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Chapter 859 Treat each other with sincerity

 In front of a bonfire outside the tent, A Luo Gong mingled in and sat among the tribesmen, drinking and eating meat. However, his eyes were fixed on Shi Jia, who had just come back from outside. He also turned his body slightly to hide behind his fellow tribesmen.

After watching Shi Jia go back to Zen Zhiyi's tent.

In the tent, Shi Jia hurriedly knelt down in front of Zen Zhiyi who was sitting cross-legged and meditating, and said in a low voice: "Master, there is half a promise over there. Chu Pingkun can help him solve the problem, but the disciples who massacred with medicine in the wilderness, especially

It's not the right time to agree, so I can't agree. But if you really have no choice but to do it, the beauty hunter can agree, but you must be careful when doing it, do it quietly, and don't make any noise.


Zen Zhiyi suddenly opened his eyes, obviously a little surprised, and asked something he couldn't believe, "Can you agree to this?"

Shi Jia said: "I told you over there that I managed to get together with that Tanhua Lang. If we break up together, it will be a huge loss. If I help you, I can get what Tanhua Lang promised."

If you repay us with a gushing spring, everything you do will be worth it. Furthermore, once we do this, we will be like holding a handle for Tan Hwa Lang. Let me tell you the truth, as long as we can achieve our goal, we can do it at any cost!"

At any cost? After hearing these words, Zenzhi's pupils suddenly shrank, and his face became extremely solemn.

Shi Jia added, "Of course, the premise is to be cautious and not expose it until it is absolutely necessary, otherwise no one will have a way out."

Zen Zhiyi's face gradually showed bitterness, and he sighed with pity, "One wrong step, one wrong step after another, I hope you won't make the same mistake all the way to the end. I hope you can survive a desperate situation like what was said there. You are a person with a good heart.

Well, you go take care of it."

There are some things that, given his current status, it is really inconvenient for him to deal with them personally because they are too conspicuous.

"Yes." Shi Jia responded.

Soon, Alluo Gong, who was among the tribesmen, saw Shi Jia coming out of the tent again and walked directly to Tanhua Lang's tent.

There were more than one bonfire burning in the Feng Clan camp, and Mu Aotie was also sitting in front of one of them. He was also drinking and eating meat among the Feng Clan people. Eating and drinking was not the purpose, but he also took this opportunity to pay attention to what was going on around him.

Among the brothers, he is the one who does the work, and now he is responsible for showing off.

Occasionally, after a few sips of wine, a picture will flash in the fire in front of me. The scene of kissing Lian Yu will always flash inadvertently. Thinking of the good times, I will drink a few more sips of wine.

He also noticed Shi Jia's coming and going.

"Tanhua Lang." Shi Jia opened the curtain and called inside.

People lying or sitting cross-legged inside started to move. Yu Qing, who was sitting cross-legged and meditating, stood up and said, "Mr. Shi, please come in, please come in."

Nanzhu, who was lying on the ground mumbling to himself, kept talking and chanting sutras without knowing what to do, also got up.

Yu Qing approached and asked, "Mr. Shi, what are your orders?"

Shi Jia looked around and said with a pleasant smile: "Tanhua Lang, can we have a private chat?"

"Oh, okay, okay." Yu Qing agreed and turned around to give Nanzhu a look.

Xiang Zhen, who was sitting cross-legged in meditation, also realized that he got up immediately and left with Nanzhu without needing to be greeted.

Yu Qing couldn't help but take another look at Xiang Zhen. It was actually Xiang Zhen's actions that he had secretly observed, which made him a little confused.

At this point, it's impossible to say that he doesn't doubt Xiang Zhen at all. He now doubts all outsiders who appear around him. But if Xiang Zhen has a problem, this person is a little too inactive. He doesn't look like a person at all.

People who come to do business.

There were no outsiders in the tent. Shi Jia walked to the door uneasy and opened the curtain to take a look outside. Yu Qing immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Shi, my people will be watching from outside and won't let anyone get close easily."


Shi Jia then walked back and sighed, "Tanhua Lang, I won't hide it anymore. The request you made before is really too much. Kill the people of Wanhua Castle and also kill the disciples of Yao Tu."

