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Chapter 129 Confirm again! Are you ready?

The scene fell into silence, and the five hundred observers all entered an ethereal state along with the singing, substituting themselves into it.

In the backstage guest room, the seven guests were also immersed in it. They were undoubtedly conquered by the song "Courage".

Although they had long believed that the quality of "Fengming Qishan"'s works would not be bad, and had been looking forward to Xu Qingzhu's stage performance, they did not expect another such a high-quality song!

The key point is that this song conveys a spirit that is uplifting and encourages those who have lost confidence in love to regain their confidence. It also encourages them to accept a new relationship again.

This is the greatest belief and endless energy brought by "Courage".

As soon as Xu Qingzhu opened his mouth, they knew they were defeated!

Duan Qianwen and Tian Fuyun, Chu Han were even more affected by the lyrics, and thought of the scenes of youthful white moonlight love...

Although Lin Xuan and the others did not have that experience, they could still feel the great "courage" filling them, which contained endless power.

"It is indeed the work of Teacher Fengming Qishan. It is truly extraordinary!" Lin Xuan muttered to himself.

At this moment, he sincerely hoped to have the opportunity to cooperate with "Fengming Qishan", but he also knew that there was no other person besides Xu Qingzhu who wanted to ask for a song from "Fengming Qishan".

Lin Xuan stared at Xu Qingzhu on the screen who was deeply immersed in the performance of the song. He made up his mind to wait until the recording of the program was over and ask her to help arrange a song no matter what, even if it failed, it didn't matter.

Of course, it's not just Lin Xuan who has this thought. The eyes of the guests the day after tomorrow were all gleaming. It was obvious that they were all having the same idea.


we all need courage

To believe that we will be together

Crowded, I can feel you

Put it in my hand

your sincerity


The singing stops!

Xu Qingzhu slowly put down the microphone and looked at the observer's seat with firm eyes. She had just devoted herself wholeheartedly and did not pay attention to the changes in the expressions of the five hundred observers in the audience. After singing at this moment, there was no response from the audience. This made her

I couldn't help but have a trace of doubt, a trace of confusion, and couldn't figure out what was going on.


The applause was thunderous.

Five hundred observers suddenly stood up at the same time and applauded Xu Qingzhu on the stage.

When "Courage" came out, it was inspiring and empowering, and resonated with everyone present.


Xu Qingzhu took a deep breath. She knew that "Courage" would resonate with the audience, and she also believed that she would perfectly interpret the emotion. Obviously, she succeeded.

Xu Qingzhu slowly suppressed the emotional fluctuations in her heart at this moment. She was too involved just now. As a result, although the performance of a song had ended, she had not completely succeeded in switching roles.

Xu Qingzhu adjusted her mood to the extreme, and then bowed slightly to the observers in the audience. "Thank you!"

"Thank you Bamboo!"

"Thank you, Teacher Xu, for bringing me this song "Courage"! Yes, love requires courage, and both of us need endless courage to face rumors!" Host Wang Yu quickly walked onto the stage and began to control the scene.

As the host Wang Yu came on stage, the excited observers slowly took their seats and the applause slowly dissipated.

"Let us give applause again to Teacher Xu and to the songwriter of "Courage", Teacher Fengming Qishan. They told us that love requires "Courage" and each other needs encouragement!" Wang Yu spoke again.

With Wang Yu's rhythm, the enthusiastic atmosphere at the scene soared again, and colleagues burst into warm applause.

They all speak from the bottom of their hearts, they all feel the same way, and they instinctively need to release their inner emotions!


Xu Qingzhu could clearly feel the restless atmosphere at the scene, and she knew for sure that her performance of this song was successful.

Xu Qingzhu cares very much about the live performance of this song, much more than she cared about the song "Later" on the first stage of "The Singer Is Coming" and put in more effort.

After all, this song carries different meanings. "Courage" completely expresses her way and attitude towards love. She empathizes with it and uses all her emotions in the performance.

When she sang this song, her mind was filled with the shadow of Wang Zhou, and she was so intoxicated that she couldn't extricate herself.

