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Chapter 931 Home Tour

 Following his gaze and looking towards herself, Nanzhu was stunned when she saw the black gourd on her waist. She then looked up at the flower leading the way, and then her eyes collided with Yu Qing's.

Although there was no verbal communication, they all reached the same consensus, that is, the problem lies with the black gourd. Think of the vine demon outside Baihua Fairy Mansion, who would do whatever it takes to get this.

They had also seen the power of the Earthly Origin Immortal Dew. After Nie Rifu drank a pot of it, he immediately became an immortal. One can imagine the beauty of this thing.

And this black gourd actually has the same meaning as the Earthly Immortal Dew. It is actually the shell formed after the Earthly Immortal Dew is exposed to the air and dries. They tried it by pouring some water in and rinsing it to create a green halo.

Drinking from plants also has miraculous effects, so Nie Rifu said that the black gourd was also a good thing.

Just because you know it's a good thing, you won't throw it away casually, and you'll have to carry it with you in disguise.

And Yi Zhi Hua is also a strange creature of vegetation, so he may have noticed the extraordinary nature of this black gourd.

Even Mu Aotie, who was beside him, knew it all, but no one said anything, pretending not to know.

Feng Zangshan didn't understand their reactions as they looked back and forth. He accelerated his flying speed, moved forward, and found Feng Jinqi, signaling that Feng Jinqi had come to the side to speak.

Nothing else, just mentioned Yu Qing's reminder, we can deal with those spirit-eating owls ourselves. If the location of the fairy spring is really known to everyone here, there is no need to dance with wolves.

Feng Jinqi asked, "Are we left to our own devices now? What should we do with these tribesmen?"

Feng Zangshan hesitated to speak. There were some words that he couldn't say out loud after all. He could only remind himself and let his father figure out what to do.

And the reality is indeed what Feng Jinqi said. The father and son just stopped by the roadside to talk. As a result, the team stopped not far away. Those who were forced to stop by the experts were all staring and waiting.


After the father and son returned to the team, the team continued to move forward.

On the way, Tianyu mentioned that the entrance had been closed, and the group couldn't help but ask Yi Zhihua about how to get out. The result was similar to what everyone thought. If they knew the way to escape, they would have run away long ago. How could they stay here?

This world is on guard against the hunting of the Spirit-eating Owl day and night.

The three-hundred-mile journey over mountains and ridges, across streams and rivers was not close, but it was not far for a group of monks flying by. Looking at the sky, we arrived in the middle of the afternoon.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly on the road. I don't know if I was frightened by the Phoenix Clan's restraint or what happened, but I didn't encounter any more Spirit-Eating Owls on the road.

When they arrived at the destination, everyone subconsciously stopped in front of them. In front of them was a completely different mountain range than behind them. There was no lush green, and some greenery seemed to be embellishments. They were generally bare. The main color was gloomy dark, and the mountains seemed

It's a bit messy, and even looks crooked, like fangs or messy teeth. Under the sun, there is an eerie and oppressive feeling, lifeless.

Yi Zhihua also looked afraid to move forward. He turned to Lanxuan and stared at her, "That's it? How can the fairy spring be in such a gloomy place?"

"I don't know." Yi Zhihua pointed to the highest peak in the mountain range, "It is said that the fairy spring is deep underground under the main peak. The underground here is also the lair of the spirit-eating owl. The little demon dare not go any further. Please let it go.

Let me."

Before confirming whether her words are true or false, how can we let her go? We must continue to hold her in our hands.

However, a group of people did not put all their eggs in one basket, and did not intend for everyone to take risks. For those experts, if they were really in danger and took action, the people below would not be able to help. On the contrary,

It is a burden, and these manpower are still left to run errands.

In fact, just in case, under normal circumstances, the people below would be asked to explore the path first, but when it comes to the fairy spring, these experts actually have to take the lead.

Feng Jinqi also did the same, but he really didn't want his people to take risks easily, so he was determined to go alone on behalf of the Feng people, and also assigned Feng Zangshan to stay behind.

But Feng Zangshan was obviously a little reluctant, "Dad, you don't even have a helper by your side. It's not suitable. You'd better take Wu Lang with you."

Feng Jinqi had no room for negotiation at all and only glanced at him coldly.

Feng Zangshan had no choice but to shut up.

On the Qianliu Mountain side, Wu Wu made the decision to go alone, and handed over all his fellow troops to the command of Chilan Pavilion Master. The latter also wanted to go with him, but couldn't resist Wu Wu's decision.

Xiang Lanxuan also decided to go alone and told the mysterious cloaked man beside him to lead his team to stay behind.

However, something unexpected happened at this moment. Wu Wu suddenly whipped out a whip and attacked the mysterious cloaked man. Just as the latter dodged to avoid it, another figure flashed past him and ripped off his tightly wrapped cloak.

The person holding the cloak in his hand was none other than Tian Yu. He and Wu Wu just exchanged glances and completed a beautiful collaboration in an instant.

Although the two people now have some differences and do not work together, they still have a tacit understanding of their usual cooperation.

The mysterious man covered in a cloak, with a black scarf half covering his face, had already revealed his identity, and even Yu Qing recognized him.

Wuwu narrowed his eyes and said, "Zen knows one thing."

It was Zen Zhiyi who was right, and there was no need to cover up anymore. He took off the scarf on his face with his own hands, revealing his true face, and stood there calmly, holding the "Bishan" sword that he had knocked down at sea.

