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Chapter 604. Opening the old man’s house and worshiping the mountain god

 People, some are inconsistent, and some are inconsistent.

Let’s talk about Zhao Youcai. When he got home that day, he saw a pig’s head next to the bowl shelf. He asked Zhao Jun what he was doing with the pig’s head. Zhao Jun joked with him that he would save it for worshiping the mountain god when he released the mountain. Zhao Youcai acted like this at that time.


But today, he went all over the village asking for pig heads, and even said he wanted to sacrifice to the mountain god.

Where can I find reason in this?

After Zhao Youcai finished speaking, he ignored Zhao Jun. He just put the pig's head on the side of the stove pit and said to Wang Meilan: "Lan Na, boil some water in a while and make this pig's head bald."

"I won't let you go bald." Wang Meilan curled her lips in disgust and said, "That thing smells like a bald thing, so you can go bald yourself."

After Wang Meilan finished speaking, she continued to cut cabbage, while Zhao Youcai rolled her eyes at her from behind, thinking that this woman really has long hair and short knowledge. If her son wants to eat pig head stew, she will give him the bald pig head.

When it came time to do something big, she refused to cooperate.

Thinking of this, Zhao Youcai turned around, only to see that Zhao Jun had already turned around and returned to the house. Zhao Youcai snorted coldly and muttered in a low voice: "I don't need you anymore. I'll do it myself after dinner."

After saying that, Zhao Youcai went back to the house to change clothes.

Tonight’s meal is quite simple, with slices of cabbage stir-fried, potato slices, carrot slices, pickles and rice. Although there is no meat, the whole family is tired of eating meat, so we have some vegetarian dishes, which is quite delicious.<


After dinner, Wang Meilan went to the outhouse to wash the dishes, while Zhao Youcai boiled a large pot of water, put it in a basin and began to shed the wild boar hair.

It saves time and effort to shave only one pig head than to shave the whole pig, but it is only one pig head. When shaving the pig hair, the pig head keeps moving. Zhao Youcai wanted to ask Zhao Jun for help, but Zhao Jun said that he was scalding it in the house.

My feet have been inserted into the basin and I can't get them out now.

After Zhao Jun finished washing his feet, he came out with a basin, opened the door and poured water into the yard. He closed the door and turned to Zhao Youcai and said, "Dad, let me help you!"

"Get lost!" Zhao Youcai scolded directly: "I have to finish my work before you come!"

Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this and was about to go back to the house, but was stopped by Zhao Youcai.

At this time, Zhao Youcai was sitting on a small bench, and Zhao Jun squatted down next to him. But smelling the hot water burning pig hair and pig skin, Zhao Jun couldn't help but wrinkled his nose and said, "Dad...don't you use me?"
Zhao Youcai rolled his eyes at Zhao Jun and said loudly: "Son, what are we going to do with the big stuff today?"

Zhao Youcai's words made Zhao Jun startled, and Wang Meilan, who was washing the dishes with her back to them, snorted coldly.

Zhao Jun subconsciously raised his head and glanced at my mother's back. He knew that Zhao Youcai did this on purpose, and deliberately brought the matter to the surface openly.

Zhao Jun laughed dryly and said, "Dad, why are we talking about money? Isn't everything yours mine?"

Speaking of this, Zhao Jun added like a joke: "What? Dad, do you have other sons?"

"Go away!" Zhao Youcai scolded Zhao Jun with a smile, and then said: "You take others there, and you give them hundreds or thousands. How can your father go with you two and get nothing?"

As Zhao Youcai was talking, Wang Meilan started to carry the basin and put the washed dishes and chopsticks into the dish rack. When she came back, she stood behind Zhao Youcai, staring at the back of Zhao Youcai's head.

When Zhao Jun saw this, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Dad, what do you need money for? My mother has a lot of food and drink for you every day."

