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Chapter 82 Heaven's Pride

 All four papers were picked up by several people.

After the handwriting was repeatedly recognized, Mr. Geng exclaimed, "No matter what is the similarity, it is clearly the same! Look at the same characters, the writing style is exactly the same."

These words made the scene fall silent, and the four adults looked at each other speechless.

More of a surprise, I can't believe that the top names in the fourth room are all from the same person. The question is that the fourth room gave full marks to these four papers. What does this mean?

The grading of this kind of examination is very particular. If you get four "bad" scores, you will naturally fail. If you get four "medium" scores, it can only be regarded as just passing the four subjects. It does not mean that you will pass the exam.

I got on the list, but it is very likely that I failed.

It's conceivable that if you only passed the four subjects, you just want to become a tribute scholar?

If you get four "good" scores, you may pass the examination and be on the tribute list. The result depends on how many people meet this standard.

There is no doubt that those who get four 'excellent' will definitely pay tribute.

However, the possibility of a person getting exactly the same result on all four questions is very small, and the scores on the four questions will definitely vary.

There will be another distinction in the rules.

For example, "excellent" is divided into nine and ten points. Most people who get excellent scores are nine points. Those who are not particularly outstanding will generally not be given ten points. The so-called writing is not the first, which can easily lead to arguments, so comparisons in words,

Full marks are rarely given, and full marks are extremely rare.

Therefore, whoever can get a full ten 'excellent', as long as the other three questions meet the 'medium' standard and the passing standard, he will be on the list and will be paid tribute. There is a saying that it is different in all aspects.

If he is good at one thing and is proficient in one, he is a talent that can be used by the imperial court.

One perfect score, plus three passing grades, is enough to pay tribute. Is there any need to talk about four perfect scores?

Of course, it is just a handwriting image at the moment, and it is estimated that it is probably the same person's paper. No one can be sure until the truth is revealed.

At this point, there is nothing interesting to say or what the answer content is, but I have no time to read it.

Lord Chu was already waving his hand and commanding: "Hurry up, hurry up, name your name and see who it is."

Master Geng couldn't help but ask: "What if it's really the same person?"

Mr. Luo smiled bitterly, "We have already entered the registration step, and the four answers have been put together. How can we change the sentence just because we suspect the handwriting of the same person? If we really do this, the court will scold us to death.

Waiting to be imprisoned, the saliva of the world's scholars can drown us." Waved his hand, "Let's go, name your name, I want to see if there is really a proud man who can occupy the top of four houses at the same time!"

Hearing this, the other three examiners all nodded and immediately motioned to the attendant to come over and give their names.

The court official immediately came over with a small silver knife to cut open the paper to verify his name, while the school clerk sent from the palace wrote and prepared for registration.

The policy paper was opened first. As the name was revealed, it read: Liangtao County, Lizhou, Ashiheng!

"Ashiheng..." someone among the examiners watching muttered.

The school clerk immediately wrote down the name of the candidate he was about to see and the score of a certain paper.

Opening the book of poems and essays again, the presidents of the fourth house immediately looked at each other when they saw the name. Yes, it was indeed the same person.

When I opened the historical volume again, the place names and taboos revealed were still the same as before.

"Hiss!" University Scholar Luo Yewen took a deep breath, pinched his beard and exclaimed, "Such a talented man shouldn't be an unknown person. Why wasn't he famous before?"

The poem volume was opened at the end, and the name was still written neatly with the eight characters: Liangtao County, Lizhou, Ashiheng!

The stagnant atmosphere at the scene suddenly exploded, and the onlookers were suddenly in an uproar.

Although they had vaguely known the results beforehand, the examiners from the fourth room were still so shocked that they could not speak for a long time.

"Oh my god, they really come from the same person!"

"Have you ever seen a perfect score in four subjects at the same time in the general examination?"

"Where can we meet? According to historical records, since the founding of Jin Kingdom, there have been two people. This should be the third one!"

"A once-in-a-century thing happened to us."

"Fortunately, so many people saw it with their own eyes, otherwise they would have suspected us of cheating."

"Looking at what you said, Mr. Luo, even if he is cheating, he would not dare to give such a high score! Which cheating examinee would dare to ask for it?"

"After today, this boy will be famous all over the world! We are lucky enough to meet him at the right time!"

The commotion in the Gongyuan was not known to the outside world. After the commotion, the official business of listing the rankings should not be delayed, and the auspicious day of releasing the rankings should not be delayed.

After the names of all the candidates were revealed and the scores from the four papers were combined into one, more than 8,000 people met the passing standard. There were a large number of overlapping scores, for example, many people got two good and two average scores. It doesn’t matter, let’s follow the policy

, the order of classics, history, poetry and poetry.

When the imperial court selects scholars, the first priority is practical ability. Even if it is just talking on paper, if the scores are the same, priority will be given to those with higher scores for strategy. Also the same, those with higher scores for classics and history will be given priority, followed by essays and poems.

Trail, ranked last.

After sorting out all the rankings, relevant personnel repeatedly verified them to avoid errors.