"So... Teacher Xu, is there anything else you want to share with the viewers in front of the TV?" Wang Yu stepped forward and looked at Xu Qingzhu and spoke slowly.

Xu Qingzhu nodded, picked up the microphone, looked at the observer's seat, looked in the direction of the camera, and spoke slowly.

"Perhaps, many people have had wishful admiration, and have been persistent in liking someone no matter what, but more often it is the regret of missing someone because they lacked a little courage."

Many people at the scene couldn't help but nodded in agreement when they heard this. Even the host Wang Yu felt the same way.

When the host Wang Yu was in high school, he once admired a girl, but that girl was too good in all aspects. He had low self-esteem and did not have the courage to express himself, so he missed the relationship. Later, at a class reunion, he

He knew that it turned out that the girl he admired also liked him silently, but neither of them had the courage to say it at the time, so they missed their whole life. But when he realized this, he found that the girl he once admired had already

I became someone else's wife, and now everything has become a regret.

Therefore, when Xu Qingzhu said this, Wang Yu felt pain in his heart. It was really difficult for him to let go of this secret love that had never begun.

"When we were young, when facing relationships, we always had a little more worry and a little less courage."

Xu Qingzhu's words still resonated with everyone present, and many people are living examples of this.

"Just like what was sung in "Later", when we look back on the past, we realize that once we miss some people, it will be a lifetime."

Sighs resounded in the studio, and even Director Li, who rarely had mood swings, sighed quietly. He was not like this.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Perhaps, only brave people are worthy of love. So, I hope that each of us can be braver when facing love. I also hope that every time we

When setting off, it’s all about mustering up the courage to meet the person you want to see.”

Xu Qingzhu's voice slowly sounded in the studio, as if a sentence of truth stirred the souls of everyone present, giving them a sense of resonance and enlightenment.

"Love requires courage!"

At this moment, everyone who heard Xu Qingzhu's words had this sentence in their hearts.

Yes, love requires courage. Every cowardice is a miss! Life is long, don’t let it leave too many regrets!

After Xu Qingzhu finished speaking, he looked at everyone who was deep in thought and bowed slightly again.

"Teacher Xu said that very well!" The host Wang Yu was the first to come to his senses and immediately began to praise him.

Of course the host Wang Yu praised it from the bottom of his heart.

Everything Xu Qingzhu just said touched the depths of his soul and inspired him deeply!

"Only brave people deserve to have love! So, let us have "courage" in treating love from now on! Can you do it?"

Wang Yu quickly adjusted his mood swings and began to boost the atmosphere at the scene.


The five hundred observers at the scene, including official personnel, as well as the seven guests and their assistants backstage, could not help but reply in unison at this moment.

"Then, I would like to give another round of applause to Teacher Xu who brought us "Courage"."

Applause resounded throughout the studio, and they all clapped vigorously. It was an emotional display from the heart, and they were really inspired.

The seven guests backstage stared at the big screen in the room and applauded. They all felt deeply in their hearts and agreed with what Xu Qingzhu just said.

"Qingzhu has almost become a love expert!" Duan Qianwen joked with a smile at the moment.

"Yes, Teacher Xu is not very old, but she can see so clearly. It is really enviable. If I were still her age, maybe all the regrets would not have happened. It's a pity..." Shao Ming also said at this moment

He echoed with emotion.

"But it's not too late now!" Tian Fuyun said with a smile.

"That's right!" The three women looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Lin Xuan, Chu Han, Li Lang and Du Xiaohai also heard the conversation between the three women and were deeply moved. They couldn't help but clenched their fists and the four of them touched each other.

The way a man expresses his emotions does not require too many words, everything is reflected in some inadvertent actions.

"So... now let's open the voting channel together..."

"But wait a minute..." When the host Wang Yu said this, he suddenly changed the topic and looked towards the observation seat.

"This time, I want to confirm, are you all ready?" Host Wang Yu looked around at the 500 observers in the observation seat and confirmed again.

The scene suddenly burst into hearty laughter.

They all understood the meaning of Wang Yu's words. Last time Xu Qingzhu's stage ended, one of the two on-site observers had no time to recover, and the other accidentally dropped the voting machine, which made Xu Qingzhu regret that he lost two votes.

