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Chapter 498: The Big Brother in the Literary World Recorded a Video to Support Wang Zhou

The '200 million' that Liu Muling just shouted was the largest estimate made by Liu Muling, Xu Qianhui and Ai Xiaocao before the live broadcast started. Of course, her confidence was also due to the number of people online in the live broadcast room. In fact, for them, 200 million

The number of new users has been successful, and when Liu Muling heard Ai Xiaocao's words just now, she knew that the number of new user registrations must have exceeded 200 million. If it had been 200 million, Ai Xiaocao wouldn't be so rude.

And the number of people online tonight has exceeded 250 million. Subtracting the number of previously registered users, the number of online users should also be 200 million. This is why Liu Muling blurted out 200 million.

"Guess again!" Ai Xiaocao, whose excitement had calmed down at this moment, continued on the phone.

"Two hundred and ten million!"


"Two hundred and twenty million..."


"Two hundred and thirty million?" Liu Muling couldn't help but her voice was trembling, and her heart was so excited that she almost jumped out of her chest.


"Mu Ling, it's 250 million, it's 250 million!" Without letting Liu Muling continue to guess, Ai Xiaocao said excitedly on the other end of the phone.

"What?! You...say it again!" Liu Muling thought she heard wrongly, and her whole body felt like she was being shocked. She suspected that there was something wrong with her ears.

"I said... Teacher Wang Zhou's live broadcast brought 250 million new user registrations to our Phoenix Live platform. Yes, this is real, real background data!" Ai Xiaocao said excitedly.


Liu Muling stood there blankly. She didn't say anything for a long time. She was shocked by this number, and her heart was filled with turmoil.

For Liu Muling, this number completely broke their psychological expectations, and exceeded it by too much.

"Two hundred and fifty million... Two hundred and fifty million..." This number is really an astronomical figure to Liu Muling. She originally planned that it would take half a year to a year to achieve this figure, but...

Liu Muling once again saw the terrifying influence of Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu this time.

Liu Muling knew very well that all this was caused by the popularity of Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu. It was their combined live broadcast that made Phoenix Live's new user registrations reach a qualitative leap.

"No, the total number of users in the live broadcast room tonight is only 250 million. Plus the users in the previous live broadcast room, how can new user registrations increase so much? Are you sure this data is correct?" Liu Muling suddenly realized something,

He couldn't help but asked in confusion.

Liu Muling's calculation is indeed correct. The number of live broadcasts online is 250 million. Subtracting the number of users before 50 million, the number of new users should be 200 million. Why is it 250 million...

"It's very simple. Many families are watching the live broadcast together. They use one account, but each member of the family has registered an account..." Ai Xiaocao answered Liu Muling's doubts.

"Yes, yes... look at how excited I am..." Liu Muling smiled happily.

She knew that after Wang Zhou's live broadcast tonight, the popularity of Phoenix Live had truly achieved a breakthrough, and it was truly capable of leveraging the power of the previous four major live broadcast platforms, although it was still not as good as their traffic and popularity, and

The content doesn't compare either, so they still have a long way to go.

Liu Muling hung up the phone with Ai Xiaocao, held her cell phone, and stood there with a silly smile. She was really happy.

At least she successfully took the first step. As for what to do next, she needs to take it step by step.

"By the way, let's talk to Qianhui first..." Liu Muling suddenly remembered and picked up the phone to dial Xu Qianhui's number.

Liu Muling was stunned when she saw the heated discussion among the women in their group...

Liu Muling was happy about Phoenix Live's data, but they were making fun of her in the group, which made her dumbfounded.

Liu Muling immediately joined the group and strongly resisted!

However, the four girls Li Chuxue, Xu Qianhui, Du Lan and Xia Yiwei were attacked and killed...

Liu Muling was defeated in an instant.

As for Xu Qingzhu, after she got off the live broadcast, she called Zhang Wenhua and Qin Ruzhi to hurry downstairs, she was going to pick up Wang Zhou.

Wang Zhou finished the live broadcast, said goodbye to his teacher Du Zhuanfeng, and left Du Zhai with those two words.

At this moment, outside Du Zhai, a group of people had gathered unexpectedly. At a glance, there were hundreds of people.

As soon as Wang Zhou opened the door and came out, applause rang out.

They shouted loudly, "Teacher Wang Zhou! Teacher Wang Zhou! Teacher Wang Zhou..."

Wang Zhou was moved.

The Jie brothers stood on both sides of Wang Zhou, looking around cautiously.

