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Section 158 is another sunny day (8)

 In desperation, Wang Ai came out of the locker room again, took the host's microphone, stood on the side of the court, and accepted an interview in front of the camera. Finally, he walked to the center of the venue to thank the fans again and again, and said a touching words:

"Breaking 100 points was created by me, but it is not only created by me. Every shout from everyone is the force that urges me to forge ahead. Without the majority of fans behind us to support us and spur us on, we will not be able to go far at all. We

I don’t know the meaning of struggle at all.”

"It's you who have guided us in the direction of progress! It's you who have given us the courage to fight! You are the parents who provide food and clothing for us to repay with all our hard work and dedicate to all our efforts. Thank you all. On behalf of the national team, I thank you all!"

When Wang Ai held the microphone in one hand and pointed at the stands with the other hand and shouted these words, the Hefei Olympic Sports Center was filled with an uproar.

He Wei, who was responsible for the live broadcast of the game, said after his voice finally fell in the stadium: "The national team thanks the fans, and the fans thank the national team. What a harmonious and beautiful scene. On the night when Xiao Wanger's national team scored more than 100 goals,

, it has become the most romantic annotation of this great undertaking.”

The next night, when the national team went to Shijiazhuang to prepare for the next top ten game, the sports channel broadcast the special program "One Hundred You" that night. This is a program without a host, no guests, and a very pure Wang Ai

A video collection of one hundred goals scored by the national team. Each goal is about 20 seconds long, with subtitles indicating the time, location, opponent, and name of the event. The feature film totals 35 minutes from the first goal of the 2002 World Cup to

The 100th goal yesterday.

This feature film is recorded in chronological order, so it unexpectedly shows Wang Ai's growth over the past eleven years. What's even more surprising is that it shows Wang Ai's very diverse scoring abilities. From early direct free kicks to later

Long shots, headers, points, barbs, all the scoring methods that have appeared on the football field, he has them here. This makes the feature film not only a collection of Wang Ai's goals, but also a collection of scoring methods.


This time, the sports channel played a very romantic trick. From the beginning to the end of the feature film, there was no voiceover. It was simply the sound of the game, including the shouts of fans and the cheers of the on-site commentators. They just edited the original material.

It's all done when we get together.

But it is this kind of very primitive and unprocessed materials that, when piled up in large enough quantities, lead to a qualitative change. This is a star's great journey of fighting for the country for eleven years, and it is an epic of Chinese football.

When the movie was playing, Wang Ai was playing games online with everyone at the Hebei Olympic Sports Center. The sports channel didn't tell him about this. But after the movie was played over there, Wang Ai's cell phone started ringing, more than ten times more than usual.

The density is full of congratulatory calls.

From the leaders of the sports department, the diplomatic department and even the cultural department, to sponsors large and small, to friends, classmates, teammates, and even the Youth Development Foundation, all called specifically to express their congratulations.

This made Wang Ai confused. It was yesterday that he broke 100. How come you guys didn't react until today? It wasn't until Duan Xuan called that Wang Ai figured out what was going on. When he checked online, he couldn't play it. When he asked Duan Xuan, he said

The website crashed...because many people used software to force download.

Various print media and online articles published the next day received rave reviews. Duan Xuan also responded on his personal Weibo: Xiao Wanger's achievements no longer need to be explained in words, and there is no need to use materials to exaggerate them. As long as he loyally

It is enough to present what we recorded one by one, just as we do not need to interview him specifically for this purpose.

"His growth is in everyone's eyes, and his achievements are our common memory. Perhaps we know who he is better than he himself."

Under this kind of encouragement, it was hard to get a ticket for the top ten game at the Hebei Olympic Sports Center on June 8. Wang Ai posted a message on Weibo hoping that everyone would calm down, but it was of no use. The fans continued to shout for him during the game.

name, but this time when Wang Ai scored two goals and defeated the opponent 5:1 with the whole team, Wang Ai took everyone to "curtain call" together.

After the game, when faced with interview requests from Hebei TV and other news media, Wang Ai frankly admitted: "In fact, before the last game against Oman, my national team's total goals had already exceeded 100, but 4 of them were warm-up games.

The sports channel and I talked about this idea before, and I said at that time that I should not count my warm-up games. One is too few, and the other is meaningless."

"Does it mean nothing to score goals in the warm-up match?"

"No." Wang Ai shook his head: "The purpose of the warm-up match is to train the team. Some new members of the national team need to show their skills through the warm-up match. But I became an official national team player in 2002, so I don't need to score goals in the warm-up match to prove anything.

Moreover, it is currently common internationally to count goals scored in official matches, because this level is relatively guaranteed, and statistics are meaningful."

"Then how many official game goals have you scored?" The reporter turned around and asked about new content.

"This..." Wang Ai smiled: "I can't remember, probably more than five hundred, right?"

"What's the international ranking?" the reporter still asked.

"I don't know the specifics. I'm only 24 this year, so it's still early?" Wang Ai said, waving his hands and leaving.

In fact, after this year in Germany, Wang Ai's official game goals have exceeded 600, ranking among the top ten internationally. He deliberately said that he had fewer goals. Anyway, the domestic market has been fully developed, and the fans support it.

Wang Ai has basically lost his potential in recent years. There is no point in promoting his personal reputation, and it may even be risky.

A few days later, the national team went south to Australia and played its third top ten game in the capital, Canberra. A large number of reporters and fans accompanied the trip. The national team did not live up to expectations in the game on the night of the 12th, and finally defeated Australia 4:0.

Ai scored two goals again and played the entire game.

Returning to Beijing on the 13th, everyone disbanded on the spot at the airport. After completing a season, the national team, which was mainly composed of players traveling in Europe, was exhausted and in urgent need of rest. Maybe it was not okay physically, but it was already very tired mentally.

There was a call from home saying that the whole family was at the Summer Palace, so Wang Ai asked Liu Liang to drive him there.

It was afternoon, and the bright sunshine was shining on the green grass. Two boys, Wang Sheng and Wang Zhonghua, were rolling on the ground. I don’t know what the two boys discovered. Huang Xin was talking to Shi Wenjun.

To comfort this anxious future mother, Leonie is reading Wang Ai’s sponsor information.

When leaving Germany, Schlapner expressed his desire to retire to Wang Ai. The old man, who turned 70 this year, was increasingly unable to cope with the huge agent job. Therefore, taking the children to the manic lioness

, can’t wait any longer.

This chapter has been completed!
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