It was not until the day before the results were released that a small window was opened at the gate of Gongyuan and a confidential message was passed out.

The confidential document stated the size of the ranking group, and listed several options, such as how many people would be admitted based on the score of one excellent and three excellent, and how many people would be admitted based on the score of four excellent.

The young general who had been waiting outside received the secret message and immediately led several horses straight to the palace to deliver the secret message to the imperial cabinet. The cabinet would then decide on the admission line based on several options given by the Gongyuan, and then submit it to the emperor for approval.

No one’s test scores or names will be included in the confidential document, to prevent anyone from drawing the admission line out of selfish motives.

In other words, no one knows how many candidates will be admitted at the beginning. The court will make a decision only after seeing the overall performance of this batch of candidates. If the overall level is found to be good, it may take a little more. If the overall level is relatively low, then the court will make a decision.

It is possible to take less.

At this point, the examiners of Gongyuan have no power.

After the approval from the imperial cabinet returned to Gongyuan, Gongyuan, which had mastered the score lines, became busy again, preparing for the release of the results the next day...

The results of the examination are not the gold list after the palace examination. The list is announced outside the Gongyuan.

Before dawn, the outside of the Gongyuan was crowded with people, and people kept coming from all directions.

A group of sergeants isolated the Wuyangyang spectators outside the archway.

The big archway is covered with a large piece of red cloth. The list behind the red cloth is related to the future and destiny of many people. Red lanterns are hung in rows on both sides, which already highlights the joy even before the list is opened.

The scene was noisy and full of various discussions. Most of the people present at this time were not the candidates themselves.

It's getting brighter.

Among them was Mr. Ming, who was dusty and dusty. He was carrying a package and wearing a bamboo hat. He was wearing coarse cloth and plain clothes. Not long after he approached the scene, he was crowded with people who came after him. It was impossible to stay alone.

After the examination began, he left the capital and went to a village by a lake to go boating and fish on the lake.

It was not the first time for him to go to that place. Since he stopped participating in the examination, he did not want to stay in the capital at the beginning of each examination. He did not want to hear anything about the examination again. He wanted to wait until the examination was completely over.

I came back, but this time I still couldn't hold it back. I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. I walked back to the capital all night and stayed up until the city gate opened and I came here again by accident.

From the first time he took part in the examination, over the past thirty years or so, he has quietly watched at the bottom of the list every time the results were released, but he could never see his name on the list.

I have been known as a child prodigy since I was a child, and I pride myself on being rich in economics. I was admitted to the Juren Examination when I was just a teenager, and took part in the examination as a Juren at the age of sixteen. What an honor it is! Being praised as a gift from heaven is praised by my fathers and fellow villagers.

A proud man with high hopes, the man who proposes marriage has crossed the threshold, and the woman of suitable age for marriage is at his disposal.

He chose as his wife a woman from his hometown who he considered to be the most beautiful, gentle and virtuous.

How proud he was!

Later he fell here and couldn't get up again after falling here.

So the destiny is carved here, and the soul is hooked here. It cannot be hidden or run away.

Amidst the noise, Mr. Ming's mind was like a mess. He couldn't hear what the people around him were saying. He didn't even know that his bamboo hat was knocked over and trampled to pieces.

When the sun shone on the archway, and when the light gradually covered the entire red cloth, making the entire red cloth extremely vivid, the drums suddenly rumbled, the gate of the Gongyuan opened, and the four examiners led a group of judges out.


The four examiners climbed up the steps under the archway, held their hands to the common people, and then lined up on the left and right.

Boom! As a big gong was struck with an ear-splitting sound, the four examiners each grabbed a piece of red silk and pulled it together. The red cloth covering the archway slipped down, revealing a large snow-white billboard painted behind it.

, written in red letters on the notice board, is the list of tributes who passed the examination.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on him.

The fonts on the notice board are very large, but the single line of writing at the top is particularly large, each word is as big as a basin.

Three bright red and extremely conspicuous characters: Ashheng.

Attached is a line of small characters: Liangtao County, Liezhou.

There is another line of small characters below the three big characters: Policy Theory (1), Classics and History (1), Fu Lun (1), Poetry (1).

Then below are the rankings of other people in rows with the same size as the small fonts. Ashheng's name is the only one that does not have a ranking, and there is no need to indicate it. Everyone can understand at a glance that he is the best!


"People from Lizhou, hey, Huiyuan is from Lizhou, and Ashheng is from Lizhou..."

"Then what do the four 'shi' attached below mean? I never saw such a line of small words written below in the last session."

The screams and envy of countless people gathered in the sky outside the Gongyuan.

"..." Mr. Ming looked shocked. No one at the scene was as shocked as he was, and his mouth was wide enough to fit an egg in.

He thought he had made a mistake, but then he looked at the name attached to the name. Yes, the boy he taught said that he was from Liangtao in Lizhou.

That guy...that guy who had to be beaten with a stick before he was willing to learn actually passed the exam? Not only did he pass the exam, but he also won the Huiyuan in one fell swoop?

Shocked! Extremely shocked, my head was buzzing.

This chapter has been completed!
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