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Chapter 953 Hiding

 This hysterical scene of killing people really made Xiang Zhen a little dumbfounded. He actually didn't know what happened. He only remembered that he was so itchy that he was stunned by Yu Qing. He didn't know why the two people in front of him were doing this.

So crazy about Fengzang Mountain.

He also noticed the hair that brushed his face. His long hair had unraveled at some point, and something was wrong. He pulled it and took a look, and found that it felt like there was a layer of blood on it. He also saw the same on his hands.

The blood is still bright red after it dries, which is an abnormal color.

The key point is that the ecstatic itching feeling has disappeared, so it is not difficult to guess what the blood stains on the body are. It should be the blood of high-level soul-eating owl.

His heart warmed slightly, knowing that these guys must have saved him.

There was a clanging sound, until the man was chopped into pieces, and the two brothers and sisters were so angry that they didn't stop.

As soon as they stopped, the two people immediately flew down the mountain and found Nanzhu who was beaten and rolled down the mountain halfway.

At this time, Nanzhu's body was covered with blood, and he felt like he was dying. Xiang Zhenzhi was shocked when he flew down, and then he realized the reason why the two men madly killed Feng Zangshan.

"Lao Qi, Lao Qi." Yu Qing half-lifted Nan Zhu and called out twice. Seeing that there was no reaction, he quickly cast a spell to check his injuries.

The injury was very serious, but the one stabbed by the knife was not the most serious injury. Feng Zangshan's kick not only broke Nanzhu's body bones, but also severely damaged all his internal organs.

Mu Aotie and Xiang Zhen also reached out to investigate and discovered the seriousness of his injuries.

Nanzhu, whose eyes were slightly opening and closing, seemed very relieved to see that his two junior brothers were still alive. Several times he tried to speak, but his voice was muffled by the gushing blood.

Not knowing what he wanted to say, Yu Qing immediately cast a spell to help clear his trachea.

Nanzhu, who finally took a breath, immediately said, "Gourd, my gourd."

What the hell? Several people were stunned for a moment, and then their faces were speechless. They were about to die, and they were still thinking about his mother's gourd and what the hell.

But then again, they were looking at Nanzhu's situation just now and really didn't think of going to the gourd head.

All in all, Yu Qing was so angry that he turned around and said angrily: "Lao Jiu, bring the gourd for him to be buried with him."

As he spoke, he struck repeatedly and touched the bleeding points inside and outside him.

Afraid that this was Nanzhu's "last wish", Mu Aotie immediately flew to the top of the mountain, and soon found a black gourd with some blood stains on it from Fengzangshan's minced body, and showed it to Nanzhu specifically.

, and then hung it back on Nanzhu’s waist.

Seeing that these guys couldn't get to the point for a long time, Xiang Zhen, who didn't want to be verbose, couldn't help but say, "He's injured too badly. Ordinary medicine is useless. That 'honey' has an extraordinary effect. Give it to him quickly."


As someone who had used it after a serious injury, he knew the magical effect of that thing.

Upon hearing this, Nanzhu closed his eyes in pain, regretting that if he died due to lack of medical treatment and medicine, he himself felt that he deserved to die. Thinking about it, he subconsciously moved his fingers, touched them and hung them up again.

The black gourd around my waist found some comfort.

Yu Qing and Mu Aotie also wanted to know where the jar of "honey" had gone. Anyway, they felt that Nanzhu was not telling the truth, but there was no point in worrying about it now.

"'Honey' fell off, and ordinary medicine is useless, so we can only let him carry it. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Once the demon king comes, none of us can even think about running away. Brother Xiang, your cultivation is the highest, he will

He entrusted you with a spell to protect me, and he was the one who carried you along the way."

Yu Qing, who woke up from his previous frantic and desperate state, urgently handed Nanzhu to Xiang Zhen. He still had to find a way to survive.

As far as Nanzhu's current situation is concerned, someone does need to keep protecting him, otherwise he could choke to death just from the blood he choked out, let alone other injuries in his body.

Mu Aotie glanced at Yu Qing speechlessly. Has Lao Qi ever carried Xiang Zhen? Let alone someone who carried him all the way.

Fortunately, he didn't care about this, and he also knew that Lao Fifteen probably wanted to repay Xiang Zhen's kindness so that he could protect Lao Seven with all his heart, so he said this deliberately.

Xiang Zhen didn't refuse. He took over Nanzhu but was very worried, "There is no good medicine to treat his injury. Is this possible?"

