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Chapter 270 Porcelain City binds Xu Qingzhu, and then becomes popular on the entire network

Not long after, several studio staff came in and helped carefully unpack the porcelain, revealing its true appearance.

All six porcelains revealed their true colors.

Xu Qingzhu stepped forward, took his mobile phone, approached one of the porcelains, and pointed the camera at the porcelain.

"The contrast between blue and white is pleasing to the eye, crystal clear, beautiful and timeless. This blue and white porcelain is a fine product!" Wang Zhou's voice came out.

"You actually understand this?"

Xu Qingzhu and Du Lan, as well as Xia Yiwei and Xiao Pangdi who had just come in, were all shocked by Wang Zhou's words.

"I am studying ancient Chinese literature, and I have done some research on porcelain with historical background, but I am not proficient in it." Wang Zhou said with a smile.

"That's right, otherwise how could you write the divine song "Blue and White Porcelain"." Xu Qingzhu suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but nodded seriously and agreed.

Du Lan and Xiao Pang Di also nodded repeatedly as if they suddenly understood. It was indeed like this. If they didn't know a lot about porcelain, they probably wouldn't have been able to write it.

When Wang Zhou heard Xu Qingzhu's words, he could imagine it even if he didn't see Xu Qingzhu's appearance at this moment.

Xu Qingzhu said and pointed the camera at another porcelain.

"Smart, clear, transparent, elegant and clean, blue and white exquisite porcelain... This exquisite eye is also a rare fine porcelain!"

"Thin-bodied porcelain as thin as cicada wings and as light as floating clouds... This porcelain is so exquisitely made that I can feel its exquisite light-transmitting properties through my mobile phone."

"Sculpture porcelain..."

"Color glazed porcelain..."

"Painted porcelain..."

It seems that this time, Porcelain Capital has brought some of their most classic porcelains. All of them are high-quality products, and some of them are even considered top-quality and are worth collecting.

Although Wang Zhou didn't understand it very well, he also believed that Xu Qingzhu would not give ordinary goods to Xu Qingzhu. After all, Xu Qingzhu's identity and reputation were such that Xu Qingzhu would not look down on ordinary goods.

Xu Qingzhu has no knowledge of porcelain.

Hearing Wang Zhou's words, Du Lan, Xia Yiwei, and Little Fatty were all shocked.

They really didn't expect that Wang Zhou was so familiar with porcelain. He picked it up with ease and had a unique eye for tasting.

Xu Qingzhu's eyes were filled with stars, and he worshiped Wang Zhou endlessly.

Although they knew that Wang Zhou knew a lot and was expert in many fields, they did not expect that Wang Zhou actually had some research on porcelain. He could talk eloquently about porcelain, and they could tell at a glance that he was.

What kind of porcelain is it, and the background and origin of the porcelain can be explained slowly, which makes the three girls admire it very much.

Finally, after some discussion between Xu Qingzhu and Wang Zhou, the blue and white porcelain was brought to room 1801. Wang Zhou really liked it. The other five pieces of porcelain were asked by Little Fatty to help them be sent to Xu Qingzhu’s big house!

Originally, Xu Qingzhu wanted to let Du Lan, Xia Yiwei, and Xiao Pang Di choose one piece, but they all refused. This was obviously a complete set, and they had no research on porcelain. If the porcelain was left in their hands, it would only be a pearl.


Xu Qingzhu asked Li Chuxue and Xu Qianhui in their group again. They were also not interested in porcelain.

Although the porcelain is indeed good, in their opinion, if such a good thing is placed in the homes of people like them who don't understand, it will be like a pearl covered in dust.

And after all, this was given to Xu Qingzhu by the porcelain capital government, so it was not easy for them to fight for love.

Especially when Xu Qingzhu mentioned that Wang Zhou collected blue and white porcelain, Li Chuxue immediately stated that she would give that to Wang Zhou.

Xu Qingzhu directly confronted Li Chuxue in the group!

Du Lan, Xu Qianhui, and Xia Yiwei immediately shut up, shouted, and ran away.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

The official website of the Cidu Government released a latest update, and the background of the entire official homepage was replaced by a photo of Xu Qingzhu, Director Zhai and his team.

A large poster is in the most conspicuous place.

At the same time, Porcelain City's official WeChat account and official blog were updated with the latest developments, and the promotional posters on the homepage were all of Xu Qingzhu's posters.

"Please invite the image spokesperson of Porcelain Capital @Xu Qingzhu!"

As soon as this news from Porcelain City came out, Xu Qingzhu forwarded it immediately.

Driven by Xu Qingzhu's super popularity, this post instantly exploded on the Internet.

"Wow... Bamboo actually represents the porcelain capital?"

