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Chapter 938 Celebrities are withdrawing from trending searches

Netizens are now sensible people. Of course, they sympathize with the weak and have no good impression of those capital parties. After all, capital has manipulated the market over the years and done too many shameful and sad things.

It's worth breaking them.

Now Duan Qifeng's incident is just an introduction, but this matter was exposed through Xu Qingzhu's concert. After all, the popularity of Xu Qingzhu's concert was there, and it instantly detonated the entire network. This is the power of traffic bodies, as long as it is

Getting involved with Xu Qingzhu, even if it is an ordinary hot search, it will even make a fuss on the Internet. This is Xu Qingzhu's popularity...

Duan Qifeng's matter involves Sun Xixi's four girls, and the four girls' "Green Light" stage is so dazzling. The key is that the four girls are also signed by Bamboo Music as trainees, and the four of them are actually Duan Qifeng.

student, at this point, netizens had to be curious, and they began to dig deeper into Duan Qifeng's past, but they never thought that Duan Qifeng had suffered such unfair treatment back then. If Duan Qifeng had not done that, he would now be

Perhaps it is already a transcendent existence in the music industry, but it is a pity that things are unpredictable, this is the abomination of capital... This has also made netizens feel a lot of indignation, and everyone is clamoring online...

Both Capital and the Imperial Conservatory of Music were stunned at this moment. They did not expect that the situation would develop so quickly. There was not much time to brew and it broke out in an instant. This also caused the Imperial Conservatory of Music to be questioned by netizens across the country!

"What a bullshit music academy, and it's still ranked first, bullshit!"

"I think this is rubbish!"

"I haven't seen any good singers being trained in all these years. And if we count those rubbish singers in detail, the ones with corrupt moral character all graduated from the Imperial Conservatory of Music. They are rubbish with all five poisons. This is a cancer..."

At this time, many netizens listed out the alumni of the Imperial Conservatory of Music and those singers with bad deeds one by one, and made an analysis on the Internet, with reasonable evidence, and finally used this to draw a conclusion that the Imperial Conservatory of Music is a garbage manufacturing factory.


The reputation of the Imperial Conservatory of Music has plummeted, and netizens are accusing them. The key is that the Imperial Conservatory of Music is unable to refute, because what the netizens say is well-founded, and those rubbish artists are really alumni of the Imperial Conservatory of Music and are members of the Imperial Conservatory of Music.

Of course, there are not many rubbish students from that school, but there are a lot of them from the Imperial Conservatory of Music, and many of them are well-known and then suddenly exposed. This is really unacceptable...

Many famous artists from the Imperial Conservatory of Music were posted online and analyzed one by one in depth. Some netizens even posted a post...

"According to the practice of the Imperial Conservatory of Music, I feel it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of those students from the Imperial Conservatory of Music who have not yet behaved badly. Maybe it is not that they have not done so, but that they have not yet been discovered and it is unknown. I hope that those entertainment reporters will continue to work hard.

, keep an eye on these people, there may be big news and traffic..."

“I support the original poster, this proposal is really good.”

"Thank you, host. This idea is very clear, but I think it is reliable. It is definitely reliable..."

"Boycott the alumni of the Imperial Conservatory of Music together. The rubbish schools will produce rubbish students... rubbish concentration camps." Some netizens with bad moods began to abuse them more directly and deeply, without mercy at all.

It's even more sharp.

"Boycott the Imperial Conservatory of Music. If you don't go deeper, you really won't find out that the Imperial Conservatory of Music fell into this situation at some point. It's really sad..."

"It was originally the highest institution of higher education in the music industry, but it is full of darkness, baptism of capital, and endless moral decay. Such a school... should be torn down and rebuilt from scratch. Instead, the Magic City Conservatory of Music,

And the University of Magic still maintains the most basic professional ethics and has always regarded teaching and educating people as the most basic school motto. Although their reputation and ranking are not obvious, they are truly a school that can cultivate outstanding college students and deserve everyone's respect. On the other hand,

The Imperial Conservatory of Music, on the other hand... is a fighter among rubbish, a despised existence."

