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Chapter 106 Breaking the realm, watching the ceremony!

It was still early in the morning, and there was no one in the mission hall. There was no need to queue, so Yang An went to the window.

The deacon in charge of the window was an old man. Yang An didn't know him and had no intention of knowing him.

But the other party obviously knew Yang An. When he saw Yang An, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled:

"Yang An, are you ready to take on the mission? Yes, it's the third level of the Marrow Cleansing Realm. It's very fast. It's your first time taking on a mission. Do you need me to recommend you some?"

"No need, teacher, I've already chosen." Yang An said.

"Okay, put the badge in this slot and enter the mission number." The old man said: "However, Yang An, for your first mission, it is best not to take on missions involving evil spirits. For such missions, firstly, the evil spirits are extremely good.

Disguised and hidden, it is difficult to find without experience. Secondly, the attacks of evil spirits are weird, especially those with extremely strong mental attacks. This is not just about strong mental power, but also the will and state of mind. Without certain tempering, it is easy to encounter poisonous hands.

, even invaded by evil spirits into the soul and become a new host body. Thirdly, it is difficult to completely kill the evil spirits. Once they leave the host body, it will be too difficult for you in the Marrow Cleansing Realm to catch them again..."

"Thank you, teacher, for reminding me," Yang An said.

Regarding evil spirits, Yang An also learned a lot during this month's sword practice with his senior brothers and sisters. Naturally, he knew these basic common sense.

Why do you need the old man to remind you?

Are you so enthusiastic that you paralyze me?

"Haha..." The old man smiled and shook his head without saying anything more. He could see Yang An's coldness, or vigilance.

Yang An put the badge into the slot and entered the mission number.

The magic weapon where the serial number is entered is blocked, and only Yang An can see it. It is like entering the password to withdraw money from a bank, it seems safe and reliable. This is also to protect the privacy of the person who accepts the task. Otherwise, who will accept what task?

Since they are all open to the public, the chance of death or injury in the mission will probably increase several times, and the possibility of being targeted by enemies is too high. Even if there are no enemies, it is normal for warriors to compete for resources and reap the benefits.

However, if the deacon responsible for receiving Yang An is from the enemy's family, it is basically impossible to keep it secret. Although they cannot check who has accepted what mission, they can check what mission has just been taken. Especially

At this moment, it is early in the morning, and there are only a few warriors coming to pick up the mission. What mission Yang An has taken can be easily found out?

"No. 1497? Huh? Two people answered it?"

After Yang An just left, the old man glanced at the task list casually.

Task No. 1497 was actually marked as being taken over by two people one after another, and it was just a short time before Yang An took over the task.

All tasks can be taken at the same time. Especially some tasks with high rewards but not too dangerous, often have many people doing it at the same time. When the task is completed, the task rewards will be shared based on personal completion.

"Mission 1497:

Mission level: Level 3, Level 5.

Mission location: In a mountain village near Cangyu Mountain in Nanbaili, Ning County.

Basic situation of the mission: Starting three months ago, evil spirits of the third grade and below have appeared in the mountain villages near Cangyu Mountain in Ning County, bewitching and killing hundreds of people. The number of evil spirits is twelve. Mission requirements: Kill all evil spirits.

Mission reward: One hundred thousand taels of silver (provided by Ningxian County Government), 120~180 points (fluctuates according to the actual grade of the evil spirit, the minimum is 120, the maximum is 180).

Mission completion: 0% (12).”

This is the information Yang An obtained directly from the badge after accepting the mission.

"This badge issued by the empire is really not simple!"

Although I have already studied the badge, I have long known that this badge is a rare auxiliary magic weapon, but I did not expect it to be so awesome. The performance of this task is no less than any high-tech product. Especially the task completion rate is very good.

Obviously, this is updated in time as the task progresses.

In other words, this task is under the official control of the empire!

At least this is the information currently obtained, and new changes are likely to occur during the mission.

It's like the level of the mission Shi Juansha completed before she came back has changed.

But no matter what, this badge is awesome.

The only flaw is that there is no wireless network. Otherwise, after Yang An showed his senior sister the third level of the Marrow Cleansing Realm last time, the information recorded on him should have changed.

Fortunately, I'm not connected to the Internet.

Otherwise, the tool of pretentiousness will be exposed after being used once.

Yang An didn't think any more and walked quickly towards the gate of Baiyun Academy.

Once students of Baiyun Academy enter the Marrow Cleansing Realm, they can freely enter and exit the Baiyun Cave with their tokens. The Bone Tempering Realm is more troublesome. Only when a collective task organized by the school occurs, can they go out under the leadership of the teacher. And this kind of

Tasks basically only appear a few months after enrollment for the purpose of training for students. They are training-type tasks.

Yang An locked the direction and moved forward quickly using the "Chasing the Stars and Raising the Moon Lingbo Lingbo Xiaoyao Shenxing Technique".

The direction of the exit is not the same as the direction of the Guardian Square. It will take some time for Yang An to walk dozens of miles.

Yang An did not hide his tracks.

Along the way, I met senior warriors from time to time.

There are men and women, some are alone, some are only women, some are boys, and some are in pairs...

These warriors obviously practiced hard in this mountainous area.

In fact, there are countless good training venues throughout Baiyun Cave.

After guarding the square for two months and Qingxue Jianfeng for a month, Yang An never had time to visit the Baiyun Cave. At this moment, traveling all the way made Yang An feel like he was letting himself go.


Just when Yang An had traveled about twenty miles, a powerful bell suddenly rang.

what's the situation?

The bell rings three times in a row, with half a breath interval, which is a signal to summon all teachers, students, and deacons.

Sure enough, just when Yang An stopped, a loud voice came from afar:

"All disciples gather at the martial arts performance hall No. 1 of the Chuanfa Hall! The third-year Shi Juansha's innate viewing ceremony is about to begin!!"

"All disciples gather at the martial arts performance hall No. 1 of the Chuanfa Hall! Shi Zhuansha breaks the boundary and observes the ceremony!"

One after another, the loud sounds resounded through the mountains, constantly resounding from various mountaintops, like a relay, spreading throughout the Baiyun Cave.


The bells are still ringing.

At the same time, Yang An raised his head and looked into the void.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth actually fluctuated significantly, converging towards the core area of ​​Baiyun Academy.

"Shi Zhuansha... break through the realm to watch the ceremony?! Is it such a coincidence? Can't you wait a little longer?"

Yang An was confused.

I want to take a look, but...

The sword is still with grandpa. Although Yang An took the sword with him at the beginning, Yang An had no intention of throwing it away. After all, he already knew that she was a disciple of Baiyun Academy. After some time of thinking, he must return it to her.

It was also planned for Yang An to go back to Yang's house this time to check the situation and get the sword back. Although Shi Juansha's mark was erased, the sword's intention would not disappear and he had to practice it again.

That's it. At the same time, Yang An also thought of a way to compensate.

Of the fifty-six sword intentions, which one is not stronger than the one in the Wei Sha Sword?

That is the sword intention that has never completely dissipated after endless years!

"This junior brother, why are you still standing there? Let's go quickly. Breaking through the innate world to watch the ceremony will be of great benefit to us! Especially junior schoolmate Shi Juansha, looking at the fluctuations of the spiritual energy of the world, it is definitely no less than the original one.

Senior Luo Feng is even stronger!"

A female disciple at the peak of the Marrow Cleansing Realm saw Yang An while passing by quickly, stopped for a moment, and said to Yang An.

This chapter has been completed!
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