"Thank you... thank you." Wang Zhou looked at the group of people outside Du Zhai and was very moved. He couldn't help but bow slightly to them.

Applause rang out again.

"Teacher Wang Zhou, can you take a photo with us?" Everyone present shouted out their thoughts in anticipation.

"Taking a group photo? It must be possible!"

Wang Zhou heard the thoughts of everyone present. It was obvious that they had been waiting here for some time, and they were not disappointed, so he agreed immediately.

After the group photo ended, Wang Zhou left Du Zhai accompanied by the Xie brothers.

When Xu Qingzhu arrived, Wang Zhou was taking photos with the group of fans outside Du Zhai, so she didn't come close.

At this moment, the two poems "Xia Ke Xing" and "Ding Feng Bo" that Wang Zhou had just written were widely circulated on the Internet, and their popularity remained high.

Too many literature lovers and researchers can't put it down, and they are trying hard to annotate these two poems. However, when they study more deeply, they find that these two poems have a deep foundation.

And the connotation is not the superficial level they just recognized.

These two songs were added to Wang Zhou's works on Qilin Chinese website. Many netizens commented in the comment area and shared their insights and interpretations.

Many people are in Aite Wangzhou, and I hope Wangzhou can give them a review.

But Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu are currently staying in the hotel and enjoying themselves...

However, many netizens did not wait for Wang Zhou, but instead waited for the comments of another great god. It was none other than Li Yuntai, a Taishan Beidou figure in the literary circle.

Li Yuntai pushed it through video recording, which is the latest news published on his Weibo.

As soon as Li Yuntai's video appreciation came out, it immediately set off another wave of popularity on the Internet.

Li Yuntai's appreciation of "Ding Feng Bo" is comprehensive, and he analyzes the entire poem perfectly and thoroughly.

“Mr. Li’s article is an excellent one!”

"As soon as Mr. Li's appreciation came out, other people's explanations suddenly felt that they were worthless and tasteless..."

"It is worthy of being the Taishan Beidou in the literary world. This video appreciation allows us to see the depth and height of "Ding Feng Bo"!"

The video recorded by Li Yuntai lasted for nearly ten minutes. During these ten minutes, he explained "Ding Fengbo" in detail and expressed its extended meaning very clearly.

Although Li Yuntai did not communicate with Wang Zhou in advance, he was still able to analyze the entire text in an all-round way and dig deep and extend it from all angles.

"... This song "Ding Feng Bo" allows us to see a scene in the wind and rain. Although we only have a bamboo stick and a pair of straw sandals, we can still brave the wind and rain, move forward calmly, and "lightly"

With the self-feeling of winning a horse, we feel the relaxed and heroic feeling of fighting against the wind and rain and being proud of life conveyed in the whole article. "One life under a raincoat" is the core of this poem, which is composed of the words in front of us.

Wind and rain affect the whole life. Facing the ups and downs of life, one can calmly cope with it with just a raindrop, showing a detached feeling that is not afraid of ups and downs. It embodies a broad-minded and detached mind and an extraordinary ideal of life...


Li Yuntai sat on a wicker chair, slowly analyzing and appreciating what was there. The whole process was done by Mr. Li Yuntai himself according to his own ideas.

However, after listening to Mr. Li's video appreciation, people will have a very clear feeling about "Ding Fengbo" and can control this poem well.

"...'The sound of beating leaves through the forest', 'Chilly spring breeze', 'Slightly cold', 'Looking back at the bleak place' and other environmental descriptions perfectly depict the wind and rain encountered on the way, as well as the wind and rain on the other side, and he wants to

Tell the world that the attitude when facing this should be, 'Who is afraid? Let your life be spent in the rain.' From these words, we can see that we need to have a broad-minded and unrestrained mind, full of open and unrestrained spirit. Looking at the whole word, one can see that

This kind of philosophy of life and attitude towards life, with no awakening or drunkenness, no joy or sorrow, and forgetting both victory and defeat, is presented to the readers. "There is neither wind or rain nor sunshine", which is a state of being unfazed by favors and disgrace, forgetting both victory and defeat, broad-minded and unrestrained,

It is a state of 'no self, gods and men, and saints without names'. It is a kind of return to nature, the unity of nature and man, and the profound enlightenment of tranquility and transcendence..."

Li Yuntai's appreciation has pushed this "Ding Feng Bo" to a high level, giving people a very clear context and attitude towards life.

Wang Zhou and Xu Qing had just taken a shower and changed their clothes. They both also saw Mr. Li Yuntai's evaluation of "Ding Fengbo".