"He ate a lot of that 'honey' before, so he should be able to resist it." Yu Qing said casually, there was nothing he could do without good medicine, and they didn't have the money to stock up on the scary expensive good medicine. Now they can only hope.

Thanks to the special recovery of the three junior brothers, he turned to Mu Ao Tie: "Lao Jiu, take him with you first, you have to rely on him to go out."

Mu Aotie immediately flew away and hugged him first when he found him.

Nanzhu is too fat, and most people may not be able to hold it, but for a monk like Xiang Zhen, it is not a problem. It is just that it is a bit difficult to hold up such a big lump.

Yu Qing didn't dare to linger for a moment and quickly flew up.

When he passed the corpse in Fengzang Mountain, he stopped for a moment and pondered. Now he woke up and couldn't help but think of Ye Diandian. Ye Diandian treated him well, but he killed her husband with his own hands, and he couldn't help but feel a little melancholy in his heart.

Mu Aotie: "Do we need to dispose of the body?"

"Stay here. If you see him dead, you may mistakenly think that the patriarch killed him. You may mistakenly think that the patriarch has recovered, and you may mistakenly think that we have escaped."

Yu Qing dropped the words and went directly to the top of the "Sacred Tree". In a tree hole, he found an exquisite niche carved integrally with the "Sacred Tree". Inside, there was a statue as long as a normal human's arm span.

Dazzling colorful feathers, you can tell at a glance that they are no ordinary feathers.

But this was completely different from the phoenix feathers Yu Qing had seen. No matter in terms of dazzling beauty or size, they couldn't be compared.

Of course, the one in front of him seemed more like Feng Yu, so he had to confirm with Ye first, "Is it this one?"

The weak one nodded slightly in approval.

Now he didn't bother to ask why the two phoenix feathers were so different. Yu Qing directly took the phoenix feather from the niche, rolled it up and stuffed it into his animal skin clothes, waving to everyone to leave.

He didn't listen and destroyed Feng Yu first. He still expected to rely on this thing to get out. He had no idea of ​​dying here first.

This group of people just followed Yu Qing wherever he went, without any regrets or complaints.

After quickly getting off the "Sacred Tree", they found that Yu Qing actually took them underground again where they had escaped from before. Mu Aotie couldn't hold back anymore and said with fear: "Old Fifteen, where are you running? This is where you are going.

Do you give it by mouth?"

Yu Qing quickly replied, "We are sealed here. It is not safe to hide anywhere. The most dangerous place may be the only place where we can hide for a longer period of time. Go to the underground space first and wait until they come out to look for us."

When the time comes, we hide in immediately. If we can't be found, it's best to mistakenly think that we have escaped. In short, we can delay it as long as we can, and try to delay it until the chief of the clan calms down and can use his cultivation to open the seal."

Having said this, everyone understands that it is actually the old saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

But it was indeed too dangerous to act like this. It was hard not to be nervous when I got right under the tiger's nose. They immediately became quiet, not daring to make any noise, and quickly approached the target location...

In the underground space that looked like stars in the sky, the Great Sage Zhiling confirmed that Tianyu's cultivation level was indeed no threat to him, and then asked everyone about the situation of a group of people who entered the realm of Zhuyao first, focusing on this question.

In and out.

Although these people may not disclose the situation that is unfavorable to them, the inside information they know is not comparable to that of the minions in Fengzangshan.

After confirming from Tianyu's mouth that what Ye Xian said before was true and that the gate to the Immortal Mansion was indeed opened by Yu Qing and others, the Great Sage Zhiling suddenly remembered something and asked everyone: "Before you open the gate to this world,

, are you messing with the Phoenix Clan’s patriarch’s inherited crown?”

Everyone agreed.

Xiang Lanxuan and Tian Yu glanced at each other subconsciously. They concealed something and did not reveal that there was a phoenix feather hidden in the head of the Feng clan leader. I wonder what the demon king meant by asking this in turn.

The Great Sage Zhiling asked again: "Feng He said before that he saw the way Xiao Hu and the others opened the Immortal Mansion, so he mastered a new way to enter and exit?"

"Yes." Everyone nodded.

They all also knew that the original name here was Feng He.

The Great Sage Zhiling looked outside the door, "There has been no movement outside. Why hasn't Feng Zangshan come back yet? Let's go and have a look."

He spoke, and naturally a group of people followed him obediently.

Several people hiding on the branch path waited for them to pass by and immediately showed up, hesitating whether to carry out the previous plan.