"What's going on? Why hasn't there been any news before? Why did Zhuzhu choose Porcelain City alone when there are so many city endorsements? Is there anything different about Porcelain City?"

"The beautiful Porcelain City, like it, must like it! So many cities have invited bamboo to speak for themselves, but only our Porcelain City has succeeded! This time we must give a thumbs up to the government of Porcelain City!"

"Bamboo wants to represent the Porcelain City, and we are counting down to the day when the Porcelain City will rise!"

"The porcelain capital is mighty!"

"The people of Porcelain Capital welcome Zhuzi! Zhuzi, we the people of Porcelain Capital look forward to your arrival!"

"Oh my God, how comfortable is Xu Qingzhu in the porcelain capital? This is unbelievable!"

"It's unbelievable that Xu Qingzhu is endorsing Porcelain Capital. It's unimaginable!"

News about Xu Qingzhu's endorsement of Porcelain City was overwhelming and hotly debated. Porcelain City's popularity soared. In less than two hours, Xu Qingzhu's endorsement of Porcelain City entered the top three search lists.

At the same time, three or four entries related to Porcelain Capital also entered the top 20 hot searches.

Four o'clock in the afternoon, only an hour apart.

Porcelain City once again pushed an update.

"Porcelain Capital Culture and Art Festival, Porcelain Capital's image spokesperson @Xu Qingzhu and the 'Magic Bamboo Twelve Women's Band' group invite you to see you there!"

Xu Qingzhu retweeted this post again, liked it, and sent six words at the same time. "See you in the porcelain capital!"

The Weibo account of the group ‘Magic Bamboo Twelve Girls Band’ was also forwarded and liked.

After Xu Qingzhu sent Director Zhai's team away from Porcelain Capital, he informed Zheng Junmei that he was going to Porcelain Capital with the twelve girls of the 'Magic Bamboo Twelve Girls Band'. Zheng Junmei was very supportive of this!

The twelve girls in the "Magic Bamboo Twelve Girls Band" were also jumping up and down with excitement. They knew very well that Xu Qingzhu was leading them, using Xu Qingzhu's popularity to increase their exposure opportunities.

They all know that by following Xu Qingzhu, they don't need to worry about lack of exposure opportunities, and there will definitely be no lack of popularity.

At this moment, the Internet exploded again.

The Internet is completely on fire!

Porcelain Capital used a good sign this time.

"What?! Zhuzi actually brought the 'Magic Bamboo Twelve Girls Band' to participate in the Porcelain Capital Culture and Arts Festival? Porcelain Capital has made a lot of money this time."

"Who told me what the Porcelain Capital Culture and Arts Festival is? This is the first time I've heard of it!"

"Wow...Zhuzi actually brought the 'Magic Bamboo Twelve Women's Band' to our porcelain capital and participated in the cultural and arts festival? Oh my God, I originally planned not to participate in this cultural and arts festival. No, I have to participate.


"When does the Porcelain Capital Culture and Arts Festival start? I must attend!"

"Brothers, let's meet together at the Porcelain Capital Culture and Arts Festival on the 19th!"

"Count me in! See you there then!"

"For the bamboo!"

The Internet is completely blown away.

At this moment, Porcelain Capital has completely become the focus of the entire Internet.

Xu Qingzhu’s popularity cannot be overstated, and his appeal is definitely resounding. Porcelain Capital’s invitation to Xu Qingzhu as the image spokesperson this time can be said to be a lot of money!

Originally, the porcelain capital was tepid, but now, because of the invitation of Xu Qingzhu as its image spokesperson, terms related to the porcelain capital have quickly dominated the hot search list in a short period of time, and the popularity remains high.

This wave of operations in Porcelain Capital has completely envy other cities!

However, they all know that it is not that simple to invite Xu Qingzhu as a spokesperson. They are all curious about what means Cidu used to invite Xu Qingzhu.

The entire Internet is buzzing about Porcelain Capital and the upcoming cultural and arts festival in Porcelain Capital.

Of course, as Porcelain City became famous online, Porcelain City’s porcelain was also mentioned. Porcelain City’s publicity department quickly launched an official live broadcast room and promoted Porcelain City’s porcelain live on the official website.

and the cultural heritage of the porcelain capital.

Faced with such huge popularity and traffic, they cannot let it go to waste.

Originally, the official live broadcast room in Porcelain City only had tens of thousands of people at most each live broadcast, but this time... the number of people in the live broadcast room actually increased to millions, and it is still increasing. I believe it may be possible to exceed tens of millions.


The leaders of the Propaganda Department of Cidu were shocked by this number, and they immediately reported this huge good news to the leaders of Cidu!

This time, Porcelain was completely out of the circle!

