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Chapter 775: Xu Anran Comes to Bamboo Music for an Interview


Xia Yiwei received a call from Xu Anran.

"Do you know the location of Bamboo Music?" Xia Yiwei was having dinner with Du Lan at the moment and couldn't help but ask.

Originally, Xia Yiwei and Xu Anran made an appointment in the morning, but this morning the official announcement of the 'Bamboo Opera Club' was that both Du Lan and Xia Yiwei were busy with this matter, so they asked Xu Anran to postpone the time and ask her to call her again at noon to make an appointment.


When Xu Anran heard that Xia Yiwei postponed their appointment, she thought she had done something wrong and couldn't help but become worried. Xia Yiwei on the other end of the phone seemed to be aware of Xu Anran's psychological changes at this time and couldn't help but smile and explain casually.

One sentence.

"The establishment of the 'Bamboo Opera Club' was officially announced this morning. I have some things to do here..."


Xu Anran was very excited. She didn't expect that Xia Yiwei would explain to her the reason for delaying the time. If it were other studios, they would not take the interviewer seriously at all, not to mention that Xia Yiwei's status is so high, Bamboo Music

One of the three giants, he is now a well-established presence in the music industry.

Xu Anran hung up the phone, and her parents, sister, and brother-in-law gathered around her.

Xu Anran told them the situation, and Xu Yiran nodded immediately.


"'Bamboo Opera Club'? Hasn't the traditional art of opera disappeared? What kind of bamboo music is this?" Xu Anran's mother asked curiously.

Xu Anran's family is all engaged in the music industry, so they all know something about the music field and related industries.

Especially when the traditional art performance form of opera comes to an end, many big shots have been filled with emotion. Of course, she is also a lover of opera, but this form of performance is indeed not suitable for modern popular elements. Young people are

I definitely don't like it, after all, for them, these... they can't understand, it's too elegant, and they can't appreciate it.

But none of them expected that Bamboo Music would actually restart the opera club. This... is really incredible, and it has enough courage.

"Although bamboo music occupies an absolute position in the music circle, opera has declined after all, and it is really difficult to revive it... It is not as simple as imagined. The key is that the current audience cannot appreciate it.

"Xu Anran's brother-in-law also nodded in agreement, he felt the same way.

Moreover, Xu Anran, Xu Yiran sisters, Xu Anran's brother-in-law... none of them are interested in opera, a traditional art form of performance, and they have never even paid attention to it.

Therefore, the generation of young people they represent does not pay attention to these traditional art performance forms.

The decline of opera is in their eyes, this is the trend of history, there is nothing to struggle with, and there is nothing to regret.

The times are advancing, and these artistic performance forms also need to be innovative and keep pace with the times. If they cannot keep up with the trend of the times, then... they are destined to be eliminated.

"But Bamboo Music actually chooses to support the traditional art of opera. This... is still a bit incredible. I can't figure it out. After all, it is really difficult. It is too difficult to get opera back on the stage. Once this happens,

Improper operation will have a huge backlash on bamboo music, but..." Xu Anran's mother is indeed an insider and knows these things very well, so her evaluation is very accurate.

"Mom, don't forget one thing... The president of the Bamboo Opera Club is Song Yirui, a junior great-uncle who is very senior in the opera industry. She performed a song "Wanjiang" on the stage of "The Classics of Folk Art" some time ago.

》Amazed many people. Therefore, if the performance form of opera is reproduced in this way combined with modern pop, I believe that many young people will like it, and it will even revitalize opera.

, became popular again!”

"My little sister is right, I have been playing the song "Wanjiang" on a loop... It's the kind that can make your ears pregnant..." Xu Yiran also nodded in agreement, as soon as she mentioned "Wanjiang"

The kind where the whole person's eyes are shining.

This song "Wanjiang" really amazed so many people, making Song Yirui suddenly a household name and gaining millions of fans.