, how can I do this? If I do this, where will I return to Jianshan Villa? "

So Yu Qing's face immediately darkened, "Is this what Mr. Shi is talking about here?"

Shi Jia raised his hand to signal him to calm down, "To a certain extent, just kill an errand boy from Wanhua Castle, but that Bo Sang Sang is different. After all, he is a direct disciple of Yao Tu.

My apprentice, how can I just give up? This is a big wasteland. Wanhua Castle is not happy, but Guijian Villa can still bear it. If it offends the patriarch, Guijian Villa can’t bear it. I have to do anything to prevent it.

If you think about it, you can’t implicate Guijian Villa, right?”

Yu Qing's face suddenly became better again, and he seemed to be surprised and said: "What do you mean?"

Shi Jia: "Tanhua Lang, we feel like old friends at first sight. I admire your talent very much and don't want to lose you as a friend. But it is impossible for Guijian Villa to help you do such a thing. This can only be done by me privately and personally."

I have helped you solve the problem, and I can only help you solve Chu Pingkun. I am sorry that Bo Sang Sang cannot obey your order. But I have something to say first. You must not let our owner know about this, otherwise you will trap me into being unkind, unjust and unfaithful."

Can you agree to this? Yu Qing began to scold his mother again in his heart. There must be something wrong with the people in Guijian Villa, otherwise it would be impossible to agree to such a thing.

Of course, he still nodded with joy on the surface, and was so happy that he stepped forward and held his hand, "That's enough, that's enough. It shows that Mr. Shi is sincere and sincere in his sincerity. After the deed is accomplished, Yu will repay him with all his heart.

Even if you have to go up a mountain of swords and go down into a sea of ​​fire, you will not hesitate!"

He has said it countless times recently, such as going up mountains of swords and going down seas of fire.

Shi Jia was overjoyed to be able to get this promise, and happily held his hand and told him sincerely, "Okay! However, brother, you should know that the consequences of leaking the news will make you and me irrecoverable. This is

It is a top secret and must not be leaked. The fewer people who know about it, the better, especially Su Banxu, who must not let it know!"

Yu Qing pursed his lips and nodded vigorously, and asked with concern: "When will Mr. Shi plan to take action, and how will he take action?"

Shi Jia clapped his hand: "This matter should not be rushed. After all, it is during the Great Wilderness Ceremony. Brother, I am not telling you that if you want to kill the man named Chu, you shouldn't make a public announcement. Now that it has happened, either you don't do it or you don't do it."

, it must be done quietly, so that no one can grasp anything, and then you can deny it out loud, right? Let me plan carefully, and then I can accomplish the result in one battle."

Yu Qing nodded slowly, "Mr. Shi's words make sense, but I think it's better to do it as soon as possible. If it's too late, I'm afraid someone will strike first. It's also my fault that I couldn't help but say something to alert others first."


Shi Jia laughed loudly and said: "Brother, I keep my heart in my heart, I'm afraid he won't dare to make a mistake. Even if the owner of Wanhua Castle comes in person, our village owner is here, and the Feng clan chief is here, he can't do anything to you.

No matter how bad it is, this is under the eyes of the great patriarch of the Celestial Clan, how dare Wanhua Castle act so arrogantly?"

Yu Qing looked like he hoped so.

After a few polite words, Shi Jia said he wanted to go back and think about his plan, and left.

Nanzhu's head quickly got in, and Pidianpian came to Yu Qing, "What's so mysterious?"

Yu Qing briefly summarized, "He agreed to help kill Chu Pingkun."

"Ha." Nan Zhupi sneered with a smile.

Yu Qing was pacing back and forth thinking, thoughts flashing rapidly in his mind. In order to survive, in order to struggle for a chance, he had to think quickly and make quick decisions on some things. His whole person entered another rare deep state.


Shi Jia asked him to keep his heart in mind, and Su Banxu also said that he would allow him to plan slowly, but he just didn't want to take his time. After pondering over it for a while, he suddenly turned around and said, "Old Qi, get some wine and meat."

Come in, I'm going to give a banquet."

"Have a banquet?" Nanzhu was puzzled. There was no need to entertain the people who were coming and going, but apart from the people who were coming and going in front of him, was there anyone else who needed to be specially entertained? He would not see anyone but asked directly, "Who do you want to entertain?"

