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Chapter 474 : The comment area in the live broadcast room collapsed!

"I once said, 'Young men don't work hard...'" Wang Zhou continued to interact with the more than 6,000 people present.

Of course, there are not only the more than 6,000 people at the scene, but also the more than 20 million online viewers in the live broadcast room.

"'The boss is just sad'!"

As Wang Zhou interacted, everyone responded.

The barrage of "Boss is sad" in the live broadcast room instantly filled up the screen, filling up the entire weekly broadcast room.

"I also said 'threesome...'"

"There must be a teacher for me!"

"I also said, 'Choose what is good and follow it...'

"If it's not good, change it!"

"Come again, so disciples don't have to be inferior to masters..."

"A teacher does not have to be wiser than his disciples!"


In this way, Wang Zhou first had a simple interaction with the teachers and students of Yuan Gao, and conducted a small review of some of the poems he mentioned before about encouraging students to learn.

It is Wang Zhou's small interaction that makes these ancient poems shine and seem to have come to life.

Although Wang Zhou did not explain any unnecessary words, everyone present could more clearly perceive the truth and truth contained in these beautiful words, which made them all feel a variety of emotions.

"Okay! First of all, I heard your response to me. I am very happy, really happy..." Wang Zhou stopped interacting with everyone and said with emotion.

What Wang Zhou said was the truth, and it was also the truest feeling in his heart. He never expected that Yuan Gao's teachers and students could be so familiar with the several articles and words he had said in the live broadcast room before, which made him really

Very happy.

"Thank you!" Wang Zhou bowed slightly to everyone in the audience, expressing his inner joy and emotion.

"Thank you, Teacher Wang Zhou!"

Everyone in the audience responded loudly in unison. They also felt from the bottom of their hearts, and these were their truest thoughts.

Audiences in the live broadcast room also expressed their opinions and truest feelings in the comment area.

These articles by Wang Zhou have benefited them a lot, and they have a clearer and deeper understanding of learning.

"So... next, what I want to share with you is "Xueer"!"

When Wang Zhou was sorting out his thoughts last night, he felt that the "Xueer Pian" of "The Analects" in his memory was the most suitable to share in today's class.

It is precisely because of the high degree of matching that Wang Zhou took out this "Xue Er" separately, just to share it with everyone and appreciate the beauty of the text together.

"Isn't it right to learn and practice it over time? Isn't it nice to have friends from far away? Isn't it a gentleman to be surprised if you don't know it?"

Wang Zhou read it out slowly.

After he finished speaking, the teachers and students at Yuan Gao and the audience in the live broadcast room were all confused. They didn't know what Wang Zhou was talking about. After all, they didn't know the words when he read it out loud... so it was difficult for them to go.

Judgment or something.

Wang Zhou was very affectionate when expressing these, and he had a strong sense of this "Xue Er" and awe of the text in his heart.

"Teacher Wang Zhou, can you please write it out for us? We just listen and don't know what it means, and we don't know what word you are talking about?" At this time, Principal Wu raised his hand and suggested to Wang Zhou.

"I agree with Principal Wu's proposal."

"Agree 1"

"Agree 10086"

It was okay if Principal Wu didn't say it. Once he said it, he immediately attracted the support and support of the teachers and students of Yuan High School and countless viewers in the live broadcast room.

They all thought the same way. Of course, more people wanted to experience the charm of Wang Zhou's calligraphy on the spot.

Wang Zhou smiled slightly and nodded. In fact, he had already prepared it.

"Then let's use blackboard writing and chalk on the blackboard. It saves trouble and makes communication easier." Wang Zhou looked at the people in the audience and waved his hands to Zhou Doudou and others who were coming up with rice paper, indicating that they didn't need to.

Rice paper, what he wants to use is chalk to present on the blackboard.

"This..." Principal Wu is very much looking forward to Wang Zhou presenting what he shared today on rice paper, leaving a word on the kite. However, if Wang Zhou uses chalk to present it on the blackboard, the effect and the meaning of collection will be lost.


Principal Wu is a little reluctant, he doesn't want to just...

"Can Teacher Wang Zhou leave a message for Yuan Gao? After all, he can..."

Principal Wu began to fight for it.

The teachers and students in the audience also responded loudly, and they were all helping Yuan Gaolai to obtain a piece of Wang Zhou's calligraphy.

"Principal Wu, please listen to me. First of all, the reason why I write on the blackboard is that it is efficient and fast and does not take up too much time. As for writing this text into a single character, I will write it alone after the class is over.