, has returned to his waist.

Xiang Lanxuan smiled and said: "What do you mean, I want to have a fight, and then go to Xianquan after the fight?"

Wu Wu raised his eyebrows, put away the whip in his hand, and showed no reaction.

Tian Yu snorted coldly and threw away the cloak in his hand. He didn't care about anything anymore, but raised his chin towards Yu Qing and asked: "You tied up Chilan's son. This Zen village master also intercepted and killed him before.

Let's go after you. Once they try to make trouble, no one can protect you." Then he looked at Xiang Lanxuan and said, "If you ask me, it's safer to come with us and take a look."

As soon as the words that were purely an excuse came out, Yu Qing blinked and wanted to greet his ancestors. He had spent so much effort to clear his suspicions before, but now he was fooled by this guy again. He knew that as soon as the effect of a flower appeared, Tian Yu

You won't care about his life or death, and that's true.

It's hard for him to refuse, and it's also hard for him to agree.

Xiang Lanxuan also understood the hint of Tianyu's words to her. She also knew that Yu Qing and others who had been in and out of the immortal mansion many times were comparing their feelings from Tianyu's point of view. Of course, they could not let these guys out of control. Maybe they would come back when.

Can be used.

After thinking about it for a while, she looked at Zen Zhiyi and said with a smile: "The master of Zen Village won't kill a few of them while we are away, right?"

Zen Zhiyi didn't know what she meant by asking this. He felt that the question had a profound meaning, but he couldn't understand the profound meaning for a while.

As soon as he hesitated, Xiang Lanxuan said to Chi Biyao: "Then take it with you?"

After being treated like this by her, Chi Biyao also felt that Yu Qingliu was not safe, so it would be safer to keep him with her, and immediately said to Yu Qing: "Let's go see him together."

Yu Qing was speechless, but the fact was that it was not his turn to make the decision at all, he could only be obedient.

"That's the home of the Spirit-Eating Owl. The more helpers you have, the safer it is. Let's go together."

Yi Zhihua made a sudden suggestion, her face hidden behind her sleeves as if she was worried, as if she didn't know whether what she said was right or wrong.

However, no one paid any attention to her opinion. As soon as Tianyu picked her up, he took off into the air and others followed her.

Chi Biyao spent some effort and cast a spell to attract the three brothers Yu Qing to go together, but she did not bring Xiang Zhen with her.

Xiang Zhen immediately unsheathed his sword and took the initiative to chase after him with his sword. The group of people left behind looked at each other in shock.

A group of explorers soon flew to the peak of the jagged peak. They saw that the skinny mountain was full of large and small caves and covered with claw marks, as if they had been scratched by evil spirits from hell.

As soon as they fell down, there were immediately the cooing soul-eating owls attacking them, and soon it developed into a swarm of sieges. However, when faced with the bombardment of a group of masters, they all felt as if they were sent to die.

Regarding those disturbing cuckooing sounds, they also followed Yi Zhihua's instructions. It was useless to cast spells to block hearing or directly block the ears with such sounds, because the strange sounds emitted by the ghost-eating owl could directly interfere with the mind.

You need to guard your mind and your mind, and you need to stabilize your mind, spirit, and intelligence.

Disturbed by the strange screams, they followed the instructions and found that it worked. The strange screams were just noise.

I have to say that this little demon is indeed quite capable at evading the hunt of the Spirit-eating Owl and surviving to this day.

Facing the siege, Yu Qing and the others were also drawing swords and slashing wildly. It looked like they were just joining in the fun. Most of the attacks they suffered were blocked by Chi Biyao, who was trying to protect them. Xiang Lanxuan, who was nearby, would occasionally help.

A handful.

According to Yi Zhihua, the target of the group is deep underground, at the underground end of the Spirit-Eating Owl's lair. After aiming at the entrance of a cave, Feng Jinqi drove a brilliant golden ring to clear the way forward, killing the Spirit-Eating Owl blocking the way.

The owl was killed and fled in panic.

After the group broke into the cave, the pressure of attacks on them weakened. The attacks were all at the head and tail. Yu Qing, who was in the middle of the group, had some time to spare, and occasionally he would be in a hurry.

There are too many messy forks in the cave, and you may be attacked in the middle if you are not careful.

This place is more chaotic than a maze, and it is impossible to figure out the route, so we can only try our best to go all the way down.

It's useless to bring a flower. This old witch has never been here before. She can't give directions without talking. She cowers beside everyone to be protected all the way. She holds up her sleeves to shield her from the fierce fighting. She is naturally timid and scared.

A frightened look.

Everyone tried their best to protect her, but during the fight, accidents would occasionally happen when she got close to Yu Qing and others. Nanzhu had no sympathy for her, and would directly greet her with his big feet, as if he saw a bed bug.

He kicked her away mercilessly, and sometimes stabbed and chopped her with a sword.

The key is that Yu Qing and Mu Aotie would sometimes kick her.

Yi Zhi Hua's life was almost given to the Soul-eating Owl by them several times.

Fortunately, the others were protecting Yi Zhihua. While rescuing them, they also angrily criticized the evil deeds of several people and had to keep Yi Zhihua away from them. The frightened Yi Zhihua did not dare to get closer to them anymore, even if

Encountered an even more dangerous situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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