of cultivation. The Nine-tailed Fox would not let the leader's strength be too great.

It is powerful because it is afraid of being beyond its control."

Yu Qing felt that his question was in vain, so he had to ask again, "What is your so-called cultivation level that is not very good? What is the specific level of cultivation level?"

Chief Qingwu: "I don't know how to describe it."

At this time, Xiao Qing, who knew more about the outside world, interrupted, "We don't know what level the white tiger has reached, but it has been able to fly across the sky and the earth for a long time. It must be in the advanced realm."

Nanzhu pointed at Nie Rifu and also interjected, "Compared with him, who is more powerful?"

Xiao Qing pondered and shook his head, "I don't know. We don't have a chance to measure the strength of the white tiger, and it doesn't need to show its true strength to fight us."

Yu Qing glanced at Nie Rifu. He was not familiar with him, and because of his strength and status in the world, he couldn't figure out his temperament. He couldn't give him any advice rashly, so he could only talk to Lian Yu and tell him, "Since

If there really is such a master, then our guess is correct... Boss lady, the nine-tailed fox should have already measured the strength of City Lord Nie. If he can be sent to deal with City Lord Nie, his cultivation level should exceed that of City Lord Nie. Press

According to the clan leader, with the nine-tailed fox suppressing him, the white tiger’s cultivation level will not be too high. Taking an intermediate number, the white tiger’s cultivation level has probably reached the realm.”

These words made everyone feel frightened again, but Nie Rifu's expression remained calm.

Lian Yu, who was deeply convinced, frowned for a while, looked at Shen and Gu who were watching from the sky, and turned to Nie Rifu and said: "Since we can't defeat him, let's outwit him. It's still possible to break through the clouds now." There is the sun, so you can escape easily. Since the nine-tailed fox is deliberately trying to deal with you, it means that you may threaten it. I hope the city lord will retain a useful body to deal with it..."

She used Yu Qing's rhetoric and asked Nie Rifu to cover them before escaping, letting them run away first. She didn't say that Nie Rifu would take her to run with him, but there was something in her eyes that maybe Just hide that expectation and hope Nie Rifu will express it himself.

Nie Rifu looked at the scene in the distance. Even the messy place that had been struck by thunder could not remove the admiration and love in his eyes. He seemed to be murmuring to himself, "Yu'er, don't you You will understand, Tianji Mountain is not suitable for me, and the world is not a place for me to stay for a long time. I did not expect that I would be able to come to Penglai Mountain. I like it here very much, and I have no intention of leaving after I come here.

Fish, let's go. White Tiger, since we are destined to fight sooner or later, there is no need to hide from it all the time. I will wait for it here, I think I will know it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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