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Chapter 428 Self-mutilation play!

"Xiao Guang, Xiao Zou, you two don't need to take action for the time being, recover with all your strength!"


"Zhiyang, you go to the core of the battle formation, roam to support, conserve your energy, and be ready to take turns with the second rank at any time. The others will take turns in two shifts!"


"Boy, you start taking command!"

After Yang An said a few words quickly, he handed over the command to Chen Zhan.

He can only control the whole. The auxiliary magical powers of Fu Xuanguang and Zou Yihan play a greater role, so it is crucial for them to fully recover and understand. Once the two people can use their innate magical powers, their danger will be reduced to


Chen Zhan and Zhou Zhiyang are the two strongest in the team. They take turns at the back, and the others take turns at the defensive wings, forming a peak breakout sprint formation, which is the fastest.

At this moment, there are so many monsters in the beast tide that the individual monsters are not very strong yet.

Yang An transformed into a blade, which was as powerful as breaking a bamboo, and quickly advanced towards the depths of the ancient ruins.

Time passes minute by minute.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Along the way, Yang An sensed many groups and lone travelers fleeing in embarrassment, and from time to time, visions of the fall of true immortals appeared.

But they are basically one-star and one-level true immortals, and the avenue shown by the vision basically does not exceed three thousand miles.

Obviously, he should be a first-level early stage True Immortal who was promoted to the True Immortal Realm not long ago.

But Yang An and others knew that the people who died the most were those in the Mahayana realm who had not yet entered the true fairyland. It was just that there were no visions of heaven and earth, so they did not see it.

"Another one!"

At this moment, in front of Yang An and others, a strange phenomenon of heaven and earth appeared again, and a avenue reflecting the void suddenly collapsed.

Another true immortal has fallen!

"It's much deeper than us. It's a five-thousand-mile avenue. Can even a mid-level first-order true immortal be unable to hold on?"

Yang An frowned and murmured.

Yang An estimates that the location of the fallen true immortal is tens of thousands of miles deeper than them. And its avenue appears to be about five thousand miles, so it is obviously a mid-first-order true immortal.

The length of the avenue presented in the void is the standard for measuring the level of a true immortal.

Ten thousand miles is the first-order peak, twenty thousand miles is the second-order peak, and so on.

Of course, the length can accurately reflect the level of true immortal, but it cannot represent the strength. How strong you are depends on how thick you are.

In short, just like men, the longer and thicker the body, the stronger the basic strength.

"The monster is getting stronger and stronger!"

"Can we hold on until the city appears?"

"The endless killings just appeared out of thin air!"

"I, I can't hold it anymore..."

Everyone in Yang An's team looked a little embarrassed.

In three days, even if they were rotated, their recovery speed could not keep up with the consumption speed. They broke the limit again and again and struggled to support themselves. Although they had not yet reached the point where they were running out of fuel, they could see thousands of miles ahead.

There are mid-level first-level true immortals falling everywhere, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to them.

Wanli, if there was no seal, it would be nothing for them at their peak state. But at this moment, the distance of Wanli would take them at least two days.

Moreover, the beast tide will become stronger after two days.

Can they hold on?

Even if it can be sustained, the city is still nowhere to be seen and is out of reach.

The most important thing is that the situation of the Dinghai Shenzhen in their minds does not look much better than theirs at the moment.

No way, Yang An's consumption as a blade is definitely several times that of theirs.

Moreover, they all take shifts, but Yang An has been supporting it by himself until now. You can imagine how much pressure he is under.

It's pretty good that it has been able to support it until now.

It was not until this moment that they realized that their boss was a human being after all, not a god...

This is the main reason that makes them worry, feel hopeless, and even despair.

The beasts are so fierce and unafraid of death that they can kill endlessly. Even if one of them is not strong, everyone can't resist the impact of committing suicide and self-destruction again and again.

The battle array was broken up again and again.

Almost everyone was seriously injured.

"Fu Xuanguang, Zou Yihan, how are you two doing?"

Yang An naturally felt the emotions of everyone and said suddenly.

"Boss, I feel like it's not working! It's too slow to understand the unblocking process." Fu Xuanguang frowned and said, "I'd better join the war!"

"Boss, I have no hope either. Without 30% of the effect being unlocked, I won't be able to use my innate magical powers. Now it's only a little over 10%..." Zou Yihan also said.

"Then we can only try the spiritual fruit."

Yang An frowned slightly, his expression became more solemn, and he seemed to hesitate for a moment. A light flashed between his eyebrows, and a green and red spiritual fruit appeared in his hand.

"Boss, don't! Don't! This, the spiritual power contained in this spiritual fruit is so powerful that it definitely exceeds our imagination. If we eat it when it is mature..."

Before Liu Han finished speaking, Yang An swallowed it in one mouthful, causing her voice to stop abruptly.

Everyone also looked at Yang An nervously.

The key point is that no one knows about the immature spiritual fruit. Even Liu Han, a research madman, doesn’t know what the spiritual fruit is, and the medicinal properties are even less clear. Taking it directly is absolutely extremely dangerous.

Because even mature elixirs may be highly poisonous when immature.

What’s more, it might be a magical elixir that cannot be taken directly?

Of course, the most important point is that the spiritual charm and terrifying spiritual power contained in this spiritual fruit is what makes Liu Han and others most nervous.


The moment the spirit fruit entered his stomach, Yang An's whole body exploded like an explosion.


"You...can't bear it! Let's go! Charge with me!"

Yang An's face instantly turned red, as if stained with blood, and he spat out a mouthful of blood and said.


"Boom boom boom..."

After saying that, Yang An shot up with lightning, and his fists shot out like a river bursting its banks without any reservation.



At this moment, Yang An felt like a volcano about to erupt, frantically venting the energy in his body.

Even so, his physical body bulged up like a balloon, and was expanding rapidly. There was no doubt that it was the spiritual power contained in the spiritual fruit, extremely violent spiritual power!

Yes, it is directly the spiritual power of the spiritual fruit!

Totally uncontrollable power!

But at this moment, Yang An's terrifying fist light was unleashed with each punch, and the densely packed monster beasts suddenly exploded in pieces, with flesh and blood flying all over the sky!

The worried people all opened their eyes in horror!


Can you still play like this?

Any cultivator, regardless of realm, must temper and absorb the energy to control it, which is called power, and then it can be displayed and transformed into its own magical powers such as attack or defense.

Otherwise, once activated, it will definitely be out of control and the energy will explode!

But Yang An actually used his extremely abnormal physical strength to suppress the energy of the explosion and blast it out of his body!

This is a crazy way to injure oneself by ten thousand and attack the enemy by one thousand!

But it has to be said that in the face of a tide of beasts that are not afraid of death but not very strong, when the energy and energy are almost exhausted, the effect of using this simple and crude self-harming style of fighting is very amazing!

This chapter has been completed!
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