How about one piece?" Wang Zhou didn't understand what they were thinking, so he immediately smiled and said.

For Wang Zhou, he has experienced several live broadcast classes, and he also knows that what many colleges and universities want is his calligraphy. It is obvious that Yuan Gao thinks the same way.

Of course, if other people want to ask for this calligraphy, Wang Zhou may not pay attention to it, but Yuan Gao is different. As long as Yuan Gao does not make particularly excessive demands, he will agree to it. Wang Zhou can be sure of this.

"Uh...that's great!" Principal Wu was stunned when he heard Wang Zhou's reply, and then laughed excitedly.

The teachers and students of Yuan Gao who were present also heard what Wang Zhou said and all agreed. It was obvious that they were also very happy.

Wang Zhouneng left a painting of Yuan Gao, which is of great practical significance and value.

Not many of Wang Zhou's calligraphy have survived, and most of them have been collected and not circulated in the market. This means that Wang Zhou's calligraphy has a price but no market, and is of great value and collection significance.

"Thank you, Teacher Wang Zhou." Principal Wu once again expressed his gratitude to Wang Zhou on behalf of Yuan Gao.

In fact, Wang Zhou really didn't need to pay attention to him, but Wang Zhou was able to give them enough face, which made Principal Wu and other school leaders have to express their gratitude to Wang Zhou.

The audience burst into enthusiastic applause again.

Wang Zhou didn't say anything more, but turned around, picked up the chalk, and started writing this line on the blackboard.

"Isn't it right to learn and practice it over time? Isn't it nice to have friends from far away? Isn't it a gentleman to be surprised if you don't know it?"

The teachers and students in the audience could clearly see the line written by Wang Zhou on the blackboard through the large screen, and they read it silently together.

Although everyone's voice was very small and their voices were not controlled loudly, but despite the large number of people, so many of them recited together, the whole auditorium still gathered into a wave of resonance.

"What does this sentence mean?" After Wang Zhou finished writing this sentence, he pinched his fans and looked at the people in the audience and asked.

No one spoke.

At this time, a Chinese teacher raised his hand.

The assistant on site hurriedly handed over the microphone.

"Hello, Teacher Wang Zhou, I am the Chinese teacher of Class 4 and Class 5 of Grade 3. My name is Zang Yuncheng. I think the meaning of this passage is this. After studying, I often practice what I have learned. Isn't it also very pleasant?

?Isn’t it nice to have like-minded people coming from afar? I’m not angry when others don’t understand me. Aren’t I also a morally cultivated person?”

After Wang Zhou heard what he said, he couldn't help but applaud.

The teachers and students present didn't know what was right or wrong, but since Wang Zhou applauded, they all applauded too.

Applause echoed throughout the auditorium.

Everyone in the live broadcast room also liked it one after another, and the comment area also started to be hotly debated. Many people also expressed their opinions and explanations in the comment area. Many people's insights were very good.

Wang Zhou was very happy, at least so many people participated and communicated together...

"Who else?" Wang Zhou asked everyone in the audience again.

"I'll do it!" At this time, someone stood up again and raised his hand.

"Hello, teacher Wang Zhou, hello everyone, I am a Chinese teacher at Yuandu No. 1 Middle School, my name is Shan Juncai, I think the meaning of this text should be a little deeper."

"If my theory is adopted by society, I would be very happy; to say the least, if it is not adopted by society, but many friends agree with my theory and come to me to discuss issues, I will also feel happy; again

To take a step back, even if society doesn’t adopt it and people don’t understand me, I won’t resent it. If I do this, wouldn’t I be a gentleman?”

"This is my opinion, and it may not be right. I just say it for everyone's reference and taste, learn together, and make progress together."

Wang Zhou applauded again.

The audience also applauded.

Wang Zhou also said nothing.

"Is there anything else?" Wang Zhou looked at the teachers and students at Yuan Gao again. He was looking forward to someone continuing to express their opinions.

Soon, four or five more teachers and two students raised their hands, which made Wang Zhou praise the two students.

It is already remarkable that they can raise their hands to express their inner feelings on this occasion. Although many people have their own ideas, they dare not raise their hands. And the reason why some people dare to raise their hands is that they do not

genuine talent.

Those who have real talents and knowledge and dare to raise their hands to share are definitely worthy of praise and praise.