"There are still a few people who haven't come out. Feng Jinqi hasn't come out." Yu Qing muttered and hesitated for a moment. Thinking that Feng Jinqi had been injured and fell to the ground, he still waved and led a group of people into the underground space secretly.

However, he drew his sword in his hand and touched the place where Feng Jinqi fell. He had no other intention. He wanted to kill Feng Jinqi in order to save his group's lives.

In short, Feng Jinqi should not be given the opportunity to tell others that they are hiding back.

Whenever this happens, he can be considered cruel and ruthless.

When he touched Feng Jinqi, he realized that the first-generation Feng clan leader had lost his breath. When he stretched out his hand to check, he found that his body was cold and his eyes were still half-open. He was still looking forward to death.

"Alas." Yu Qing sighed softly and returned his sword to its sheath.

Not daring to hesitate, he looked around and finally landed on the dome. He immediately told Mu Aotie a few words, then flew to the edge, climbed up the wall, and using his hands and feet, climbed to the dome and hung upside down.

After a pause, he flew back to a few people and asked, "Can you see me?"

Mu Aotie: "It's so tall, you can't see it unless it covers the glowing beads."

Yu Qing looked at Xiang Zhen again. He had a higher level of cultivation and his Dharma Eye should be stronger.

Xiang Zhen also shook his head, "I can't see it."

Yu Qing suddenly gained confidence. With a greeting, everyone climbed up to the dome and hung upside down to hide.

If you are unfamiliar with the place, you really can't find a suitable place to hide. In order to survive, you can only try your best to make do.

As soon as they came out of the exit under the "Sacred Tree", the Great Sage Zhiling and others saw the chopped corpse on the ground. Through some characteristics, it was not difficult to tell that the deceased was Feng Zangshan, not to mention that the Great Sage Zhiling grabbed it from the air.

They also captured Feng Zangshan’s head.

Those guys actually killed Feng Zangshan? The eyes of the people who were weighing the gap in cultivation met each other.

The Great Sage Zhiling threw his head casually, jumped into the air, and flew directly into a tree hole in the tree. It was where Yu Qing and others had been before. He walked to the empty niche and stared at it.

Behind him, several other people also flew in one after another. As they were looking at the environment here, they suddenly heard the Great Sage Zhiling sneer, "They have just arrived. It seems that the method of opening the gate to the two realms has something to do with Feng Yu."

Hearing this, Xiang Lanxuan and Tian Yu subconsciously glanced at each other again, and Xiang Lanxuan couldn't help but ask: "Why do you see it?"

The Great Sage Zhiling slowly turned around and looked at her, "The phoenix feather offered here is gone. There is also a phoenix feather in the head of the Feng clan leader. It was placed by Feng He himself. I saw it with my own eyes."

After saying that, he ducked down again.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, and then quickly followed, falling back to Feng Zangshan's body.

The Great Sage Zhiling looked around coldly and said confidently: "They can't get out, so they must be hiding somewhere."

Several people's eyes met, and Wuwu reminded: "The seal can be opened first, and it will take such a long time for them to escape."

The Great Sage Zhiling: "You need a certain level of cultivation to open the seal. I made a measured move, but he can no longer move."

Xiang Lanxuan's eyes flashed, and she pointed at the corpse on the ground and interjected: "Great Sage, if you don't slow down first, their cultivation will not be able to kill Feng Zangshan."

The implication is that I still think they have run away.

As soon as these words came out, the Great Sage Zhi Ling hesitated a little. He suddenly raised his head and cast a spell, making a rapid "cuckoo" sound, which rippled away far away.

Not long after, faint echoes of "cuckoo" came from all directions.

After listening for a while, the Great Sage Zhiling snorted, "No one is going out, no one is leaving, so I am hiding here."

He turned around and looked at the crowd and asked, "How many of them are there now?"

After a few people thought about it, Chilan Pavilion Master replied: "Including those who can't move, there are five more."

The Great Sage of Zhiling looked at the number of people present and said, "Including me, there are six of us here. It should be easy to find five people. Each person must find at least one. Now is the time to show whether you are loyal or not. Find

Well, if you can’t find it…die!”

A few people froze. Originally, everyone was helping each other. Five people were divided into five. It was just right. The demon king insisted on including himself. He made it clear that he had to kill one of them. This was to force them to stop working hard.

I can't even find it.

And the face of the great sage Zhi Ling showed an undisguised bad taste.

This chapter has been completed!
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