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Chapter 590 Wang Zhou's Four Messages! Surprising the Internet!

Chapter 590 Wang Zhou’s four messages! Amazing the whole network!

"We went through nine years of compulsory education, from kindergarten, to elementary school, to junior high school, then to high school, and finally...successfully entered our ideal school, Shanghai University."

"Here, you will stay for four years, learn, grow, progress, improve, transform..."

"Today is the welcome party. As your senior, I have a few words for you personally. If there is anything wrong with what I said, please don't go up to the University of Magic and involve the University of Magic! If you don't like your personal remarks, don't criticize them.

If you have to spray, please spray me, don’t spray the devil."

"Ha ha……"

All the teachers and students in the auditorium were amused by Wang Zhou's words, and the entire auditorium was instantly filled with laughter and laughter.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was also amused, and they all liked it in the comment area one by one.

"Then let me start sharing?" Wang Zhou waited for the laughter to stop and then spoke again.

"Okay!" When the freshmen in the auditorium heard Wang Zhou's words, they immediately responded loudly and cheered loudly.

They have been looking forward to it all morning.

This moment was finally what they had waited for.

"You came here stepping on the stars and returned writing about the sun and the moon. You held the mountains and rivers in your hands and smiled at the world. You were born fearless and full of vitality..."

"You are like the wind blowing through the forest trees, and like rain sweeping over the window sills. You are young people!"

Wang Zhou stood on the stage, holding a microphone and speaking slowly.

At this moment, the auditorium was silent.

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room also became quiet. They were all listening carefully to Wang Zhou's sharing, and they were all looking forward to Wang Zhou's sharing.

In their view, Wang Zhou's sharing is not only for the new students, but also for people like them. It is also touching and resonant.

"Even if dark clouds cover the sky and the wind and sand cover the face, the sunflower can still distinguish the direction of the sun clearly, and the young man still has dreams and a burning heart."

"No one is born on a high mountain. Young people always yearn to stand on the shoulders of giants and overlook the collision of dark clouds and windy sand."

"I hope that when you enter Magic University, you can use the youthful blood of your youth, your inspiration and bloody spirit to create your future." Wang Zhou said slowly.

Wang Zhou did not have a very high-pitched voice, but every word ticked in the hearts of everyone in the auditorium, causing ripples.

At this moment, Wang Zhou once again gave a message to the new students, using his insights to guide their future direction.


Principal Lu was still the first to stand up, and he was also excited by Wang Zhou's words. This is exactly the purpose of their school, and it is also the direction they want the freshmen of Shanghai University to work hard.

Wang Zhou's words were extremely thorough and profound, allowing the freshmen of Shanghai University of Science and Technology present to have a clear understanding and understanding.

At this moment, they were full of passion and their blood was boiling.

The viewers in the weekly broadcast room also praised it one after another.

Some freshmen from other schools were also in the live broadcast room, watching the entire orientation party of Shanghai University of Magic. Of course, they all wanted to listen to Wang Zhou's teachings.

At this moment, they once again envied the freshmen of Shanghai University.

"The Magic University of Versailles! The Magic University of Versailles, Teacher Wang Zhou... The Magic University of Versailles is something to look forward to."

“This is other people’s universities!”

Wang Zhou said, then walked to the desk, started to pick up the pen and dipped in ink.

"Okay, there are still a few minutes left, let's continue...Finally, I want to send a few words to you fellow students! I hope it can help you in your study and life at the University of Magic in the next four years."

"Senior, you can continue, we have enough time..."

"Senior Wang Zhou, just say it, the time is yours, and our subsequent programs can be postponed."

"Senior, don't worry about time, we can continue forever!"

"Looking forward to sharing from seniors!"

Upon hearing Wang Zhou's words, the freshmen in the auditorium began to respond loudly.

In their opinion, five minutes is too little for them, and they would be better off with another fifty minutes!

Of course, that's what he said. Since it was agreed upon, Wang Zhou would definitely not take up too much time. After all, tonight was the New Year's Party, and he couldn't be the guest.

Although the freshmen and school leaders of the University of Magic as well as the audience in the live broadcast room all want to listen to his chat here, he still knows the rules. He must have a set number of when and what to do, and he cannot mess with the rules.

It’s hard to say.

"Five minutes! Let's do it together!" Wang Zhou held out five fingers to the camera and said with a smile.


When everyone heard Wang Zhou emphasize five minutes again, they also knew that Wang Zhou was serious about it. If they were wasting time here again, they might not even lose five minutes.

