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Chapter 570 The first public class begins!

Chapter 570 The first public class begins!

"What do these ten 'people' that little guy Wang Zhou mean? I don't understand, I don't understand..." Xu Jinkai paced back and forth, but couldn't figure it out.

"How about I call him and ask? If I don't figure it out, I won't be able to sleep well tonight." Xu Jinkai couldn't help it. He just wanted to know, otherwise he might not be able to sleep tonight.

Xu Jinkai is an academic disease. Once he encounters such an academic problem, he will accept death and take it seriously, especially since this academic problem was caused by his prospective son-in-law...

"No, the young couple should have gone out to play today and should go to bed now. Qingzhu will go to the crew tomorrow morning. Wang Zhou will also have an open class. Whether it is Qingzhu or Wang Zhou, what happens tomorrow will be very important to them both.

It's very important. Don't disturb them. Let them rest early. If you want to ask, just send her a WeChat message. He will reply to you as soon as he sees it. If you don't see them, they should have gone to bed. I'll see you when I get up tomorrow morning.

, I will reply to you." Feng Xinran quickly stopped Xu Jinkai.

"That's right." After hearing Feng Xinran's words, Xu Jinkai gave up his inner thoughts for the time being and nodded.

Although Xu Jinkai really wanted to know what these ten ‘people’ meant, he thought it was not appropriate to disturb them at such a late hour.

Xu Jinkai picked up his phone and sent a message to Wang Zhou, asking what those ten 'people' meant.

At this time, Wang Zhou and Xu Qingzhu had just finished their activities, took a shower, and were about to fall asleep hugging each other.

"Who is it so late?" Xu Qingzhu asked curiously when he heard Wang Zhou's cell phone ringing.

"My father-in-law." Wang Zhou smiled at Xu Qingzhu, handed the phone to Xu Qingzhu and said with a smile.

When Xu Qingzhu saw that the message was from her father, she immediately curled her lips. "Why did dad send the message so late?"

Xu Qingzhu clicked it and looked at it, and immediately laughed. "It seems that even my dad has passed the exam among these ten 'people'."

"I just took a look at the Internet, and everyone on the Internet is asking about the meaning of these four words. Aren't you going to explain it?"

"No explanation." Wang Zhou put his arms around Xu Qingzhu and said while replying to Xu Jinkai. "I'll talk to you in the open class tomorrow. That way the interaction will be better."

When Xu Qingzhu heard Wang Zhou's words, his eyes widened immediately and he looked at Wang Zhou in astonishment. "Teacher Wang Zhou, you are a bad student!"

"Really? Why don't I think so? Do you want me to be worse?"

Wang Yiyi picked up Xu Qingzhu, and then the two of them jumped on the bed, hugged each other, and fell asleep.

"Thousands of people, but I have a soft spot for you." Xu Jinkai turned on his phone and murmured when he saw the message from Wang Zhou.

Feng Xinran also came forward and couldn't help but read along.

"This... good boy." Xu Jinkai thought about it for a while and then smiled.

Feng Xinran also thought about it and smiled happily.

"Wang Zhou likes to show affection when he has nothing to do. He sent four words but didn't say anything. Instead, he showed affection." Feng Xinran said with a smile.

"Qingzhu is following Wang Zhou, I feel relieved."

"Yes!" Xu Jinkai nodded in agreement. "In all these years, the things bamboo has done are the most satisfying to me."

"On this point, Qingzhu's eyes follow mine!"

Feng Xinran laughed immediately.

Although Xu Jinkai is very old-fashioned, he was able to win Feng Xinran's school beauty status. In fact, it was not only because of his talent, but also because he was down-to-earth, sincere to her, and would have fun from time to time.

"It's so late, go to bed, you old and dishonest person..."

The next day, Wang Zhou went for a morning jog as usual.

After finishing his morning run, Wang Zhou specially made breakfast for Xu Qingzhu. The two had breakfast together, and Xu Qingzhu picked him up at Xiaopangdi.

Zhang Wenhua and Qin Ruzhi drove to accompany them.

Xu Qingzhu will officially join the group today, and a start-up ceremony will be held at 10 a.m.

The reason why the opening ceremony was set at ten o'clock was the result of Wang Zhou's initiative to communicate with Director Zhang. Originally, Director Zhang wanted to invite Wang Zhou to join the opening ceremony, but it conflicted with Wang Zhou's first open class at Magic University, and Wang Zhou's open class was

Eight to ten o'clock.