"I want the money for something." After Zhao Youcai finished speaking, he wondered why Wang Meilan hadn't come back. He looked back at Wang Meilan and said, "Lan Na, tell me, my son and I will be busy all day long.

Don’t you give me two cents?”

"Yeah." Wang Meilan pursed her lips and pronounced "um" through her nose.

When Zhao Youcai heard this, he turned around and said to Zhao Jun: "Did you hear that? Your mother has agreed. If you don't give it to me, will I be done with you?"

This is even threatening!

Zhao Jun thought it was quite interesting, so he smiled and asked Wang Meilan: "Mom, you are our shopkeeper, how much do you want to give my dad?"

Wang Meilan said expressionlessly: "Give him three yuan, five yuan will be enough."

"Three yuan, five yuan?" Zhao Youcai suddenly jumped up from the bench, turned to Wang Meilan and said, "How can that work?"

Wang Meilan rolled her eyes at Zhao Youcai and said angrily: "Then how much more do you want?"

"How much do you want..." Zhao Youcai rolled his eyes and said: "Lan Na, do you think this is okay? If we want to hold more mallets, give me more. If we want to hold less, give me less.

I’ll give it a try.”

"This..." Wang Meilan and Zhao Jun looked at each other, and seeing Zhao Jun smiling and nodding at her, Wang Meilan said to Zhao Youcai: "That's alright, you work hard with your son."

Zhao Youcai felt awkward after hearing this, but Wang Meilan's next words made him widen his eyes.

Just listen to Wang Meilan say: "Bangchui took down the mountain and sold it for money. No matter how much it is sold, I will give you 10% of it!"

"10%!" Zhao Jun and Zhao Youcai were both shocked, and said that if the ginseng seedlings sold for 4,000 yuan today, they would have to give Zhao Youcai 400 yuan.

Others don't know it, but Zhao Jun knows that big goods are absolutely indispensable in that old village. If you think about it, the old Pang family could buy a house and a car in that old village in their previous life. How much money would it cost.

If Zhao Youcai was really paid 10%, Zhao Youcai could become a household worth ten thousand yuan.

But just when Zhao Jun was surprised and Zhao Youcai was pleasantly surprised, Wang Meilan nodded and said to Zhao Youcai: "Yes, if I sell it for a hundred yuan, I will give you one yuan. If I sell it for a thousand yuan, I will give you ten yuan."

"Ah?" Zhao Youcai's surprise suddenly disappeared. He looked at Wang Meilan blankly and said loudly: "Does your family call this 10%?"

When Wang Meilan heard this, she narrowed her eyes and smiled, turned around and entered the house. The conditions at home have been getting better and better recently, and she didn't want to restrict Zhao Youcai too much. Moreover, Zhao Youcai didn't have any bad habits. If he wanted to save some money, just let him go. Otherwise, she would really do it.

If he becomes ill out of frustration, then don’t you and your son still have to serve him?

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Wang Meilan was open-minded, but Zhao Youcai was unwilling, but he didn't dare to argue with Wang Meilan, so he only said to Zhao Jun: "Look at your mother, she's paying 10%, and..."

"Dad!" Zhao Jun hurriedly stopped Zhao Youcai, fearing that he would say something treasonous, and immediately persuaded him: "Why don't you think about it? You can share forty yuan with Miao Bangchui today, which is a lot!

As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Zhao Youcai stopped talking. He blinked and said to Zhao Jun: "Go, go to bed early, and we will leave early tomorrow!"

After saying that, Zhao Youcai took the shaved pig head out of the basin, put it in another empty basin, and then poured water to wash it.


Early the next morning, just after three o'clock, as soon as the rooster crowed in the backyard, Zhao Youcai got up from the kang.

After he got dressed, he came out of the room and started stewing vegetables and steaming dry food.

Potatoes and eggplants are stewed, and steamed noodles are served as cakes. As a chef, Zhao Youcai makes this meal very smooth.

