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Chapter 507 : The main event begins!

Ten o'clock exactly.

Wang Zhou appeared in the live broadcast room of ‘Xia Ke’.

The number of likes in the live broadcast room skyrocketed like crazy, climbing all the way, and the data doubled...

The comment area is even more lively.

The fans in the live broadcast room were very restless. Before the broadcast started, they were all shouting with all their strength!

Wang Zhou glanced at the number of people in the live broadcast room, and found that the number of people in the live broadcast room had reached more than 90 million, almost reaching 100 million. He believed that it would only take a matter of minutes to reach 100 million.

Wang Zhou gave nearly an hour of time for the official announcement in this live broadcast, which allowed the 'Xia Ke' to prepare in advance. In addition, it is during the long holiday, so it is easy to understand that there are so many people entering the live broadcast room.


"I just took a sneak peek at the number of people online in the live broadcast room, and there were more than 90 million people online. I was shocked!" Wang Zhouyi started joking with everyone.

"Ha ha……"

Everyone in the live broadcast room laughed unkindly, and the comment area also became lively, with comments all flooding the screen.

At this time, Zhang Yiyi, who was the host of the live broadcast, gestured towards Wang Zhou, holding out a finger and moving his mouth, but made no sound.

"Is it over 100 million?" Wang Zhou looked at Zhang Yiyi. He understood, but still asked for confirmation.

The camera in the live broadcast room also focused on Wang Zhou and Zhang Yiyi, showing their expressions and actions in front of more than 100 million viewers in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, Wang Zhou's surprised expression was also captured in a close-up, perfectly presented to the eyes of more than 100 million viewers.

"Yes, it's over 100 million!" Zhang Yiyi nodded hurriedly in response to Wang Zhou.

In fact, Zhang Yiyi was indeed frightened by this data. Not only Wang Zhou did not expect this data, but they also did not expect it, but it was a fact.

"Oh my God, this speed is really too fast. It's dizzying. It's so fast that it makes people question life..." Wang Zhou looked confused. He didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, he would jump from 90 million to over 100 million.

, the speed is so fast that it is dazzling and dizzying.

"Okay... my mental endurance is too fragile!" Wang Zhou waved his hands and said as if he recognized the reality.

"Haha..." The fans in the live broadcast room laughed unkindly. They were all amused by Wang Zhou's actions.

"Thank you again in the live broadcast room, thank you for your support!" Wang Zhou paused, and couldn't help but bow slightly to the camera in the live broadcast room.

What Wang Zhou said was very sincere and came from the heart.

"Okay! Let's get back to business and start our topic today..." Wang Zhou didn't say too much nonsense and went straight to the topic.

"The day before yesterday, when I shared my case at Yuandu High School, I promised to support everyone in sharing cases. As of noon yesterday, Yuandu High School had collected more than 18,000 cases to share. They invited universities in Yuandu to share their cases.

Teachers from the school's Chinese language group conducted the initial screening, and then invited a team of nationally renowned professors to serve as members of the review committee, who finally selected the top three and top ten submissions... Please rest assured that this process is completely fair, just and open, and there is no

If there is any falsehood, please believe and accept the result." Wang Zhou briefly stated the cause and process of the matter again.

"We believe it!" Fans in the live broadcast room responded loudly in the comment area.

Yes, just as they said, they believe in Wang Zhou and the final result of the review committee.

"Then, according to my previous promise, I will write a poem for each of the top three, of course it will be short... If I were asked to write three classic poems at once, it would really be embarrassing for me!

So, I'm sorry! Secondly, for those who are in the top ten but not in the top three, I also promised to give each of them a set of "Dragon Babu". I will do this and will definitely give it to everyone when the time comes.

..." Wang Zhou continued to talk in the live broadcast room. He was already used to live broadcasts, so he could control the live broadcast room well.

The likes in the live broadcast room skyrocketed.

"Writing three classic poems is impossible for others, but for Teacher Wang Zhou... isn't it a piece of cake?"

"Making trouble for Teacher Wang Zhou? Teacher Wang Zhou is becoming more and more humble!"

"Teacher Wang Zhou is here, let alone three poems... even ten poems can be picked at your fingertips!"

The comment area also became hotly debated. They all questioned Wang Zhou's modesty. They all knew that Wang Zhou was very talented.

One of the comments was pushed to a new level by everyone in the live broadcast room. "Teacher Wang Zhou, when will the offline book signing be held?"