But fortunately, they were brave enough to stand up and express their sincere support for Xu Qingzhu's stage.

This time, the host Wang Yu made full preparations before opening the voting channel and reminded the observers present to avoid the last accident.

"Ready!" the observers at the scene responded in unison.

"So... I hope everyone will confirm each other again. Now please look around, supervise each other, remind each other, and reconfirm if anyone is not ready yet?" The host Wang Yu still felt uneasy and once again proposed that the observers should supervise and remind each other.


"Countdown to 10 seconds..."

"10,9,8...3,2,1...the voting channel is open."

Host Wang Yu's voice fell to the ground, and the voting channel opened instantly.

The observers in the observation seats quickly picked up the voting machines and pressed the voting buttons one after another...

The countdown jumps on the big screen.

"There are still ten seconds until the voting channel closes."

Host Wang Yu looked at the big screen, paused, and spoke again to remind the five hundred observers at the scene.

"5 seconds left..."


"The voting channel is closed!"

Xu Qingzhu stood quietly on the stage from beginning to end, watching quietly, the expression on her face unchanged, calm enough, as if the voting on the spot had nothing to do with her, and she was just a bystander.

Xu Qingzhu is already very clear about the stage effect she just presented. No surprise, the number of votes should not be low. As for whether it can be full of tickets, or whether it can surpass "Later", these are of little significance to her!

Xu Qingzhu doesn't care about this either.

Xu Qingzhu just wanted to put her whole heart and soul into presenting the stage of "Courage" perfectly, and she did it. As for the number of votes, it really is not that important anymore.

"I am curious to ask the observers at the scene, this time, did any of you make any mistakes and did not have time to cast your votes?" The host Wang Yu raised his left hand and confirmed towards the audience.


The observers in the observation seats responded in unison this time.


"So..." Host Wang Yu turned to Xu Qingzhu. "Before announcing the voting results, I would like to take the liberty of interviewing Teacher Xu."

"Teacher Xu, how many votes do you think this time will get? Do you think it will be as full as the last stage of "Later"?"

Xu Qingzhu vaguely guessed that he would ask this question, and did not feel any surprise. He couldn't help but smile.

"The number of votes is not important anymore. What is important is to enjoy the stage and at the same time convey the true meaning of "Courage" through singing! That's enough!" Xu Qingzhu said calmly.


Hearing Xu Qingzhu's answer, the audience burst into warm applause, followed by cheers!

Wang Yu, Director Li, and Assistant Director Zheng were all shocked by Xu Qingzhu's answer. They did not expect that Xu Qingzhu would give such an answer. It was really extraordinary.

"Teacher Xu said it well. The number of votes is really not that important now. What is important is that you have gained the true meaning of "Courage"?" The host Wang Yu has strong field control ability and on-site thinking transformation ability. With Xu

Qingzhu's reply, he can quickly switch and make the best on-site interaction.

"Good harvest!" was the enthusiastic response from the audience.

"So... now let's reveal the number of votes Mr. Xu received for this stage..."

"Come and witness the miraculous moment together!"

"are you ready?"

"Ready!" the on-site observer echoed Wang Yu!

"Then...turn it on!"

As host Wang Yu's voice landed, numbers began to scroll rapidly on the big screen. Finally, the big screen froze and a big number appeared on it!


"Five hundred... yes five hundred..."

“Full tickets!”

The host Wang Yu shouted excitedly and even almost jumped up.

The five hundred observers in the on-site observation seats also jumped up from their chairs, cheered, high-fived and hugged each other... to celebrate this historic moment.

Five hundred votes were received, what a rare number!

But Xu Qingzhu did it!

Director Li and Assistant Director Zheng also cheered excitedly with the crowd, and even gave them a big hug at the end!

They created the history of the program.

They believe that after this episode is broadcast, there will be great hope to break the history created by "Happy Super High"!

Xu Qingzhu also laughed at this moment!

Although she really doesn't care about this number, it is still very memorable to be able to witness the first stage of "Courage" with a full ticket.

This chapter has been completed!
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