"Yes, this song "Wanjiang" is really amazing. I never tire of listening to it. I also like to play it on a loop. It's so flavorful." Xu Anran's brother-in-law also nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I am also listening to this song "Wanjiang", it is really nice. But you have to know that this song "Wanjiang" is the work of the great songwriter "Fengming Qishan", unless "Fengming Qishan" continues

I am responsible for creating opera works of the new era for famous opera stars one by one, otherwise... it will be difficult."

"And do you think the teacher of 'Fengming Qishan' really has so much time to write so many opera works? And even if he writes it, he can ensure that every changed opera work can satisfy the audience.

Like it?"

"So... now you just place your hopes on bamboo music and 'Fengming Qishan'..."

Although Xu Anran's mother's words made everyone take a deep breath and say nothing more, they were all thinking and worried about Song Yirui and Zhuzi Music.

"I believe in Teacher Zhuzi!"

"I also believe in Teacher Fengming Qishan's..."

After a moment, Xu Anran expressed her attitude towards the matter in a very affirmative tone, with determination in her eyes, looking at her parents, sister and brother-in-law.

"Actually, I believe it too."

"So, we just wait for the answer."

Xu Anran, her sister, her husband, and even his parents all chose to believe in bamboo music. After all, bamboo music has never let them down these days.

Of course, this was the scene when Xu Anran called Xia Yiwei and their whole family learned about the news that Bamboo Music was going to establish the ‘Bamboo Opera Club’.

The reappearance of Xu Anran's family at this time is actually the same as that of many families across the country. They all have the same doubts, doubts, confusion... and even a little expectation.

After all, Bamboo Music has never let them down, and there are also Xu Qingzhu and the "Fengming Qishan" boss hidden behind.

After all, they have successfully created a modern opera star Song Yirui...

The song "Wanjiang" successfully exploded on the Internet, which also made Song Yirui popular on the Internet... Therefore, the opera of the new era may really be reborn under the impetus of bamboo music.

"I know..." Xu Anran hurriedly replied after hearing Xia Yiwei's words.

Xu Anran carefully put the phone to her mouth. At this moment, she was in external broadcast mode so that the whole family could hear it and help her come up with ideas.

"Okay, can we arrive in half an hour?" Xia Yiwei nodded, took a sip of tea, and then asked in confirmation.

"Yes, I'm staying in a hotel near Bamboo Music. I can definitely get there in half an hour." Xu Anran took a deep breath and said excitedly.

"Okay, see you on the 12th floor of Bamboo Music in half an hour." Xia Yiwei nodded and said.

"Okay." Xu Anran responded hurriedly.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Anran was so nervous that her palms were sweating. Her delicate body was still trembling. It was obvious that she was extremely scared.

Although the two parties are talking through the mobile phone screen now, Xu Anran can't help but feel nervous. Who makes Xia Yiwei's status in the industry...

Not to mention Xu Anran, even Xu Yiran looked very nervous. They could all feel Xia Yiwei's aura through the phone. The aura was really powerful and made them feel depressed.

Although, Xia Yiwei really didn't do anything.

"What are you still waiting for? Hurry up...half an hour later, we have to be early, and we can't let Mr. Xia come and wait for us." Xu Anran's father was busy reminding everyone who was still there.

He couldn't help but said hurriedly.

"Ah...yes, yes..."

Only then did everyone come back to their senses, and everyone started working.

Three minutes later, everyone hurried downstairs.

Take a taxi and rush towards Bamboo Music.

"Are you going for an audition at Bamboo Music?" the driver asked cheerfully as soon as the family got in the car.

"Uh... I guess." Xu Anran's brother-in-law said hurriedly.

"I know as soon as I guess, I can send a few waves every day like you, and sometimes the number can be double digits. Many people want to try bamboo music, but they can really be attracted by bamboo music and stay in it.

Bamboo music is really rare, and bamboo music’s requirements for artists are really too high!” The driver was very talkative and started to talk.

He has been traveling in this area, so he can often attract prospective singers who audition for Bamboo Music, and of course there are also debut singers.