While waiting for the big pot to be steamed, Zhao Youcai rolled up his left cuff with his right hand, looked at his watch, and went to the west room to wake Zhao Jun up.

Zhao Jun was woken up by Zhao Youcai. He looked out the window and saw that it was still dark, and he couldn't help but be speechless.

But having been awakened, Zhao Jun stopped sleeping. He got up from the kang, went to the latrine first, and then came back to wash up.

After he dried his face, Zhao Youcai put the kang table on the table.

The two of them had breakfast in Zhao Jun's room. When Zhao Youcai put the last piece of cake in his mouth, he put his chopsticks on the table and said to Zhao Jun: "Eat quickly, we are ready to leave after eating."

You don’t need to pick up the table if you leave it here, let your mother clean it up.”

After saying that, Zhao Youcai got up and went to the east room, changed his clothes and woke up Wang Meilan.

Wang Meilan got up and saw that it was not yet five o'clock, so she couldn't help but glare at Zhao Youcai.

But when Zhao Youcai faced Wang Meilan today, he was quite confident. He waved his hand and said: "Lan Na, hurry up and pull that red cloth you bought for me."

When Wang Meilan heard this, she frowned and said, "What do you want that thing for?"

"Don't worry about what you are doing." Zhao Youcai glanced at Wang Meilan, and then said: "Give me a piece of it quickly, I can use it."

Wang Meilan glared at Zhao Youcai, got up, opened the kang cabinet door, and pulled out a roll of red cloth from the inside.

She bought this and kept it to make big red flowers when Zhao Jun got married.

At this time, she pulled open one end of the red cloth and pulled it out about two feet, then raised her head and asked Zhao Youcai, "Is it enough?"

"Be more careful!" Zhao Youcai said: "Why are you picking at Sosou?"

Wang Meilan curled her lips, pulled her hand out another two feet, and asked Zhao Youcai: "Is that enough this time?"

"Okay." Zhao Youcai took out a small pair of scissors from the sewing box on the side, pinched the tips of the scissors together with his thumb and index finger, and handed the scissors handle to Wang Meilan.

Wang Meilan took the scissors and cut the cloth, then threw the four feet of cloth towards Zhao Youcai and said, "This day is not enough for you to sneeze at."

Zhao Youcai pounced forward, reached out to catch the fallen red cloth, folded it up with both hands, and put it into his trouser pocket.

Then, Zhao Youcai began to change clothes and put on leggings.

After putting on his leggings, taking off the wall bag and carrying it on his back, Zhao Youcai seemed to have regained the feeling of commanding the mountains and forests.

He half-turned around, glanced at Wang Meilan indifferently, and said: "I'll go up the mountain, and you can leave your house to clean up, clean up the house, clean up again, and clean up the courtyard."

Wang Meilan: "..."

Zhao Youcai, who had pretended for a while, opened the door, walked to the west room in a few steps, and shouted at Zhao Jun, who was still putting on his leggings: "What are you waiting for? You're stunned!"

"I..." Zhao Jun was about to speak, but saw Zhao Youcai turned around and walked away. He was a little speechless. He had promised before that everything about releasing the mountain would be up to him, but now it seems that Zhao Youcai wants to turn his back on guests!

But this was his own father, Zhao Youcai was really disobedient, and Zhao Jun didn't do anything. So he quickened his movements, tied up his leggings, then stood up, took off his shoulder bag from the wall, and put it on his back.

When Zhao Jun came out of the house, he saw Zhao Youcai stuffing lunch boxes and cans into his pocket.

Seeing Zhao Jun coming out, Zhao Youcai picked up the cloth bag next to him, threw it behind his head, and carried it on his shoulder.

Zhao Jun knew that the cloth bag contained pig heads, so he immediately stepped forward and said to Zhao Youcai: "Dad, please carry it for me."

"No need!" Zhao Youcai grabbed the cloth bag with one hand, raised his hand and pointed outward, saying: "Let's go!"