If the opening ceremony is held at ten o'clock, Wang Zhou may have the opportunity to participate in other ways, which can be regarded as helping the "Dragon Movie" crew.

Therefore, after Director Zhang communicated with Wang Zhou, the time was set at ten in the morning.

"Dragon" is about to officially start filming.

This is a moment of great significance, and Xu Qingzhu attaches great importance to it. After all, this is also her first step across borders.

Wang Zhou had a public class in the morning, so he couldn't show up to the crew in person to help out. If there was no conflict with the public class, Wang Zhou would definitely go to help out. After all, no one would be able to find a problem if he went to help out, because "Dragon Babu"

》 was written by Wang Zhou.

But... the timing just didn't happen.

After Xu Qingzhu left, Wang Zhou simply cleaned up and went downstairs.

The Xie brothers dropped Wang Zhou near the school, and Wang Zhou got off the car and walked into the campus.

The Xie brothers parked their car and followed Wang Zhou on foot not far behind. They must protect Wang Zhou's safety at all times and never allow anyone to hurt him.

The Xie brothers were soldiers, so their vigilance and self-protection awareness were very strong. For Wang Zhou, he did not understand what the Xie brothers should do, because the Xie brothers had the most say in this regard.

, this is their specialty!

Wang Zhou was walking on the campus of the University of Magic, and from time to time he would encounter students from the University of Magic who greeted Wang Zhou enthusiastically, but they did not stop Wang Zhou to ask for autographs, take photos, etc., because they all knew that Wang Zhou would start his live broadcast at eight o'clock.

, if it delays Wang Zhou’s business, it will be impossible for Wang Zhou and the audience in the live broadcast room on the entire network to explain. It will also make Wang Zhou questionable and damage the reputation of Modou University. After all, Modou University today

There will definitely be a lot of people online in the official live broadcast room...

They can always believe in Wang Zhou's popularity.

"Senior, we couldn't grab your open class, but we will all be watching and listening in the live broadcast room at eight o'clock..."

"Senior, let's cheer for you together! You will always be the light of our Demon University."

"Senior Wang Zhou, see you in the live broadcast room!"

Wherever Wang Zhou went, most of the students at Modou University were cheering for Wang Zhou, and at the same time, they were all shouting to go to the live broadcast room.

Wang Zhou was really touched.

The alumni of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics are all so sincere!


At 7:45, Wang Zhou appeared in the open class classroom.

At this moment, the classroom is already full of students. They are all the lucky ones who have successfully grabbed Wang Zhou's open class.

Generally, open classes are accessible at will, and there are no requirements. However, in Wang Zhou’s open class, security personnel actually checked student ID cards and verified their identities. Only students who grabbed the class had the opportunity to enter the classroom. Others

No one is required to enter.

Although it is indeed unreasonable to do so, they have no choice. Who made Wang Zhou so popular? If they simply let go, Wang Zhou's open class would be uncontrollable and the venue would be crowded.

Apart from the human head, nothing else should be visible.

The popularity of Wang Zhou's open classes is so high and remains high.

Once it is relaxed, there will be so many people from all over the country who come here to attract attention, that it will be impossible to control even if you want to. In the end, I am afraid that the open classes will have to be suspended... Therefore, in order to keep Wang Zhou's open classes under control, Momo

Metropolitan universities must achieve certain constraints. If perfect control cannot be achieved, everything will be out of control.

"Senior Wang Zhou..."

The moment Wang Zhou stepped into the classroom, all the demon college students in the classroom shouted in unison.

Wang Zhou was startled by this sudden greeting. Hundreds of students were shouting together as if they had made an appointment, and they were shouting at the top of their lungs. It was definitely scary without knowing it.

"Good morning, fellow students." Wang Zhou hurriedly bowed to all the students in the audience.

Although Wang Zhou came to give them an open class and was an assistant lecturer today, Wang Zhou still maintained his usual humility.

Wang Zhou greeted the students in the classroom, and then greeted his teacher, Dean Yang, some professors from the School of Liberal Arts, and school leaders.

As the main host of the live broadcast room, Zhang Yiyi personally took charge of this live broadcast.

Zhang Yiyi's identity is different now. She is not only a student of the Department of Media at the University of Magic, but also the live host of Phoenix Short Video.

In addition to Zhang Yiyi, there are also two auxiliary hosts, Li Tangli and Zhao Weiyi.