And all this is just because Xu Qingzhu became the spokesperson of Porcelain Capital. The key is that Xu Qingzhu did nothing except forwarding two updates officially released by Porcelain Capital.

This shows how popular Xu Qingzhu is!

It’s simply a blast!

Xu Qingzhu's every move will cause an earthquake on the Internet, so being able to invite Xu Qingzhu to speak for Porcelain City is the envy of other cities.

But envy is envy, and they all know that inviting Xu Qingzhu to be a spokesperson is not an easy task.

Porcelain City is completely popular this time.

Regardless of the heated Internet, Xu Qingzhu, the instigator, stayed in the Zhuzi Music Studio and was busy studying the role of "Wang Yuyan", and ignored the heated discussions on the Internet from beginning to end.

For Xu Qingzhu, she has become accustomed to these scenes. To her, these are normal and not surprising.

Xiao Pangdi sent the other five porcelains, except the blue and white porcelain, to Xu Qingzhu's house.

Then, Xiao Pangdi came back to pick up Xu Qingzhu and sent Xu Qingzhu back to the community.

After Xiao Fatty finished doing this, he left.

Wang Zhou placed the blue and white porcelain vase on a huanghuali chair in the corner of the bookcase in the living room.

Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu stood far away, looking at the blue and white porcelain vase, both satisfied.

"The level immediately went up!" Wang Zhou nodded with satisfaction.

Xu Qingzhu hugged Wang Zhou's arm and burst into laughter. She was amused by Wang Zhou.

However, when the blue and white porcelain vase is placed there, it does have a slightly different charm, instantly raising the level of the entire room.

Wang Zhou hugged Xu Qingzhu, and the two walked to the restaurant. Wang Zhou had already prepared dinner in advance.

Although Wang Zhou still hasn't received any work arrangements from the University of Magic in the past few days, he simply stayed at home.

Of course, Wang Zhou was not idle either. He had been sorting out some materials all day long, firstly for listening to the book "True Listening", and secondly to prepare lessons in advance for his role as a teaching assistant at the University of Magic.

Wang Zhou didn't even have to think about it. His teacher Kang Borui would never let him go and would definitely let him enter the class.

Therefore, instead of waiting for the college's arrangements to prepare, it is better to do the homework in advance now.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Yiwei appeared in the recording hall of the Magic University School of Art. She brought the song "Blue and White Porcelain" and wanted the twelve girls from the "Magic Bamboo Twelve Girls Band" to perform it.

The twelve girls of the "Magic Bamboo Twelve Girls Band" are very excited. This is a brand new song. The key is that this time they have to accompany Xu Qingzhu!

This is what makes them most excited and excited. Being the accompanist for Xu Qingzhu is not an honor for everyone.

Obviously Xu Qingzhu did this to increase their exposure, which made them all extremely happy.

Since the signing meeting ended in the morning, the number of their Weibo fans has increased dramatically, allowing them to truly see what traffic is and what is popular!

Obviously, they are really popular!

They never dreamed that their fame would be so simple, overnight, they would become popular all over the Internet. To be honest, they haven't come back to their senses yet, as if they were in a dream!

In fact, Xu Qingzhu's first plan was to sing "Blue and White Porcelain" with the accompaniment of the recorded music, but thinking that the "Magic Bamboo Twelve Women's Band" was going to go together, why not just give the song to them to perform

, to cooperate with Xu Qingzhu to complete the song "Blue and White Porcelain". Since then, the 'Magic Bamboo Twelve Women's Band' has accompanied Xu Qingzhu on stage, and will definitely be bound to Xu Qingzhu, and the popularity will definitely explode again.

The key is, Xu Qingzhu believes that if "Blue and White Porcelain" is accompanied by their traditional musical instruments, it will definitely present a different kind of stage, which will definitely be super dazzling!

The twelve girls of the 'Magic Bamboo Twelve Girls Band' got the music score of "Blue and White Porcelain" and were immediately attracted by the music of "Blue and White Porcelain". Xia Yiwei had already studied all twelve of them carefully.

Before coming, we also carried out a simple and targeted division of labor in the early stage!

"Wow...it's still the work of Teacher Fengming Qishan..." All twelve girls looked excited.

The works of "Fengming Qishan" are definitely high-quality works, and they will definitely become very popular.

Xia Yiwei looked at the twelve excited girls, briefly told them the situation, and then started rehearsing.

Because time was tight, Xia Yiwei and the twelve girls did not go back to rest until late at night.

However, the twelve girls are indeed very good, and they are all very good. They have already become familiar with the score of the entire piece of music in just a few hours at night, and can play the entire piece to perfection. I believe that tomorrow morning

After a little running-in, a perfect stage effect will appear.


This chapter has been completed!
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