"I really didn't expect that if the singers weren't listed one by one upstairs, I wouldn't think it would be a big deal, but... now I suddenly realize that this is true..."

"Oh my God, the students trained by the Imperial Conservatory of Music over the years are all a bunch of bastards... rubbish, this is moral corruption..."

"I didn't think anything of it before, but now I suddenly find that the teaching environment and atmosphere of the Imperial Conservatory of Music, as well as the value requirements, may have been distorted. I propose that the relevant departments conduct strict inspections to eliminate this bad behavior in the entertainment industry.

The atmosphere is completely cut off. Only in this way can we truly reverse the bad trends in the entertainment industry and at the same time allow the positive atmosphere to survive..."

"The atmosphere in the entertainment industry has long been changing. It's just been this way for so many years. I didn't expect that Teacher Zhuzi's concert would completely overturn the atmosphere in the entertainment industry. This is indeed worth studying. This atmosphere

It is really not worth promoting. Only those with positive energy and integrity must be promoted as idols. If there is no most basic moral threshold as a restriction, the rest can be killed..."

"That's right. I wholeheartedly agree to clean up the messy culture in the entertainment industry and completely eradicate this culture..."

For a time, with the digging of netizens, a piece of news about the corruption of teaching values ​​​​in the Imperial Conservatory of Music entered the hot search list, and it became more and more intense. Even though many people were removing the hot search, countless netizens couldn't help but became jealous.

They were originally dissatisfied with those celebrities who were arrogant and arrogant all day long. Their actions and some words and deeds were to teach bad things about the motherland. However, over the years, the operation of capital has made these so-called voices disappear online.

, but this time...

Netizens all over the Internet gathered together and worked together... Even if capital stepped forward to clear the scene, even if the Imperial Conservatory of Music gathered many forces to fight together, but...

To no avail!

Netizens are completely determined to clean up the atmosphere in the entertainment industry. Since they don't choose to support it, they will use practical actions to clean up this.

A secret battle between netizens and entertainment industry capital is about to break out... For a time, there are killings in the entertainment industry, and everyone is defending themselves.

Some celebrities who were not involved are now hiding their heads obediently, especially the alumni of the Imperial Conservatory of Music. They are even more afraid of them. After all, they have become the target of public criticism. Even some who feel that they are very noble are closed at the moment.

Mouth, if you stand up and speak at this time, you are definitely seeking death, and it is the kind that leaves no room at all.

Many people have been affected, and many people's old and new accounts have been uncovered...

The title of 'high-ranking official in the entertainment industry' has properly fallen on Xu Qingzhu's head. Although Xu Qingzhu has done nothing, some of Xu Qingzhu's actions, words and behavior are making the entire entertainment industry different. If

In the past, the entertainment industry was a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and it was basically all fish. There were very few real dragons... So the entertainment industry at that time was full of the evil taste of capital, and it was all about the rule of money first.

Underneath the seemingly glamorous appearance, there is no telling how dirty and evil taste is hidden. This is the current entertainment industry, which is very corrupt and dirty...

If this were not the case, Xu Qingzhu would not have established her own business. With her strong professional abilities and talents, she was almost unable to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry. This is the entertainment industry controlled by capital, which is so dirty that no one can imagine.

, simply...

Xu Qingzhu is regarded as a "high-ranking official in the entertainment industry" by netizens!

This code name is simply solid!

Of course, after this incident, the status of Xu Qingzhu and her Bamboo Music in the entertainment industry skyrocketed and soared to an extremely high height.

Fans all over the Internet use Bamboo Music as the standard to measure the entertainment industry, but how many people can stay clean in such a turbid entertainment industry. Unless they have the strength to resist capital, they simply cannot escape the control of capital and can only

Becoming a plaything of capital, this is the entertainment industry controlled by capital, a sour smell where money is paramount!

