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Chapter 901. Bear Spirit War Dog and Tiger Crossing the Border

I always say this black bear is abnormal.

Normally, whether a bear attacks a person or a dog, it must stand up first like a human.

The difference is that black bears are accustomed to holding their front paws on their chests, while brown bears are accustomed to hanging their arms with their front paws above their knees.

This is just like when a dog bites, there is a pause and a process before opening its mouth to bite.

But the black bear didn't make any unnecessary moves. It turned over and rushed towards the black tiger.

This is the black tiger.

The big black bear rushed towards it, and suddenly the head of the head went dark. The black tiger jumped to the side with its tail between its legs, and quickly ducked behind a tree.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..." The black bear's lack of martial ethics made the black tiger very angry. It showed its head from behind the tree and roared at the black bear.

At this time, the black bear could no longer care about the black tiger. When it landed, the hunting dogs, which had been waiting for an opportunity, immediately attacked it.

They pounced on the black bear from three directions: left, right and back, opening their mouths and biting.

Although the bear's fur was burned by the fire when he came out of the cave, the long hair on the big black blind man can still protect most of his body.

When the dog bites it, all it bites is a piece of hair. But the dogs in Zhao Jun's family are all big and fat. The third fat man is pulling the black bear on the left, the second black, the white dragon is pulling on the right side of the black bear, the tabby cat, the flower wolf is pulling on the black bear's butt, and the six dogs are added to it.

They weighed more than 600 kilograms together. They all pulled back and were immediately staggered by the black bear.

The black bear jumped forward with all his strength. When he stood up, he threw back his left palm first, followed by his right palm.

The hunting dogs immediately dispersed to avoid the bear's paws and formed a circle with other companions to surround the black bear.

The two snowfalls in Yong'an this year were not heavy, and the snow had little impact on the hunting dogs' actions. Otherwise, Zhao Jun would not dare to bring the dogs to surround the bear.

At this time, the black bear stood in the circle, with its buttocks sunk, its arms hanging down on its chest, and its front paws hanging above its knees.

It was obviously a black bear, but it was in the attack posture of a brown bear.

"Woof!" Bailong bit the black bear's left hind leg, and the black bear quickly grabbed back with his left paw. When the white dragon retreated, Qinglong, Black Dragon, and Xiaohua launched an attack on the black bear from the right.

The black bear turned to the right and rushed towards the three dogs. The green dragon, black dragon and Xiaohua quickly ran away.

The black bear jumped up and pounced on the big fat man. At the same time, he grabbed the big fat man with both front paws.

Big Fatty dodged to the side, Erhei, Dahuang, Tabby Cat, and Hualang all attacked behind the black bear. They bit at the black bear's butt and legs. But the black bear ignored them, dragging the four dogs and pounced on the bear just now.

A black tiger peeks out from behind a tree.

"Ouch!" the black tiger screamed and jumped behind the tree again with its tail between its legs.

Perhaps because seeing Black Tiger lame one leg, Black Bear felt that such a dog was easy to deal with and wanted to get rid of an opponent first.

After jumping into the air, the black bear stood up and used both palms to kill all the dogs that were attacking it.

"Woof woof woof..."

The barking of dogs echoed on the mountain top, and the hunting dogs raised their heads and roared four or five meters away from the black bear.

The standing black bear lowered its front paws. The moment its four paws touched the ground, its huge body spun up and landed four meters away.

The hunting dogs were in a mess. Big Fat, Three Fat, Green Dragon, and Black Dragon fled in a hurry. The black bear took a step forward and went straight for the black dragon.

"Woof, woof, woof..." The black dragon's cry changed. It ran away in fear, but the black bear pursued it closely.

The dog ran faster than the bear, but the bear had already charged when it attacked, but the black dragon ran away. Before the black dragon could accelerate, the black bear had already caught up with it.

The other dogs followed the black bear, but Qinglong's eyes turned red and he rushed to bite the black bear. However, Qinglong was unable to stop the black bear and was dragged to the ground by the black bear.

When the 600-pound black bear charges up, the powerful kinetic energy is not something that a few dogs can hold back.

"Ouch!" When the black dragon was in danger, a black shadow shot out diagonally, pounced on the black bear halfway and bit it!

Black Tiger is here for revenge!

This bite did not bite the three sides, but it bit the bullet wound under the left rib of the black bear.

"Ouch..." The black bear screamed, abandoned the black dragon in front of him, turned over and slapped the black tiger with both palms.

But the moment the black bear took out its palm, the black tiger had already disappeared.

"Ouch..." Behind a tree about eight meters away, the black tiger cursed at the black bear.

"Aww...aow!" Not far away, the black dragon whimpered, and it was still frightened after escaping from death.

Before the black bear could pounce on the black tiger, the hunting dogs attacked it again. The black bear forced the dogs back with its palms, then turned around suddenly and faced the black tiger who wanted to sneak attack.

"Ouch!" The black tiger ran away with its tail between its legs, but the black bear did not chase it, but went straight to the big hill at the junction of the two provinces.