Many people became anxious when they heard that Wang Zhou would give away a set of hand-signed copies of "The Eight Parts of the Dragon" to those who ranked in the top ten but not the top three.

They also all want to get a set of Wang Zhou's hand-signed version of "The Eight Parts of the Dragon". Of course, they can do without "The Eight Parts of the Dragon", "Xiao Li Fei Dao" or "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang".

"The Kirin original team is making arrangements. I believe the specific time and location will be officially announced soon. Please rest assured that everyone will be invited to give guidance when the time comes." Wang Zhou saw everyone's appeal and said immediately.

"Yeah...Teacher Wang Zhou, please make sure to make an official announcement in advance. We have to fly back to the Magic City from the southwest. The road in between is quite long." One of the fans reminded Wang Zhou in the live broadcast room that they all wanted to do it.

They went to queue up to wait for Wang Zhou's autograph, but he was still out of town, so they strongly requested Wang Zhou to wait for them when signing his autograph. They were really looking forward to getting a set of Wang Zhou's autograph books.

"I just saw someone suggesting that I make the official announcement earlier to give everyone some time. This is absolutely fine. Please take it into your mind. There is no need to worry about this issue. I can definitely guarantee that I will do it.

Arrived..." Wang Zhou looked at the camera at the moment, smiling and patting his chest as he replied.

Wang Zhou can make his own decision on this matter, so he can confidently make a promise to netizens with his heart in his arms.

"Yeah! Thank you Teacher Wang Zhou..."

"Teacher Wang Zhou is mighty!"

"The most arrogant teacher Wang Zhou in the world..."

"Teacher Wang Zhou, we love you!"

Seeing the excitement in the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room, Wang Zhou was deeply moved.

"Of course, please rest assured. If possible... I will arrange a specific itinerary, not only for signings in Magic City, but also for all parts of the country. I can also ask Qilin Platform to organize online signings... Of course, what do you want to say?

You can also leave a message on the Kirin Platform official blog or official website if you have any suggestions. If possible, we will try our best to satisfy them."

"Great! Thank you, Teacher Wang Zhou!"

"Teacher Wang Zhou's words put me at ease. I was worried that I wouldn't have enough time to go to the Magic City for this autograph signing..."

"Of course, for the specific time of the signing, please pay attention to Qilin's official blog and official website! Again, we will definitely notify you in advance! Okay, let's start our signing first?" Wang Zhou did not continue to talk to everyone in the live broadcast room.

Let’s return to the so-called time issue of interaction.


The comment area of ​​the live broadcast room was flooded with the word "Ke". Apart from the name of the person in the comment area, there was no movement in the reply they posted. It always said "Ke"!

Zhang Yiyi hurriedly asked the student union staff to bring up a complete set of "Dragon and the Eight Parts", while she walked up to Wang Zhou and helped him open the first page of the book cover.

Wang Zhou first signed the name ‘Fang Cun Zhuji’ on it, and then signed the name ‘Wang Zhou’. The two names were in completely different fonts, which is why Wang Zhou had not revealed his identity before.

No one in the live broadcast room thought that Wang Zhou would sign both his real name and his vest name 'Fang Cun Zhuji' on it. Although Wang Zhou had been thinking about these issues, he still felt that the appearance of the two names together was a sign of support for him.

A kind of respect from readers.

"Rebirth of the Great Era of Fighting Waves"

There are a total of five physical books of "Dragon and the Eight Parts", a total of seven sets, which is thirty-five books. Wang Zhou carefully wrote two names on each book, one is his deity, "Wang".

Zhou', one is his pen name 'Fang Cun Zhuji'.

The fans in the live broadcast room watched it with excitement and greed. They didn't envy it because it was fake, but they had no choice... The examples they were asked to share were not exciting enough and were not selected.

“I’m so envious!”

"Teacher Wang Zhou writes so seriously. Every stroke and every painting is copied with care, without any effort!"

"As expected of Teacher Wang Zhou, he can switch back and forth between the two fonts so freely."

"I really hope I can also get a set of Mr. Wang Zhou's autographed books!"

"Watching Teacher Wang Zhou's autograph is a kind of enjoyment. Have you noticed it? Watch Teacher Wang Zhou write carefully. The whole process is done in one go... It is really refreshing. My heart is full of joy and my mind is enlightened!"

The comment area of ​​the live broadcast room is also talking constantly. They are all envied by Wang Zhou's autograph signing. Everyone is looking forward to getting a set of this kind of autograph book, and they are also looking forward to Wang Zhou's signing event.

