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Chapter 123 If you dare to give it for free, we dare to reward you

Overnight, with the help of "Fang Cun Zhuji", Qilin created miracles one after another, breaking records in the history of original literature one after another.

Of course, Li Chuxue’s vest ‘Little Li Feixue’ also contributed a lot.

The number of registered users and paying users of the Kirin Chinese platform is also soaring like a rocket.

Growing every moment!

Other original platforms, not only Cuijian, Qichuang Chinese, Huandao Shumeng, Digital K Station, and Hezong Original, are also shocked and disturbed by Qilin's strong rise!

Since "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" started to be uploaded, the traffic of major original platforms has plummeted, plummeting to a record low, and this loss of traffic has undoubtedly poured into the Kirin original platform.

The sudden rise of Qilin gave them all a sense of powerlessness. Originally, other original websites were cheering for the collapse of Cuijian, and some original platforms even held a celebration party for this.

Looking back, they suddenly discovered sadly that their real opponent was not Cuijian, but the new Qilin Platform!

And now judging from the data on the Internet, Qilin's terror index is not comparable to Cuijian at all, and the two are not of the same magnitude.

The key is that the original writers of their website have begun to waver. Although the editors have begun to reassure them in advance, today is the traffic era. Qilin has huge traffic, which is exactly the resource that the original writers care about most. They are all waiting to see.

We are waiting for Kirin’s policy on original writers to be released. If it is suitable, I believe it will drive a large number of original writers to switch to Kirin. By then, all major original platforms will inevitably face a large wave of loss of original writers.

The biggest resource of an original platform is original writers. If the loss of original writers is serious, it will inevitably cause immeasurable losses to the platform. At this moment, they realize that a real crisis has arisen!

At this time, they began to miss Cuijian. At least in the era of Cuijian, they could still drink soup. However, the arrival of the Kirin era gave them a sense of powerlessness as the heroes were at their end!

"The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" is free to read on the entire Internet. However, what is unexpected is that some netizens have generously topped up their funds and rewarded "square-inch pearls" like crazy. In one night, the amount of rewards for "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" alone reached as high as 100 million Kirin coins, exceeding one million yuan.


The book friend's unexpected operation set off a small climax on the Internet, like a storm sweeping across.

These are things Wang Zhou and Li Chuxue never expected! The amount of rewards alone may be more than what Wang Zhou earns from chapter fees!

The next day, the popularity of "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" and Qilin continued to soar.

Wang Zhou finished his morning run and had breakfast with Xu Qingzhu. Du Lan and Xiao Pang Di were already waiting in the underground parking lot of the community.

Wang Zhou temporarily acted as the driver and took the three of them to the airport.

In the airport parking lot, Xu Qingzhu lingered with Wang Zhou for a long time before reluctantly entering the terminal.

Wang Zhou drove the car from the studio back and would pick them up again after Xu Qingzhu returned from Shacheng.

As soon as Wang Zhou parked his car and went upstairs, he received a call from Li Chuxue.

"Director Li, what orders do you have so early?" Wang Zhou answered the call and joked.

"Congratulations to Mr. Wang for uploading "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" for free. You can earn hundreds of thousands by just tipping without subscribing. Shouldn't you treat me to dinner?" Li Chuxue started joking without mentioning anything serious.

Wang Zhou also laughed when he heard this.

Wang Zhou actually woke up early in the morning and saw the data fluctuations in the background, and was shocked by the generosity of those lovely book friends.

There are hundreds or thousands of rewards at every turn. The key is that the group of participating fans is quite large, and the total number of rewards is a bit scary. This is something he did not expect.

"We're treating you to dinner... This... you can have it. When Qingzhu comes back from Shacheng, I'll invite you and Yu Qi to have dinner at home." Wang Zhou started to make tea and said to avoid suspicion.

No matter how slow Wang Zhou is about feelings, he can still feel the subtle difference in Li Chuxue's feelings for him, even though Li Chuxue is trying his best to hide it.

"Bamboo went to Shacheng?" Li Chuxue's eyes lit up on the other end of the phone.

"I just sent her to the airport."

"Oh..." Li Chuxue nodded and began to make small calculations in her heart.

"By the way, is Mr. Wang free in the morning? Yu Qi and I want to talk to you about the company's overall future plan!"

"Where can we talk?" Wang Zhou remembered that the three of them had decided this early on, and he couldn't refuse.

"Come to the company!"

"Company? There are many people in the company, so forget it! Either have a video chat, or you two can come to my house!"

Wang Zhou didn’t want to be watched. Although everyone didn’t know that he was ‘Fang Cun Zhuji’, his identity as Wang Zhou was enough to attract everyone’s attention.

Wang Zhou didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

"Then..." Li Chuxue knew exactly what Wang Zhou was thinking.

Because of this, Li Chuxue didn't try to persuade him to say anything. At this moment, he happened to see Li Yuqi coming and couldn't help but wave him into the office.

Li Chuxue and Li Yuqi discussed briefly and decided to communicate via video for the time being.