This moment is just a moment...

The entire auditorium fell silent instantly.

Everything is quiet, and you can hear the drop of a needle. This is Wang Zhou's influence and charm!

Wang Zhou started writing.

"first sentence……"

While Wang Zhou was speaking, he started writing.

The footage from the live broadcast room has begun to flash on the big screen, clearly reflecting Wang Zhou on the big screen so that all the teachers and students in the auditorium can be clearly seen.

"Lay a solid foundation before doing anything, and don't blindly aim too high. Otherwise, you won't be able to go far, and your foundation will be unstable, making it difficult for your future to last!" Wang Zhou said as he wrote.

"A tree a thousand feet tall must have deep roots; a river thousands of miles long must have its source."

After hearing Wang Zhou's words, I saw the line of text written by Wang Zhou.

All the teachers and students in the auditorium slowly read out loud.

"What a saying: 'A tree a thousand feet tall must have deep roots; a river thousands of miles long must have its source.' This sentence is really vivid! It's very appropriate!"

"You must lay a good foundation before doing anything... It's true, if a tree is a thousand feet tall, its roots must be deep... I understand, I understand..."

"Thank you, Senior Wang Zhou! This truth is very simple, but in this impetuous society, no one really thinks about it so deeply!"

"We got it!"

Not only the freshmen in the auditorium, but also the audience in the live broadcast room praised it one after another. They were also attracted by Wang Zhou's two words and nodded repeatedly.

"Wang Zhou, this guy is so talented!" Kang Borui was not invited to attend the orientation party in the evening. This orientation party was only attended by school leaders and department leaders, so Kang Borui was watching the entire live broadcast in his office.

Kang Borui was actually waiting for Wang Zhou to show up. Although he knew that Wang Zhou was going to join the New Year Party, as a teacher, he might have called Wang Zhou over to ask questions to make sure in advance that what Wang Zhou would say at the New Year Party would not be a problem.

But now, Kang Borui never paid attention to it again. He trusted Wang Zhou and believed that Wang Zhou was definitely in control.

Kang Borui completely let go of Wang Zhou, but would remind Wang Zhou from time to time! As for the unnecessary words, he didn't say much because he believed that Wang Zhou could definitely do it.

Xu Jinkai is also in the live broadcast room, and he is also waiting for Wang Zhou to appear.

Xu Jinkai didn't pay attention to the previous programs, but when Wang Zhou appeared, Xu Jinkai sat up straight in an instant!

When Wang Zhou wrote this sentence, Xu Jinkai nodded repeatedly!

"After laying the foundation, we must be down-to-earth and move forward step by step, so that we can better achieve success." Wang Zhou paused, looked at the people in the audience, glanced at the camera in the live broadcast room, and said lightly


"You're right!"

“Down to earth, that’s what it’s like!”

Wang Zhou took a deep breath and didn't say anything more, because one minute of the five minutes had already gone by, and he couldn't say more, nor could he think more.

Wang Zhou picked up his pen and wrote another line of words on the rice paper.

"So, let me give you one more message..." Wang Zhou said while writing another line of words on the paper.

"It is difficult to achieve great achievements by flying in the air; only by seeking truth and being pragmatic can we do good things and achieve good results."

The teachers and students in the auditorium and the audience in the live broadcast room also read out loud along with the lines written by Wang Zhou.

"Okay! Okay! 'It's hard to achieve great things by flying in the air; only by seeking truth and being pragmatic can you do good things and achieve good results.' This sentence is so true, that's it!"


"Down to earth! Teacher Wang Zhou's words can always give people deep insights..."

"Listening to your words is worth ten years of reading."

"Teacher Wang Zhou is a great talent! He is definitely a wonder in the history of literature. His famous quotes can be compiled into a book!"

At this moment, the entire network was once again impressed by Wang Zhou's talent, and they were all commenting one by one.

Wang Zhou would be fine if he didn't take action, but when he did, he would always shock the world and make the gods cry.

Wang Zhou continued to write.

"After you have your feet on the ground, you must learn to face suffering, because only through suffering can you grow..." Wang Zhou spoke again.

He looked at the energetic freshmen in the auditorium! He could feel that they were all looking forward to...

"A butterfly emerges from its cocoon, and a phoenix emerges from nirvana; the maple leaves feel the frost, and the plum blossoms smell the snow."

Wang Zhou put down his pen, and twenty words appeared on the paper.

"Bah bang bang!"

There was warm applause.

Everyone in the auditorium recited it silently, and then couldn't help but applaud in unison.