Time is on the agenda.

"Okay, seven sets in total!" Wang Zhou signed the last one, then looked at the camera in the live broadcast room and smiled.

The students in charge of the on-site Demonstration Student Union immediately moved the seven sets of "Dragon and the Eight Parts" that Wang Zhou had signed.

Applause rang out in the live broadcast room. Of course, Wang Zhou, who was live broadcasting, could not hear or see it. After all, there were more than 100 million viewers scattered across the country. They all couldn't help applauding in their own live broadcast room, but the comment section was all full of applause.

They are also emoticons of applause, and the number of likes has also increased dramatically, as fast as riding a rocket.

"So... the seven sets of signature books are promised. Below are three short paintings..." Wang Zhou moved away from the table so that the student students could help arrange the pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

The size of the rice paper was provided according to Wang Zhou's request. It was long and not too big. If it was too big, it would be a waste. Secondly, Wang Zhou would have nothing to express, and it would look nondescript.

“The highlight is here! I’m so looking forward to it!”

"It's still the same thing that Teacher Wang Zhou said, even a random word can bring inspiration to people, an epiphany of the soul."

“I’m really looking forward to what Teacher Wang Zhou will write today!”

"I really envy the three buddies who shared the case and won the top three. They are really lucky!"

"What you said above is correct. I really envy them, but their luck is also earned through strength. There are so many people in the country, but only less than 20,000 people dare to share it, and they have to get it from 20,000 cases.

Picking out three, you have to be really good to do that."

The rice paper is laid out and the pens, inks and inkstones are arranged.

Wang Zhou returned to the table again.

"So, can we start now?" Wang Zhou paused, then turned to look at the camera in the live broadcast room and asked with a smile.


The comment area of ​​the live broadcast room was all filled with the word "yes". It was obvious that they were all looking forward to Wang Zhou's next performance.

Zhang Yiyi gave Wang Zhou an 'ok' gesture.

Wang Zhou nodded. "I just received a reply from the host Zhang Yiyi... Since we can start, let's not waste time and start now!"

Wang Zhou actually just deliberately helped Zhang Yiyi to increase the popularity in the live broadcast room, and deliberately mentioned Zhang Yiyi's name. After all, Zhang Yiyi helped him every time, so Wang Zhou felt that it was necessary to help her. After all, she is a media major.

, after graduation, to a large extent, you will continue to work in this industry...

When Zhang Yiyi heard Wang Zhou mention her name in the live broadcast room, she couldn't help but be moved and bowed to Wang Zhou to express her gratitude.

Of course, the camera in the live broadcast room did not focus on Zhang Yiyi, so the audience in the live broadcast room could not see Zhang Yiyi’s actions.

Wang Zhou picked up his pen.

Everyone in the live broadcast room held their breath and waited quietly for Wang Zhou to write. They were all looking forward to what kind of surprise Wang Zhou would bring them.

Of course, many elders in the literary world, elders in the calligraphy circle... they are also in the live broadcast room. Although they are not as restless as Wang Zhou's die-hard fans, the expressions on their faces at this moment also reveal their inner world at this moment.


"I carefully read the first hundred examples shared. I think every example is wonderful. I can see everyone's ambition and attitude from them. So today I will give the first word to those who are ambitious,

Don’t waste your time…”

Wang Zhou said calmly and wrote at the same time.

"Life is full of enthusiasm, no one can comment on fame!"

Ten words jumped out on the page.

For a moment, the audience in the live broadcast room read aloud. They were all attracted by these ten words, and they were savoring each one carefully.

Presented to Sun Sun...

Sign and print.

Wang Zhou put the pen on the inkstone, turned to the live broadcast room and smiled.

"To Ms. Sun Sun, who is the top three person in case sharing this time! I hope you like it..."

"I like it, I like it so much..." In the live broadcast room, Sun Sun jumped up excitedly, spinning around in the study and jumping up and down.

"Ah...I'm happy."

The audience in the live broadcast room also looked envious. Although many of them could not taste the true meaning of these ten words, they could all feel the real anger.

"Wang Zhou is a great talent!"

Xu Jinkai nodded vigorously. He sat at his desk, his eyes locked on the two sentences in the live broadcast room, and he was full of admiration.

Kang Borui and Dean Yang also communicated with their eyes at the scene, and even couldn't help but communicate by ear, but they all praised Wang Zhou's two sentences.

This chapter has been completed!
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