Yu Qing waved his hand, "Just get some food and drinks. Then help me invite Su Banxu over. I want to have a few drinks with him."

What the hell? Is it okay for Su Banxu to come in and out here? Nanzhu doesn't understand, but he knows what Lao Shifif is worried about now and is fighting for everyone's lives, so he won't do it without aim. His mind at this time is indeed following

If I didn't go to Lao Fifteen, I could only rely on Lao Fifteen's will and decision as the main backbone, regardless of whether I was a senior brother or not, so I turned around and quickly executed it.

After a while, the food and wine and a small table were brought. The current conditions could only be met by a small table, as the Feng clan did not bring any large table.

Later, Su Banxu also came unexpectedly. When he entered, he saw the food and wine laid out. He was a little surprised and said, "The Feng Clan also assigned a table for you. You are treated better than me."

Yu Qing, who got up, asked him to take a seat quickly and explained: "I went to the Feng clan to ask for it. Mr. Su is willing to help me. I think I have to buy Mr. Su a drink or two to express my gratitude.


"Hey, between you and me, why are you so polite?" Su Banxu laughed. Seeing that it was a treat, he finally felt relieved. He thought he was urging himself to kill someone again. How could he do it with his eyes closed?

He didn't even want to come over.

The two of them sat down in front of the low table, and Mazha Shang sat down. Yu Qing poured him wine himself, and they exchanged polite and complimentary words.

After eating and drinking like this, Yu Qing suddenly became speechless and seemed to be worried.

Su Banxu's heart trembled inexplicably. Could there be another purpose for the banquet? He tried to ask: "Why is Tanhua Lang so restless?"

"Sigh." Yu Qing sighed, "There is something I don't know whether I should tell Mr. Su or not."

What happened? Su Banxu was confused and asked: "What happened?"

Yu Qing looked like he was hesitating to speak, but he still couldn't say anything.

Su Banxu was tickled by his tantalizing words and asked, "I'm even willing to help you with murders. Is it possible that Tanhua Lang still can't trust me?"

"It's not that I can't believe it, it's just..." At this point, Yu Qing shook his head helplessly and stopped talking.

Good guy, what's going on? Su Banxu naturally changed his words and asked repeatedly, while Yu Qing was always hesitant and refused to reveal anything.

After lingering like this for a long time, even Su Banxu lost the energy to ask further questions. Yu Qing suddenly patted his thigh again and said, "Forget it, you should meet and talk among yourselves."

What do you mean? Su Banxu was confused.

Yu Qing suddenly shouted loudly: "Old Qi, go ask Mr. Shi to come over."

Nanzhu's head slipped through the gap in the curtain. Although he couldn't figure out what was going on, he simply responded: "Okay."

He went quickly and quickly invited Shi Jia.

"Hey, you're inviting me to drink..." Shi Jia said in mid-sentence, but he swallowed the second half of the sentence. At first glance, he thought he was inviting me to drink, but there were obviously a bunch of bones on the table. Damn it.


Yu Qing immediately got up and moved the maza in person, added a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and invited Shi Jia to take a seat.

Shi Jia's expression is a bit exciting. Are you almost finished eating? What does it mean when someone with leftover food asks me to come over to eat and drink?

Fortunately, they are all people who "do big things", so a little unhappiness can't hinder anything. He sat down with a smile on his face and watched Yu Qing pour himself wine.

Su Banxu waved his fan and was suspicious. He didn't know what to say when Shi Jia came to meet him, so he just raised a toast to Shi Jia.

After Yu Qing put down the wine cup, he looked left and right, and finally said to Shi Jia: "Mr. Shi, you agreed to help me kill Chu Pingkun because I didn't conceal it or keep it secret." He raised his hand and pointed at Su Ban.

Xu, "But Mr. Su also agreed to help me kill Chu Pingkun and asked me to keep it a secret. Now I don't know what to do. Should I refuse to believe which side, or should I keep it secret from both sides? What if something happens?

What should I do if there is a misunderstanding? After much thought, the two gentlemen do not want to betray me, and I do not want to betray the two gentlemen. The best policy is to treat each other with sincerity, so I might as well invite the two gentlemen to discuss this matter."

This chapter has been completed!
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