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Chapter 883 The sword turns into a sword

The feathers were the same as those of the mounts beneath them. The only difference was that they were stained with blood, and an unknown feeling came to everyone's mind.

The group of people looked in the direction of the feathers one after another. After careful inspection, they saw a few more feathers being flipped up by the wind for a while, then fluttering and disappearing.

Bo Sang Sang was the first to fly over. Yin Shan He wanted to shout but it was too late, so he could only follow the others.

Soon, they discovered a tree crown splattered with blood. Some feathers were stuck to the leaves with blood. They were occasionally blown by the wind, but they couldn't leave.

With so many bird feathers, it is not difficult to guess what happened to the spy's flying horse.

Even Long Xingyun had to remind, "Second sister, be careful."

On the ground, several people hiding in the nearby forest stared at the birds hovering in the sky, and found that as expected, the poisoner had indeed come.

Yu Qing, who kept shaking his head from side to side, finally spotted Bo Sang Sang's face and couldn't help but sneer, "It is indeed this bitch. Let's go together later and fight quickly to capture B Sang Sang. I want to live..."

His eyes suddenly moved again, his words suddenly stopped, and he found familiar faces through the gap between the tree crowns. He found that Long Xingyun and Yin Shanhe were also coming. He quickly shrank back, waved his hands to indicate that everyone was hiding, and cursed in a low voice.

"Long Xingyun, you really have no end, just wait for me, don't let me fall into my hands one day."

Then he whispered to his accomplices on the left and right: "The situation is not good, Yin Shanhe is coming, we are no match for him, forget it, be careful and evacuate."

Since he was threatened by Bo Sang Sang, he couldn't help but inquire about the situation of Ji Lu Mountain when chatting with Su Ban Xu and others. He knew a little about the strength of Ji Lu Mountain and was not afraid of Bo Sang Sang in terms of force. Yin Shan River was different.

He had seen Yinshanhe and Qingya fight before, and there was no way he could stop them now.

When he turned around carefully, he did not forget to say, "Old Jiu, take the hostage with you. If something goes wrong, maybe they can be used."

It was already said to be a "hostage", so one can imagine what the role would be. Mu Aotie immediately reached out and picked up the hostage.

Xiang Zhen, who was staring upward, suddenly asked, "Who is Yin Shanhe?"

Nanzhu replied casually, "If there aren't just those people above, who else can be there? It's that white-headed guy."

Xiang Zhen said: "Leave the Yinshan River to me, and you go catch Bu Sang Sang."

What? The three brothers all turned to look at him. They thought they had heard wrongly and looked at each other. It was impossible for all three of them to have heard wrongly. I wonder what Xiang Zhen was talking in his sleep.

Nanzhu quickly reminded: "Don't mess around. Yin Shanhe is in the realm of Shangxuan, and he is a master in it. He is the protector of the master of Chilan Pavilion, and is known as the Silver Guard."

Xiang Zhen didn't seem to hear anything. Before the three brothers could react, he spotted the Yinshan River that was approaching the Yinshan River in a circle. He suddenly jumped into the air, broke through the woods, and headed towards the Yinshan River.

"..." The three brothers opened their mouths wide at the same time, widened their eyes, and raised their heads to watch. They all looked naive, as if they were seeing their ancestors appear in the world.

I don't know if I was frightened or stunned, but I was completely speechless. I forgot to run or take any action. I was sluggish at this critical moment.

"Gah..." A sharp and shrill cry sounded in the air.

A big bird was chopped open in the air by a cold light, causing a shower of blood and feathers flying around.

Dang! A huge clashing sound of gold and iron echoed in all directions.

Yin Shanhe hurriedly dodged away from the beheaded mount, looked at the sword marks left on the tobacco pole in his hand, and glanced at the figure who turned over and flew into the sky with his sword. When he fell, he was immediately concerned about his own whereabouts.

It was still Long Xingyun's safety, so he shouted an urgent reminder, "Young Pavilion Master, get out of the way quickly."

Long Xingyun and others who were hovering around were also shocked. He was able to kill Yin Shanhe's mount and even have a head-to-head confrontation with Yin Shanhe. He was obviously not an ordinary person.

After seeing clearly that it was Xiang Zhen who was flying away with his sword, Long Xingyun immediately remembered the situation where he had been stopped by Xiang Zhen before, and quickly called for Bo Sang Sang and others to avoid it.

Xiang Zhen has wielded his sword to high altitudes, and his speed is significantly faster than the sword wielding at the Chaoyang Conference. Anyone who has seen it can tell at a glance that his strength has greatly improved.

In the blink of an eye, Xiang Zhen returned with his sword. The cold light flashed in front of him like a shooting star, and the sword light seemed to be constantly puffing out. In fact, the aroused air waves showed layers of shadows, like ripples spreading out layer by layer, forming

There are twelve distinct sword gangs.

It sounds slow, but in reality it is roaring like thunder.

Yin Shanhe, who was using his body to control the law and slowly floated down, sneered, "How dare you show off your little skills in front of me!"

He had seen the power of Xiang Zhen's attack from the sky, but now he did not dodge or dodge, and he was very ready to take it head-on.

But when he opened his arms, the majestic energy exploded from his body, and the powerful evil energy rolled out. The light in a large area dimmed, and his silver hair also exploded, pulling out a weapon that seemed to be infinitely expandable.

Countless silver threads.

He had already landed on a big tree, standing with his toes on the branches and leaves, looking at the sky. It was as if a huge white flower was blooming above his head. The bowl-shaped pocket gathered in the air and went away, trying to catch the sword in the air.

The light and shadow, like meteors falling from the sky, instantly collided with the gathering flowers.