Applause broke out and resounded throughout the entire auditorium.

Principal Lu took the lead and stood up again. He kept giving thumbs up to Wang Zhou, and the camera in the live broadcast room also gave Principal Lu a big close-up.

Everyone cheered.

"Only through suffering can we grow. Once we encounter difficulties, what should we do? Then we must face the difficulties and overcome them..."

Wang Zhou didn't pause and spoke again.

The sound in the auditorium suddenly stopped.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also waiting there, watching quietly.

They are all looking forward to Wang Zhou bringing them new surprises.

The three paragraphs just made them all have a slight epiphany, and they also absorbed waves of energy in their hearts.

"Know what is lacking and forge ahead; look at the distant mountains and move forward!"

Fourteen words appeared on the paper, as if they came to life in an instant.

These fourteen words are like giving life to Wang Zhou, and the life form is more like waves of life trajectories, transmitted to the hearts of everyone at the scene and in the live broadcast room.

Applause rang out again, still unanimously.

Wang Zhou's operation completely won the praise of the entire network.

Wang Zhou finished writing and then put the pen away.

"The time is just right, there are still twenty seconds left... Then I will use these words to send to my juniors and juniors. I hope you will climb higher in the future! You will emerge from the cocoon and become a butterfly in four years at Magic University..." Wang Zhou said

After finishing, he bowed slightly, and then walked backwards off the stage under the warm applause of the crowd.

"Thank you, Senior Wang Zhou, thank you..." Zhang Yiyi stepped onto the stage as the host and once again expressed his gratitude to Wang Zhou.

"Let us once again express our warm applause to thank Senior Wang Zhou for his blessings and messages."

Under Zhang Yiyi's interaction, the entire network once again burst into warm applause.

"Okay! Then let me take you to review the four sentences given to us by Teacher Wang Zhou." Zhang Yi walked to the desk one by one and looked at the four sentences on the desk.

"He said, 'A tree thousands of feet high must have deep roots; a river thousands of miles long must have its source.' This tells us that we must lay a solid foundation in everything we do and don't aim too high." Zhang Yiyi stood in front of the camera, calm and composed.

, said slowly.

It was also the first time for her to hear these words and these paragraphs from Wang Zhou on the stage!

But Zhang Yiyi listened very carefully and carefully. She chewed it over and over again so that she could keep in mind what Wang Zhou just said.

Obviously, Zhang Yiyi really did it.

Hard work pays off, as long as you work hard, anything is possible!

Wang Zhou just stepped off the stage and turned to go to the backstage lounge. He happened to hear Zhang Yiyi's words. He couldn't help but take two steps back and looked at Zhang Yiyi on the stage. He couldn't help but smile. He stood in the corner to support Zhang Yiyi's schoolmate.

Thumbs up and like.

Obviously, Zhang Yiyi's performance just now made Wang Zhou's eyes light up. He didn't expect that he didn't leave much time for them, but Zhang Yiyi actually remembered it. This really surprised him.

"He said, 'It is difficult to achieve great things by flying in the air; only by seeking truth and pragmatism can we do well.' He came to warn us that we must be down-to-earth, truthful and pragmatic in our work."

"He said..." Zhang Yiyi said this and handed the microphone to everyone in the audience.

The freshmen in the audience all understood Zhang Yiyi's actions, and immediately shouted in unison, "A butterfly emerges from its cocoon, and a phoenix emerges from nirvana; the maple leaves feel the frost, and the plum blossoms smell the snow."

"Yes, what truth is he telling us with this sentence?"

"Learn to face suffering, because only through suffering can you grow!" All the freshmen in the auditorium responded in unison.

They all listened attentively. At this moment, they all understood what Wang Zhou said and the truth behind it.

"Thumbs up for you! It seems that Senior Wang Zhou's words really made everyone present feel something." Zhang Yiyi is indeed Liu Muling's favorite host, and his ability to control the field is absolutely amazing.

Under the control of Zhang Yiyi, the entire stage can be presented perfectly, and the new students in the entire auditorium can also move along with Zhang Yiyi's rhythm.

"So...he also said..." Zhang Yi paused and continued to point the microphone at the audience.

"Know your shortcomings and forge ahead, look at the distant mountains and move forward!" The high-pitched voices of everyone in the auditorium rang out, and they all shouted loudly.

"He told us this sentence?" Zhang Yiyi continued.

"When encountering difficulties, what should we do?"

"Okay! Very good! Very good!" Zhang Yiyi gave a thumbs up to the audience.

(End of chapter)

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