At this time, all the gunshot wounds on both sides of it collapsed. The black bear also hated the hunting dogs in front of him, especially the black lame man.

But it smelled of people.

The black bear jumped up the steep peg and sprinted towards the big hill.

This large hill divides the two provinces. The vegetation on the hill is lush and full of towering trees!

At this time, the hunting dogs were eager to kill. If the black bear ran away, they would chase it.

Eleven hunting dogs were chasing the black bear on the hills. Zhao Jun looked up and saw the snow on the hills rising from the sky like white mist.

"Oh my god!" Zhao Jun couldn't help but curse. Of course he recognized that it was the border between the two provinces, and he also knew that this battle would be difficult.

"Baoyu!" Zhao Jun shouted urgently. Li Baoyu couldn't clasp his fists with both hands holding the gun, so he immediately responded loudly: "Brother!"

"Drive it away!" Zhao Jun roared and asked, "Do you dare?"

"Dare!" Li Baoyu responded loudly, and Zhao Jun warned: "Pay attention to your own safety!"

"It's your order!" Li Baoyu shouted and rushed up. His leg strength was really good. If it weren't for waiting for Zhao Jun, he would have gone to the big post long ago.

Zhao Jun took out a bullet whistle from his pocket and blew it twice. Soon there was a response from below. Zhang Yuanmin and Jie Chen also climbed up with all their strength. At this time, they were only twenty or thirty meters away from Zhao Jun.

"Brother!" Zhao Jun shouted: "Baoyu and I are leaving first, don't separate!"

"I know, brother!" Zhang Yuanmin shouted: "We will catch you right away!"

Zhao Jun turned around to chase, but at this time, the black bear was running up and down in the dense forest on the mountains. It was not running fast. But the virgin forest scattered the hunting dogs.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Here, it is difficult for hunting dogs to form an effective attack on black bears. But equally, these thick trees can also provide protection for hunting dogs.

Ten minutes later, the black bear passed through the woods, and by this time it had escaped the Zhao family dog ​​gang.

There was no way, it wasn't that the hunting dogs were not brave. But from the time the dog gang left Zhao Jun outside the black bear cave in Shitang, until they caught up with the black bear outside the poplar forest, the dogs had traveled more than six miles.

Then, the hunting dogs chased the black bear all the way up, and Zhan Yu Shantan chased the black bear to the big hill at the junction of the two provinces, shuttling through the primeval forest.

When all four leading dogs gave up, their attack had covered more than fourteen miles, nearly fifteen miles.

The distance traveled this time exceeded that of the night battle in the Sow Forest, and it was already a record.

Prior to this, Zhao Jun had seen the furthest dog in his life, the son of Qinglong and Heilong. That dog was named Little Tiger by Zhao Jun. When it was at its peak, Zaizi could reach twelve miles away.

When Li Baoyu chased into the forest, Xiao Hua jumped on him, but Li Baoyu was startled.

Soon, Li Baoyu came to his senses. He quickly checked and found that there were no dogs, so he took them out of the forest.

Twenty minutes later, Zhao Jun hurried over to join Li Baoyu.

"Brother!" Li Baoyu came to Zhao Jun with a gun on his shoulder, cupped his fists and said, "The dogs are back."

What he said is pure nonsense, and Zhao Jun is not blind.

Zhao Jun raised his head and looked up. He could see the top of a mountain above the forest. It was Laoye Ridge in Ji Province. He thought that the black bear was running there.

Zhao Jun frowned and went to the side to chase away the black tiger. The dog was licking the snow just now. This is normal. The dog is tired and thirsty after a long run. There is no water source around, so the dog will chew some snow to quench its thirst.

But on the snow, Zhao Jun saw a trace of black and red blood.

When a beast is injured, if the blood stain left behind is a normal red color, it means that the injury is not serious. But if the blood is purple-black and sticky, it means that it is a serious injury.

Zhao Jun turned his head, glanced up again, and then called to Li Baoyu: "Brother, come sit down and have a rest. We'll catch you when we're done!"

Since this black bear was seriously injured, it would definitely lie down and rest if there were no dogs to chase it away.

But if we continue to chase them now, the black bear will definitely continue to run. Not to mention that the people are tired and the dogs are tired now, the key is that if we chase them again, we will enter Ji Province, and we will not be able to go home at night.

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu found a place to sit down, and the hunting dogs gathered around them to rest. It was almost eleven o'clock, Zhao Jun asked Li Baoyu to take out a big pancake, and the two of them did not wait for Zhang Yuanmin to reconcile, and gave the dogs two bites first, and then

They both ate it.

"Don't say that, brother." Li Baoyu tore up a piece of pancake and stuffed it into his mouth. While chewing, he smiled at Zhao Jun and said, "My uncle prepared these pancakes very well."

"Hahaha..." Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this and said, "We've all eaten it up."

Ten kilograms of large pancakes is not too much, but not much. But Zhao Jun and others have many people and dogs, so four or five kilograms are needed in one trip, which is not necessarily enough.

Just when Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu were recharging their energy with the hunting dogs, the big black bear came to a stone pond area again, but it was not going to rest here. It planned to go straight to Laoye Ridge.

