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Chapter 788 The horror of the wrath of the sky!

"With me, this method is the best. If it were someone else, if it were like this, the game would be over in a minute!"

Yang An thought to himself.

Su Ruobing concentrated on studying the laws and pressure of Heaven, reaching a state of selflessness, thus ignoring the pain suffered by her body and soul, making her state of mind as stable as a rock, untouched by Heaven's punishment. However, the physical body and soul were seriously injured by Heaven's punishment.


That is to say, Yang An's divine trench can provide a steady stream of divine spiritual springs, life origins and soul origin energy to quickly help her heal her body and soul. Otherwise, Su Ruobing will not be able to withstand a few heavenly punishments and her body will collapse.

The soul palace is shattered, and without the protection of the physical body and the soul palace, the origin and consciousness of the soul cannot persist for long before the soul and soul are destroyed.

The next heavenly punishments were stronger than the last, and Yang An was really worried.

A nanny who is better than a nanny.

It not only directly feeds milk, but also helps digestion and absorption.

However, what surprised Yang An slightly was that Su Ruobing's speed of collecting data, studying and analyzing the data, and then comprehending the laws of heaven was surprisingly fast. Even compared to Yuan Xi, who has a strong understanding, he did not give in, and even surpassed him.

a little!

Is this really not about controlling the laws of heaven by understanding them, but by relying on the method of deciphering the laws of heaven that has been studied by the Xinwu Xiuxian system? Summarizing various laws and possible operations through data analysis?

don't know.

Yang An really doesn’t understand.

He didn't bother to study. To be honest, although he was awesome, but depending on who he compared with, there was still a big gap compared with Yang An's talent of being able to grasp the control in minutes based on his feelings. In the future, Su Ruobing's "comprehension"

"Perhaps she will become stronger and stronger as she accumulates research, but at most she can equal Yang An and cannot surpass her. If she exceeds it, then she doesn't need to understand it, she just knows it directly, right? After all, Lao Yang just follows his feelings.

, it doesn’t take much time to understand and control it, it’s not much different from meeting it directly, right?

How much faster could it be?

How fast do you want to go?

Anyway, Yang An was content and didn't bother to learn. In the state of unity of mind and soul, Yang An felt a big headache whenever he sensed it. The thinking of the former top student seemed to be rusty, and he really didn't bother to learn.

By the time the Heavenly Punishment reached the 6636th level, it was already terrifying beyond the last 9981 levels of Jin Feng. And the Heavenly Punishment caused by the transformation of Yuan Xi's energy and spirit was only the 45th level.

At that time, it was comparable to the intensity of Jin Feng's 81st Heavenly Punishment. This means that Su Ruobing's Heavenly Punishment was more powerful than Yuan Xi's Nine Paths!

The power of the wrath of heaven is evident!

Fortunately, Su Ruobing's state of mind is as stable as an old dog, and in the state of unity of soul and soul, the power of the punishment Yang An endures is much smaller than when he was with Yuan Xi, and it has no effect on Yang An's ability to suppress himself.

The state of vitality and spirit.

It can be said that this division of labor between the two makes it easier to deal with the natural punishment.

But it is a pity that by the time of the ninety-nine and eighty-one steps, the body and soul of the university sister finally could not support it. According to Yang An's deduction, in the next step, if Su Ruobing still resists the punishment of heaven, Su Ruobing's

The physical body and soul will collapse in an instant, which means that it is difficult for Yang An to help him repair and treat him, just like it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw. Because the collapse that cannot leave even a breath will not give Yang An the chance to help him with treatment.

"Senior sister?" Yang An reminded him in his mind.

"I, I started to resist... Do you have any objection?" Sister Nai responded, obviously a little embarrassed.

Of course she knows what the best way is, but she really can't do what Yuan Xi does.

The reason why she is embarrassed is that after all, Yang An has paid too much for her heavenly punishment, and the resources consumed are absolutely of immeasurable value. However, without Yang An truly becoming one with her, the harvest will definitely be far less than with Yuan.

The gains from overcoming the tribulation together with Xi. This does not include the gains from Yuan Xi’s Yuan Yin.

"No, how can you have any objection? Senior sister, you have the final say."

"That's good...thank you."

"You're welcome." Yang An responded seriously.

He did have no objection. Although he did have some thoughts, helping Su Yourong was definitely not for that reason. After all, Su Yourong was also helping him, right? If he had any objection at this time, who would he be?


Basic respect for college ladies is a must!

Instead of forcing it now.

That's so boring.

If it's yours, it's yours; if it's not yours, it won't be you after all.


"But, senior sister, under the wrath of heaven, there will definitely be 108 divine punishments! Even if you resist, I'm afraid you won't be able to persist until the end..."

"Life or death is a matter of fate. As long as I try my best to preserve my soul and consciousness, it will be fine."


I understand. Even if I die, or if I delete my account and start over again, I won't be able to truly become one with Yang An for the time being.

The university sister is so insistent, either she has a favorite Taoist companion, or she is very traditional and conservative. Yang An is too lazy to guess what it is, let alone ask.

We can only try our best to help her overcome the disaster. Whether she can succeed or not depends on her luck.

Of course, using a Dao Fruit is also in Yang An's plan.

This price is not small.

When Yuan Xi was there, it was useless until the end. It was not that he was unwilling to give it up. After all, the Dao Fruit was not fully mature yet, and it really couldn't be used unless it was absolutely necessary, because there was uncertainty.

What if Yuan Xi couldn't suppress the violent energy? That would be counterproductive and not helpful.

The same is true for college girls!

Unless absolutely necessary, it will naturally not be used.



Divine punishment continues.

There are many strange phenomena in the void, and gods and Buddhas roar.

On the top of Tianjiao's tomb, all the cultivators looked horrified. Many cultivators who had insufficient mental state even trembled. The pressure of the wrath of gods and Buddhas filled the sky. What was that concept? In addition, the sky was so terrifying that it had surpassed Yuan Xi's time.

No one can imagine how Su Ruobing and Yang An endured the punishment!

Even if you resist with all your strength, can you survive?

Most of the top talents present felt that they would be bombarded to pieces!

Even if Yang An helps, it will be of no use. Because it will be instantly reduced to rubbish. No matter how many resources there are, such as divine spiritual springs and the source of life, there will be no chance to enjoy them.

"Another Taoist companion has been appointed..."

"The top beauties are all Yang An's."

"No way, if it were me, I would make the same choice. Apart from truly uniting and letting the heaven-defying existence of Yang An help withstand the power of blocking the punishment of heaven, I'm afraid there is no way to survive, right? The anger of the sky,

The wrath of heaven! If he can survive this, Yang An will really defy heaven!"

"Ninety-six paths are so strong, and there are at least twelve more behind them. It may be difficult to survive. After all, what Lin Yan is talking about is the wrath of heaven! Look at Lin Yan's expression!"

Lin Yan's expression did indeed show a rare hint of worry. He stared at the palace that was being punished by heaven. His gaze seemed to have burned into flames, as if he could penetrate the palace and see what was going on inside.

Chapter 788: The Terror of Heaven’s Wrath!

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