The stream of light disappeared into the flowers.

Yin Shanhe's face changed slightly, and he realized that the impact of the sword was beyond his imagination. The tangled hair could not wrap around Xiang Zhen's true body, and he realized that the aura outside Xiang Zhen's body was not an ordinary body-protecting aura.

, his hair that was condensed with demonic power could not be locked, and coupled with the huge impact, it slipped past his volleying grasp.

However, he was not afraid. If he dared to face it head-on, he would naturally rely on it. Infinite Hair began to block it layer by layer, trying to slow down the powerful impact coming from high altitude.

After a brief exchange, he could feel that in terms of cultivation, this young man was still inferior to him. As long as he could remove his opponent's strong impact, there would be nothing to worry about.

Boom boom boom boom…

A series of violent roars sounded, like a boulder breaking open the lake surface and splashing huge waves, or like a gust of wind blowing away the dandelions.

The powerful impact broke through a layer of blockage, and a layer of tightly locked silver-haired blocking lines exploded into dust and white waves.

Coming like a meteor, the twelve sword gangs blessed in layers, and the first giant sword shadow on the periphery, also collapsed under the blocking force of the silver hair.

Xiang Zhen, who was wielding the sword, remained unmoved, his eyes focused and he moved forward indomitably.

The second giant sword shadow on the periphery met again with the next layer of blocking, and once again broke through the defense, dying together with the defense.

The surface of the lake was smashed open, and in the middle of the swaying water waves, it seemed that a second stone had hit the center of the lake accurately, and the shattered silver hair once again exploded like a shock wave, creating white ripples.

In the continuous roar, white shock waves exploded one after another, and the scene was like a white morning glory suddenly blooming in the sky.

Yu Qing and the others who were hiding in the dark looked on blankly, which was an eye-opener. Nanzhu, who swallowed his saliva, muttered, "He has broken through to Shangxuan."

Su Banxu, who was hiding in the distant tree canopy and peeping, also muttered, "Who said he is still from Chuxuan? The information is wrong..."

Zen Zhi, who was also hiding in the canopy of trees in the distance, standing with his hands behind his back, murmured, "The sword is transformed into a sword. Such an understanding is really a new way..."

Long Xingyun, who was hiding away and watching, was shocked. Although he had guessed that Xiang Zhen's cultivation had broken through to Shangxuan, he still didn't expect that Xiang Zhen could fight such a scene with Yin Shanhe. After all, the number of years to break through to Shangxuan was

Here, no matter how much you use the elixir that accelerates your cultivation, the internal content of Shangxuan cannot be filled in a short period of time. It far exceeds that of Elementary Xuan. There is no comparability between the two realms.

Standing on the canopy of the tree and casting a spell, Yin Shanhe's face was filled with emotion, and the scars on his face were shaking. He thought that the layers of obstacles would slow down the opponent's attack speed, but he didn't know that the opponent's attack method was not what he imagined, and the delay effect was minimal.

He was able to use his silver hair to form a defense again, but it was too late. The regeneration and regrouping speed of the silver hair could not match the penetration speed of the light from the sky, and even he himself had no time to dodge.

He was delayed by the long silver hair, dragging a bunch of such long silver hair, it was strange that he could dodge in time, it seemed a bit like he was trapped in a cocoon.

Now that the matter has come to this, the only option is to abandon the pawn to save the chariot. Hair is nothing, life is more important.

Feeling the pull, he made an immediate decision and directly cast a spell to break the long silver threads on his head. The demonic energy that exploded on his body again swung six arms, and five identical dry tobacco poles dangled in his hand.

There were originally six dry tobacco sticks, all of which were made of the rare "Meteorite Essence Mother" and were given by the master of Chilan Pavilion. During the battle with Qingya in Minghai, one of them was cut off by Qingya's grass-cutting knife.

Fortunately, the solid dry tobacco stick blocked it, otherwise it would not only be the scar on the face, but also the head would have been cut off in half by Qingya.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this?" Nanzhu murmured to himself while hiding in the dark.

Yin Shanhe's swaying arms grew larger and longer, waving his tobacco pole to fight in the air.


A dry cigarette rod was blown away and the arm holding the rod was shattered.

Boom, there was another violent sound, the cigarette rod flew away, and the arm shattered.

There were three consecutive roars, three cigarette rods flew away, and three arms were destroyed. Yin Shanhe, who subconsciously raised his hands to resist, got rid of the lag in his long hair and quickly dodged the blow. It can be said that he was still frightened.

In fact, there is no need to sacrifice these three arms, but it is a subconscious act of resistance.

Under such attack power, after realizing that something was wrong, as a veteran in fighting, he also knew that it was not advisable to evade too early at this time. It was most appropriate to avoid the opponent before it was too late to change the angle of attack.

The powerful aftermath of the fight hit the ground, causing damage to the vegetation on the ground. Large trees were crushed, and grass and trees flew everywhere. Yu Qing and others who hurriedly took advantage of the situation to hide by the fallen tree felt the earth shake violently.

Boom, Xiang Zhen's impact was too fast, and Yin Shanhe also used his hand to lure the enemy beautifully. He was too close to the ground, and Xiang Zhen couldn't avoid it, so he directly blasted away the ground, and he and his sword got into the ground and exploded.

The mud wave exploded and surged in all directions.

Yin Shanhe dodged into the air and immediately fell down, chasing after the hole opened in the ground. There was another loud rumbling sound underground.

"Fuck!" The frightened Yu Qing cursed directly, glanced at the location of Long Xingyun and others, kicked away the fallen tree, drew his sword in his hand, and called urgently, "Quickly go, kill them

Get down."

This chapter has been completed!
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