"Oh..." Xu Anran didn't know how to answer the question.

"Well, relax and don't be nervous, because there are really not many people who can pass the interview. The more nervous you are, the worse your performance will be, and the less ideal the result will be when the time comes. It's better to relax and just follow the fate.


"Thank you, master."

"There's nothing to thank you for. In fact, we also hope that you can stand out."

Just like that, in fifteen minutes, they arrived at the bamboo music building.

Xu Anran went upstairs accompanied by her parents, sister and brother-in-law.

Arrived on the twelfth floor.

Xu Anran took out her cell phone and nervously dialed Xia Yiwei's number.

"You're here... Okay, then you wait there for a moment and I'll have someone bring you in."

After a while, someone came out and took the family to bamboo music.

Xu Anran was in front, followed by Xu Anran's parents, sister and brother-in-law. They didn't say anything anymore, for fear of accidentally having a bad impact on Xu Anran's interview because of themselves.

It would be fine if it were any other music studio, but Bamboo Music... this is no ordinary studio. If Xu Anran really has the opportunity to sign a contract, then Xu Anran is destined to become a big star, a big singer... This

It was a definite matter, so it was understandable that they were nervous.

"Excuse me, who is Ms. Xu Anran?" Xia Yiwei's assistant had actually seen Xu Anran's photo a long time ago, but she still made a routine confirmation, otherwise she would be embarrassed if she made a mistake.

"I am..." Xu Anran hurriedly stepped forward and said.

"Okay, come with me." The assistant nodded and said to Xu Anran.

"Your friends should go to the reception room over there to sit and rest for a while..."

"Okay, thank you." Xu Anran's parents hurriedly nodded to Xia Yiwei's assistant with a smile, and did not forget to express their gratitude.

Xu Anran looked back at her parents, sister, and brother-in-law, and saw that the four of them gave her a very affirmative look.

"Come on!" Although they didn't speak, Xu Anran could tell from their expressions and looks that they were all cheering him on.

Xu Anran nodded, took a deep breath, and let herself relax as much as possible.

Xu Anran followed Xia Yiwei's assistant into a conference room, and soon Xia Yiwei came down from upstairs.

"That's Mr. Xia... I've seen her on TV." Xu Yiran saw Xia Yiwei at a glance, and couldn't help but pull her husband beside her and whispered.

Xu Anran's parents also looked over at this moment. They all saw Xia Yiwei and couldn't help but become nervous.

They all knew that Xia Yiwei appeared to interview Xu Anran.

They are all praying, praying that Xu Anran will have the opportunity to enter Bamboo Music. If it were not for Bamboo Music, Xu Anran's parents might still be entangled. After all, the entertainment industry is a mixed bag, and it may not be a good thing to enter the entertainment industry, but Bamboo Music is different...

The three giants of Bamboo Music are all women, and Bamboo Music has never been involved in shady activities. Everything is measured based on their own strength. If you have strength and virtue, Bamboo Music will sign...

This is the standard measured by one's own strength, and there will be no secret transactions...

"Her aura is so strong, I can feel it even here..." Xu Yiran patted her chest and said nervously.

"Are you sure? I think you are worried about my little sister..." Xu Yiran's husband looked at Xu Yiran doubtfully and couldn't help but smile.

"What do you know? This is aura. Women resonate with women. I can feel her innate aura. It's really strong." Xu Yiran said seriously.

At this moment, Xu Yiran's eyes never left Xia Yiwei, she was full of admiration.

When Xu Yiran's mother heard Xu Yiran's words, she couldn't help but nodded in agreement. "Yiran is right, I feel it too. Lao Xu, do you feel it?"

"I...yes." Xu Anran's father was stunned for a moment when he heard his wife ask, and then responded quickly.

"Okay..." Xu Yiran's husband was defeated. He knew that he lost because his father-in-law was not smart enough and could do whatever he wanted in dealing with this issue.

(End of chapter)

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