"I didn't expect that Mr. Li would record a separate video to appreciate "Ding Feng Bo". This is simply...unbelievable."

Although Xu Qingzhu has not been deeply involved in the field of literature, she has been with her father since she was a child and knows a thing or two about the elders in the literary circle, especially Mr. Li Yuntai, who is definitely a Taishan Beidou-type figure.

The last time Xu Qingzhu and Wang Zhou returned to the imperial capital, she remembered that Xu Jinkai also said that Li Yuntai had not appeared in public for a long time. That is to say, Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu's "Wangzang Mountain Waterfall" attracted Mr. Li last time.

come out.

"I also didn't expect that Mr. Li's identity is unshakable in the literary circle. He personally stood up for me. With him here in the future, no one in the literary circle would dare to point fingers at me because of Mr. Li's face.

, it can be said that it has been a smooth journey..." Wang Zhou took the cup of tea that Xu Qingzhu brewed for him and said with emotion.

"So... Mr. Li owes you a lot of favors."

"I think you are overthinking this. Maybe Mr. Li is just in love with you because of his pure love?" Xu Qingzhu sat next to Wang Zhou, resting her head naturally on his chest and said with a smile.

In fact, what Xu Qingzhu said is indeed true. For Mr. Li, his feelings for Wang Zhou were more of love and sincerity.

In Mr. Li's view, only Wang Zhou in the contemporary literary world can hold up the world in the future, so he must help Wang Zhou while he is still promising, help him grow rapidly, and stand in the literary world.

Keep your footing.

In this era, seniority is still required. A talented young man like Wang Zhou can achieve success in the literary world, but it is very difficult to gain a foothold in the literary world. Mr. Li saw that

This is why I support it with force!

Wang Zhou couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard Xu Qingzhu's words. He also somewhat agreed with Xu Qingzhu's words.

The literary world was shaken by the push of this dynamic video on Weibo by Li Yuntai, a leading literary figure.

Li Yuntai's disciples and grandsons all responded one after another and tried their best to forward and push Mr. Li's evaluation of Wang Zhou's "Ding Fengbo".

Of course, they all agreed with Li Yuntai's evaluation of Wang Zhou, and they all recommended it seriously.

The official website of Modu University also forwarded Li Yuntai’s Weibo updates immediately and responded...

Wang Zhou is a student of Modu University. Although Wang Zhou wrote "Ding Fengbo" in his hometown Yuandu, Modu University will still fully support it. As long as it is Wang Zhou's work, no matter where it is written,

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics will give full support.

The teachers and students of the School of Liberal Arts of Shanghai Modu University also immediately took action. They did not deliberately organize it, and almost all of them spontaneously forwarded it and spoke highly of it.

Members of the ‘Magic Zhou Dynasty’ also used their strength to promote it.

The forums and major platforms of Modu University have also become lively, and the students of Modu University have also taken action.

As Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu said, Modu University is their biggest backer at all times. As long as they think of Modu University standing behind them in anything they do, they can do it without hesitation and go all out.

And obviously, Modu University does exactly this, and even worse!

Teito University also began to exert its efforts. They all began to support Mr. Li's video appreciation and pushed it with all their strength.

Imperial Normal University...

Big sheep...

Magic City Jiaotong University...

Universities across the country took action, and the song "Ding Feng Bo" was pushed to the commanding heights. That night, Wang Zhouhe's "Ding Feng Bo", Li Yuntai, Xu Qingzhu... these words detonated the Internet hot spots.

Of course, it's not just "Ding Feng Bo", but also "Xia Ke Xing"...

Wang Zhou's live broadcast, two excellent works, and Mr. Li's support, this time, Wang Zhou has truly established his position in the literary world.

As Mr. Li came forward to record a video of support, Wang Zhou's poetry works since his debut and the collection of novels published by "Fang Cun Zhuji" were all listed. For a time, Wang Zhou's fame soared again, and he truly established a firm foothold in the literary world.


If the entire Internet was following Wang Zhou's works before, it was just a matter of popularity and was not fully accepted by mainstream literature. But after this time... Wang Zhou has truly integrated into mainstream literature, and with the blessing of Mr. Li, he has laid the foundation for his work.

His status is certainly due to Wang Zhou's own excellent works. His poetry works and martial arts novels since his debut have been very popular, and the popularity index remains high. The key is that his literary appreciation is extremely high, so he can jump

Integrate into this circle and be supported by most representatives of mainstream literature.

This chapter has been completed!
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