As he said that, he tiptoed the door and came out of the house first.

In the late autumn in the northeastern forest area, it was almost freezing in the morning. As soon as Zhao Jun came out of the house, he was blown away by the cool breeze and immediately put his hands into his sleeves.

Zhao Youcai was in front, striding forward, pushing open the courtyard door and leaving. Zhao Jun hurriedly followed, and the two of them walked all the way out of the village and straight into the mountain field.

When we entered the mountain field, it was not completely bright yet, but it did not affect walking. Zhao Youcai was leading the way. Unlike yesterday, Zhao Youcai walked very fast today.

Zhao Jun had to jog from time to time to keep up with Zhao Youcai. I don't think he had been out so early in a long time, and he had always taken a car when going up the mountain to fight sieges a while ago, so he rarely traveled in such a hurry.

The two men had been walking for more than 20 minutes when Zhao Youcai suddenly stopped and turned to look at Zhao Jun, who had fallen three or four meters behind him.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Jun hurriedly came to Zhao Youcai and said, "Dad, how about I carry it for a while?"

"No need!" Zhao Youcai raised his hand and pointed at the big red pine on the left, and said to Zhao Jun: "Let's leave it here for sacrifice."

"Ah!" Zhao Jun was in a daze. Just as he was about to ask again, he saw Zhao Youcai carrying a cloth bag in front of the pine tree.

This red pine is not small, about 40 to 50 gauge thick. Zhao Youcai placed the cloth bag next to the root of the tree, then pulled out the knife from his waist and peeled off the bark on the tree.

The purpose of peeling off pine tree bark at this time is not to wrap ginseng, nor to carve the old man's omen, but to open the old man's house.

I saw Zhao Youcai using his knife to draw a triangle on the pine tree, and then a square underneath the triangle. To put it bluntly, it looked like a child's drawing of a house.

After outlining the outline, Zhao Youcai used the knife to carefully cut off the bark in the outline.

This is called opening the old man's house!

After driving out of the old man's house, Zhao Youcai took out a red cloth from his pocket and wrapped it around the old man's house.

While Zhao Youcai was doing this, Zhao Jun stood aside and watched Zhao Youcai busy with a smile.

He watched Zhao Youcai tuck the cloth, then bent his knees and knelt down.

After kneeling down, Zhao Youcai pulled the cloth bag from the side and tipped the bag's mouth down, causing the pig's head inside to fall to the ground.

Zhao Youcai threw the cloth bag aside, then grabbed one of the pig ears with one hand and straightened the pig's head in front of the pine tree.

At this time, the pig's head was under the master's house, and the pig's mouth was pointed at Zhao Youcai.

Zhao Youcai took out Shilin cigarettes from his pocket, took out a cigarette, and put the filter tip into his mouth. Then Zhao Youcai took out a matchbox, struck a match and lit the cigarette.

Then, Zhao Youcai dug out the soil, buried the filter part of the cigarette in the soil, and stood in front of the pig's head.

After that, Zhao Youcai took out two more cigarettes. He did the same thing. After placing the three cigarettes side by side in front of the pig's head, seeing the white smoke curling up, Zhao Youcai kowtowed three times in succession towards the pine tree and the sacrifice in front of him.

After kowtowing, Zhao Youcai knelt straight and chanted loudly: "God of the Mountain, I, Zhao Youcai, took my son Zhao Jun to the mountain today to plant ginseng. I hope the God of the Mountain will bless me and my father to go to the mountain safely and come out of the mountain safely."

At this point, Zhao Youcai paused and then said: "My son wants to offend the mountain god before spring begins. You, the old man, must not blame the villain."

Zhao Jun next to him heard what he said and suppressed the joy of not making a sound. At this time, Zhao Jun had an idea in his mind, if you don't mention this matter, maybe the mountain god can really protect you.

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