Suddenly, the big black bear smelled a special smell in the mountain wind. It paused and immediately took a circle, going back out of the stone pond belt, crossing the border between the two provinces and entering the Yong'an Forest Area.

Then, the black bear headed straight to the southwest.

At the same time, Zhao Jun waited for Zhang Yuanmin and his ministers to arrive. The four of them had eaten, drank, and had enough rest. Zhao Jun stood up and said to the three of them: "We'll chase it away again. If it doesn't work, we'll go home."

As he said that, Zhao Jun pointed to a mountain in the southwest and continued: "That's Laoyu Leng over there, the original Class 13. Let's push forward until two o'clock. If we still can't push back, we'll turn back and go down there.

.After that, let’s get up early tomorrow and come straight up from there to catch him.”

In the Zhaojiabang team, Zhao Jun has absolute dominance, and no one will object to what he says.

So, the four of them continued on the road with their dogs. As they passed through the woods, they saw the black bear's footprints leading up to the stone pond, but the black tiger and the green dragon both circled outside the forest and went straight to the old elm that Zhao Jun had mentioned.

This is the real good head dog, this is the scent of the head.

Seeing is believing, and they rely more on their sense of smell. The footprints ran towards the stone pond, but the black bear took a circle inside and went to Laoyu Leng.

They didn't see this process, and they didn't need to watch it. All they wanted was to catch up with the black bear.

The mountain wind was blowing just now, and the hunting dogs smelled the scent in the wind. Moreover, because the black bear circled in a circle, the straight-line distance between it and the hunting dogs was not far at this time.

The next second, Big Fatty also reacted. As soon as it started running, its whole body trembled.

As for the black dragon, when the green dragon left, it left and disappeared long ago. But the cry of the black dragon came from time to time, attracting Xiaohua and Dahuang to get ready to move.

"Let's go!" Seeing that the dogs were a little confused, some of them wanted to follow the footprints into the stone pond, but then Zhao Jun gave a soft drink, and he ran two steps in the direction where the four-headed dogs left. And he

As soon as he ran away, all the other gang dogs came running towards him.

Seeing the hunting dogs descending the mountain one after another, Zhao Jun picked up his gun and took it in his hand, ordering Li Baoyu to be the vanguard.

Seeing Li Baoyu holding a gun in one hand and jumping down like a big roe deer, Zhang Yuanmin said to Zhao Jun with some confusion: "Brother, could the dog be chasing something else?"

"There's nothing left to do." Zhao Jun smiled bitterly and said, "That dog has gone out, so we have to follow him?"

Zhang Yuanmin was right when he thought about it. The four-headed dogs all ran over there. No matter what they were chasing, people had to follow them.

"Brother Jun, it can't be the big black blind guy we chased away, right?" Jie Chen also interjected: "I remember you told me that the blind bear has to run to the big hill when he leaves the warehouse."

After hearing what Jie Chen said, Zhao Jun turned around and took a look at Laoye Ridge.

It stands to reason that whether it is a brown bear or a black bear, after they are frightened out of the barn while hibernating, they must rush to the mountains and reach the big hills step by step.

This black bear did the same thing at first, but for some reason, it suddenly turned and plunged downwards.

This goes against the black bear's habits again, but it was abnormal from the beginning.

If it happened once or twice, it was an extremely special situation. Zhao Jun had never seen wild beasts violate their habits in his two lifetimes of sieges.

But this black bear is special in itself!

To say that it has become a spirit is an overstatement. It should be because it has lived a long time and experienced a lot, which makes it have more survival wisdom than other black bears.

"Let's go!" At this time, Zhao Jun was not sure whether the hunting dogs were chasing the big black bear, but as he said before, it didn't matter if it wasn't. He could just go home along the hill. Then he would go directly home tomorrow morning.

Come here, come up from here and go straight to the stone pond area leading to Laoye Ridge, and then follow the black bear.

The three men chased down with guns, but at this moment on Laoye Ridge in Naji Province, all the animals were retreating.

There was only one beast walking in the mountains. It walked quickly and steadily step by step. It stepped out with its front legs, slightly bent its knees, and threw its front paws forward on the snow.

As it moved forward, it looked around with a look of disbelief, its eyes were black and the outer ring was amber, and their eyes were cold and evil.

It is nearly two and a half meters long, about one meter high, and weighs about four hundred kilograms.

Its fur is light yellow in color, with black stripes running across its body. It has a big round head, and black horizontal stripes run through the middle of its forehead, which seems to have the word "王" written on it!

It is the largest and most ferocious cat in the Northeast, the king of beasts at the top of the food chain.

It's called Tiger, and people around here call it Big Claws!

This is still an adult male Siberian tiger. It has been traveling along the Changbai Mountains. Now it is going to cross Laoye Mountains, cross the border between two provinces, and enter Rakshasa from Hei Province.

The tigers were running rampant along the way, spreading their scent unscrupulously.

The big black bear just now smelled its scent and turned back to Laoyu Leng.

This chapter has been completed!
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