The entire entertainment circle shut up. They did not go out to confront the angry netizens all over the Internet. They all knew that if they didn't get into trouble, they might still be able to escape. If they ran out and scolded the netizens online at this time,

, that is purely seeking death. After all, netizens on the Internet are not kind-hearted people. Although they used to worship and pursue celebrities, once the celebrities fall into the mortal world, they will be more ruthless and trample on them more sharply than anyone else...

Although the focus of conflicts on the entire Internet is the Imperial Conservatory of Music, they all know that if something goes wrong, they will be affected. In the entertainment industry, even the students of the Imperial Conservatory of Music cannot resist, let alone those from their colleges.

It is even more difficult for art students who come out of school. If they can make a name for themselves in the entertainment industry, they are actually succumbing to the control of capital to a large extent. People like Xu Qingzhu who do not bow to capital may really

Too little. Of course, Xu Qingzhu also has a certain amount of capital. Zheng Junmei is behind her. Her mother is a lawyer and her father is a professor at Imperial University. These are all personal connections. It is unrealistic to treat Xu Qingzhu unscrupulously...

...But even so, Xu Qingzhu was still almost desperate. If Wang Zhou hadn't come out halfway, I'm afraid Xu Qingzhu really didn't know how long he could have persisted.

Everyone knows the darkness of the entertainment industry, but before the fig leaf is lifted, they just deceive themselves and others by believing what they see with their eyes, and will not delve into anything else. But once the fig leaf is lifted by entertainment reporters, then... everything

It even sends people to the ugliest world of human nature, causing them to collapse directly. This is the fig leaf of the entertainment industry, which makes people unable to help but struggle...

Now the whole Internet is talking about it, causing netizens all over the Internet to criticize the entertainment industry. In recent years, the direction of the entertainment industry and the star effect are so crazy that many children have begun to go astray. Everyone feels that

The entertainment industry is so crazy, but the water in the entertainment industry is really terrifying. Once you enter it, it is like 'hell'. Behind the halo of the stars is the bloody humanity...

In the past, he was surrounded by the star's aura, and no one would say anything, but now... Duan Qifeng's story has been exposed by the entire Internet, and the shady curtain of the entertainment industry has been revealed at once.

Let's not talk about what happened back then... Why was Duan Qifeng controlled by capital? He was expelled from the Imperial Conservatory of Music for not compromising... This is the power and danger of capital. Now this time the Imperial Conservatory of Music is being controlled by the entire network.

Of course, the boycott was only Duan Qifeng's fault. Some of the most popular singers at the Imperial Conservatory of Music in recent years had some problems every once in a while, exposing too many bad things... which caused the Imperial Conservatory of Music to become even more inflamed.

Oil, directly made the Imperial Conservatory of Music become the target of public criticism.

Of course, in the entertainment industry, which is a big mess, it is impossible for them not to struggle. If they can stand in the bright spotlight, then they need to put in not only hard work, but maybe there are more unknown things.


At this moment, netizens all over the Internet were discussing it unscrupulously... The popularity remained high, but the celebrities who had been following the hot searches, or even aggressively buying the hot searches, had all stopped, and no one dared to say anything.

, and even... those who have the opportunity to be on the hot search list are busy withdrawing from the hot search list. At this time, being on the hot search list is not seeking death...

Those celebrities who had dominated the hot search list for a long time and had to spend money to buy hot searches even if they couldn't be on the list have all stopped and completely disappeared. They are much more honest and do not dare to quarrel with netizens or even get hurt.

They endured the scolding and did not dare to scold them back unscrupulously. This is the confidence of netizens all over the Internet, because those celebrities really don’t know if the netizens have any leverage against them, and even at this time,

There is no handle. If you are pushed to the forefront, it will definitely not be a good thing, and it will even cause too much trouble... endure the calm for a while, this matter is over, it is over, there is no need to mess with your future

Angry, of course they worked hard to get where they are now. At times like this, they must endure and must not do anything.

If they are targeted by netizens, it is time for them to suffer. Once netizens gather, they don't know what they will be scolded at this time... After all, there are really not many people who are not stained. As for those who are not stained

, let alone stand up at this time, after all, these things really have nothing to do with them.

(End of chapter)

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