Yesterday Qilin went online, and "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" was uploaded on the first day. The effect was amazing, and all the data were far beyond expectations. They had a lot to deal with today, and it was impossible for them to leave together for a long time.

In Li Chuxue's office, Li Chuxue and Wang Zhou's mobile phone video connections were connected. The three of them started the first board meeting after the launch of Kylinnet via video. It was a bit informal, but the topics discussed affected the future trend of Hongmeng Technology.

Li Chuxue and Li Yuqi could not hide their excitement. Although they had discussed future plans in advance, they preferred to listen to Wang Zhou's proposal.

Li Chuxue first shared the data collected as of nine o'clock in the morning with Wang Zhou and Li Yuqi.

Registered users exceeded 15 million!

The number of recharge users exceeded 8 million!

The reward amount of "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" exceeded 120 million Qilin coins, the total valuation exceeded one million yuan, and the number of users who participated in the reward exceeded 600,000.

And the above data are still increasing, and the increasing trend continues unabated. This is the data for twelve hours. As the next chapters of "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" are continuously uploaded, these data will be continuously refreshed!

"Zhou Zi, you have to treat the guests to dinner, otherwise it will be really unjustifiable." Li Yuqi gave Wang Zhou a thumbs up in admiration.

Li Yuqi still feels that it is a bit unreal. Although he believes in Wang Zhou's influence, he did not expect that it would reach such a crazy level and sweep the entire network.

"I just made an appointment with Director Li. When Zhuzi comes back from Shacheng, he will come to my house to eat, and I will cook it myself." Wang Zhou said with a smile.

"Okay! It's such a happy decision!"

Li Chuxue and Li Yuqi chatted with Wang Zhou for a while, and briefly told Wang Zhou some things about Qilin, but Wang Zhou really couldn't arouse interest.

Finally, Li Chuxue briefly summarized Qilin's plan.

"Actually, our positioning for the company in the next two years is very simple. We are to first stabilize the traffic of the Kirin platform and the number of original writers, and then start to expand the business of Snow Fox Media, so as to complement each other! Within five years, relying on Kirin to expand Snow Fox

." Li Chuxue threw out their thoughts and looked at Wang Zhou in the video.

At this moment, Wang Zhou was still making tea seriously while listening to Li Chuxue and Li Yuqi's plans for the future.

"Teacher Wang, we want to hear your opinion." Li Chuxue proposed to Wang Zhou expectantly.

"Your ideas are right, but they are not bold enough." Wang Zhou poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and spoke slowly to the camera of his mobile phone.

"Qilin's original platform is the first step, creating the most fundamental digital reading! Of course, it is undeniable that online literature is more like fast food literature. Most works have low IP value, but they can bring emotions to readers.

This is enough for comfort, firstly. Secondly, there will also be a small number of works with IP that have development value, so what we have to do is to operate these works and launch them in the market!"

Li Chuxue and Li Yuqi nodded upon hearing this, which coincided with their thoughts.

They plan to rely on the Kirin original platform for film and television treatment of works with adaptation value!

"What I really want to say is that in the future we will use the Kirin original platform as the starting point, drive a new online literature revolution through Internet reading and IP, and truly integrate online literature, physical publishing, film and television dramas, animation, games, videos, and even

Music, etc. will be integrated without barriers to create a new pan-entertainment era. It is not just about the release of movies and TV series." Wang Zhou paused and continued to express his statement.


Li Chuxue and Li Yuqi did not expect to hear Wang Zhou's remarks, and they were shocked.

The pan-entertainment era that Wang Zhou just mentioned is creating a whole entertainment industry chain, and the most fundamental one is Qilin’s original literature.

The era of content being king is coming, and original online literature is no longer limited to fast food literature! More will be the all-round operation of IP.

"Kirin platform provides the most basic original content resources. In the future, as long as we control enough IP original resource copyrights, we will control the source of entertainment. We can use this as the starting point to derive countless peripherals, and the value of IP will be unlimited.

Zoom in!" Wang Zhou thought for a while and couldn't help but speak again.

Li Chuxue and Li Yuqi looked at each other and saw a trace of shock in each other's eyes. They didn't expect Wang Zhou to play so big.

But... they like it!

"Pan-entertainment era... this word is used wonderfully! Our previous vision was still too superficial. After listening to Teacher Wang's words, it suddenly became enlightened, as if a closed avenue had been opened! I suddenly discovered that the Kirin platform is our foundation.

, then our core in the future will still be the Qilin platform..." Li Chuxue nodded repeatedly, agreeing 100% with Wang Zhou's words.

"So what do you think is the core driving force of the Kirin platform?"

"Of course it's traffic!" Li Yuqi is indeed a technical person, and what he respects most is that traffic is king.

Wang Zhou looked at Li Chuxue.

Li Chuxue thought for a while and then said, "Excellent original work!"

Wang Zhou smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it is a good original work. Without a work, how can we talk about the promotion of the work? The series of peripheral operations are also nonsense!"

This chapter has been completed!
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