None of the three of them had classes today, so the school leaders decided to let all three of them come in order to ensure the safety of the live broadcast.

Wang Zhou’s first open class, and it is live broadcast on the entire network, is a challenge in itself, and the school leaders know very well that there will definitely be no shortage of people online in Wang Zhou’s live broadcast room, which means that they must go all out

, so as not to affect the reputation of Modu University.

The school attaches great importance to Wang Zhou's live broadcast of open classes. Principal Wu is personally in charge, and almost all the management of the School of Humanities are here.

At 7:55, Zhang Yiyi, as the main host, began to interact with the audience in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, the live broadcast room is open, and the number of people online has exceeded 30 million!

Although they had expected this number, they were still shocked.

Wang Zhou’s live broadcast was an open class, and he did not deliberately promote it. Most of the people who entered the live broadcast room were students and teachers at school. The education departments in some areas were organized to watch the live broadcast, which shows that they have a deep understanding of Wang Zhou.

The importance attached to the live broadcast of weekly open classes.

Of course, people in society still have jobs, and it is difficult for them to enter the live broadcast room during working hours. Although some people really like to listen to Wang Zhou’s live broadcast, there is no way...

Of course, there are also some service or cultural media companies. Some of their bosses even organized all employees to spend two hours alone to watch the live broadcast. Their bosses admired Wang Zhou very much and learned from Wang Zhou.

They learned a lot from Zhou's live broadcast, which is why they did this. Although it seemed reckless to outsiders, they didn't even do any work, but they actually watched an online live class in college... but only they knew it.

, watching Wang Zhou’s live broadcast is still very valuable, and you will even learn a lot, which can help and improve their future work.

"Thirty million! It's exceeded 30 million!" The leaders of Shanghai Magic University also received the news and knew that as soon as the broadcast started, the number of people online had exceeded 30 million.

According to conventional statistics, it is possible to exceed 50 million after the live broadcast.

Of course, these 50 million are only 50 million IPs. In fact, some schools or companies organize unified viewing. They have more than a dozen, dozens, or even hundreds of people watching together, but only one IP is displayed in the live broadcast room...

In fact, if we calculate carefully, the 30 million people online should be at least 34 to 5 million!

Zhang Yiyi made a simple opening, and the camera turned to Wang Zhou.

"Good morning, fellow students!"

"Good morning to everyone in the live broadcast room..."

Wang Zhou makes simple interactions with everyone online and offline.

"I am Wang Zhou, a second-year graduate student at Magic University. I am now fortunate to be an assistant lecturer at Magic University. My open class today is about "Zengguang Xianwen", but the name of this open class seems to be named by the college.

"Fu Gu", right? I think the two words "Fu Gu" are used wonderfully...Learning from the past is the truth that we need to learn from the ancients."

"This is my first time as a teacher. Although I am an assistant lecturer, it is also my first time...so if there is anything I said during the process that is wrong or unpleasant, please help me point it out.

But please don't be violent online, in case my mentality collapses and I can't think about it anymore..." Wang Zhouyi came up and started the interactive mode with them in the most cheerful atmosphere.

"Haha..." All the teachers and students in the classroom were amused by Wang Zhou.

The viewers in the live broadcast room also liked it one after another.

"Teacher Wang Zhou is still as joking as ever."

"Teacher Wang Zhou, come on, we will definitely cheer for you!"

"Whoever dares to bully Teacher Wang Zhou online, we will bully their whole family online."

The audience in the live broadcast room was still very bloody, and some even began to threaten those who wanted to harm Wang Zhou and issued warnings to them.

Wang Zhou's fans are very passionate, and they will never let their idol be provoked in the slightest.

"Before the class starts, if you have any requests, you can put them forward. Let's gather consensus first and unify our thoughts before we start our class today." Wang Zhou started simply, and then looked at everyone in the audience.

At this time, someone raised their hand.

Wang Zhou randomly ordered someone, a girl.

"Hello, Senior Wang Zhou, I am Zhao Peng, Zhao Qian Sun Li's Zhao, and Dapeng Peng, a sophomore student majoring in ancient Chinese literature. Although my name is a boy's name, I am a girl. I want to represent

Many netizens have asked you for an idiom, what does it mean to follow the herd?"

Hearing the girl's words, everyone at the scene was amused. At the same time, they all remembered the warm applause, and there were countless likes in the live broadcast room.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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