"Okay, let us give them applause again. Thank them for sharing..." Wang Zhou took the lead in applauding and reminded the teachers and students of Yuan Gao present to applaud their wonderful sharing.

"Their sharing was wonderful. I benefited a lot and felt the same way...I won't share anything else here, you can explain it yourself!"

"But one thing I want to say is that we must take learning as a pleasure, be ignorant but not stunned, never tire of learning, never tire of teaching, pay attention to self-cultivation, and be strict with ourselves."

After Wang Zhou finished speaking, applause rang out again.

Wang Zhou's words were simply the finishing touch and benefited everyone present a lot.

Wang Zhou picked up the chalk, turned around and continued writing on the blackboard.

"It is rare for a person to be filial to his younger brother, but like to offend his superiors; it is rare that he is not fond of offending his superiors, but is fond of causing trouble. A gentleman is committed to his roots, and the Tao is born from his foundation. If he is filial to his younger brothers, is this the basis of benevolence?"

As Wang Zhou wrote, the teachers and students at Yuan Gao and the nearly 25 million fans in the live broadcast room were silently reading along while trying to interpret these lines of text in their hearts.

Obviously, Wang Zhou did not intend to tell them the true meaning of the text word by word, but to let everyone consider and taste it for themselves. This is what Wang Zhou really wants.

"Does anyone share?"

Wang Zhou threw the remaining pieces of chalk in his hand into the basket, then looked at the people in the audience and said with a faint smile.

Now everyone present is used to it, because Wang Zhou has already used this routine in the beginning, so...

Principal Wu was the first to raise his hand. After Wang Zhou finished writing, his heart was already ready to move. He had his own inner thoughts.

Now it is a live broadcast. If Yuan Gao's performance is too unsatisfactory, it will be bad for Yuan Gao's reputation in front of such a huge crowd in the entire live broadcast room.

Of course, Principal Wu and the others are not afraid of this. They also believe that Wang Zhou has a sense of proportion and will not make Yuan Gao look ugly. They still have this confidence, and they will trust Wang Zhou.

The assistant hurriedly handed over the microphone.

Principal Wu stood up, looked at the words on the blackboard, took a deep breath, and then spoke slowly.

"I think what this passage wants to express is that if people can be filial to their parents and obedient to their elders at home, then they can be loyal to the country outside. Loyalty is based on filial piety to younger brothers, and filial piety to younger brothers is the purpose of loyalty.

If filial piety is implemented at home, there will be no "rebellion" within the rulers; if filial piety is extended to the working people, the people will obey absolutely and will not rise up in rebellion. In this way, the stability of the country and society can be maintained.

Stability and long-lasting peace."

Wang Zhou gave Principal Wu a thumbs up.

"As expected of our Yuan Gao principal, Principal Wu's explanation is very good. I have nothing to add. The only thing I want to say is... your applause can be heard now."

As soon as Wang Zhou finished speaking, the audience burst into warm applause.

Obviously, they all liked Principal Wu's explanation. At this moment, they all went to savor it carefully, and it was indeed the case.

The comment area in the live broadcast room was also very lively. They were all expressing their understanding of this passage, and some people also commented on Principal Wu.

"Principal Wu is worthy of being Principal Wu, he is really powerful."

"Once Principal Wu explains this, there is no need for others to say it. After all, it has been explained in detail and comprehensively."

"This is someone else's principal!"

"Yuan Gao, our eternal alma mater!"

"Principal Yuan Gao Wu, he became famous in one battle! He is indeed the leader of Yuan Gao. In terms of realm and consciousness, he is not comparable to ordinary people."

Principal Wu became completely famous at this moment. With more than 27 million people online, he really became famous in one battle.

"Does anyone have anything to add, or any other explanations?" Wang Zhou looked at the eyes of everyone present and asked involuntarily.

The scene suddenly stopped and no one raised their hands.

At this moment, they all agreed with Principal Wu's statement. No one raised their hands, and no one expressed anything.

"Where are the friends in the live broadcast room? Do you have any other opinions or opinions?" Wang Zhou looked at Zhou Doudou and the others who were in charge of the live broadcast room and couldn't help but ask.

"Brother Wang Zhou, the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room collapsed at this moment. No one commented except for echoing Principal Wu's explanation."

Zhou Doudou's words are neither humble nor overbearing.


Wang Zhou nodded, very satisfied with the attitude of the audience present and in the live broadcast room. In fact, it was not only Wang Zhou who recognized Principal Wu, but other people also recognized Principal Wu.

This chapter has been completed!
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